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Beauty Is Within You!
Every era has its own perceptions about what is beautiful, the 17th century’s standards differed from today’s. Women avoided the sun, wanting to keep their skin pale and stay unmuscular, which showed status and wealth; a tanned or muscular body was seen more in the peasant.
Women during this time were considered beautiful if their face was more rounded, with high foreheads and a slight double chin, and their bodies were more on the plump side. Whether in the forefront of our thoughts or not, we are all aware of the impacts of society’s influence on what we ideally should look like. Society creates these messages, that to be “beautiful” we must look a particular way. These messages are difficult to escape. We internalise these messages, wondering if we are good enough. It can leave one feeling inadequate, causing shame and poor self-worth, and it can make us feel that we simply aren’t measuring up!
We put demands on ourselves by creating false illusions that if we are not ideal, we are simply not beautiful. Whilst women are free to be themselves with the way they look, they still go to severe lengths in Western culture, often enduring a lot of pain mentally, emotionally, financially and physically, to achieve what they perceive as “beautiful”.
We judge ourselves objectively, by other people’s standards, particularly the male species, mainly for the purposes of procreation and pairing. Whilst time is constantly changing and we are more accepting, the desire to be attractive and youthful remains the same.
Shouldn’t we love and accept ourselves in our every state???
When are we, as women, going to start really loving and embracing who we are??? Accept that we all have both positive and negative traits, and it is not to shun them but to embrace and celebrate all of ourselves and all that we are, to be our authentic true selves and to love that.
You see, to really embrace your beauty and feel beautiful, you have to work on the inside first. All of this reflects in the person’s confidence and happiness to be in their own skin.
As a therapist, I look at the person as a whole, encompassing the mind, body and spirit, not just one aspect of a person. I assist in working with an individual from the inside out, helping them to welcome what they have and who they are, assisting them to love and accept themselves and their perspective on life.
Time to acknowledge all the aspects of yourself and see your beauty. Need help? Reach out and let’s have a chat. I can be contacted on 0405 361 882 or on Facebook: MariaChristina.Love

Always with love, Maria Christina x