African Legacy Awards 2014

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Inside Front Cover- Reinke Advert

President’s Welcome

Good evening honorable award recipients, guests of honor, friends of African Legacy Awards, Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Inaugural ceremony of the African Legacy Awards. This is the first African Legacy Awards but the dreams and ideal that lead to the formation of the African Legacy Awards has been in the making for decades. The African Legacy Awards is the inspirational and celebratory arm of African Global Alliance, Inc. We look at the past present and future and honor some of the men and women who have inspired African people worldwide. The African Legacy Awards is not limited to black folks alone. When we take a look at many of the top humanitarians worldwide, working hard to end hunger, poverty and disease, we notice that the awards is not limited to black folks. We are honored to have a member of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation with us today. Dr, Vincent Ahonkhai is an infection disease specialty and his work has taken him around the world several times looking for cures for common diseases. I want to thank our awardees who have shown exceptional sense of dedication and commitment to their communities and have also taken time out of their busy schedules to grace this occasion I also want to thank you all for coming out to support the award recipients and share in their joy. I believe we should live our life as if we are leaving a legacy behind. A few weeks ago I visited the humble home Michael Jackson was born and raised. It goes to show that anyone can be a hero if they believe and live their best life. You have to continually ask yourself what legacy you want to leave behind. I hope this awards ceremony awakens the greatness in your spirit and inspires you to reach greater heights to be an important part of your community, to create programs to help our people and to support those who are in the process of creating a better world for Africans worldwide. Education, cultural exchange, enlightenment and tolerance inspire Africans in Diaspora to live with dignity and be positive contributory citizens to their community. I want to thank my family and friends for their love and support. I also want to thank members of the Advisory Board and Planning Committee for a job well done. Sincerely, Stella Isa Ejedawe Founder / CEO

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Awards Show Program

Saturday, August 23rd 2014 Hilton Hotel Los Angeles, CA LA Jolla Ballroom Red Carpet Arrivals & Interviews Recognition of distinguished guests Opening Prayer by Reverend Ikharo Welcome Address by Chairwoman Stella Isa Ejedawe Dinner Service Musical Entertainment Professional Excellence Award Presented to Chief Mike Ozekhome Community Service Award Presented to Dr. Dako Excellence in Film Award Presented to Lancelot Imussuen Premiere of Trailer “Invasion of 1897 " Humanitarian Award presented to Haija Habiba Abubakar Community Service Award Presented to Ms. Jan Perry Professional Excellence Award Presented to SAN Roland Otaru Dance Entertainment Community Service Award presented to Gloria Grey Professional Excellence Award Presented to Jerry Cunningham Comedy Entertainment Posthumous Award Presented to Chief Inu Imoru Posthumous Award presented to former vice president Akhigbe Posthumous Award for Juanita St John and Angels Presentation Closing remarks and opening of dance floor After Party African Legacy Awards 2014 Brochure


Award Of Excellence Mike Ozekhome

Dr Mike A.A Ozekhome, SAN, SAM LL.D, D.LITT, D.A, HONDL, PH.D, (HC), LL.M, LL.B (HONS), BL, KSM, F.AES, FNIM, AMNIPR, F.ITMN, F.ICA, FCHMC, FNIER, LFIBA The Enobakhare Of Benin Kingdom Chief Mike Ozekhome, a Legal icon, hails from Iviukwe town in Etsako East Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. Mike attended St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Iviukwe, between 1964-1969, St. Peter’s College, Agenebode, from 1970-1974, Baptist Academy, Lagos, in 1975 and the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University, IleIfe) (1975-1980). At OAU, Ife, Ozekhome was a frontline student activist, a journalist and the best debater and one time Acting Speaker of the Student’s Parliament (SRC). He graduated in flying colours with Bachelor of Laws (Honours) degree in 1980 and became a Barrister at Law in 1981. The Legal Luminary started his professional legal practice as a Youth Corper posted to the Ministry of Justice, Gongola State (now Adamawa and Taraba States). On his request, he was redeployed to the Federal Ministry of Justice, Lagos and served as a State Counsel with National Provident Fund (now Nigerian Social Insurance and Trust Fund (NSITF). He simultaneously worked in the Chambers of legendary late Chief Gani Fawehinmi. By 1982, Dr Mike Ozekhome was back to Ife to pursue his Mas-

ters degree programme in Law. He also lectured simultaneously at the same Law Faculty. Many of his students are today Judges, Senior Advocates of Nigeria, high level entrepreneurs, Diplomats, captains of Industry, top military brass and Professors. Immediately he secured his LL.M Masters degree, the workaholic went back to his first love, the ever busy and pro-masses Chambers of the Late Chief Gani Fawehinmi, to work, first as a junior counsel, later as a Senior counsel and finally rising to the highest position of Deputy Head of Chambers by 1985.


As a renowned Constitutional lawyer, High Chief Mike Ozekhome, has handled and participated in many epochal and sensational cases that have defined and shaped Nigerian Legal jurisprudence and enthroned a regime of Human Rights, Democracy, good governance and the Rule of Law. In 1986, the Legal prodigy founded the law firm of Mike Ozekhome’s Chambers, with thriving offices in Lagos, Abuja, Benin City and Agenebode. In 2005, he was a Federal Government Nominee to the National Political Reform Conference, representing Civil Societies, a summit that helped resolve primordial national questions and charted a new vision for Nigerian. In 2009, he was appointed by the Federal Government of Nigeria to the Vision 2020 Committee, to chart a course of making Nigeria one of the twenty leading economies in the World by the year 2020. In 2001, he had chaired the Federal Government Panel that recalled many politically victmised lectures and students during successive Military dictatorships. Using Law as an instrument of socio-economic engineering, this nemesis of bad governments in 1987 co-founded the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO), the first Human Rights Organisation in Nigeria. He was the pioneer Director of Legal Services and member of its Governing Board. In 1998, he co-founded the Joint Action Committee of Nigeria (JACON), with the late Chief Gani Fawehinmi. He had earlier in 1992 solely founded the Universal Defenders of Democracy (UDD), an international, non-political, non-religious and non-profit Human Rights and pro-Democracy league, having observer status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights. He also founded the Democratic Rights Initiative (DRI) and Peace Initiative (PI), a peace building, conflict Resolution, Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration Centre, since 1998. Dr Ozekhome was detained several times, starting from 1986 by gun-toting Security Agents of the Federal government of Nigeria on account of his Human Rights and Pro-Democracy activities, especially during repressive military juntas. In 1990, he was glowingly acknowledged by the Lawyers

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Committee For Human Rights, New York, in its 1989 and 1990 Annual Reports: “In Defence of Rights: Attacks On Lawyers and Judges”, as one victim of human rights. Ozekhome later founded Mike Ozekhome Foundation (MOF), a wholly philanthropic and charitable organization committed to salvaging from ignorance, abject penury, hunger, disease and squalor, the down-trodden and wretched of the society and giving voice to the voiceless, hope to the hopeless and succor to the cheated, the denied, the marginalised and the rejected members of the society.

tor of Administration (DA), Doctor of Letters (HonDL) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), from Universities in USA, England, Israel and Nigeria. A Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary International, Dr Ozekhome is an International Ambassador of Peace. The legal icon is, amongst others, is a Fellow of the Academy of Entrepreneurial Studies (F.AES), Fellow, National Institute for Education and Research (FNIER), Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Management (FNIM), Fellow, Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators (F.chMC), Fellow Institute of Corporate Affairs Management (F.ICA), Fellow Institute of Trade and Management of Nigeria (F.ITMN), recipient of Herbert Macaulay Leadership Award, African Global Award on Integrity, Legend and Hero of Democracy Award, ECOWAS Award, Niger Delta Award of Excellence, “Legal Icon in Nigeria”, by Guardian Newspapers (2012), Most Outstanding Young Person in Nigeria award by Jaycees International, Peter Benson award for Human Rights, etc, etc.

A consummate Author who has written several books and over 200 articles. Dr Ozekhome who is popularly called the “Peoples lawyer” is a leader, role model and mentor, through whom many have risen and realized their God-given potentials has attracted to himself over 40 traditional and honorary Chieftaincy titles from across Nigeria, the most famous of which is AKPAKPA VIGHI VIGHI OF EDO LAND (Generalissimo and Supreme Commander of the Traditional Armed Forces). This title was jointly conferred on upon him at Ekpoma, Edo State on March 2, 2002, by all the 72 traditional Rulers of Edoland, a feat never before achieved by anyone. Widely travelled and sociable, the philanthropist belongs to over twenty professional bodies, clubs and associations. He has received over 250 Awards and Honours both locally and from across the globe. He holds the Honorary Doctor of Laws (LL.D), Doctor of Letters (D.Litt), Doc-

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Amongst others, he is a member of the International Bar Association (IBA), Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA), African Bar Association (A.B.A), American Bar Association (ABA), Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), National Executive Committee, Nigerian Bar Association, Island Club, Usagbe Club of Nigeria, Esako club ’81, etc. Married to an accomplished lawyer and gender crusader, Lady (Chief ) Josephine Mike Ozekhome, LL.M, with seven children, four boys and three girls, High Chief Mike Ozekhome, a teetotaler loves sports and music, reading and writing, hot argument and debates, philanthropy, travelling and nurturing pets and plants. The Pro-Democracy Campaigner, Author, Motivational Speaker, Public Affairs Analyst and Knight of the Order of St Mulumba (KSM) is a delight to behold as a Role model.


Award Of Excellence Jerry Cunningham

Mr. Cunningham is a native of Western Nebraska were his grandfather homesteaded in 1898 and still on the same location today. Mr. Cunningham was raised on a ranch and farm gaining the knowledge of agriculture. After attending the University of Nebraska he went back to the farm where irrigated farming had been practiced since the early 1900’s. At that time sprinkler irrigation had started to be introduced. Being intrigued with the technology he started to install center pivots on the family farm. This meant growing crops on lands that could not be irrigated before. Part of the use of sprinklers was to source the water, in which Nebraska has a very large aquifer of underground water. To provide this water, wells had to be drilled and Mr. Cunningham became versant in drilling wells. The center pivot was born in Nebraska and most manufacturers even today are located in Nebraska. As the center pivot boom took off all around the world Mr. Cunningham worked for a Center Pivot manufacturer to install sprinkler systems in such places as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and UAE. At one point Mr. Cunningham was even involved in the manufacture of center pivots in design and production. He was one of the pioneers in using solid state electronics in center pivots. In 1999 Mr. Cunningham was invited to Nigeria to advise on a program called Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development. Planning on spending 7 days has been there ever since. Mr. Cunningham worked for over a year touring Nigeria and its major irrigation projects to assess using agriculture in the program. Finding the extreme natural resources of productive land, abundant water, superior weather conditions he decided to pursue development of center pivot irrigation in Nigeria. It took 8

some time before he could catch the ear of some

influential people to try the concept. So in the meantime Mr. Cunningham got involved in environmental projects such as cleaning up oil spills, soil remediation and waste management. WM Group introduced a waste management system in Calabar, Cross River State and in two years became the cleanest city in Nigeria. WM Group got the coveted Environmental Company of the year for their accomplishments. As agriculture became relevant in Nigeria Two Governors H.E. Sani Yarima of Zamfara State and H.E. Ahmed Alero of Kebbi State became interested in developing year round farming. Both came to Nebraska to see for themselves the use of center pivots and how they could be used in Nigeria. Both states became involved in the development of center pivots and mechanized farming. To introduce the program Mr. Cunningham and a team visited every District (277) in Zamfara State talking with the local farmers.Since that time the Federal Ministry of Water Resources has gained interest in the program and two ministers, Hon. Shau Shagari and Hon. Ruma, with delegations, visited Nebraska to see the use of center pivots first hand. Since that time more sprinklers are being used in all parts of Nigeria, even the southern region where there is plenty of rainfall but during the dry season cropping was not possible. Now with the Center Pivot Sprinkler crops can be raised year round. African Legacy Awards 2014 Brochure

West African Agro – A private Company that owns and operates farms and processing centers in Africa. WWA is developing farms to assist the African Countries to become more self-sufficient in food production. WWA also is providing world standard food for the world market that is available year round. Mr. Jerry L Cunningham who has over Fifty (50) years of experience in agriculture and environmental projects cofounded the WM Group. He is currently the Group Managing Director of WM Group in Nigeria. He is responsible for all activities of the company and has extensive experience in the design, development, installation and implementation of major projects in agriculture, irrigation and Waste Management Systems. WM Group consist of such Companies as:

WM Agro International Ltd -A major supplier of agricultural equipment and supplies as well as farm management services in West Africa. WM Agro is the representative for Reinke Irrigation Systems, Rome plows and other equipment in Nigeria. WM Agro is responsible for developing Center Pivot Irrigation in Nigeria.

Waste Management & Environmental Solutions, Ltd -Company specializing in Environmental projects from Waste Management Systems, Erosion Control, Shoreline Protection, Canalization and land clearing. WMES has been the Environmental Company of the Year in Nigeria for two years.

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WM Group has been instrumental in the production of palm oil, pineapple, sugar cane, cotton, watermelon, vegetables, rice, corn, millet, wheat, peanuts and livestock production. In the southern regions where land has become overgrown with shrubs and trees, WM Group has been clearing land for small scale farmers to start farming again. WM Group not only helped start large scale farming but also worked with the small farmers to improve production. Some simple things like proper seed spacing, irrigation techniques and fertilization has increased yield for better income. WM Group has not only drilled wells for agriculture but people found out you could usewells for municipal purposes also. WM Group took over 2 years to find water for thecapital city of Zamfara, Gusau, and developed a well field to supply over 3 milliongallon a day to give the city every day, year round water supply. As they drilled wellsfor irrigation to assist the local communities they drilled many wells for small villagesthat have never had fresh water to use. WM Group will continue to work to improve agriculture and feed the people the best they can.


Award Of Excellence Roland Otaru

Mr. Roland Otaru, was called to the Nigerian Bar in 1986. He started his legal practice in the law office of WOLE OLANIPEKUN & CO. after working there for more than six (6) years; he started a law firm of Otaru Otaru & Co. ROLAND OTARU appeared in almost all the courts in this country on behalf of clients. He has a wide range of experience in corporate practice, oil & gas, representation of government agencies, and advices individual clients on capital market matters and litigation in all the courts of records, including Supreme Court of Nigeria. Because of his versatility in advocacy, Mr. Otaru was conferred with the prestigious title of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) by the Legal Privileges Committee in the year 2006. He also earned a Masters of Law (LL. M) degree from the famous Obafemi Awolowo University (O. A. U.) of Ife. He has a Masters in Industrial and Labour Relations. He is also a Notary Public and in addition presents papers at Seminars and workshops on invitation by corporate bodies and organizations. ROLAND OTARU, SAN is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK), Nigerian Branch and an Associate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria (CIPM). He is also an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Capital Markets Registrars (CICMR), Nigeria.

of the Joseph Otaru Educational Foundation, a nonprofit organization which has benefited several schools such as Unne primary school and Ofomemani primary school in Egbigere , Akoko-Edo local government area of Edo state. He also established a scholarship scheme for students of Ikpeshi community especially those in the Nigerian Law School by the purchase of wigs and gowns and other accessories for Call to Bar every year which he started since over 10 years ago. He established a borehole to provide water for the benefit of the rural people around his Ikpesi community. He has also contributed greatly to the sustainability of the Rule of Law in Nigeria by using his advocacy prowess.

Roland Otaru, Esq, SAN has been carrying out humanitarian activities in Ikpeshi, Edo state as Director 10

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Award Of Excellence Dako Mamudu

Africa” 2008 by People, State and Resources Magazine (PSR) 2008. * The provision of Scholarship for the poor but Promising Students. * Provision of a six classrooms block with toilets and offices for the community primary school. * Provision of school Furniture and Sporting materials. * Provision of a water bore hole •

Fellowship Award (FAGP) by the Association of Private and General

Medical Practitioners of Nigeria 2005. •

Nigeria Ambassador to the World Forum 2007, 2008, 2009,

2010,2011,2012,2013. In these Forums Issues affecting the World such as Climate change, Health, World Peace etc were discussed. Attended all the various schools with academic merit scholarship • •

Hull Royal Infirmary England, Unites Kingdom 1990-1991 National Post Graduate Medical College, Nigeria May 2011 – January

2013 (Diploma in Family Medicine)

* Direct member:-World Association of Family Physicians. "WONCA" * Represented Nigeria in 19th WONCA World Conference of Family Doctors in Cancun Mexico May 19-23, 2010, 20th WONCA conference in Praque Czek Republic in June 2013.In these conferences issues discussed

Dako Medical Centre Ltd : April 1992 till date as chief Medical


include Millennium Development Goals, HIV eradication etc •

Best Medical Practitioner of the year Award 2010 by Current

Communications Company HONOURS / AWARDS/ PUBLICATIONS. •

Senior Prefect: - Our Lady of Fatima College Auchi 1974 – 1975.

“Page Twelve Health Column” Sunday Observer 1982 – 1983.

2000 Most outstanding intellectual of the 21st Century by the

Distinguished Medical Practitioner 2014:- Association of General and Private Medical Practitioner of Nigeria. RECENT PAPERS PRESENTED:-

International Biological Centre Cambridge, United Kingdom. •

International Peace Prize by the United Cultural Convention of the

. Menace to uterine fibroids in Nigeria Women: Presented at the World Forum In Cambridge Massachussets in June 2014.

United States of America 2004.

2011-2015 delivered to Nigeria Professionals in Dispora in Abuja

Award for the “Great contribution to humanity” by Our Lady of

Healthcare Delivery in Nigeria under Jonathan/Sambo Government

Fatima old Boys Association Delta State Branch 2005.

December 2010.

Rotary Merit Service Award for Excellence 2006- Rotary Club of

Challenges encountered in dealing with Managed Care enrollees;

Nigeria Okota Main Town Lagos-Nigeria

management, suggestions and recommendations for improvement

presented to Healthcare International (HMO) enrollees, providers and

Distinguished Co-operate Achievers Gold Award for Excellence by

Corporate Citizens Communications Ltd 2007. •

Development in Nigeria Merit Award in “Recognition of your

achievements in the sphere of human medicine” by People, State and

other stakeholders in Lagos March 2011. •

Staying Healthy and fit, the importance of exercise. Annual Health

Lecture delivered in Fidelity Bank Plc annual Lecture April 2011.

Resources (PSR) Magazine 2007.

Cervical Cancer: The Importance of Screening tests: - Delivered to

Grand Award for Productivity in Africa in “Recognition of your

achievement in the Practice and Development of Human Medicine in

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Early detection and management of prostate Cancer, Breast and

Catholic Women of ST. Cyprian Catholic Church Lagos 2010.


Award Of Excellence Gloria Grey

Stewardship Council in February 2010 by Speaker of the Assembly Karen Bass. She dedicated her 36-year career to the Los Angeles County Departments of Human Services and Health Services community relations, administration, health care management and human resources and retired in 2003. She has served on redevelopment, water quality, personnel and hospital commissions. She has participated on numerous water resources management panels.

Gloria D. Gray was elected to the West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) Board of Directors in 2006 and is the first African-American woman elected to this Board in its 65 years. She represents the Division II cities of Inglewood, South Ladera Heights, Lennox and the areas of Athens, Howard and Ross-Sexton. She served as President of the Board of Directors in 2010. In 2009, Gray was appointed to the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) Board of Directors to serve as one of two West Basin representatives. She is the 1st African-American Woman to serve as Vice Chair of the MWD Board, was the 1st African-American to Chair a Board meeting in the 85-year agency history and serves on the Executive Committee, Water Planning and Stewardship Committee, Organization, Personnel and Technology Committee, Communication and Legislative Committee, and Special Committee on Bay-Delta. She was appointed to the Delta


Her reputation has earned her a number of Women in Action and Water recognition awards, Outstanding Community Services awards, leadership and public engagement and commendations from local, state and federal elected officials, service organizations and community groups. Gray earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in the Business Administration Program at the University of Redlands and her Health Services Management Certificate from the University of California Los Angeles. She earned a Louis Allen Management Certificate from the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, where she spent her entire 36-year career, and earned her Master’s in Governance Certificate from the California School Boards Association in 2002 after completing a two-year program. She also earned her Governance Certificate from the Special Districts Board Management Institute’s two-year program. She retired in 2003 as a Health Care Administrator for the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services.

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Award Of Excellence Jan Perry

Jan Perry is the General Manager of the Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department (EWDD). Mayor Eric Garcetti appointed her as Interim General Manager in July 2013, named her to the permanent position in November 2013 and the City Council concurred on December 17, 2013. The EWDD was created in July 2013 with a goal to spur business activity that creates jobs and develops a strong tax base. Ms. Perry possesses the energy, enthusiasm and dedication and a record of accomplishments that will drive the department forward to meet that goal. As the former Los Angeles City Councilmember for the 9th District, which includes Bunker Hill, Little Tokyo, and South Los Angeles, she was a lightning rod for major changes in the district’s infrastructure. This resulted in quality job development and training, and the development of housing at all income levels. Over the past decade, Perry supported major redevelopment projects in Downtown Los Angeles that represented more than $15 billion in investment along with $40 million in City tax revenue, and the creation of more than 90,000 full-time jobs. From catalytic developments like LA Live to iconic developments like Our Lady of Angeles Cathedral to major public buildings like the new Police Administrative Building—Perry was at the forefront of ensuring that downtown moved forward to meet its potential as the economic engine for the entire region. Her record of success led Mayor Garcetti to appoint Ms. Perry for the new role of leading an economic development rebirth of Los Angeles. Perry, along with the Mayor, shares a passion for revitalizing neighborhoods and improving the quality of life for all Angelenos. Jan Perry, EWDD Interim General Manager Ms. Perry leads a department of approximately 175 individuals that includes an economic African Legacy Awards 2014 Brochure

development unit charged with brokering city loans, and bonds. On the workforce side, the Department oversees 18 WorkSource Centers that offer specialized training, resume development, a job bank and a number of career development services. Her success will build on the notion that economic development and employment stimulates growth in a city, a demand for better housing, goods and services and better schools, parks and solid neighborhoods. This is the type of community where businesses want to locate. It is the cycle of community improvement rather than community despair. Looking back on her accomplishments, Ms. Perry was all too familiar with the despair of the homeless Jan Perry, EWDD Interim General Manager because high poverty and Skid Row made up large swaths of her former Council District. As a Councilmember, she knew that tackling the challenges of homelessness was essential to creating a healthy city for everyone. A champion for the underserved, she successfully kept the city’s emergency shelter program open on a year-round basis and was a strong advocate for the development of affordable housing with supportive services for chronically homeless individuals, many who had been homeless for decades. The unwavering political will she exhibited on the issue of housing the homeless resulted in the development of more than 1,000 units of housing with support services on-site, and more were in the pipeline when she left office on June 30, 2013. Perry earned her bachelor’s degree from the USC School of Journalism, cum laude, and her master’s degree from USC in public administration.


Award Of Excellence Lancelot Imasuen

Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen is a Nigerian film director, screenwriter and film producer best known as one of the founding figures of Nollywood Cinema. In 2008 a Canadian documentary Nollywood Babylon co-directed by Ben Addelman and Samir Mallal, and produced by AM Pictures and the National Film Board of Canada in association with the Documentary Channel followed Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen while he was shooting his 157th film Bent Arrows. The documentary played in the Official Competition at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2009. Bent Arrows was released into the Nigerian home market in 2010. His films feature unexplored aspects of the African experience including tribalism, witchcraft, crime, poverty, religion, and folk beliefs. Lancelot Oduwa Imasuen has worked in the film industry since 1999 mainly as a film director and producer. He currently lives in Lagos. Imasuen is currently filming an epic movie titled “Invasion of 1879� which will make its feature premiere later this year.


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Rememberance – 10th Year Anniversary

Alhaji B.A Isa

Ten years, Dad and it still seems like yesterday. Thank you for living an exemplary life and leaving us a Legacy of Commitment, Dedication, Humility and Excellence. You remain in our hearts till we meet again -

Stella Isa Ejedawe, Charles Isa, Joy Isa, Jemi Ogunmowo and Sylvia Olaniyan. Also fondly remembered by all Grandchildren, Great-grandchildren and wife Mrs. Moriamo Isa"

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Posthumous Award to Mrs. Juanita St. John


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Posthumous Award to Mrs. Juanita St. John

JUANITA ST. JOHN As some of you are aware, I spent a great deal of my life in Africa. I remember vividly my first visit to Lusaka in 1979- particularly the caterpillars I ate at a luncheon, because I was sitting next to the President and there was no way I was not going to partake of them. He assured me of that! Africa has meant a great deal to me- from the first Peace Corps training program for Ethiopia in 1963 at UCLA, to being Director of all Los Angeles Sister Cities, as well as Director of the Mayor's Task Force on Africa. Since 1968, I have taken 37 trips to various countries in Africa, for long extended periods of time. I was fortunate to be chosen as an envoy for 9 African countries during the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, and to being appointed the Attache to Nigeria during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta where Nigeria won 2 gold medals and several silver. But the Lusaka Sister City has an important person to thank for its participation in so many events. Earnestine Wilson has been Chairman of that Sister City for some 25 years. I want to thank her for her consistent and persistent contribution to that organization. I also thank her for her assistance, as well as that of jacqueline Avant, on our large and successful "Treasures of Nigeria" exhibition held in Los Angeles in 1981, as well as all the various museums that displayed African artifacts throughout the city in our "Homage to Nigeria".

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Award Of Excellence H.E Haija Habiba Abubakar

Her Excellency, Hajia (Ambassador) Habiba Abubakar, FCIA. Her Excellency, Hajia (Ambassador) Habiba Abubaka is an icon whose passion to assist humanity with her philanthropic gesture flows naturally. To those who know her she is many things to many people: She is a woman of extraordinary character, an Ambassador, a philanthropist and humanitarian with a big heart. Her Excellency, Hajia (Ambassador) Habiba Abubakar has walked a life path of great variety. She is by any imaginable measure, one of the world’s compassionate philanthropist, an exceptional humanitarian with an unlimited passion to offer unconditional love and assistance to the downtrodden, disadvantaged, struggling working families and society underclass. Hajia Habiba Abubakar is a strong advocate for the elderly poor and the vulnerable in society. Her Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)- purposely set-up to cater to the needs of the elderly and the

with Her Excellency financial resources from her personal purse. This privately funded NGO,truly provides the much needed succor in the form of social security and act as the safety net for the elderly, the poor and the poor struggling families. Having lived in many countries across the continents, Her Excellency Hajia Ambassador Habiba Abubakar is a global citizen. A world class humanitarian that was recently honored as the United Nations Peace and Charity Ambassador. Thus granting her an honor reserved for those selected few that are truly deserving of such recognition and award. Hajia Abubakar was bestowed the honour by the Institute of Corporate Administration in appreciation of her gesture towards the less privileged in the society. The event held Saturday, May 17, 2014, in Abuja, Nigeria’s federal capital city. Being a distinguished Fellow of the reputable institute, no doubt, will further boost the intimidating resume of Ambassador Hajia Habiba Abubakar as she adds FCIA to it.

poor is a non-profit charity that is privately funded 22

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Award Of Excellence H.E Haija Habiba Abubakar

The Governing Council of Institute of Administration of Nigeria proudly certified Habiba Abubakar for the admiration, having satisfied the requirements to becoming a distinguished fellow of the Institute.

A charmingly beautiful, responsible and unassuming mother who had unconditionally adopted the less fortunate as part of her global family. Her Excellency, Hajia Ambassador

Habiba Abubakar, FCIA, is all of the above. The world is a better place today because of the contribution of Her Excellency and her life is an inspiration with the intertwined fates of beauty, humanity, selflessness, and a caring heart.

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