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Please keep your letters to no more than 200 words, this enables us to submit a number of letters for everyone to read. The comments and opinions on these pages do not reflect those of The Bribie Islander
Dear Editor, shared on your ‘Letters’ page Thank you for the new page with the current astronomical viewing details. Despite in Issue 125, October 23, 2020 regarding the Termination of Pregnancy bill. the light pollution, there I am a little disappointed are plenty of opportunities that the author didn’t ascribe to enjoy what the heavens a name to their offering as have in store for anyone who I wanted to offer up the bothers to look up when out feelings of overwhelming joy at night. I experienced to realise that If one learns what to look for at home, holiday trips can be a good opportunity to get out the binoculars and get lost in space. If you are getting to know Queensland, don’t just visit the tourist traps (though that is good for the economy). Camp in National Parks and make the most of the dark nights, the further west the better. we have such a generous benefactor in our midst. Indeed, everyone agrees that life is precious and if parentsto-be are in the position to welcome a child into their lives, happy days - but often that is not the case. The reasons that people choose to terminate a pregnancy are many and varied, but financial stressors, the ability to feed, clothe, educate and Then when you are allowed provide medical care for a to go overseas again, you can child only add to whatever promote Australia as a great life-events are happening place for starry skies - much at the point in time when better than the Northern someone has a confirmed Hemisphere. pregnancy and chooses to Hazel Beneke terminate. Dear Editor, Dear benefactor, you are obviously not one who just I, like many other Bribie bleats about the fact that Island residents, decided to ‘every sperm is sacred’ vote early to avoid crowding. (thanks Monty Python), but It was busy with the usual turns their back on the child how to vote pamphlets thrust once it is earth-side. To upon us. That was not a know that there is someone problem, what I really found in our community ready offensive was the Labor and waiting to provide their female helper making snide own resources to fund a remarks about the LNP as child (or 22,000) for the she handed out how to vote term of their dependence Labor. This type of behaviour is remarkable to encounter is not only uncalled for it in this day and age! Please unnecessary and lowers the don’t forget to publish your credibility of that particular name and contact details group. so that all of the expectant SAS Banksia Beach mothers, who may have only had termination as a choice, Dear Editor can come to your door for Never before have I been so compelled to respond to an article of correspondence assistance (phone or email might be handy in case the sheer numbers of them cause a problem in your street). 72 www.thebribieislander.com.au The Bribie Islander After all, you just wanted to rant anonymously didn’t you, not have to actually ‘do’ anything? And by-the-by, you told a couple of little porkies in your letter, the most heinous being that the Labor State Government “made it legal the killing (sic) of unborn children up to and including the day of birth”. The legislation provides that a woman may procure an abortion in the first 22 weeks of pregnancy without penalty, after 22 weeks is at the discretion of a medical professional – if the mother’s life is deemed to be in danger. But we don’t let the truth get in the way of a good porky, do we? Additionally, the State Government does NOT ‘sanction or encourage the killing of unborn children’, it merely provides a woman with the right to choose what to do with HER OWN BODY. K. Lucas