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The Art of Successful Relating
Whether we are talking about a friendship, relationships with family, a co-worker, or a more intimate relationship, it is still the act of relating to another, so how can we make these relationships more successful?
A crucial factor is “Communication.” In a world where we have auto-spell and pre-empted texts, do we even know how to communicate anymore? These may seem like some common-sense ideas, to follow, though are we really putting into place these tools effectively?
Listening: This involves really hearing what the person is saying, feeling them. Listen uninterrupted and relay back what you have understood was being said. This makes the person feel heard, that you care and you are present for them. It makes a person feel safe and more open to open up about other issues. Keep it to the point: Keep dialogue short and simple, this makes it easier to listen and digest what is being said.
Tone: Face the person and speak clearly in a slow, calm manner, it makes people feel more at ease and receptive.
Be an observer: It is okay when things are light and fun, though what happens when you speak to someone about things that may not be going so well, people can get defensive. When we hear what a person is saying, remember this is how they feel about the situation, not you personally.
This makes it easier to find resolve and helps dissipate the sensation of feeling accused. Respect: We will not always agree with what is being said, though we should understand that everyone is entitled to have their own perspective on things. It is okay to have differences of opinion; both parties should allow the other person to be themselves and have their own beliefs.
Body language: The unspoken word is sometimes even more powerful than the spoken word. If you are listening, observe the body language, be open and relaxed, smile or nod when appropriate, this sends signals that you are listening and interested.
Honesty: Speak your truth. There are times when it may be difficult to express yourself, this may be because of fear of hurting someone else or fear of what others may think of you, though honestly is really the best policy. Often you will find, it was not that big of a deal relaying the truth and you will feel lighter and better for it.
Forgive: We all make mistakes, and learning to let go of wrongdoings helps you keep communication open.
If you want to improve your relationships, I offer one-on-one, couple and group coaching. Reach out and give me a call on 0405 361 882 OR FB: MariaChristina.Love
Always with love, Maria Christina x