2 minute read
There is a Need, There is a Lion”.
Bribie Island Medical Centre
15/19 Benabrow Avenue
Bellaar QLD 4507
Phone: (07) 3408 1288
Fax: (07) 3408 1100 bribieislandmedical.com.au
Dr Mike Esmailzadeh has joined the team here at Bribie Island Medical Centre. Dr Mike will be available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. He is also taking on new patients.
Dr Mike, who graduated in 1996, has many years’ experience in General Practice as well as teaching, He has commenced his practice in Australia in 2019.
Dr Mike is a driven GP who enjoys all aspect of General practice and has an appreciation for the complexities of Chronic Conditions Management such as Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, Asthma and COPD as well as Mental Health.
Areas of interest:
4 Chronic disease management; Diabetes, IHD, Asthma, COPD, CKD.
4 Weight Management
4 Men’s health
4 Mental Health
4 Dermatology
4 Family Medicine
4 Minor Surgeries
Patients Welcome
The Lions Club have recently begun a soup project in collaboration with Community Impact Association Inc. whereby they make, package and freeze homemade soup for community members in need of sustenance.

The hard-working members of Community Impact Association Inc. distribute the soups to families in need.
It is a popular belief in our community that they only cook sausages, but the Lions Clubs are much, much more than that.
There is a saying that “Where There is a Need, There is a Lion”. The Lions Clubs serve our community in many different ways on a daily basis.
Here are just a few you may not know about!
• The Lions Youth of The Year Project for secondary school students to further their development in public speaking.
• The Peace Poster Competition, also designed for our primary school students.
• Annual Hearing Tests for preschoolers and 1st graders, which has proven to be a very successful program for identifying problems at a very young age.
• The Children of Courage Award is a fantastic program that recognizes the achievements of young children who are faced with special circumstances in their lives.
• The annual Seniors Christmas Luncheon, along with entertainment, has become a very special event for seniors on Bribie Island.
• Conduct the annual Camp Quality Picnic Day in November to raise awareness of children living with Cancer.
Our fundraising comprises many different activities.
• Our markets are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at Tintookie Park Woorim,
• BBQ for Melsa Park trains 3rd Sunday monthly
• BBQ for all term school functions
• A recycling project.
• Maintenance and upkeep of the Memorial Gardens Woorim including conducting Interments.
• The famous Lions Christmas cakes and puddings
• Community raffles,
• Bus Shelter Advertising and hire of our community hall.
Volunteering is critical to keeping our communities well and functioning and for 75 years, Lions have been supporting communities across Australia.
All monies raised within our community are distributed back within our community.
Preparing to make soup in our hall facility.