VOL 7, NO. 9
Castle condemned after ceiling collapse
Waltham Health Department declares building ‘a danger,’ evacuation to start over break BY ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE Special Hooter
Students living in Usen Castle will be required to evacuate their rooms over Passover break following a ruling that the building was “a danger” to its occupants by the Waltham Health Department, according to Directory of Community Living Jeremy Leiferman. On Thursday, Leiferman was contacted by Vice President for University Operations, Mark Collins to begin preparations for evacuation following a determination
by the Waltham Health Department that the building is uninhabitable. For more than a year, the Health Department had been investigating complaints by a former Castle resident of chronic flooding and rodent infestation, but had not made its intentions to condemn the building public until this week. Chief Inspector of the Health Department Michelle Feeley said the department was ambivalent about taking action until it received reports about a collapsed ceiling in the Castle three weeks ago. “The law is unambiguous,” Feeley told The Hoot. “According to State and Waltham City code 105 CMR 410.750, that building endangers the health and safety of its occupants. We had no choice but to condemn the building when Brandeis told us it would not be able to fix the problem
due to the economic climate.” Feeley also quoted 105 CMR 410.500, which says, “Every owner shall maintain the foundation, floors, walls, doors, windows, ceilings, roof, staircases, porches, chimneys and other structural elements of his dwelling so that the dwelling excludes wind, rain and snow, and is rodent-proof, water-tight and free from chronic dampness, weather-tight, in good repair and in every way fit for the use intended.” “Clearly, Brandeis University has failed in this regard,” Feeley said. Waltham Mayor Jeannette A. McCarthy declined to speak with The Hoot, but provided a written statement describing Brandeis’ disregard for living standards as “irresponsible.” Both Brandeis President Jehuda Reinharz and Collins refused to comment for
this story or answer the Mayor’s claims, referring The Hoot to Leiferman. The Department of Community Living has yet to find temporary housing for Castle residents, Leiferman said. “We are confident that the Health Department will reverse its decision when it meets with us next week,” Leiferman said. “If it does not, we have discussed other options, including renting rooms at Bentley University and shuttling students between the campuses.” Leiferman could not speculate as to whether the Castle would be fixed in a timely fashion. “That building has been trouble for years,” he said. “We only keep it because of the U.S. News and World Report ranking, which has increased the number of unique applications to Brandeis by more than 500 per year.”
Justice League approved Vote draws 27 students, passes with overwhelming 71.6 percent approval BY BRET FAVRE Special Hooter
Provost, board support Smart campaign PHOTO ILLUSTRATION The Little Mermaid/The Hoot
SMARTIES: Provost Marty Krauss presents her idea at the board of trustees meeting Wednesday to advertise Smart Balance as a means for increasing university revenue through royalties.
The board of trustees has decided to finance a multi-million dollar marketing campaign for the butter-imitation spread Smart Balance in an effort to increase university revenue through royalties. The plan was proposed to the board by the Bold Ideas Group (BIG), just one of many committees charged with finding unique ways for Brandeis to increase revenues and solve its annual $25 million budget shortfall. Smart Balance partnered with the university in 2008 in a $1 million industry-sponsored research agreement to help make the buttery-spread more healthy by developing more healthful combinations of fats. The agreement was the second largest in Brandeis history. Executive Director of the Office of Technology Licensing Irene Abrams said the patent for Smart Balance’s original technology was issued in 1996 and Brandeis now licenses the original technology to Smart Balance Inc. Provost Marty Krauss, who chairs BIG, said the proposal was made and passed by the board despite the committee being un-
sure of exactly how much revenue the university could get from an increase in Smart Balance sales. “I don't want to get into the arithmetic of this,” Krauss wrote in an e-mail message to The Hoot. “The board was looking for a commitment from the university that we are serious about solving this budget crisis, and we gave it to them. That’s all that matters.” President Jehuda Reinharz would not comment on the matter and referred questions to Vice President of Communications Andrew Gully. “This is just one of a history of bold actions Brandeis has taken to help alleviate our budget concerns,” Gully said. “If you look at our past steps, like selling art from The Rose and cutting academic programs like Cultural Productions, you can see we have a history of success.” Krauss revealed that the brief appearance of a tub of Smart Balance on the university Web site last year was part of a BIG study on how best to incorporate the university’s mission with its newfound advertising deal. “This is a great way to reinvent our university and show perspective students what Brandeis is all about,” she wrote.
SSIS secured, buys 1 condom to meet increased demand Hoot Scoops, page 100
The Student Union Judiciary (UJ) will be renamed the Justice League after the student body approved a constitutional amendment Sunday. The name change will be part of an effort to reform the image of the UJ, signifying an increased focus on crime fighting, Student Union President Andy Hogan ’11 said. Hogan also discussed the change in his State of the Union address March 15. “I was reading the Brandeis Law Journal lately, and I realized there were no pictures in it,” Hogan said. “Now if you’re like me, this would have been the first thing you’ve ever read without pictures. Our Student Union government should always be striving to be more like the comic books of our youth. I want a judicial body with fewer justices and more JUSTICE.” Chief Justice Judah AquaMarans ’11 also strongly supports the change. “Legally speaking, it’s important for justices to take a more active role in applying law to our small society here at Brandeis,” AquaMarans said. “And that means all laws. We at the Brandeis Law Journal have already taken it upon ourselves to compile a list of every law students must follow, and we intend to enforce them.” AquaMarans could not be directly reached for a follow-up due to the recent rainstorms. However, in a message sent by one of his dolphin friends, he expressed his hope that the new Justice League will make incidents like the recent Aronin uprising “only remotely possible.” He was referring to the failed attempt by the UJ to permanently remove Secretary Diana Aronin from the Student Union Executive Board and to put a stop to her attempts
Arts at Brandeis! Hoot Scoops, page 19 Hoot Scoops, page 100
PHOTO ILLUSTRATION The Little Mermaid/The Hoot
to “take over the university, one screwed up election at a time.” Though impeached, Aronin reclaimed her position by rallying an army of Facebookaddicted voters from her tower in the Castle and then leading them in a desperate charge against the gates of Shapiro Campus Center. “That was a shock,” wrote AquaMarans. “I don’t see democracy. I don’t actually see more than a few feet in front of me down here. But I always see the law.” Justices Flash Kriegsman ’11, Ryan Martian Manhunter ’10, Justin Green Lantern ’10, and Hawkgirl Eid ’11 could not be reached for comment while they battled the forces of evil at Tufts University. James Cameron will direct the next Justice League trial at a cost of $200 million. In a stock letter to The Hoot, President Jehuda Reinharz expressed his support for this financial decision.
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