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Sports Pages
Friday 18th February Winners. Steve Morgan, Carol Oates R/U. Ken Wales, Kelvin Mathers, Lyn Southall Tuesday 22nd February Winners Brenda Hutchinson, Doreen O’Halloran R/U Errol Fender, Neil Wagstaff Bonus winners Sandra Scott, Bob Vonarx, Richard Medjurst, Mike O’Reilly Friday 25th February No play because of rain Tuesday 1st March Results for Tuesday 1st March 2022 Winners Diana Stowers, Ian Gillies Runners up Col Erhardt, Tim Carlton Bonus Draw Not won Winner of the Shopper Docket Sandi Hodges Congratulation to the A Grade Ladies Champion ELLEN CORRICK pictured with the runner up MARILYN WESTON
Sat Feb 19th Scroungers 1st John Bob Edwards, 2nd Eric Stavely, 3rd Peter Thatcher, 4th Mike Roberts Sat Social Winners Glenn Merrin, Ant Gordon, Rachel Mills Runners Up Trevor Richardson, Jimmy Parker Wed 4's March 2nd Winners Gordon Pitts, Ray Black, Ray Horne Runners Up Ian Virgen, Ant Gordon, Trevor Mickelborough
Kathy Vincent
The Bribie Island Croquet Club recently held its Annual General Meeting. Well not in the Clubhouse due to Covid restrictions, but outside under the trees. The weather was kind, and a new committee was elected. Jan Rees was elected to be President taking over from Dick Byres who had been president for 8 very successful years –Difficult shoes to fill, but Jan is the person to do just that. Dick has done an amazing job over that time to develop Bribie Croquet Club into one of the best in Queensland. New sheds, new equipment, coaching members to be the best they can. He has been heavily involved with the Sunshine Coast Region Croquet committee and the Croquet Association of Queensland. He obtained grants which helped to develop such things as a fifth croquet court. Brooke Savage and Terry Young have also been very supportive of the club and Dick thanked them for their help over the years. To thank Dick on behalf of the club he was presented with a collage of photographs representing some of his achievements and an engraved glass plaque. After the presentation club members enjoyed drinks and finger food beautifully prepared by two of our members. So, who are the new committee you may ask? Jan Rees - President Maggie Lawson – Vice president, Lyn Beh – Treasurer, Joan Gleeson – Secretary, Gwen Connelly, Ian McCasker, Sue Green general members. We look forward to a new year with a new committee and great things to come. Why not come along and have a go it is such fun. Call the clubhouse on 3408 6411 Just leave a message if there is no reply.
Federal Member for Longman DELIVERING FOR BRIBIE
Safer roads/crossings Environment protections School upgrades Sport facilities Local parks Support for local volunteers
Bowls Results – Week Ending 12/2/22
Tuesday 8th - Club Select Triples – Winners: K Wright, L Neilsen, K Reithmuller. Runners up: J Watson, V Fredericks, R Zahl. Wednesday 9th – Self Select Jackpot Pairs – Winners: P Neilsen, G McCarthy. 2nd place: P Samuelson, D Hill. 3rd place: T Paekau, H Taylor. Jackpot - $398 – Not Won. Thursday 10th – Self Select Jackpot Triples – Winners: K Zipf, R Griffin, J Farmer. Runners Up: B Stafford, V Fredericks, P Payne. 3rd place: S Lupi, R Stuart, R Harris. Jackpot: Not Won. Friday 11th – Self Select Pairs – Winners: J Robbins, B Hill. Runners up: S Bond, K Perkins. 1st Round Winners: M Wilson, G Hubbard. 2nd Round Winners: T O’Neill T Bell. Saturday 12th – Club Select Triples – Winners: B Cameron, T Fairman, R Harris. Runners Up: S Jeffrey, C Cummins, R McLeod.
Bowls Results – Week Ending 19/2/22
Tuesday 15th - Club Select Triples – Winners: J Harris, M Matheson, A Ager. Runners up: K Wright, D Heilig, A Matheson. Wednesday 16th – Self Select Jackpot Pairs – Winners T Curtis, B Curtis. 2nd Place: M McKenzie, M Wendt. 3rd Place: A Hennessey, R Bentley. Jackpot – $480 – Won. – B Newell, R Stumbles. Thursday 17th – Self Select Jackpot Triples – Winners: P
17 February to 2 March 2022
17/2/22 – Single Stroke and Peter Sedgman Finals Div 1 Winner: Myra Thomsen 71, R/U Kris Tomalin 73 c/b, 2nd R/U Gwen Clutterbuck 73 Div 2 Winner: Mary Carruthers 76 c/b, R/U Lyn Beaven 76 c/b, 2nd R/U Gay Burnham 76 Div 3 Winner: Carol McAlister 76 c/b, R/U Jennifer Stafford 76, 2nd R/U Jennifer McKay 77 NTP: Hole 4 Di Benghamy, Hole 7 Sonia Ferrante, Hole 14 (Top Shot) Gwen Clutterbuck, Hole 16 Myra Thomsen, Hole 4 Div 3 2nd Shot Sonia Ferrante The Peter Sedgman Trophy and Consolation Plate commenced on Tuesday 8 February with a qualifying stroke round. The top 8 qualifiers to compete in Handicap Match Play for the Trophy and the next 8 qualifiers to compete for the Plate. The quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals were hard fought over the following Thursday 10, Tuesday 15 and Thursday 17 February. The Winner of the Peter Sedgman Trophy is Sylvia White from Kate Wilson and the winner of the Peter Sedgman Consolation Plate is Val Miller from Abby Driver. Congratulations to all the qualifiers and for the great sporting attitude towards participating in Match Play. Peter Sedgman Trophy. Peter Sedgman Consolation Plate Kate Wilson R/U Silvia White WinnerAbby Driver R/U Val Smith Winner
22/2/22 – American Foursomes
Winners: Abby Driver & Gwen Clutterbuck 71.375, R/U Jo Malone & Desley Neilson 72.75, 2nd R/U Linda Urquhart & Laura Meijer 73.125 NTP: Hole 4 Diane Fitzpatrick, Hole 7 (Top Shot) Jude Dorhauer, Hole 14 Kris Tomalin, Hole 16 Linda Urquhart
24/2/22 Single Stableford
Winner: Ailsa Lauchlan 35, Rita de Bondt 33 c/b NTP: Hole 4 Gwen Clutterbuck, Anderson, G Sorensen, Todd. Runners Up: T McCormick, J Gill, Williams 3rd Place: Hillen, C Dann, J Dann. Jackpot: $340 - Not Won. Friday 18th – Self Select Pairs – Winners: C Jenkins, P Hodgson. Runners up: Avenell, P Ollier. 1st Round Winners: B Jackson, Flanagan. 2nd Round Winners: V Dean, G Caplick. Saturday 19th – Club Select Triples – Winners: P Carter, M O’Keefe, R Harris. Runners Up: S Jeffrey, B Cook, T Parker Congratulations to both teams in our 2022 Ladies Fours Club Championship. L to R - Winners: Judy Pursehouse, Terri Curtis, Cheryl Dann, Deb Hill. Runners up: Pam Payne, Valda Fredericks, Betty Rudd, Bev Stafford.
Hole 7 Rita de Bondt, Hole 14 (Top Shot) Mary Barbeler, Hole 16 Gwen Clutterbuck On Thursday 24 February 23 brave (or quite silly) women went out to play in the rain. 15 of those players managed to complete 18 holes. Since then, as we all know, there has been an unprecedented rain event. Now the course is closed for at least the rest of this week. Here are some photos of our 16th and 17th “fairways”. On Sunday 27 February, another event, which was all the District Committee’s Day, to be held at Murgon, was also called off, but has now been rescheduled for Sunday 21 March. Hopefully by then all our District Golf Courses should be up and running again.