1 minute read
and micro elements tomatoes need for strong robust growth.
• Alternate feeding with liquid nutrients like vermicompost (worm casting) tea and liquid seaweed to provide trace elements.
• Maintain a thick layer of mulch to hold moisture in.
Tomato Pollination
Tomato flowers are hermaphrodites. Biologically, they have both male and female reproductive organs in the one flower. So, they are ‘self-fertile’ or self-pollinating. You may be wondering ‘why do we need bees then?’ Studies clearly show that tomatoes pollinated by insects result in bigger fruit and greater harvests. It’s a no-brainer. The most effective insects are buzz pollinators. These native solitary bees vibrate or shake the pollen into the flower. So, while they gather their food, they’re fertilising! Some bees, including Blue Banded Bees and Bumblebees use a technique called buzz pollination or sonication. Vibrating their wings releases pollen which is more or less firmly held by the anthers in the flower. They are fast and efficient. Attracting these bees to your garden is one way to ensure a better harvest.
With Anne Gibson themicrogardener.com