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Letters To The Editor
Dear Editor, On Monday June 13, a wallaby jumped in front of my car, causing damage to it and leaving me a bit stunned for a while. A young man, who identified himself as Jason, very kindly stopped to check on me, check the wallaby, remove it from the road and even gave me a comforting hug, before going on his way. Thankfully, the wallaby died quickly and did not suffer unnecessarily. I'd like to send out a thank you to him in acknowledgment for his care and concern. It was greatly appreciated.
Peta Robinson, Banksia Beach
"A rate rise for Moreton Bay homeowners of 5.6%. - No wonder if one considers money spent, on wildlife crossings for animals that can’t read, as useless – Traffic lights being installed adjacent to Woolworth’s shopping centre causing traffic chaos when, in my observation, the crossing is little used and only needed the safety zone in the middle. Then there were the unbelievable months spent on the pedestrian tunnel at the end of the bridge. In these difficult times and with a very uncertain future, individuals are having to seriously watch their expenditure and it’s even more important that authorities do the same. A contributing problem is that if departments don’t spend their budget, I believe that budget is reduced the following year – no thought of rolling over any savings. This gets me every time we go south on the highway, the electronic speed signs! I don’t know what that lot cost – and there are about 50, in the south lane around the North Lakes area. We all know what the speed limits are, and we can go no faster than the traffic in front of us so, to me, a total waste of money but hey! It’s somebody else’s money, yes – ours! I know this is not to do with MBC, but it is another example of, in my opinion, unnecessary expenditure. Finally, if there are spare funds, what about consideration being given to safe access and particularly, exit, from Aldi in Goodwin Drive – a necessity, I believe and amazing that there have not been any fatalities, yet, to my knowledge – and the situation is only going to get worse – a 50 k limit from the shopping centre to Kangaroo Cres. might be a start? – but it needs more than that, methinks." Ruggles
Dear Editorial Team Congratulations on taking the very tough decision to ask for Subscriptions to the Bribie Islander. This will support your endeavours to remain unbiased, maintain a very Diverse, Equal, and Inclusive publication for the community delivering informative journalism, stories of interest while maintaining you to print, publish, distribute news and community information as a service to the community.
I applaud Michael Matthews letter to the Editor in the last issue of the Bribie Islander, what a great critique of writers for the Bribie Islander. I love the magazine as do friends here, nationally, and internationally. We are all responsible to tell the story as it is and never ignore facts. We must never ignore the atrocities dealt to our First Nations People by the invaders nor glorify them as appears in Barry’ article. Elaine Lutton’s article in this same issue gave credit to WHO in the Eradication Polio. Yet the GPEI (Global Polio Eradication Initiative) is made up of Global partners, WHO, Rotary International, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and UNICEF. Rotarians around the world have raised millions of dollars in contributions. For every US dollar raised by Rotary the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donate 2USD. Bill Peacock OAM
Polio Chair District 9560 Passport Club D9560 President.