The Brandeis Hoot - Jan 21, 2011

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VOL 8, NO. 1

J A N U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 11

B R A N D E I S U N I V E R S I T Y ' S C O M M U N I T Y N E W S PA P E R


Tucson attack hits close to home BY NATHAN KOSKELLA Editor

Three-thousand miles from Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ (D) southern Arizona district, the Tucson attack on the congresswoman and her constituents nonetheless reached the Brandeis community

in a personal way. Ben Zimmerman, a first-year international economics and finance student at the International Business School (IBS), is the brother of the late Gabe Zimmerman, an aide of Giffords’ who was shot and killed by gunman Jared Lee Loughner Jan. 8.

Ben Zimmerman wrote in an e-mail to The Hoot that the community has been supportive during his difficult time. “IBS faculty, staff and students as well as the greater Brandeis Community have all been very supportive, and I very much appreciate [that] support,” he wrote from Tucson.

Gabe Zimmerman was director of community outreach for Giffords and received a special testament at the televised memorial service for the victims by President Obama, himself a former community organizer. See TUCSON, p. 4

Lawrence assumes leadership New president shares Lawrence outlines goals, vision for univ provost/SVP must-haves BY JON OSTROWSKY


Despite a busy travel schedule this year, university President Fred Lawrence said that student financial aid will remain “the top priority” of his administration. Lawrence explained that aid to undergraduates and stipends to graduate students are crucial to the university. “That is a major part of our fabric,” Lawrence said during an interview in his office Wednesday. Lawrence will travel to meet with Brandeis alumni and parents in many cities this semester, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City, Washington D.C., Chicago, Philadelphia and Miami. Later in the year, he will also travel abroad

President Fred Lawrence announced qualifications he will consider in candidates for the new university provost and senior vice president for students and enrollment following the December final report by the Administration Structure Advisory Committee (ASAC). Before naming a senior vice president for students and enrollment, Lawrence and an ad-hoc search committee will recruit for the position of the newly elevated provost, who will now serve as the president’s secondin-command. “The people who will do best here, and will be able to be in it for the long haul as we plan on doing, must necessarily see



PHOTO BY Alan Tran/The Hoot

See VISION, p. 3

See VP PICKS, p. 3

Brandeis student charged in hit and run that hospitalized two BY JON OSTROWSKY Editor

Waltham Police charged a Brandeis student on Dec. 8 with leaving the scene of an accident with injuries, negligent driving, failure to slow for pedestrians and speeding following a Dec. 3 incident that sent two female students to local hospitals. A student driving on Loop Road struck and injured two female students on Dec. 3, 2010 before leaving the scene of the accident, Ed Callahan, director of public safety said last month. University police officers found the individual’s car parked behind East Residence Quad from a description provided by student witnesses. The officers contacted the driver and spoke with him that evening, however, he was not immediately charged. “Most of the time you don’t want to be hasty in these accidents,” Callahan said in an interview on Dec. 6, explaining that it is better to

evaluate the facts and press charges once police officials and investigators know the details. “The situation is being reviewed by the office of the Dean of Student Life from a student [and] safety perspective. Every situation involving any member of the Brandeis Community, that is investigated by my staff is dealt with in a sensitive and diplomatic manner,” Callahan wrote in a statement yesterday. Jeremy Leiferman, senior director of Community Living, declined to comment yesterday on whether his department had taken any action or response regarding the student charged in the accident. University police initially contacted the Waltham Police Department because of the personal injuries, Callahan wrote. The two departments originally conducted a joint investigation, but after the criminal charges were pressed against the student, Waltham Police took over the investigation. AMR ambulances transported the two female students to New-

PHOTO BY Max Shay/The Hoot

ton-Wellesley Hospital and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Callahan said. The student at Beth Israel spent several days there. On Monday Dec. 3, she was in good

condition, according to Morag MacLachlan, a spokeswoman for the hospital. She is no longer at Beth Israel, a hospital spokeswoman said on

Thursday evening. The student who went to Newton Wellesley suffered bruises and conSee HIT AND RUN, p. 4

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