VOL 7, NO. 11
AUGUST 27, 2010
B R A N D E I S U N I V E R S I T Y ' S C O M M U N I T Y N E W S PA P E R
Liberal Arts Posse brought back to Brandeis BY NATHAN KOSKELLA Editor
The Liberal Arts Posse program, a meritbased group scholarship, has been revived at Brandeis after being on hiatus last year due to funding problems. Ten new Posse students began class yesterday as part of the program, according to a communitywide e-mail sent by university President Jehuda Reinharz. “The Liberal Arts Posse Program is coming back to the Brandeis campus, reuniting with its fellow program, the ongoing Science Posse Program,” Reinharz wrote. “This welcome return is due to the generosity of several donors who have stepped forward to reinstate this valuable program, which enriches campus life.” The Posse program, as part of the nationwide Posse Foundation, “identifie[s], recruit[s] and train[s] public high school students with extraordinary academic
and leadership potential to become Posse Scholars.” These students, drawn from inner-city schools, are accepted to participating universities, like Brandeis, together in a “posse” after exhibiting “leadership, teamwork and communication skills,” according to Reinharz. The liberal arts division of the program did not accept new students for the class of 2013 last fall because of budgetary constraints, and three arts posses are thus on campus now. The science posse has recurred without interruption since 2008, while the liberal arts classes have been on campus since 1998. “I am thrilled and excited to have this posse reinstated,” the Dean of Academic Serivces Kim Godsoe said. As donors and sponsors fund the program, funds were needed to restore the program after a gap year. “The real credit goes to President Reinharz for bringing this program back to Brandeis,” Godsoe, who personally
oversees the program as Posse Liaison, said. In raising the money and will to be able to educate another group, “he was instrumental.” As a merit-based scholarship, joining the group of 10 students is “very difficult, a huge honor, and there is a very competitive pool before one can be named a posse scholar,” Godsoe said. She offered the statistics from a recent New York City group as an example, where about 3,500 scholars were nominated and 10 each were selected by a small number of participating schools. “These excellent students were chosen this fall, and for 2011 will be back on campus,” Godsoe said. The new group will be from Atlanta, a new development in the program beyond New York that will be a step in the university effort to “expand its reputation” in the South, according to Reinharz’s e-mail, acknowledging the university’s comparatively
Frederick Lawrence next president
See POSSE, p. 4
Artists cancel exhibit until art is secure
PHOTO BY Max Shay/The Hoot
PRESIDENTIAL PICK : Lawrence will serve as the next president
PHOTO BY Max Shay/The Hoot
ROSE: Artists cancelled their exhibits this summer, afraid that Brandeis will sell their art
Three artists whose work was to be showcased in a Rose Art Museum exhibit this semester canceled in July, saying they refuse to show at the Brandeis museum until the university signs a legally binding agreement promising not to sell any of the museum’s art. Eric Fischl, April Gornik and Bill Viola’s works were originally set to be shown in September as part of the exhibit titled “Atmospheric Conditions.” While the state of the museum’s collection has been du-
bious since January 2009 when the board of trustees announced its intentions to sell art as a means of offsetting the university’s budget crisis, Gornik said in an interview with The Hoot that the artists had been under the impression that the university had since “legally committed to keeping the collection intact.” “It is a result of my own ignorance of the status of the museum that we agreed to the exhibit,” Gornik said, adding that she had stipulated from the beginning that she would not show her art unless the Rose collection was not for sale. “When it gradually came to light that this is not a resolved issue, pulling out was a no-brainer.”
Before canceling, Gornik, Fischl and Viola asked the university for a legally binding agreement not to sell the art, which the university would not provide. Currently, the university is being sued by three donors to the museum seeking a court order that the university not sell art. While the university announced this May that it had tabled the idea of selling the art and was looking toward “no-sale” options such as renting, the suit is in the discovery stage, and the university has made no legal agreement to not sell the art, Brandeis Senior Vice President of Communications See EXHIBIT, p. 1
Chess Insignificant Master others Hoot Highlights, page 7
Arts, Etc., page 9
Frederick Lawrence, dean of George Washington University’s Law School, will replace Jehuda Reinharz as president of Brandeis starting in January, the Brandeis Board of Trustees voted July 8. The pick of Lawrence as president is the culmination of the seven-month long process which followed Reinharz’s resignation from the post last October. Lawrence will start as President Jan. 1, but will frequent the campus during the fall semester in order to become acquainted with the university and learn from Reinharz before his departure. Lawrence, who has been dean of GW’s Law School since 2005, said in an interview with The Hoot that he did not apply for the position but was actually approached by the search committee just a few months ago. Though this is not the first time Lawrence has been contacted by an undergraduate presidential search committee, Lawrence said he was attracted to Brandeis because it is a “research college” and “of course the social justice mission speaks to me personally and to my professional career.” Indeed, Lawrence’s resume seems well-suited for a school that prides itself on a commitment to social justice. Lawrence currently serves on the board of the Anti-Defamation League, and is the author of “Punishing Hate: See PRESIDENT, p. 5
@TheBrandeisHoot.com This week, view The Hoot’s interview with Howard Dean and Dean’s entire address to students. See NEXT PRESIDENT OF BRANDEIS, p. 3
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