Reopening Plan 2021-2022

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• S ignage and infection control reminders will be posted in highly visible locations that promote protective measures and good hygiene practices such as properly washing hands, properly wearing face coverings and social distancing.

C. Facilities 1. Preparation of Buildings

• T he School has not had to make any structural or wall changes to accommodate our new set up. We meet all requirements in terms of fire code compliance, emergency drill procedures, inspections, plumbing and fixtures, tent permits, and ventilation requirements.

• C lassroom setups have been arranged to ensure that each student can be in school in-person and maintain 3’ physical distancing, while in classes and school activities.

• T ents will remain in 610/2nd floor playdeck and 590 playdeck on 12th floor, with the goal of

maximizing our outdoor spaces and using them as much as possible, including as classrooms. Time on the outdoor Pier space at 610 and the 590 playdeck will be prioritized for the music department (singing and wind instruments) and outdoor lunch and recess.

• D irectional arrows and floor indicators are in place, clearly marked safety and procedure signage is being prepared.

• B oth buildings will continue to be well ventilated and provide filtered air. In our 610 building,

windows will always remain open in classrooms and all spaces have been equipped with HEPA filter units. 590, our new building, employs a system that takes in outside air, filters it, delivers it to classrooms and exhausts it back outside and does not require open windows for adequate ventilation.

• C aspr UV units will remain in all restrooms. 2. Movement within Buildings

• M ovement of unvaccinated students in the buildings will be limited. Lower School students

will spend most of their days in a classroom with regular visits outside. They will attend their specials classes in their bespoke spaces. Students in Classes V and VI will spend most of their time away from other grade levels, although they will travel to other floors for various specials. When they are off their home floor, every attempt will be made to minimize their exposure to students from other grades.

• E ach faculty member will be assigned a seat in an existing or converted office space to work and eat lunch. At the beginning of the year, 6’ of distance will be maintained between adult seats and barriers will be installed between them.


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