D. Child Nutrition 1. Brearley will continue to provide nutritious meals to students, with some changes for the upcoming year:
• All Brearley community members will maintain social distancing guidelines during meals. • I ndividual, disposable boxed lunches with individual utensils will be delivered by kitchen staff to each classroom.
• F ood will still be prepared in our kitchens, but instead of being served in the cafeteria, it
will be delivered to students in outdoor spaces (MS/US) and classrooms (LS). Lunch will be indoors for MS/US during inclement weather, and on these days students will eat 6’ apart and are not allowed to speak when they are not wearing their masks.
• Students will receive individually packed snacks. • B reakfast is available upon request for students who participate in the Early Arrival program and who would not otherwise receive breakfast at home.
• A dults who are not on lunch duty with students may eat lunch in their assigned office space or other spaces as identified by the administration.
• Keeping our students with allergies safe during mealtime is always of great importance. • K itchen staff are made aware of all food allergies and are provided with a list, by grade, of those students who have been diagnosed with food allergies.
• Careful attention to food labels and ingredients is emphasized. • A “no-sharing” and “no trading” of food policy will remain in effect and will be enforced by classroom teachers and proctors.
• All teachers and staff will receive training on recognizing and responding to anaphylaxis. • Epinephrine is kept in the classroom of students with known allergies. • A stock supply of epinephrine is located in the Division Offices and in the Security and Health Offices in the event of an emergency.
• Students will be given the opportunity to wash their hands before and after lunch. • Hand sanitizer is available in touchless dispensers in each classroom. • H and washing will be promoted by direct classroom instruction and by signage in the classroom and throughout the school building.