Volume 18 Issue 1
“To acquire wisdom, one must observe” www.brandeishoot.com
February 12, 2021
Brandeis University’s Community Newspaper · Waltham, Mass.
Rosentiel Award winners contribute to vaccine production By Roshni Ray special to the hoot
ROSENTIAL Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman ‘81, MA’81 received the Rosential Award via Zoom.
Biden brings student debt cancellation By Celia Young special to the hoot
As a new presidential administration takes office, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren hopes to cancel some student loan debt. Canceling that debt would impact about 40 percent of Brandeis students—students who rely on federal loans to pay Brandeis’ higher than average tuition. The federal government has paused payments and involuntary collections on federal student loans due to the coronavirus pandemic—a rule that was set to expire Jan. 31, but one President-elect Joseph Biden will extend when he assumes office. As the pandemic has caused job losses and an economic slowdown, Warren renewed her calls for debt cancellation in a Dec. 7 virtual meeting with student journalists across the country. “For tens of millions of borrowers, student loan debt has become an impossible burden,” Warren said. “Student debt falls particularly hard on Black and brown Americans… This is the effect of long-term systemic inequality and discrimination.” Warren continued, “On day one, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can use ex-
Inside This Issue:
isting authority under the law to cancel up to $50,000 in student loan debt for all borrowers with federal loans and make sure that loan cancellation doesn’t result in any additional tax bill for borrowers.” With Biden supporting a debt cancellation plan, though one less extensive than Warren’s, some form of debt relief could come as students face an unstable job market and a lack of government support. College students have been largely left out of the two stimulus checks the federal government has so far provided during a pandemic that has dragged on over a year. The first stimulus checks provided $1,200 in March 2020, and nine months later the second round of relief gave those eligible half that amount, according to Yahoo News. For both rounds, most college students who were claimed as dependents on their parents’ tax returns were not eligible to receive the money. Warren voiced her concern for students struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic and said that student debt cancellation will help students and graduates build real wealth and increase access to a college education.
Biochemist Katalin Karikó and Professor Drew Weissman ’81, MA’81 were presented the 50th annual Rosenstiel Award for their pioneering work on the modification of nucleic acids to develop RNA therapeutics and vaccines. Karikó currently serves as the senior vice president at BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals and Weissman is a Professor of Medicine as well as the co-director of the Penn Center for AIDS Research (Immunology Core) and director of vaccine research (Infectious Diseases Division) at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, according to the award’s website. Brandeis president Ron Liebowitz, cofounder of Moderna, Derrick Rossi, and director of
NIAID and chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci gave congratulatory remarks during the ceremony. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, there has been an immediate focus by the scientific community to develop vaccines to combat the virus. The foundational biological concept underlying the COVID-19 vaccine development can be traced back decades ago, Rossi explained during the awards ceremony. “DNA makes RNA, makes protein, makes life.” In our cells, messenger RNA (mRNA) acts as a mobile intermediary between the passive molecule DNA that resides isolated in our cell’s nuclei and the proteins in the cytoplasm. Through their research, Karikó and Weissman sought to harness a cell’s protein making capabilities See VACCINE, page 2
Anita Hill discusses new Supreme Court By Tim Dillon editor
In a Jan. 18 event, Professor Anita Hill (AAAS/LGLS/HS/ WGS) talked about the duality of her excitement for Vice President Kamala Harris’ historic inaugu-
ration and concern that calls for unity would paper over lingering problems of inequality in America. Hill started out by addressing the attempted insurrection at the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, where conspiracy theorists, white supremacists and supporters of the
former president answered his calls to “stop the steal” by breaking into the building and attempting to violently stop Congress from certifying the electoral college votes. The implication of what Hill
See STUDENT DEBT, page 3
News: Student Union election results. Ops: On the Capitol riots. Features: New classes being offered spring 2021. Sports: UAA cancels springs sports. Editorial: Do your part to stop the spread.
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Check out The Hoot’s favorite study spaces on campus!
Amanda Gorman kicks off the Biden presidency.
See HILL, page 2