Adaozo Nnonye and Sunny Agude Wedding Brochure

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especially when it comes to issues as important as marriage. The families of the prospective husband and wife have to know their respective future in-laws and I DO... where they come from, very well, just to make sure they are “marry-able”. After the traditional My husband and I were married in August 1989, on “background checks” were completed, the two the 8th, precisely.Then, Sunny was away in the USA families then consented to the marriage.His family was and I was in Nigeria. So how did it happen? now becoming very fond of my family, and vice It was an entirely African/Igbo traditional thing. And it versa.They then proceeded to linking-up/connecting all happened by way of family connections. Sunny Sunny and I directly. sent word to his family back in Nigeria that he was ready to marry, insisting that he wanted an African woman specifically from his own cultural background for wife.His family came across me at an event in town. His brother was the first to approach me and talk to me about Sunday (my husband). His family later found out that our two families (Sunny’s and mine) were from the same town, and that our mothers were actually from the same village! Wow!! In our culture, family means everything, Adaozo Nnonye and Sunny Agude Wedding Celebration & Renewal Of Vows


A couple of weeks later Sunny arranged a phone conversation with me through his brother. At the time there were no cell phones in Nigeria. I had to go to a phone boothto wait for his call. When he finally called I began to develop butterflies. I was so young. He told me that he had seen my pictures and thought that I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He now directly asked me to be his wife. I told him that it is too soon and that I did not know him. We decided to continue meeting for phone conversations for a couple of months. After awhile we began to fall in love. At that initial time used to address him as “sir” on the phone. But he explained to me that we were equals. Thathe was my partner and not a “sir”. In fact he showed his respect for me early on. He then asked me again if I would marry him. This time, I excitedly said “YES”! We subsequently began planning for the wedding. Since he lived in the states, he told me to begin preparing for the wedding by attending pre-wedding classes provided by the local Catholic Church. I was to do my part and his family would take care of his.At the same time his family was meeting with my own family, concluding the traditional rites of marriage. The wedding preparations were going on smoothly, as planned, and Sunday was to fly in on a weekend.Expectations were high. Then the unexpected happened. Sunny missed his flight to Nigeria!Can you imaginehow devastated I was? He eventually caught another flight that was set to leave two days after his initial planned arrival. I was more anxious than ever! Finally he arrived. Miraculously, all the anxiety that had accumulated in me suddenly disappearedas soon as I saw him. I was in a pink day dress. My hair pulled up out of my face, blushing. I was going to be a bride soon, and there 4

was my future husband! He had swagger. My first thoughts: He was much younger looking than his pictures had portrayed. He was also well put together, and dressed impressively.Yes, that was my American husband right here, and I was so proud to become his wife. He looked at me, and our eyes met from across the room. I could tell that he was excited to see me too!!! What was supposed to be a two-week long stay, ended up being just a single week, no thanks to the missed flight! Sunny had to do the final meetings with the elders in my family and then I was to go meet his family with him. A day before the wedding that was scheduled for August 5th (Saturday), I went to the salon to have my hair done. I had arranged for all my friends, schoolmates, and supporters to attend my wedding. There was so much anticipation. I left the salon and headed straight to his place to show off my new hairdo.There he was, in a very odd state. He was smoking heavily andlooked uneasy too. I did not know what to say to him. I sat by the corner of the bed, confused and waiting for him to say what was on his mind. “There isn’t going to be a wedding tomorrow”, he said. I assumed he did not want the marriage anymore. But I had no idea what was going on. I was devastated. Not with-standing, I was still eager to know the reason. Then he cleared his throat and said he wanted to tell me before anyone else could tell me. He said that the priest had informed him that the wedding wouldn’t take because he had not yet completed his prewedding catechism classes.Hmmmmm! However, Sunday was determined not to leave Nigeria without marrying me. So we still went to church the following day (day of the planned wedding) with the

Adaozo Nnonye and Sunny Agude Wedding Celebration & Renewal Of Vows

days program. After the two days, we formally exchanged marriage vows on Tuesday August 8, 1989. Only a few witnesses from both families attended this small ceremony at the chapel. It was not the wedding I wanted or deserved. But it was still something, after all. My husband told me that, someday I’ll get my real wedding. I had no Idea it would be now. I am more than happy to have the wedding didn’t have then. This is it! --------------------------------------sole intention of convincing the priest to help us out. Members of our families were already waiting at the church for us. But the priest wouldn’t bend the rules for us! So, my husband along with his and my uncles decided that we should go ahead with the reception. The thinking was that, since the community did notknow the priest had suspended the wedding, we should just pretend that we had wedded. We will then easily proceed with the reception, since that is what interests the community the most. The wedding will come later! Fortunately the reception turned out great. It was amazing as everyone had so much joy and was so happy for me. The only problem was that I was not actually wedded. This weighed heavy on my heart. We needed to speak with the bishop. We informed him of our situation and asked for his approval. We were on a time crunch and Sunny was soon to head back to the states to resume work. After interviewing us separately the Bishop determined that Sunny truly wanted to marry me before God. He then allowed us to finish what was supposed to be 2 months’of catechism classes into acompressed/ expedited two


Will you be my bride… My wife and I got married on August 8th, 1989. I was already in the United States, attending school, at the time. One evening, while attending a program at my local church, the priest required of me to make a list of what I wanted in a wife, and how I intended to realize that. My criteria, amongst others, included that the person had to have a high school diploma at least. But a college degree would even be better. I also included “light complexion”, “tall”, and “willingness to further her education/pursue a career” to my list. I couldn’t get a wife out here in the US, as that would be against my dad’s wish. My dad wanted me to get married to a woman from nowhere else but my ancestral Igbo tribe. I couldn’t go against his wish! I then sent my “qualities of a wife list” to my brothers back in Nigeria so they could help me look for my dream wife. It didn’t take long for my brother to find a woman with my listed qualities. This happened at an event in our village. There she was…fair complexioned, beautiful, tall, slender….just perfect! My brother knew immediately that she would be the right woman for me, as she was exactly what I described on the paper. At the time he didn’t even know who this beautiful young woman was. But he was sure she had to be my wife. In short God had ordained this marriage long before I even asked my family to look for a wife for me. However, according to my culture, being beautiful, tall, fair in complexion, etc. did not automatically qualify

Adaozo Nnonye and Sunny Agude Wedding Celebration & Renewal Of Vows


one to be a good marriage material. Above everything else, the woman had to come from a good family! So after finding the woman that met all my own listed criteria, my family had to make sure their own criteria of a good family background had to be met! This is what I didn’t know at the time. My family consequently started to enquire more about this young woman, and especially about the family she came from. Remember that in Africa, family comes first! This young woman I’m talking about is my beautiful wife, Grace. Again God was working his blessings on me, as it was found that she was from Enugu Obe and was the daughter of Late OzoNwanshiOgbuke-Eneh…a wellknown and respected man in the community. As if that was not enough, it was also discovered that Grace’s mom, just like my own mother, was from Obodoukpa and married to Enugu Obe. So everybody was happy. My mom was really happy. We knew God was providing what I wanted. They sent me her picture and I fell in love with her immediately! “She’s so beautiful!”I unconsciously screamed. They asked me if she was what I was looking for. I replied with a very big “YES” immediately,

and my people dashed straight to Grace’s compound to request for her hand in marriage. When my people got there, they wanted to divert my brother to another person. My brother refused because from what I requested it was only going to be my “wife” and no one else! Yes oooh!! Interestingly her mom and I come from the same village so everybody in her family knew me. She saw a couple of my pictures too and enquired further about me. Her people told her that I was quiet, very good, and very intelligent. They also told her that anything he (meaning me) says, he will do/follow through with it to the end. That was how members of the village community vouched for my character and for my person. My family then arranged for me to talk to Grace. At that time phones were not at the house. I had to send a letter to her requesting to speak with her. I told her a date and time that I would call. So she went to a phone station to wait for my call. We talked for a bit and I told her that I saw her pictures and that she is exactly the woman I wanted in my life. I told her God was working miracles because the way I wanted my wife to be, she was matching everything. The only thing I had to ask her now was if she was willing to marry me. She turned cold on that question during our first phone meeting! This was her reply: “It’s early because I don’t know you. We should continue talking and get to know each other first”.Hmmmm… I told her that was okay, even though inside me it wasn’t okay. So we continued talking through phone booths and letters. After about four to five months, I popped the MARRIAGE question again, and she replied “YES” this time! Wow!! I heaved a big sigh of relief, and communicated this joyful news to my family back in Nigeria as soon as the phone conversation with her ended that day. They were all excited!!! Now that my marriage proposal was accepted, I had to immediately start working on how to actualize it by way of wedding. Naturally, planning for the wedding was the next logical step. I knew the best time to wed was in the summer -- late July/Early August. Since I was working, I needed to request time off work. I was eventually granted a two- week vacation to enable me take care of my wedding/marriage. What followed from here happened exactly as recounted by Grace in her “I DO” narrative! Kindly read it to complete my story. Thanks. Engr./Chief/Sir Sunday Agude.


Adaozo Nnonye and Sunny Agude Wedding Celebration & Renewal Of Vows

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