Q1 ISSUE / 2020
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s UPCOMING EVENTS..................................02 A MESSAGE FROM CHRIS...........................04 EASTER.....................................................05 B R A N C H O R I E N TAT I O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 7 SACK SPRING BREAK HUNGER...................08 MOTHER+SON ADVENTURE.......................09 BABY BLESSING........................................10 H A L F N I G H T P R AY E R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 2 0 1 9 F I N A N C I A L S U M M A R Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 B E Y O N D M E U P D AT E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 O U R M I N I S T R I E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 S P R I N G W O M E N ’ S R E T R E AT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 O U R S TA F F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1
Upcoming Events For more details on these events and more, view the events page on The Branch Church app or visit: thebranch.org/events
Mancard: Men’s Event
Farmers Branch 6:30 pm
Women in the Word
Vista Ridge 6:30 pm
Women in the Word
Half Night Prayer
Farmers Branch 8:00 pm
“Ladies & Gentlemen” Study Begins
“Ladies & Gentlemen” Study Begins
Farmers Branch 9:30 am
Sack Spring Break Hunger
Both Campuses 9:30 am
Half Night Prayer
Farmers Branch 8:00 pm
Middle School Overnighter
Both Campuses
Branch Orientation
Farmers Branch 10:45 am Vista Ridge 12:30 pm
Mother+Son Adventure
Farmers Branch
Easter Service
Vista Ridge 6:45 pm
Easter Path: Family Experience
Vista Ridge Come and go: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Egg Hunts
Farmers Branch 11:00 am Vista Ridge 4:00 pm
Easter Service
Vista Ridge 5:00 pm
Easter Services
Farmers Branch 9:00 & 10:45 am Vista Ridge 9:15 & 11:00 am
Women’s Spring Retreat
Farmers Branch
Half Night Prayer
Farmers Branch 8:00 pm
High School Overnighter
Both Campuses
Baby Blessing
Farmers Branch
Baby Blessing
Vista Ridge
In recent years, research psychology has revealed the three places in American society where people are most likely to pose or pretend to be something they’re not – hotel lobbies, car dealerships, and church buildings. The reasons may differ from venue to venue. I believe that, more often than not, fear is often at the root of why we’re inclined to “pose” or “pretend” in places of worship. Some fear not being accepted, while others fear “not knowing enough” as it pertains to matters of Scripture or faith, etc. It’s our hope that The Branch will be a community of faith where those kinds of fears die quickly in the midst of grace and love. We’re growing in our understanding of what it means to love God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40). We’d love to have you on the journey with us! So take a moment and enjoy the latest Branch Out, maybe even download our app, and get to know a little bit about us! We’d love the opportunity to get to know you!
Grace and Peace,
Chris Seidman
Lead Minister
EASTER WEEKEND APRIL 9 - 12 EASTER SERVICES For Easter weekend, our service schedule will largely remain the same days and times as usual. The one exception will be the addition of a 5:00 pm service on Saturday, April 11 at our Vista Ridge campus. This service will include a full Branch Kids program and, before the service, we will have egg hunts starting at 4:00 pm.
EGG HUNTS - SATURDAY, APRIL 11 We will have egg hunts at both our Farmers Branch and Vista Ridge campuses on the Saturday of Easter Weekend. The Farmers Branch campus will have a party from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm with egg hunts throughout. The Vista Ridge campus will host egg hunts at 4:00 pm just before the Saturday night service begins at 5:00 pm.
EASTER PATH: FAMILY EXPERIENCE - FRIDAY, APRIL 10 This year, we’re celebrating the story of Jesus’ road to resurrection by providing a family experience on Good Friday (4/10). It will be hosted at our Vista Ridge campus in our new children’s wing. The Easter Path will walk families through the journey Jesus took to the cross. We are excited for you to experience the Passion of Jesus in a new way this Easter! Come and go: 6:00 - 8:00 pm
BRANCH O R I E N TAT I O N SUNDAY, MARCH 29 • SUNDAY, MAY 31 You were designed to be a part of a church family. That’s exactly what The Branch Church is intended to be — your family. A healthy family has common beliefs, purposes, and commitment. That’s why we want to share with you what we believe and where we’re going.
Wondering what your next step is at The Branch? If you haven’t been to Branch Orientation, it’s officially your NEXT step in your journey with us. Whether you’re new or you’ve been here for years, we want everyone to attend this important class. Come to ask questions and hear the philosophy behind why we do what we do. This class will help you to become more involved at The Branch and introduce you to others who are also looking to get more involved.
What to Expect Branch Orientation is our basic introduction to our church family, and is designed to clearly explain who and what our church is. It also provides next steps for getting more involved and active in The Branch family. At the end of the Orientation, there will be an opportunity for you to decide whether to complete the process by filling in your information on the Membership Application, or to wait and decide at another time. No pressure whatsoever, we want you to be comfortable with whichever you choose. Register for our next orientation in The Branch Church app or at :
thebranch.org/events 7
SACK SPRING BREAK HUNGER SATURDAY, MARCH 7 • 9:30 am - 12:00 pm Come help us serve kids and families in our community! This service event is open to kids and adults of all ages who are able to lend a hand. No need to register, just come to the building ready to help!
meals that many students in our community rely on. We come together to pack sacks nutritious,
assembly line. You will grab a sack and go through the line filling it with the allotted food and vegetables.) When your sack is filled, you
When school takes a break, so do the healthy
Volunteers will organize the food into an
items. (Examples: cereal, bread, peanut butter,
Then we distribute them to families in our neighborhoods. We do this each time school takes an extended break, such as spring break, summer, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
will take it to the designated spot and repeat the process with a new sack. Once they are all filled and checked, you can volunteer to deliver to a home or two. Volunteers will be given a map and a route with the family names and corresponding sack labels.
Thank you in advance for serving our community! 8
MOTHER + SON ADVENTURE S AT U R D AY, A P R I L 4 • FA R M E R S B R A N C H At The Branch, we want to model for parents what it
and engage in deeper conversation to create open
looks like to spend intentional time with their kids.
communication. The “treasure” at the end will be an encouragement to go on a lunch date with mom.
The Mother+Son Adventure is unlike anything we’ve
We suggest that you to have a restaurant in mind for
done at The Branch. Join us on April 4 as we embark
your date.
on a journey of games, clues, and treasure! There will be souvenirs and mementos along the way that
The only rule is, no dads or sisters!
lead to the real treasure waiting for you: each other! Moms can register in The Branch Church app or at: Our prayer is that every mom will walk away with new tools and strategies to connect with their sons
BABY BLESSING S U N D AY, M AY 3 • FA R M E R S B R A N C H S U N D AY, M AY 1 7 • V I S TA R I D G E Whenever someone in our community has a baby,
For those who are wondering, this is not a baptism.
we want to take a moment in one of our assemblies
This is an opportunity for the church to recognize
to bless the family and honor this incredible gift.
this new life, for you to commit him/her to the Lord,
If you’ve recently had a baby, we want to celebrate
and for the congregaton to pray for your baby.
with you! We are so excited for your family, and look forward to praying for you and supporting you as
You can participate at either campus or service on
you raise your child to be a follower of Christ.
the Sunday of Baby Blessing; be sure to indicate your preference.
Let us know if your family is growing. A staff member will contact you to register, or you can find the
Register in The Branch Church app or at:
link to register at thebranch.org/events or in The
Branch Church app. This form has a place to upload a picture and will ask for basic information so we can plan to introduce your new baby to the church, offer a prayer, and honor this new season.
FEB 28 • MAR 27 • APRIL 24 The last Friday night of each month we host a “Half
2. The second path is one of silence and solitude.
Night Prayer” at our Farmers Branch campus. The
This is hosted in the Spiritual Formation Room,
prayer begins at 8:00 pm and ends at 11:45 pm, and
which is set up and equipped to help you spend
you are invited to come and go, or stay the entire
time with God in silence and solitude.
time. We are committed to helping each other become, grow, and live as disciples.
Jesus was a
3. The third path is prayer stations set up in the
person of prayer, and as his disciples, we want to be
lobby to provide guidance and prompts for self-
people of prayer too.
directed prayer.
At the Half Night Prayer, we provide three different paths to help you walk with God in prayer. 1. The first path is through worship and guided prayer in the Chapel. We will begin each hour of prayer in the Chapel (8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00) with 15 minutes of worship. The remainder of each hour
will be spent in guided prayer with others.
Please come pray with us and take advantage of any or all of these different paths designed to help us become, grow, and live as disciples.
2019 FINANCIAL SUMMARY BY DAVID TEUTSCH The Branch had a blessed year in 2019, with an average weekend attendance of 1,788 people, and a high of 3,039 people on Easter weekend. During the year, we held over 260 worship services, 200 Branch Youth services, and 2300 Branch Kids classes. Over 1,100 unique children attended at least one of our Branch Kids classes, and over 400 unique adults participated in leading these groups. We baptized 63 people, and had 104 people attend orientation and become members. Through our Sack Hunger efforts, we assisted 139 families (375 children) with 66,800 meals during the 13 weeks when school was not in session for spring break, summer, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Our annual operating budget for the year was $3,500,000, and contributions to our general fund were $4,026,163. In addition, $2,075,261 was given to our Beyond Me campaign during the year, bringing our total Beyond Me giving to $7,459,290. Based on current projections, ongoing commitments being fulfilled this year, and cash already in our accounts, we are on track to complete the entire Beyond Me program without incurring any debt. In addition to our normal expenses, we were able to give $130,000 to two churches impacted by tornados in north Dallas, and provided $24,000 in college scholarships to Branch youth from The Branch Education Fund. If you have questions regarding our 2020 budget, please feel free to contact me at: dteutsch@thebranch.org This chart shows how our general
contributions were spent in 2019. In 2020, our operating budget is set at $3,700,000.
Local Mission 16%
(Worship Services, Small Groups, Youth & Kids, etc.)
Global Missions & Benevolence Facilities 15%
Construction Documen
When we launched the Vista Ridge campus in 2007, we knew we would have to eventually expand the facility on that campus if we were to help more people in the immediate vicinity come to know and follow Jesus. The Beyond Me initiative is aimed at addressing two specific needs:
The Branch Church - Vista Ridge Phase 2 Renovation and Addition 2. More space needed for showing hospitality and helping people to connect. 1. S ignificantly more space needed for our kids and youth ministries. 3601 Huffines Blvd, Carrollton, TX 75010
In late 2017, the church confirmed that the time had come for us to address the limitations of the Vista Ridge facility with an incredible commitment to fund the project. The estimated cost of the project is around $10 million, and when the church responded with commitments of $8.8 million added to the $1.25 million we had already set aside for the project, we knew it was time to get moving. Demolition began in January 2019 with construction commencing in the spring, and we expect project completion by summer of 2020. During 2019, we experienced delays due to significant rain during the time the foundation work was being completed and asbestos remediation, but work has been steadily progressing for several months. If the current schedule holds, we should move Branch Kids into the new wing by the end of March 2020, and then begin renovation of the existing wing with an expected completion in the summer of 2020. Through the end of January 2020, we have received contributions of $7.2 million, or 83% of the committed total, from families that made a commitment to the Beyond Me campaign. Of the 447 families that made commitments, 106 have already completed their pledge. In addition, $350,000 has been given to the campaign by families who didn’t make a commitment to Beyond Me but have felt called to contribute. These additional contributions bring the total given to $7.55 million, or 87% of the committed total. If you’ve recently joined us, it’s not too late to contribute! The commitment period started in December 2017 and will run through November 2020, but you can give to the Beyond Me fund even if you didn’t make a commitment.
If you have any questions about this campaign, please contact David Teutsch: dteutsch@thebranch.org
CONNECT Love God. Love People. (Matthew 22:37-39)
Listen and Obey.
Make Disciples.
(Matthew 7:24-25)
(Matthew 28:19-20)
SERVE Be Intentional. (1 Peter 4:10–11)
Our Values
C E L E B R AT E RECOVERY Encouraging each other to grow spiritually and to express the love of Christ beyond our walls.
Finding freedom from our hurts, habits, and hang-ups in a weekly, Christ-centered gathering.
MARRIAGES Proactively building healthy, Christ-centered marriages that result in strong families.
HOST TEAMS Actively serving at The Branch in Hospitality, Greeting, Safety, Communion, and Kitchen teams.
Walking alongside families to raise the next generation of disciples of Jesus.
Guiding middle school and high school students to follow the practices and person of Jesus Christ.
Empowering and equipping women in their pursuit of connecting with God and one another.
Connecting men to God, His Word, and other men.
Helping the more experienced in life find active involvement and spiritual shepherding.
Caring for people who are in times of trial or despair through prayer, visits, and other messages of love.
Engaging the Spanishspeaking community in Farmers Branch.
GO TEAM Showing the love of Christ to the communities we live in by being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Our Ministries
WORSHIP Leading people to encounter, praise, and worship God with music and media.
BRANCH GROUPS To experience the most spiritual growth at The Branch, you need to do life with other people. Branch Groups are meant to be gatherings where people, as disciples of Jesus, can learn to listen to God and obey Him.
W H AT A R E BRANCH GROUPS? We want to define Branch Groups in a very simple way. Here are the five things we think make a Branch Group:
A Branch Group is when three or more people meet. That’s it! Of course, the more, the merrier.
A Branch Group prays together. Praying involves knowing what is happening in each other’s lives. And that leads us to…
A Branch Group meets consistently. The goal is to meet weekly to create the best opportunity for authentic sharing. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the same group format every week. Perhaps your group will meet once a month at a different time on a different day to share a meal with one another, volunteer at a church activity, or serve in your community.
A Branch Group holds each other accountable. If you are praying for your friends, chances are you’re going to want to know more about their lives and what to be praying for. Find the best way to communicate with one another (texting, email, FaceTime, etc.) in order to build relationships.
A Branch Group utilizes Scripture. In some way, the Bible should be opened and God’s Word considered.
Hold each other accountable to these two questions: 1. What is God telling me? 2. What am I going to do about it?
W H AT C O N T E N T I S U S E D B Y BRANCH GROUPS? We provide a few options, but the short answer is, it’s up to you! As long as scripture is utilized, you’ll allow group members to hear from God. • Every week, we produce a sermonbased Bible study for Branch Groups to use in conjunction with that weekend’s sermon. Anyone can access it through our app or our website:
www.thebranch.org/ recent-posts • You can pick a book of the Bible to read through and discuss. • You could read through a book by any number of Christian authors to help you study.
• You can use our free subscription to RightNowMedia.com. RightNow Media is basically the Netflix of Bible Studies. There are thousands of Bible study videos to help your group engage with the Bible. To get your free login to our subscription, type this into your web browser:
www.rightnowmedia.org/ account/Invite/thebranch
W H AT O T H E R R E S O U R C E S A R E AVA I L A B L E T O B R A N C H G R O U P S ? Besides the content-related resources we have listed, we’ve also made some financial resources available. • We want to make it easier for you to interact without distractions. We will help you pay for childcare. We’ve set aside resources to help every Branch Group pay for their own childcare provider by reimbursing them for a set amount.
Tim Ketchersid Farmers Branch Minister tketchersid@thebranch.org
• We believe in meeting the needs of others. So we’ve also dedicated a benevolence fund to each Branch Group that is replenished annually. As your group spends time together, we believe you will start to feel led by God to do things for people and help those in need.
Derek Robinson Vista Ridge Connections Minister drobinson@thebranch.org
If you’d like to start a group or if you’re already in one, let us know! We want to help resource your Branch Group. We also want to celebrate what God is doing in your life and support you in any way we can.
Our mission is to empower, encourage, and equip you in your pursuit of connecting with God, other women, and the people in your world. Our focus is on developing intimate relationships, learning how to be “real� before God and others, and letting the Holy Spirit prompt and convict us in community.
SPRING WOMEN’S RETREAT F R I D AY - S AT U R D AY, A P R I L 1 7 - 1 8 There have certainly been some provocative
nationally and internationally, Paige simplifies the
conversations surrounding women in the
deep things and deepens the simple things of the
church recently.
Word of God so that people understand and are inspired to follow Jesus into “further still.” She and
Without shame or excuses, opinion or conjecture,
her husband Richard founded Fellowship of the
women can know clearly and understand fully their
Sword Ministries, which provides men and women
created purpose by diving straight into the Bible.
(through the Quest experience) a catalytic encounter with God that ignites their faith and discipleship.
God told us who we were when He made us, and clearly laid out for us His plan and purpose in the
The retreat will be hosted by the Farmers Branch
early, dawning verses of Genesis. God revealed all
campus in the Family Life Center. Overnight
we need to know to live out the name Woman with
accommodation will be offered at the Doubletree
confidence, authority, and hope. We do not need to
Club Hotel on Luna in Farmers Branch.
look far, we need to look deep. Register in The Branch Church app or at: We’re excited to have a very special guest speaker, Paige Henderson, this spring. A sought-after speaker
thebranch.org/events 22
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program that meets EVERY week — rain or shine! We all have hurts, habits, and hang-ups, and CR is a program designed to help you find freedom. Come hear testimonies, find encouragement, and step forward in faith THIS WEEK!
Celebrate Recovery (or CR)
CR emphasizes personal
the New Testament principle that
is based on God’s Word,
we don’t get well by ourselves. We
the Bible. When Jesus taught
control all that happens to us. But
need each other. Fellowship and
the Sermon on the Mount, He
we can control how we respond
accountability are two important
began by stating “Eight Ways to
to everything. That is a secret
components of spiritual growth.
Be Happy.” Today we call them the
of happiness. When we stop
CR addresses all types of
Beatitudes. From a conventional
wasting time fixing the blame,
habits, hurts, and hang-
we have more energy to fix the
ups. Some recovery programs
statements didn’t make sense.
problem. When we stop hiding
deal only with alcohol or drugs
They sounded like contradictions.
our own faults and stop hurling
or another single problem. But
But when we fully understand
accusations at others, then the
Celebrate Recovery is a “large
what Jesus is saying, we’ll realize
healing power of Christ can begin
umbrella” program under which a
that these eight principles are
working in our minds, wills, and
limitless number of issues can be
God’s road to recovery, wholeness,
dealt with.
growth, and spiritual maturity.
CR utilizes the biblical truth
We are seeing hopeless
that we need each other in
Rather than wallowing in the past,
order to grow spiritually
people set free from all
or dredging up and rehearsing
and emotionally. It is built
painful memories over and over,
around small group interaction
hang-ups, and hurts as
Celebrate Recovery focuses on
and the fellowship of a caring
they allow Jesus to be Lord
the future. Regardless of what has
community. There are many
in every area of their lives.
already happened, the solution is
therapies, growth programs, and
To God be the glory! We’ll
to start making wise choices now
counselors today that are built
be praying for you.
and depend on Christ’s power to
around one-on-one interaction.
help us make those changes.
But Celebrate Recovery is built on
restored sinful
“As I look back to the person I was three years ago before CR, I dont recognize her. She was afraid of everything and trusted no one. God has graced me with people who have shown unconditional love and acceptance through CR. I can look people in the eyes, trust in a way I couldn’t before, and love as God loves me. CR has taught me to trust God to make all things right!” AL IC E
“I love CR because the people are loving, friendly, accepting, and honest. They love like Jesus would. We come lay down our lives at the feet of the cross, and Jesus changes us from the inside out. I came the first time because I was depressed, lonely, and addicted. Now I come every week because I know how much better my life is in God’s hands instead of my own. This is a weekly way for me to humble myself and tell God with my actions that my life is His, and I trust Him with it.”
“This experience has definitely drawn me closer to the Lord, His people, and my family, and it’s given me so many good relationships with new friends at CR. My personal relationship with Christ is constantly growing; I pray that He gives me the desire and discipline not to sin. He has kept me alive through some major accidents, so I know He has a plan for me which is greater than the one I have for myself.” J O HN
Renaissance Dallas Plano at Legacy West
Rebekah Pitts
June 5-7
We frequently offer a nineweek course that will help you discover how your marriage can thrive and be more fulfilling than you ever thought possible.
Marriage mentoring identifies, equips, and empowers couples to disciple other married couples by consistently spending time together as couples, sharing life experiences, and learning more about God and His design for marriage together.
A biblically based premarital mentorship program designed to help dating or engaged couples prepare for marriage. Each participant is engaged individually and as a couple.
Based on the “Love Bank” model from the book, His Needs, Her Needs by Dr. Willard Harley, you’ll learn how communication and behavior styles affect the way you and your spouse act and react to each other. Through an interactive learning process, you’ll identify behaviors that may be damaging your marriage, develop healthy ways to deal with marital conflict, and take concrete steps to meet each other’s needs better than you ever have before. This class is limited to 12 couples, and is first-come, first-served.
One of the most effective ways to make a good marriage great, and a struggling marriage strong, is by getting involved in marriage mentoring. Here, mentors and mentees consistently spend time together as couples, sharing each other’s life experiences and learning more about God and His design for marriage. Both mentors and mentees that have completed the mentoring process give powerful testimonies of how meeting regularly with another couple completely enriched or restored their marriage.
I Promise is our mentoring program for pre-marriage couples. It is designed to help dating or engaged couples prepare for marriage. Each participant is engaged individually and as a couple with thought-provoking questions about biblical truth and their life experiences. This program helps couples better understand each other’s unique personalities, strengths, and communication keys and barriers. The result is a couple better prepared for all God has in store for them in marriage. Sessions include the topics of covenant commitment, roles in marriage, communication, conflict resolution, forgiveness, sexuality, and finances.
Alexis Hall is leading our Branch Kids ministry team across both of our campuses. This team’s aim is to come alongside families in the mission of helping our kids grow as followers of Christ.
A NOTE FROM ALEXIS I am thankful to have grown up in a family of Christ-followers, and with a rich example of what it means to be in relationship with Jesus. I accepted Jesus as my Savior at a young age. When I was about 7 years old, I attended Sunday school with my Gramma. Her teacher spoke on Jesus feeding the 5000. I remember hearing the reading from John 6 and wanting nothing more than for Jesus to use me the same way he used the little boy with the five loaves and fish—the boy offered all he had, and Jesus multiplied it. I believe this is the first time God spoke to me about children’s ministry, and I have been involved in some form ever since.
Through a move to NYC and a Master’s in Education, God has continued to draw me in, and I am thankful to answer this call into ministry.
God has put a burden on my heart to share the truth that children are blessings from the Lord (Psalm 127:3); that He made them with plans for good and with purpose (Jeremiah 29:11); and that we have a responsibility and privilege to teach them His Word (Deuteronomy 6:4-7, Psalm 78:5-7). He has given me a great desire to help parents and caregivers raise their children in the truth of the Gospel, so that those children not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). I love the story of Jesus welcoming the little children in Matthew 19, because it reminds me that Jesus loves the little children! Those of us who have been around children realize why a child-like faith is beautiful – you have seen God’s light shine through them as evidence that the Spirit is at work; “theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” I believe God has equipped us, as the church, to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It is the God-given desire of my heart to help kids and their families know what it is to be an active member of the Body of Christ, and
to grow in relationship with Him – not shrinking back, but persevering, because this Gospel is too great not to share (Hebrews 10:39). Branch Kids is a place where the Gospel is taught in its entirety – not watered down, or modified to fit what is easy. I love that we do not underestimate those who are young, for they can truly be examples for each of us (1 Timothy 4:12). Branch Kids is full of life and truth and love, and we are so excited to walk beside you as you raise your family; it is our honor.
most important part of your children’s faith walk. I am praying the Holy Spirit fills this place, and that the seeds planted will take root. I would love for you to join me in that prayer! Please do not hesitate to reach out – I would love to hear from you and I look forward to getting to know you! With much enthusiasm and love,
Please know that I am praying for you and your family. I am praying for wisdom and discernment as you are the
We know kids learn best from you – their parents. We also know you have to capitalize on any time you have to talk. Car Talk is our way of helping to facilitate discussion on your car ride home, or maybe around the table, or maybe even right before bed. Each week you can find a new Car Talk on The Branch Church app or our website at: thebranch.org/cartalk
Each week’s Car Talk will give you a brief overview of the lesson we talked about in Branch Kids on Sunday morning, and some talking points/ questions meant for a quick talk to reinforce what your kids are learning in Branch Kids. We hope this helps spark the conversation.
Remember, they learn best from you!
We Believe Children have access to the same God as adults, and because of this, our Sunday morning program walks kids through a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture with the help of incredible volunteers. The Bible is an amazing book. It’s not just a collection
We are privileged to share Jesus with kids every
of stories, it’s one BIG story where everything points
to Jesus. Every weekend, Branch Kids is connecting
season at The Branch, we’re looking forward to the
the dots that point to Jesus throughout the Old and
new stories, new faces, and new life that will come
New Testament in meaningful ways. Our journey
as more and more of these young people grow to
even deals with the “tough stuff” in the Bible.
know Jesus. We’re seeing children making their own
As we move into a new and exciting
decisions to follow Him, sharing their faith with Jesus’ friends carried His message to the ends of the
everyone they meet, and living differently because
earth. Faithful followers like Peter, Paul, and others
of Jesus. We are striving to equip both our teacher
shared the Good News wherever they went. You
volunteers and, more importantly, families for this
and I have the same calling. We are to share Jesus
wherever we go until one day when He returns to make everything right again.
If you’re interested in seeing this mission carried out at The Branch, get in touch with us and be part of our ministry to children. We want to hear from you.
G r o w i n g To g e t h e r Branch Youth (6th - 12th grade) is guiding middle school and high school students to follow the practices and person of Jesus Christ.
Most of us remember what it was like in middle
follow Jesus in our everyday lives. We don’t want
school and high school. It’s a trying time of change
our relationship with Jesus or church to be a hobby;
where our identities begin to form, and our beliefs
we want it to be all of life and something we filter
are put to the test. In many ways, it’s the most critical
everything through.
time in a person’s development. It’s often also looked upon as the time we had the most fun.
We also do events throughout the year such as Youth Camp, overnighters, and campouts for students to have
Branch Youth meets weekly at both campuses for
fun while growing closer to each other and to God.
games, worship, teaching, and small group time. We are presenting to students the story and practices of
V I S TA R I D G E :
Jesus of Nazareth that lead to a new way of living.
Sundays – 9:15 am (Middle School)
We want Sundays and Wednesdays to be a place
Wednesdays – 7:00-8:30 pm (High School)
where students want to be, where they feel like they belong, and where they learn about Jesus and how
much He loves them. This summer and throughout
Sundays – 9:00 am (Middle School)
the year, we will be focusing on how to practically
Wednesdays – 7:00-9:00 pm (Middle School and High School)
T H E B R A N C H S TA F F Everything we do at The Branch Church is possible because of faithful volunteers and servant leaders. The list of folks below are the church staff who are here to help organize, equip, and empower you for ministry.
Chris Seidman
Executive Minister Governance Council dteutsch@thebranch.org
James Asplund
Sarah Asplund
Worship Ministry Director jasplund@thebranch.org
Morgan Eggers Youth Minister Farmers Branch meggers@thebranch.org
David Teutsch
Lead Minister, Elder Governance Council cseidman@thebranch.org
Worship Leader sasplund@thebranch.org
Alexis Hall Kids Ministry Director ahall@thebranch.org
Tim Ketchersid
Minister Farmers Branch Campus tketchersid@thebranch.org
Ryan Rainey
Minister Vista Ridge Campus rrainey@thebranch.org
Andrea Bordelon
Josh Brake
Kids Volunteer Coordinator Vista Ridge abordelon@thebranch.org
NextGen Minister jbrake@thebranch.org
Vickie Hinton
Administrative Assistant vhinton@thebranch.org
Josh Hobbs
Audio/Visual/Lighting Engineer jhobbs@thebranch.org
Janice Ingram
Women’s Minister jingram@thebranch.org
Sam Peters
Eddy Ketchersid Community & Senior Adults Minister
Farmers Branch eketchersid@thebranch.org
Lynn McQueen
Facilities Manager lmcqueen@thebranch.org
Marlee Painter
Youth Minister Vista Ridge mpainter@thebranch.org
Kids Volunteer Coordinator Farmers Branch speters@thebranch.org
Creative/Communications Director Worship Minister jpitts@thebranch.org
Jaron Pitts
Rebekah Pitts Vista Ridge Ministry Coordinator rpitts@thebranch.org
Administrative Assistant jrich@thebranch.org
Sara Rivas
Derek Robinson
Luis Sanchez
Mona Swofford
NextGen Coordinator srivas@thebranch.org
Connections Minister Vista Ridge drobinson@thebranch.org
Adam Toy
Silvano Zuniga
Worship Leader atoy@thebranch.org
Ministro HispaĂąo Farmers Branch lsanchez@thebranch.org
Jenny Rich
Operations Director mswofford@thebranch.org
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 (NIV)