Volume 19 Issue 7
“To acquire wisdom, one must observe” www.brandeishoot.com
October 15, 2021
Brandeis University’s Community Newspaper · Waltham, Mass.
Water contamiants caused by dormancy By Daniela Zavlun and Nataniela Zavlun special to the hoot
The university’s Facilities Department recently discovered higher levels of contaminants in the water fountains in the Brown Social Science Center and Edison-Lecks building, after having been dormant due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an email sent to The Brandeis Hoot by Lori Kabel, Facilities Services Director. “All wall-mounted drinking fountains will be turned off due to high levels of lead found in the tap water. The kitchen sinks will remain functional, but must not be used for drinking/consumption (humans and dogs!),” read an
email obtained by The Hoot sent to students on the chemistry listserve and faculty who typically occupy the Edison-Lecks building. Kabel explained that campus water fountains were shut off when COVID-19 began spreading throughout the United States in early 2020, “as a precautionary and protective measure for our students and staff.” The university tried to limit the use of water fountains that could spread the virus on campus. With the water fountains being unused for over a year, the chances of water contamination increased, according to Kabel. She explained to The Hoot that, “with any idle water system, the supply lines and See WATER, page 2
Univ. hosts 49th annual Rosentiel Awards after COVID-19 delay By Roshni Ray editor
The 49th annual Rosenstiel award honored the pioneering work of David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian concerning temperature, touch and pain sensation in a recent webinar. The ceremony featured congratulatory remarks from President Liebowitz, Professor of Biology James Haber and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry Chris Miller.
By Victoria Morrongiello editor
Signs were posted outside of Usdan Student Center on Monday, Oct. 11, saying that the Lower Usdan Dining Hall, the Hoot Market and the game room would be closed for the day, according to photos obtained by The Brandeis Hoot. “Please be advised that Usdan Dining Hall and a section of the Hoot Market are currently closed as repairs are being made to the ceiling above the space”,according to an email sent by Brandeis University Services on Oct. 14. A sign posted in Usdan noted that the closure was, “due to Non-Covid related issues,” according to photos obtained by The Hoot. On Oct. 11 students were restricted from walking through Lower Usdan near the Lower Usdan Dining Hall, the
Inside This Issue:
The timing of this Rosenstiel award ceremony is unusual. While the 49th Rosenstiel award winners were announced in 2019, the ceremony was postponed due to the pandemic, Liebowitz explained. Therefore, although last spring marked the 50th Rosenstiel award, the 49th award’s ceremony was postponed till the fall of 2021. The webinar’s hosts James Haber and Ron Liebowitz both note the correlation between Rosenstiel award winners and Nobel Prize winners: 36 of the
past Rosenstiel winners have gone on to win the Nobel Prize. However, Julius and Patapotuin share the unique position of having received a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine prior to receiving their Rosenstiel award. Despite the clear trend, Brandeis has “never really tried to be predictors of Nobel Prizes but [rather] to identify people early on in their careers to acknowledge pioneering work,” Haber said. Julius and Patapoutian largely used techniques in molecular bi-
ology in order to investigate their research interests. Haber contextualized the nature of this type of research saying, “We sometimes forget what it means to do molecular biology...This scale on these remarkable devices David and Ardem are talking about are that small, and yet we feel them profoundly as pain and touch and temperature receptors.” Julius’ most recent work sought to understand the molecular mechanism of pain sensation. He describes his motive for understanding
pain sensation, describing how feeling pain serves crucial evolutionary benefits in organisms. Despite the significance of pain and pressure sensation, understanding how the system worked was largely an enigma, Julius explained. Unlike other sensory modalities like touch or smell, pain reception is not localized to one part of the body. This heightened the difficulty of determining how pain sensation occurs. See AWARDS, page 4
Game Room and Hoot Market. “Please dine with us in Sherman Hall or Upper Usdan. We are sorry for the inconvenience,” read the signs posted on Oct 11. On Oct. 12, students were allowed to walk through Lower Usdan and could use the Hoot Market. However, the Game Room and Lower Usdan Dining Hall remained closed, according to photos obtained by The Hoot. New signs were posted on columns outside of the entrance to the Lower Usdan Dining Hall. “Due to Non-Covid related issues … Lower Usdan Dining Hall will be closed until further notice. The Levin Ballroom, on ing, will be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You are also welcome to dine with us in Sherman Hall, Upper Usdan See USDAN, page 2
News: Gillian Flynn discusses career with students Page 2 Ops: Why Brandeis admissions should go test-blindPage 10 Features: Alumni return for homecoming Page 9 Sports: Red Sox postseason chances Page 6 Editorial: Why is Brandeis falling apart Page 8
Missing Women
U.S Gov. should investigate murdered and missing indigineous women better. OPS: PAGE 10
Hoot Reviews
Read a review about Netflix’s Season 1 of “The Maid” ARTS: PAGE 15