VOL 7, NO. 11
APRIL 23, 2010
B R A N D E I S U N I V E R S I T Y ' S C O M M U N I T Y N E W S PA P E R
Israeli Ambassador Oren to speak at commencement Community angered by divisive choice, Oren’s far-right policies BY ARIEL WITTENBERG Editor
PHOTO FROM Wikipedia
Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael B. Oren will speak at commencement May 23, angering some members of the Brandeis community because of the polarizing nature of Oren’s politics. A member of the Israeli rightwing, Oren will also receive an honorary degree along with Partners in Health founder Paul Farmer; the first woman to serve as chief judge of New York State,
Judith Kaye; Spanish author Antonio Muñoz Molina; long time diplomat and National Security Council member Dennis B. Ross; and singer-songwriter Paul Simon. The choice of commencement speaker is made in two parts. First, a committee of the board of trustees reviews names that have been submitted to them through the year to receive honorable degrees. Once the committee determines a list, it is then sent to University President Jehuda Reinharz, who chooses the commencement speaker from the
list. Reinharz did not respond to requests to comment on his choice of commencement speaker, however University Senior Vice President of Communications and External Affairs Andrew Gully said, “Ambassador Oren is a great historian and Brandeis is honored to have him speak under any circumstances.” Some community members are angered by the choice of Oren, a member of the Israeli right-wing who wrote in The New Republic that the Goldstone Report on
the Gaza War “goes further than Ahmadinejad and the Holocaust deniers by stripping the Jews not only of the ability and the need but of the right to defend themselves.” Prof. Harry Mairson (COSCI) wrote in an e-mail to the “concerned” listserv that he is “appalled” at the university’s choice in commencement speaker, writing that the university was “making what is a very clear political statement, emphasizing what the See COMMENCEMENT, p. 3
Study abroad adds program at The Hague for spring 2011 BY DESTINY. D. AQUINO Editor
The Hague summer program has now been extended into a spring 2011 study abroad option by the Office of Global Affairs in conjunction with the Study Abroad Office, the International and Global Studies Program and the Legal Studies Program.
The new study abroad program will be similar to the sixweek program at The Hague, which will take place this summer. The spring program will give 10 students the opportunity to take three or four classes, participate in in-depth research and an internship program as well as
See HAGUE, p. 4
Bmail will change to Gmail over the summer BY DESTINY. D. AQUINO Editor
Library and Technology Services (LTS) has announced that this summer, Bmail, Brandeis’ campus e-mail system, will be converted to a system managed and controlled by Google. It is also considering moving to a completely wireless Internet network in the residence halls, in addition to reducing or eliminating campus room phones. Brandeis currently controls Bmail, meaning that if the e-mail system was to suffer a glitch it would need to be fixed immediately by LTS staff. “Google has built a reputation for being highly reliable,” said Susan Wawrzaszek, deputy chief information officer and university librarian. The switch to Google will not cause students to loose any features; but they will gain access to a Google calendar and better spam protection. LTS staff previously working on Bmail will be redirected toward other projects in LTS.
For students concerned about these changes, “ I would be happy to have students e-mail me. Direct contact is always easiest. Suggestions, concerns, and questions are always welcome,” said Wawrzaszek. Eliminating wired Internet in the residence halls as well as removing the phones will allow the university to save approximately $200,000 in energy costs from the change and removal in equipment. The campus network needs to be upgraded regularly as components become old or obsolete in the quickly changing technological world. Data from LTS surveys as well as information on usage has led LTS to consider switching to the completely wireless network in residence halls because, “this is the most popular network, it just makes more sense,” Wawrzaszek said. LTS will decide in the next year whether to make the switch to the wireless network. They plan to make sure that the new wireless
PHOTO BY Max Shay/The Hoot
FEMINIST MARCH: The Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance and the Committee on Rape Education walked through campus Thursday as a protest of attacks on women.
Feminists, supporters ‘take back the night’ BY BECCA CARDEN Staff
Take Back the Night, an annual march through the Brandeis campus, took place Thursday against worldwide rape. This year the Committee on Rape Education (CORE), which usually organizes the walk, this year worked in conjunction with the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA). The main goal of the march is to make it safe for women to be out during the night without having to feel discomfort and anxiety. “There is a fear that, as women in society, we have to deal with
every day, and every night, that keeps us from going out,” FMLA President Leah Hartman ’12 said. “I think a big goal is to address this fear.” “It’s a vigil march,” CORE President Alex Turner ’11 said of the march which met at Rabb steps at 7 p.m. and walked to each quad ending at the Shapiro Campus Center. The organizers distributed candles and chanting guides for the walk. At the quad stops, student marchers were encouraged to share their own stories and spoken word poetry was performed. Director of Public Safety Ed Callahan, a few graduate students
from the Women’s Resource Center and others also spoke out for the cause. The Rape Crisis Counseling Hotline gave the organizers a piece to read, in which all the stories were anonymous. “Everyone is invited to speak, whether they have something prepared or they prefer to talk extemporaneously,” Jon Sussman ’12 a member of FMLA said. This event is more than a fight for a safe public space in the future. “We’re also empowering people to speak out about their See MARCH, p. 3
See LTS, p. 3
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Brandeis Watch: Constitutional Review Committee
ARTS, ETC. , page 13
Impressions, page 16
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