Amokwe National Organisation Convention Brochure

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Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

APNO National President’s Speech JULY 12, 2014

“ Honorable chairman, the special guest of honor, all titlemen and women, honored guests, distinguished ladies and gentlemen. It is fromthe bottom of my heart that I extend my warmest greeting to all of you. We are delighted to have you here toparticipate and share in this purpose driven event. Our theme for thisconvention is ?Equipment of the Health Care Facility Equals Good Healthcare?.The proceeds of today?s event will be used to equip our Healthcare Center inAmokwe. We urge you to do your part and support our noble cause. This is thesecond convention Amokwe Progressive National Organization (APNO) has conductedin Los Angeles in the past ten years. During the first convention, APNOfriends, especially those living in California responded to our call to supportour humanitarian project. The health care center has been completed and theservice in the clinic has begun. As such, APNO attention has shifted frombuilding a healthcare center to servicing the

APNO continues to thrive because of the unrelenting efforts of its chapter organizations. The members of the chapter responded to every challenge APNO has faced. For that reason, it is my pleasure to give APNO DEDICATION AWARD to the following chapters; APO California, APNO Dallas, APNO Houston, and APNO New York

center. Your presence here todayserves as a reminder to us of how much you value our relationship with you andhow you cherish the charity work we do. On behalf of APNO, I welcome you to ourNational Convention here in the City of Angels. Amokwe is a town in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State,Nigeria. APNO was formed to unite Amokwe people living in the United States ofAmerica. The purpose is to maintain close relationship with our fellow Amokwepeople. Such close relationship allows us to pledge to be our brothers? keeper.The pledge has been exemplified in many occasions including supporting thefamilies in times of need. We have consistently conducted annual medicalmissions to

serve the underprivileged members of our communities. Our missionhave benefited Amokwe community and neighboring towns by providing healthcareto the needy at no cost to them. It is my pleasure to recognize my predecessors; Dr. LukeAneke, our first president and Chief Obi Ene, our second president for the wonderfuljob they did to keep this organization focused on its purpose driven ventures. Ibecame the president and followed the path my predecessors laid for theorganization. We continued the work on the clinic. It was not an easy taskbecause funds for the clinic have almost been exhausted. New funds were notcoming in; members were tired of frequent demand for support for the healthcenter. I told the members of the executive committee that the challenge aheadof us was huge. We were left to find ways to raise enough funds to complete theclinic. I am glad that members of the executive that I worked with took thechallenge personally and determined to do everything necessary to see that thelight handed over to us did not die in our hands. We went to work; we began makingcalls to friends, negotiating with the contractor and finally the clinic was completed,and opened with a heartwarming ceremony. Thousands of Amokwe people and others from thesurrounding towns can now get treatment at the clinic. For this reason, pleasejoin me to thank the members of APNO, especially member of the executive, ChiefDr. Ejike Ene, the secretary, Chief Lawrence Agu, the Treasurer, Chief/BarristerFrank Ude, the publicity secretary, Hon. Chudi Ene, Hon Freddie Agu, and HonEmeka Ude. These men made my work easier because they answered every call Imade to them, they tackled every challenge and task posed on us, and throughtheir efforts, and those of all the members of APNO, Amokwe men and women arestronger, healthier, and proud of APNO support in Amokwe.

Don Eze, Honorable Chudi Ene,and Onowu Dr Maxwell Ude.

APNO continues tothrive because of the unrelenting efforts of its chapter organizations. Themembers of the chapter responded to every challenge APNO has faced. For thatreason, it is my pleasure to give APNO DEDICATION AWARD to the followingchapters; APO California, APNO Dallas, APNO Houston, and APNO New York. APNO will forever be grateful to Igwe Justice P. C.Onyia, Ezeokwedike of Etiti Amokwe for his unrelenting support and dedicationtowards the building f the health center and bringing in government attention.Igwe, Amokwe USA, salute you. My fellow APNO members, our task is not yet finished. We organizemedical mission at the clinic every December, 27th. I urge you tokeep that program going. The torch is now passed on to the new executives, itis my hope that APNO members will continue to support them in keeping the torchilluminating our way, guide the organization towards our common goal, and inthe end, pass on the torch to the new generation of Amokwe men and women. I would love to use this opportunity to give a specialthanks to my lovely wife Lolo Ethel Ifeoma Aneke for her unconditional support,the Chapter President, the Chairman Convention Planning Committee, all themembers of the planning committee, and the California Chapter for agreeing tohost this special convention. With all of us gathered here today, we pray toGod to grant us our request, which is to raise money to equip the Health Centerand to grant us safe journey home as we leave to our various destinations. Longlive Amokwe, Long Live Enugu State, Long Live Nigeria, and Long Live USA.

In addition to the hard work of APNO members, there arethe sons of Amokwe, whose contributions to APNO project made it possible tocomplete the clinic sooner. Thank you and God bless you. On behalf of APNO, it is my pleasure to give anAPNO OUTSTANDING AWARD to the following Amokwe sons Chief Eric Aneke whose contributions andsupport facilitated the completion of Amokwe healthcare center: Chief Tony National President, APNO USA. Eze,Professor John Kester, Chief Obi Ene, Honorable 4

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

The President’s Welcome Address Honorable chairman, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, I am privileged to welcome you all on behalf of Amokwe progressive organization to our 4th national convention. This fundraising event is to support our medical mission back home. Which entailsequipping our healthcare clinic with the necessary medical tools, medication and personnel. Thank you very much for honoring our invitation. In the 2007 convention fundraising event, we embarked on a project of building a healthcare center in Amokwe town in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State in Nigeria. We called and you all responded and donated generously, making it possible for our goal at that time to be completed. On December 26th, 2011 the healthcare center was commissioned by his Excellency Barrister Sullivan I, Chimethe Governor. Of Enugu State. Since then the healthcare center has been providing services to people far and beyond Amokwe; people from Oji river,

In the 2007 convention fundraising event, we embarked on a project of building a healthcare center in Amokwe town in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State in Nigeria. We called and you all responded and donated generously, making it possible for our goal at that time to be completed.

Umabi, Umuaga, Obioma, and Nsude, to list but a few. This health care center provides services like free health education, free screening services on blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, child care, and wound care. This therefore reduces a lot of untimely death that befalls our communities at home. Today, July 12th, 2014, we have gathered again for continuity on the same project, and we are counting on your support and generosity to help us equip this health center in order to continue saving lives. Because a healthy and a well-equipped hospital equals to a healthy people and society. This hospital lacks equipment’s in laboratories, labor and delivery, wound care areas, even blood pressure machines, blood sugar machines, wheelchair, wound care equipment, lifesaving equipment and so many other things. Today we call on you for your support, because an Igbo adage says that when a man’s back itches he will go to somebody to scratch his back for him, unlike the animals that will go to a tree. We call on you because we need your support to purchase these equipment. We have doctors, nurses, security people and volunteers, but we do not have the equipment to

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure


continue with our mission. We need general hospital equipment, lifesaving equipment, oxygen, AED, labor and delivery equipment, surgical equipment, beds, medications, blood pressure machines, diabetic


Today we call on you for your support, because an Igbo adage says that when a man’s back itches he will go to somebody to scratch his back for him, unlike the animals that will go to a tree. We call on you because we need your support to purchase these equipment. We have doctors, nurses, security people and volunteers, but we do not have the equipment to continue with our mission. We need general hospital equipment, lifesaving equipment, oxygen, AED, labor and delivery equipment, and so many other things.

machines, linings, and so many other things. We are not undertaking this project because of our financial strength, or our deep pockets, rather it is because of our genuine love for our people. We are extremely grateful to all of you that gathered today and to all of our friends and well wishes who have showered support by purchasing a page in the brochure. We are also asking for your kind support, in the form of cash donations. I must emphasize that no amount is too small. Any amount you give will be greatly appreciated. APO has IRS tax identification number and any amount you donate is tax deductible. My special thanks to all the planning committee members, all visiting Amokwe people, and to all Amokwe indigenes far and wide, that have contributed towards the health center project. May your generosity be rewarded with blessings in all your life endeavor. Thank you so much for your presence and your support. Ikechukwu Isaiah II, Aneke President Amokwe Progressive organization of Southern California. U.S.A

My special thanks to all the planning committee members, all visiting Amokwe people, and to all Amokwe indigenes far and wide, that have contributed towards the health center project. May your generosity be rewarded with blessings in all your life endeavor.

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure


Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



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Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure


Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure



Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure

Amokwe Progressive National Organization 2014 Convention Brochure


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