3 minute read
Yogic Way of Life
Hi, I hope everyone is happy and healthy. Today I am going to talk about the yogic way of life for those who are interested. As discussed in previous columns yoga can be a complete way of life and not just exercise.
Yoga ethics are based on the eight limbs of yoga.
1.Yamas -Do unto others as you would have them do to you.
2.Niyamas-self-discipline and spiritual observances.

3.Asanas-physical poses and movement.
4.Pranayama-breathing practise
5. Pratyahara-withdrawing our senses
6. Dharana -concentration
7. Dhyana- meditation the mind is still.
8. Samadhi is the state of ecstasy resonating with all living things.

These eight limbs are all broken down into easy steps as a way to guide our lives and decrease our suffering. Today's way
Twisted Willow Yoga
of life sadly does not help with suffering and a lot of it increases the suffering we endure. The need for constant social media and the accumulation of objects and wealth only further our suffering and make it hard to live a joyful life.
The yogic way is no magic cure and takes effort and resolve to try and live to these standards but the benefits far out way the effort. We can all only do our best and starting with kindness to each other and unconditional love for all and our planet is a great way to start. To be able to move freely, breathe deeply, stress less and want for less in my experience has helped me to lead a much calmer and happier life.
As always sending you all love and light and wishing you a happy day.
Namaste, Karyn
Wake up feeling Amazing, with Pretty Lashes, without the aid of Mascara, Lash Curlers or Lash Extensions!
• It is the ideal way to enhance the natural beauty of eyelashes in a painless, safe, and non-invasive way. This high-quality lash lift solution works by boosting and lifting each individual lash to its full natural potential, combined with tinting the upper lashes to give the illusion of thickness; it gives your eyelashes the perfect curl and lift, and an “open eye” look. Your eyes will look brighter, youthful, and glamorous with this lash lift treatment with no need for fake eyelashes or traditional lash extensions (which can be potentially harmful to the natural lash, and with expensive maintenance).
• Why does the YUMI™ Keratin Lash Lift differ from an ordinary Lash Lift? Our hero ingredient – Keratin - Inside YUMI™ products, is where science meets beauty. Keratin is a naturally occurring protein present in our hair, nails, and eyelashes. However, our lashes gradually lose Keratin due to exposure to sunlight, chemicals in cosmetics, and pollutants. Lashes also become weaker and more prone to fallout as we age. With the YUMI™ Keratin
Lash Lift we replenish your lashes with Keratin in order to strengthen them, keeping them healthy, strong and shiny.
• Additionally, applying a Lash Serum to your eyelashes will help keep your eyelashes strong, soft, and healthymaking the lash curl last even longer. Either the Yumi™ Keratin Nourishing Serum or Yumi™ Biotin Serum (which gently stimulates the growth of lashes) is recommended, and is available to purchase at appointment.
• The treatment is very relaxing, which lasts up to an hour and a half, and Vanessa aims for an all round Zen experience with gentle music and lovely setting. Clients have likened it to a therapy experience, where they can come and switch off and just relax for a while, while the magic is being achieved. The YUMI™ Keratin Lash Lift - also includes an Upper Lash Tint and Keratin Nourishing TreatmentAll Just for $99 !
Follow on Instagram, Facebook and check out the Website for gallery of pictures and more info
Vanessa Taylor
M: 0412 273 530
Facebook: Forever Vee
Instagram: @vanessa.taylor. forever.vee
Website: ForeverVee.com
• Vanessa is a local resident to Bribie Island, with a love for Health, Lifestyle, Community and Wealth.
• Her Lash Lift and Beauty studio is based in Banksia Beach
• Bookings are available by prior appointment throughout the week (evenings and weekend by special request)
• Support Local especially Small Businesses!

Keratin Lash Lift
Is a lash-boosting treatment giving your natural lashes length, height, volume and shape, as well as a tint to make them look bolder and more defined. Enhanced with Keratin. Naturally complimenting your eyes in the most powerful way