1 minute read

Students ask for more food diversity, security


No student should go hungry.


This is the message of The Pantry, Jeremy Hawkins, the assistant director of the program, said. The Pantry is a resource for JMU students who face food insecurity or find nutritious food hard to access on campus.

While there are many dining options available for students, Hawkins said access to nutritious food is limited as students, especially those living on campus, mostly have access to the food at the dining halls that’s covered by their meal plans.

At the beginning of the fall semester, JMU Dining Services nixed several punch deals available on campus.

AUDIENCE EDITOR ALI MCCALEB thebreezesocials@gmail.com

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The Breeze, the student-run newspaper of James Madison University, serves student, faculty and staff readership by reporting news involving the campus and local community. The Breeze strives to be impartial and fair in its reporting and firmly believes in First Amendment rights.

Published on Thursday mornings, The Breeze is distributed throughout James Madison University and the local Harrisonburg community. Single copies of The Breeze are distributed free of charge. Additional copies are available for 50 cents by contacting our business office. Comments and complaints should be addressed to Charlotte Matherly, editor.

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