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Writers Writers CORNER A Guide to Self-editing Your Manuscript (Draft)
By Graeme Goldsmith
Ahh, the satisfaction of finally completing the treasured manuscript you’ve been writing for so long. Be it a lengthy novel or a short story, you want it to be perfect in the eyes of your reader. One of the pivotal steps toward achieving this is to perform a self-edit, or selfcritique.
The plot, or storyline is your very own creation. If you’re happy with what you’ve conceived and created, relish it. It’s unique to you.
Some authors find taking a break from their writing imparts a fresh perspective to their work—to then be able to view their masterpiece through the eyes of a reader. When you feel ready to tackle your initial edit, you may find the following checklist helpful: Does your story’s opening grab the reader? Have you provided that crucial degree of an irresistible hook—the carrot that motivates your reader to keep turning those pages? Have you developed your characters sufficiently? Are they believable? If they appear shallow, add depth to their persona—bring them to life. Endow them with complexity, animate them with quirkiness, plague them with flaws. Most
ART PRIZE Early Bird entrants deadline looms June 18
Thanks to the amazing sponsors as featured here and $50 for non-Members, with a maximum of two artworks each. Gala Opening night for the event in the Matthew Flinders Gallery is Friday July 14, with the exhibition running until Aug 4. importantly, get them into conflict.
Artists , note the EARLY BIRD deadline is June 18, to save $5 per entry.
The ordinary deadline for entries is June 25.
There’s an extra prize in the Matthew Flinders Art Prize this year – the Hanging Team prize ( aka Packing Room prize) slugged “The Matty’’. .
Now in its 25th year, this gala event remains an open prize exhibition, with no set categories. Artists may create in any media (except video).
All details are on the entry form which can be downloaded from the Bribie Island Community Arts Centre’s website https://www. bribieartscentre.com.au/mfapentry-2023 or collected at the Arts Centre 191 Sunderland Drive Banksia Beach, Tuesday to Saturday 9am –4pm and Sundays 9am – 1pm. Phone 07 3408 9288.

The first prize is $5000, second prize is $2000. There are two Highly Commended prizes of $500, a $500 People’s Choice prize and a $500 BICAS Members prize.
Organising committee chairman Stephanie White flagged daily artist demonstrations at the Centre during the exhibition to create a vibrant interactive ambience. Some of these would be past MFAP prize winners.
Have you overused description?
Over-describing removes the reader from your all-important characters. If you do have a penchant for ample description, then ensure it moves the story forward.
Keep the focus on your characters. Avoid cutting them off with your own ‘author voice.’ Let your characters drive the plot: with their actions, dialogue, and their innermost thoughts.
Check for unproductive filler words: ‘that’ ‘like’ ‘just’ ‘really’ ‘very’ ‘then’ ‘it.’ Overuse of these words detract value from your story.
Check for overuse of character names too. Or too many he’s and she’s. Listen to everyday conversation. You won’t hear people constantly repeating the name of the person they’re talking to.
Watch for the repeated use of certain words. One of the best ways to guard against repetition, and to get a feel for your work, is to read your story out loud. Better still, have a friend read your manuscript to you.
Print your manuscript. Many writers find it easier to spot mistakes and get a feel for the story when reading it on paper, versus a computer screen. (You can be ecoconscious by printing doublesided.)
During your final read, you may find things you want to change—parts that don’t resonate with your original plan for the plot.
Once you’re fully confident your manuscript is the best it can be, you may wish to consider a professional editor.
After your mammoth effort, you’ll want your work to be the indisputable best.
I’m proud to be an Australian author who loves portraying our country’s unique settings in my writing. Check out my Australian fiction under ‘Graeme Goldsmith’ on Amazon Kindle Australia.
Delivery of works to the Arts Centre is July 4 – 8, 9am – 12pm, The entry fee is $40 per piece (BICAS members)
The Matthew Flinders Art Gallery and the art prize named after it, is a welcome gathering point and focus for local and visiting artists from around the region and interstate. It is produced, marketed, judged and largely run by dedicated volunteers. Stephanie said the event also relied heavily for it success on the generosity of local sponsors

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