The Brandeis Hoot - 2/18/11

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VOL 8, NO. 5

F E B R U A R Y 1 8 , 2 0 11

B R A N D E I S U N I V E R S I T Y ' S C O M M U N I T Y N E W S PA P E R

Suicide rattles community


Sommers, 18, found in Gordon Hall BY JON OSTROWSKY Editor

Katherine “Kat” Sommers ’14 was found dead on campus Tuesday evening after an apparent suicide, university officials said. Sommers, 18, was found dead by a community advisor in her residence hall only days after she had moved rooms from the first to the third floor of Gordon Hall in North Quad. “The death of anyone is difficult, but when a person takes their own life it is extremely challenging,” Cuenin wrote in a statement to The Hoot. “Sometimes we ask ourselves how it could have happened or could

we have done something to prevent it. The most important thing at this moment is for us to reach out to her close friends and to one another.” In addition to police and BEMCo, staff from the Middlesex District Attorney Office responded to the scene of the unattended death and determined that it was “not suspicious” Cara O’Brien, a spokeswoman for the DA’s office, said Thursday. In an interview, Dean of Student Life Rick Sawyer said staff from Community Living, including community development coordinators, and staff from the Office of Student Life had been in contact with SomSee SUICIDE, p. 3

History major called ‘kind, thoughtful’ BY JON OSTROWSKY Editor

PHOTO BY Ingrid Schulte/The Hoot

MOURNING: University President Fred Lawrence and Student Union President Daniel Acheampong ‘11 attend a memorial vigil.

First-year history major Kat Sommers ’14, of Queens N.Y. died after apparently taking her own life at Brandeis University on Tuesday evening. She was 18. Kat, who attended Archbishop Molloy High School, a Catholic coeducational high school in Queens, was known in her dorm on Gordon Residence Hall for baking “amazing cookies” and having a “great DVD collection,” a hall-mate said at a memorial service held in her honor Thursday morning.

Sen. Chuck Schumer to visit campus BY NATHAN KOSKELLA Editor

Senator Chuck Schumer, the New York Democrat who is the caucus’ vice-chairman and thus the third-ranking member of the Senate, will visit Brandeis May 6 and deliver this year’s Saul G. Cohen Memorial Lecture. “A Conversation with Senator Charles Schumer: Can the United States Remain Ascendant?” will be followed by a questionand-answer with the senator, according to the Department of Development and Alumni Relations website. The talk will begin at 3 p.m. and will include

a reception at 4:15 at a location yet to be announced. The Saul G. Cohen lecture was established by friends and family of the longtime Brandeis science professor and varies topics from year to year. “We are delighted that Senator Schumer has accepted our invitation to deliver the inaugural Saul G. Cohen Memorial Lecture,” Elisabeth Cohen, the professor’s daughter, told the university. “His clarion call for public service and his ideas about making government work for everyday people are more important now than ever.” Several student groups have co-sponsored the event and of-

fered to help advertise, including both the College Democrats and Democrats for America, and Waltham Group; and also the university offices of Community Service, the Heller School and the Hiatt Career Center. Schumer, 60, was first elected to the Senate in 1998 after serving the 9th Congressional district, representing parts of Brooklyn and Queens, for 18 years. He successfully led the Democratic Senate campaign committee that took control over the chamber in 2006 and now chairs the Senate Rules Committee. Schumer, outspokenly liberal See SENATOR, p. 4


See SOMMERS, p. 3


PHOTO BY Andrew Rauner/The Hoot

MIX: Super Mash Bros. performed in a concert on campus last weekend in Levin. See MASH, p. 10

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