The Brandeis Hoot - 10-30-09

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VOL 6, NO. 10

OCTOBER 30, 2009

H1N1 vaccine to begin Nov.

B R A N D E I S U N I V E R S I T Y ' S C O M M U N I T Y N E W S PA P E R


Rose reopens with permanent collection BY ARIEL WITTENBERG




Delivery of the H1N1 flu vaccine to the Brandeis Health Center has been delayed, with H1N1 vaccination clinics now expected to start in mid-to-late November. Dean of Student Life Rick Sawyer originally estimated that the vaccine would be available on-campus by mid-to-late October, in an e-mail sent to the student body on Sept. 11. Subsequent e-mails sent by Sawyer indicated that delivery of the vaccine had been delayed. “Production delays by the five companies manufacturing seasonal and H1N1 vaccine have been longer than expected,” said Director of the Health Center Dr. Debra Poaster in an e-mail to the Hoot. “We hope to have our doses by mid to late November.” These delays are not unique to Brandeis and have had an impact nationwide. Only 30 million doses of the vaccine will have been made available by the end of October— out of a total of 250 million that the

PHOTOS BY Max Shay/The Hoot

ROSE ART: (Left) Students look at artwork on the upper level of the Rose Art Museum Wednesday night at the reopening of the museum. The museum had been closed since August in preparation for the exhibition, which is the first time ever that all three gallaries of The Rose are showing artwork from the permanent collection exclusively. (Above) Fine Arts majors distributed buttons that read “SAVE THE ROSE” to museum visitors as they entered the museum. The 100-plus buttons disseminated at the opening served as a reminder that the fate of the Rose Art Museum and its collection remains largely unknown, with Chair of the Brandeis Board of Trustees refusing to comment on the Board’s plans for the Museum.

See VACCINE, p. 2



Brandeis outside counsel looking into legal action in response to erroneous article BY ARIEL WITTENBERG Editor


VILLAGE LIFE: Two juniors bake cookies in The Village. Next semester, these students’ next door neighbors could very well be midyear students.

great chance for our upperclassmen to be role models [for the first-years] about what makes a good Brandeis citizen.” Olidort, however, offered additional “constructive criticism” of the decision to give midyears

older neighbors. “The first-years will be living near two wet quads, and [that] will put a strain on them socially,” he said.

Celebrating the World Series miles away from Jersey Sports, page 8

See ROSE, p. 3

Univ. considering action against Harper’s Magazine

Midyear proximity to juniors may pose problem With first-year housing tighter than ever, midyear students moving into the Village Quad next semester will join members of the junior class, the Department of Community Living (DCL) confirmed this week. While DCL announced last spring that Class of 2013 midyears would be living in the Village, they had planned that the incoming freshmen would have the quad to themselves once the building’s previous residents left for a semester abroad. The new proximity to upperclassmen concerns Julian Olidort ‘11, who was a midyear student in 2008 and who was a midyear Community Advisor (CA) last year. “[The problem] would be a social adjustment problem: the midyears will be influenced by the upperclassmen, and miss an opportunity to be guided by and with other first-years,” he said. He went on to say that this fact is only compounded by the fact that the Village is far from Massell and North Quads. Jenny Abdou the coordinator in charge of Midyear Orientation, however, disagreed. “[Midyear students] hit the ground running,” she said. “I think it is a

The Rose Art Museum reopened Wednesday night as some 200 visitors viewed the largest collection of contemporary art in New England nine months after Brandeis University trustees authorized the sale of the works. University President Jehuda Reinharz said Wednesday night’s event acts both as a celebration of the museum and as an affirmation that “The Rose is open.” The exhibit, which features works by Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Marc Chagall, and many others, was divided into six sections showcasing six different styles of art. While the museum itself is open, the question of what will happen to its art is yet unanswered. Malcolm Sherman, chair of the Board of Trustees, refused to comment on the board’s intentions Wednesday night. University Provost Marty Krauss agreed with Reinharz saying, “The Rose is saved. That’s the

See VILLAGE, p. 4

Brandeis is considering what legal action it could take against Harper’s Magazine, which published an erroneous article about the effect the university’s capital projects over the past 10 years could have had on its current financial crisis, President Jehuda Reinharz announced in an e-mail message to the faculty last week. “This is in no way a ‘sour grapes’ reaction to an unfavorable story about Brandeis,” Reinharz wrote. “Once we determined that there was a lack of journalistic ethics in the manner in which the magazine conducted its research and reporting, we aggressively fought against the publication of this article.” The article, entitled “Voodoo Academics: Brandeis University’s hard lesson in the real economy,” contained many incorrect statistics about the university and included many unattributed quotations. Reinharz wrote in the e-mail that while Christopher Beha in-

All Maine needs is love and a no vote on Question 1 Impressions, page 16

formed the university that he was writing an article about capital projects at Brandeis, he never contacted the administration for interviews or comments, and that the university only learned that the article had come to fruition when the university was contacted by a fact checker at Harper’s Magazine. “What is important here is that the basic rules of journalism insist that media outlets must make attempts to interview sources for a particular story before any story is moved to the ‘fact checking’ phase,” Reinharz wrote. “This was not done by the reporter for Harper’s.” Beha did not respond to requests for comment by press time. During the fact checking process, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Peter French spoke with Beha and “corrected the inaccuracies...and provided additional information and background,” Reinharz wrote. “None of the information French provided in these conversations was used in the article,” he wrote. Due to the factual inaccuracies in the article and Harper’s refusal to correct the errors once they See HARPER’S, p. 2

AUDIO @ THEHOOT.NET Third Wavelength: Standing up for women in comedy. Off the Beaten Path: Swilling seasonal brews at the Burren in Davis Square.

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