Pulse | October 2013

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WEEKLY SCHEDULE Traditional Worship Experience Sundays at 8:15AM

This experience offers a variety of hymns and sacred songs.

Modern Worship Experience Sundays at 9:30AM

This experience has a more laid back atmosphere & guitar driven worship.

Blended Worship Experience Sundays at 10:45AM

This experience includes upbeat worship with a choir and orchestra.

Hispanic Worship Experience Sundays at 10:45AM

Go to the “Get Connected� section for more info.

This experience takes place out at The Connection and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia . Children and Youth can take part in what is happening on our main campus.

PM Worship Experience Sundays at 6:30PM

During this experience we come together as a whole to worship.

Wed. Traditional Worship Experience Wednesdays at 7:15PM

This experience offers a variety of hymns and messages from Kenneth McGee.

Drive Worship Experience Wednesdays at 7:30PM

This experience has a more laid back atmosphere & messages from Rob McClure.

Wed. Hispanic Worship Experience Wednesdays at 10:45AM

This experience takes place out at The Connection and includes Spanish Worship and a message in Spanish from Pastor Kenny Garcia . Children and Youth can take part in what is happening on our main campus.

Our trained nursery staff is available during all worship experiences. For a full list of other opportunities please check out the Get Connected section of Pulse.

commitment to support the men and

basis. It will be an incredible week, so

women who have dedicated their lives to

make plans for you and your family to

taking the Gospel everywhere. In 2012,


because of your faithfulness, we were able to give over $900,000 in support to

I love being your Pastor,

more than 70 individual missionaries as

Jim McNabb

well as missions projects all throughout the world! Missions is not only something that we Well, it’s no secret; the fall season

take seriously here at The Bridge, but

is here! This of course is good news,

it’s also something that we recognize

because it means that the weather will

as being a central part of our church’s

finally cool down, football season is

DNA. That said, I want to make sure that

upon us, and it marks the time for our

you don’t miss a minute of this year’s

church’s annual Mission’s Emphasis

Missions Emphasis week, held October

week! Every year around this time, we

6th-13th. Sunday and Wednesday night

make it a point at The Bridge to celebrate

services will be full of opportunities

the church’s continued support of

for you to be challenged spiritually by

missionaries both worldwide and here

our missionary guests and experience

in our very own backyard. Additionally,

first hand the variety of cultures our

it’s a time when we are able to renew our

missionaries are a part of on a daily



Here are some things that we think are imperative to your journey here, as you explore what The Bridge has to offer you and your family.

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Need information? You can find it all in this magazine, on our website, or through our mobile app “MyBridge.” You can get details on all upcoming events, sign up for classes, and much more! Stop by Fresh Start after the service. Here you will find someone from our staff who would like to meet you and answer any questions you may have about our church. In a large church, the key to making friends and having community is joining a small group. We know you’re busy, so we offer small groups on Sundays at 9:30 and 10:45AM to make the most of your time here. We feel our students and kids experiences are some of the best around, so make sure your kids don’t miss out on the amazing things we have going on for them.

OCTOBER 6 AM / Norm Edwards Missionary to Eurasia PM / Tour of the World Missions Dinner OCTOBER 9 TRADITIONAL / Garo Nargiz Missionary to Brazil DRIVE / Bill Hicks Missionary to China OCTOBER 13 AM / Dean Galyen Missionary to Africa PM / Chet Caudill National STL Director

Blake & Katy Edgemon with the vehicle The Bridge supplied for them through Speed The Light.




grew up at The Bridge Assembly of God

the people of The Bridge Assembly of God give to missions

where my heart was constantly inspired and

through the church.

challenged by the passion our church has for missions. It was my upbringing at The Bridge

Through all that extraordinary generosity, I can tell you

that led me to fulfill God’s call on my life as a missionary. Katy

the greatest blessings we’ve received from The Bridge are

and I have been in Dublin, Ireland planting a college ministry

relationships. Knowing that we can celebrate and mourn

for 18 months and often find ourselves thinking of our home

with the same people who give and pray makes the physical

church and the amazing people who support us through

blessings exponentially more meaningful.

prayer and financial giving. I can relate to Paul’s feelings towards the church in Philippi We’ve been blessed with consistent monthly financial gifts,

when he writes, “I thank my God every time I remember you.

delivery of Bibles, missions teams sent to Ireland, and even a

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because

brand new Speed the Light vehicle! We’ve been able to secure

of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until

an apartment in an extremely accessible locality for students.

now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work

We’ve had opportunities to give students lifts around the city.

in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ

We’ve been able to give Bibles to non-Christian students as

Jesus.” (Philippians 1:3-6) It’s obvious that Paul had a close

well as resources to Christian students, and all of this because

relationship with the believers in Philippi. Only together

could Paul and the church in Philippi fulfill the mission God called them to accomplish. In the midst of all their gifts of sending finances, prayers and even people, the overwhelming gratitude we see from Paul is for their friendship. I believe this is a Biblical view of what the relationship between the local church and the missionary should look like. God’s plan for the redemption of the human race is the local church. Their hands reaching out through missionary efforts will allow them to complete the task that was given in the first moments of the Christian church’s existence. “… you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) In the very DNA of the local church, Jesus himself implanted a global priority for the Gospel.

very challenging statement by Dr. Alan Hirsch. In his article called “Defining says,



understanding of missional begins with recovering a missionary understanding of God. By His very nature God is a sent one who takes the initiative to redeem his creation. This doctrine, known as missio Dei - the sending of God - is causing many to redefine their understanding of the church. Because we are the ‘sent’ people of God, the church is the instrument of God’s mission in the world. As things stand, many people see it the other way around. They believe mission is an instrument of the church, a means by which the church is grown. Although we frequently say, ‘the church has a mission,’ according to missional theology, a more correct statement would be, ‘the mission has a church.’ (Alan Hirsch - 12/12/2008)

As the body of Christ, we make up the church. We are the church. Each and every individual believer is called to “go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19) The global call to spread the Gospel is not one for the missionary or the professional pastor. The Great Commission is a command given to each and every believer. Obviously, each person can’t go to every location on earth individually. As the body of Christ, we each play a particular role in this greater mission. As we were preparing to come to Ireland, I had an opportunity to lead worship at an Oklahoma Assemblies of God youth camp. Throughout the week, we were able to speak with students about missions and our ministry in Ireland.

I will go one step further and share a

Missional,” Hirsch


Throughout the week student after student chose to give of what they had to invest in our ministry. Of the many gifts we received that week, one stood out among the rest. A young boy found me after the final service. I could tell by his red and puffy eyes that he had been crying. I shook his hand, and without a word he reached for his wallet. He pulled out every remaining dollar in

profound: God doesn’t want our money, He is simply asking for obedience. He has emphatically commanded us to go, to give, and to pray. When we do these things from an attitude of obedience, they don’t feel like sacrifice. Suddenly it’s not a sacrifice to give up a few days on our vacation in order to give a little more for missions. It’s not painful to lose a few channels on the TV to give a little bit more. When we have a heart and attitude determined to obey the Lord, it becomes a joy and privilege to participate in the mission of God. Our role in the mission of God is with university students in Dublin, Ireland. Our obedience led us to leave family, friends, and familiarity to go and make disciples. Even though we are called to go, we also feel convicted to give and to pray. For that reason, Katy and I give to missions through our church here in Dublin, Ireland. When we give and when we pray unified as a local church, we are participating in the greatest mission on earth. We are a part of something bigger than ourselves. We can participate in accomplishing something we could never do on our own. Missions is not just a responsibility, it is an honor.

his little Velcro billfold. As he handed me $11.25, I shared my appreciation. Still not speaking a single word he turned and walked back to his room. I’ll never know who that boy was, where he was from, or why he chose to give me that cash, but I do know that he gave me the greatest offering I have ever received. To say that I was humbled would be an understatement. I had never been so humbled in my life. That young man realized something very

by Blake Edgmon


e all have those moments growing up

Have you been attending The Bridge for a while, and are looking for the Go to next the “Get section for more info. step?Connected” Maybe its time for you to become a member of The Bridge. So what does that mean? Membership at The Bridge involves serving, giving and participating in Biblical community. In our membership class, you’ll learn the vision and values of The Bridge. At the end of the class you’ll have an opportunity to become a member of The Bridge. Membership Class is designed for 16 year olds and up. Sign up online, through our mobile app, or at one of the information center kiosks out in the lobby. This class is a requirement for membership. thebridgeag.org/membership


that we can’t live down. You know what I’m talking about. The memories that not only live on in your own mind but seem to be fresh in the minds of your

friends and family as well. The best, at least according to everyone but yourself, are the ones that you wish you could bury in the deepest, darkest recesses of your brain and never have brought up again. Unfortunately, I have more than my fair share of these moments haunting my memories. If you are reading this and thinking “what is she talking about?” that is probably because I have lived enough embarrassing moments for myself, you and the person next to you as well. That’s right...I’m that girl. When I show up to game night with my girlfriends in my pajamas they are all dressed up and looking cute. Far too often my mouth works faster than my brain, and I know I’m asking a silly question the moment it comes out of my mouth, one second too late, just in time to hear everyone around me laughing. Oh, and how could I forget the time I sneezed, whipped my head too far forward (and far too violently) hitting my forehead on the kitchen counter. Yep, it happened. I had a huge goose egg for hours. My parents still think it’s funny to tell that story at every holiday and to pretty much anyone willing to listen. There is one moment from my childhood, in particular, that I look back on with a deep sigh and blushing cheeks. This moment serves as a lesson to me as an adult. I was in elementary school. I don’t remember

As a little girl I was mortified that my friends and classmates were so confused by my costume. I was just as confused that they WOULDN’T know who I was as they were about who I was dressed as. That Halloween, so many years ago, I went to school dressed as Queen Esther from the Bible. I just knew that everyone would be impressed with my choice and wish they had thought of it



first. Instead, I spent my entire school day greatly disappointed and explaining time and time again who Esther was. Now, as an adult looking back, I realize that while this moment in my life seemed so horrific and embarrassing at the time, it was actually a day that allowed me to share the Word of God with many of my friends and teachers. It

exactly what grade, I’ve tried to block

of my costume, and to be totally honest, I

most of it from my mind, but I was

was looking forward to the compliments.

probably seven or eight years old. It was

As my mom pulled up to my school, I

almost Halloween and my school was

hopped out of the van and didn’t look

having a dress up day! We were going to

back! I was going to blow everyone away!

do themed crafts and eat yummy treats all day long! I was so excited! I couldn’t

As I walked into the commons area of

wait to plan what I was going to wear!

my school, all eyes turned to me. That’s

My mom and I thought endlessly about

right people! Take it in! I was so proud.

what the perfect costume would be. I

I held my head high and literally glided

was the girly girl growing up who always

across the floor knowing that everyone

went trick-or-treating dressed up as a

was wondering how in the world I had

princess or Miss America but this year I

thought of such a unique costume idea.

wanted to raise the bar! I wanted to do

I made it almost to my classroom when

something really creative! Something no

my day took a sudden and unexpected

one else would think of! Well, let’s just

turn. First, I heard whispers. Then I

say I hit the nail on the head.

noticed the glances coming my way seemed less in awe and more confused,

After deep thought, much discussion

and then it happened. One of my

and many late nights working on the

friends approached me and said the

perfect costume, I woke up on the day of

six words every kid dreads hearing on

my school’s Halloween party so excited

Halloween...”Who are you supposed to

I could hardly contain myself. I got

be?” My heart dropped into my stomach,

dressed, taking great care in smoothing

my mouth went immediately dry and

out my long gown. My crown was

my palms began to sweat. What? This

beautiful and my mom even let me wear

couldn’t be happening! Of course they

a little bit of lip gloss! What girl wouldn’t

knew who I was, right? I laughed off the

be happy? I climbed into my mom’s

question only to be approached again,

minivan eager to get to school and see

again and again. The same question

how all my friends would be dressed. I

asked of me each time.

just knew that everyone would be in awe

wasn’t much, and I was only eight, but I can only hope now that it planted a seed. I can’t help but ask myself how those we come in contact with every day view us? Do we proudly live out God’s word everywhere we go, or do we hide it and hope for moments of sharing to come to us? We can approach life and our witness to others with the same attitude I did that day as I pranced through my school hallways wearing a homemade Esther costume. We can hold our heads high and be proud! Unashamed! Unafraid! Bold! When you walk through life looking different than everyone around you, people will be curious. They will want to know what you have that they are missing. If that means wearing an Esther costume to work, so be it! (Although I wouldn’t recommend that.) Instead, wear your Bible character costume in your attitude, in your reactions and in your outlook. People will notice. I promise!

by Erika Knight



We believe it is vital that everyone who comes through our doors feel welcomed, connected with God, and connected with great people to do life with! So here we have a ton of avenues available for you to be a part of: small groups, special events, volunteer teams and more. We want to create ample opportunities for you to build incredibly fun, healthy friendships as well as help you flourish in your relationship with God! Your life is valuable! Get yourself connected today!

SMALL GROUPS SUNDAY’S AT 9:30AM “Angels” Join us as we lift the veil between the visible and the invisible world and look at eye-opening accounts of these behind-the-scenes agents. Ages: 30’s thru 50’s Leader: Kenny McGee Room: 201

“Running with Giants” Come and find inspiration and encouragement from the lives of Old Testament personalities. Ages: 30’s thru 50’s Leader: Roy Peck Room: 203

“Importance of Community” Join us as we dive into what role Community should play in our lives as followers of Jesus. Ages: 40’s thru 60’s Leader: Elaine Arnold Room: 104

“America’s Godly Heritage” Join us as we look at what was intended for America by the Founders and what can be done to return America to its original guiding philosophy. Ages: 40’s thru 60’s Leader: Ed Damron Room: 202

“Miracles of Jesus” Come and learn what the Bible holds about the miracles of Jesus. Ages: 40’s thru 60’s Leader: Kathleen Wilcoxson Room: 105

“Psalms” We are taking an in depth look into the Psalms and discovering what they mean for us today. Ages: 50’s and up Leader: Kenneth McGee Room: 100

“Hindsight Which Leads to Foresight” We are looking at lessons from the Old Testament that teach principles useable today. Ages: 50’s and up Leader: Ken Isom Room: Chapel

SUNDAY’S AT 10:45AM “How to Ruin Your Life By Thirty” Join us for this discussion based small group designed for young adults aged 18-25. Ages: Young Adults Leader: Doug & Brittanie Wyatt Room: 204

“Gods at War” Join us as we try to recognize that there are false gods at war within each of us, battling for control in our lives, which keep us from truly following Jesus. Ages: Young Marrieds Leader: Ryan Summers Room: 205

“Books of John, & Peter” This is a verse by verse walk through of the Bible and how to apply it to our lives. Ages: All Ages Leader: Rob McClure Room: 105


GriefShare Wednesdays at 7:15PM

Foundations of Freedom

Join a caring group of people who will walk along side you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Leader: Jerry & Liz Rich Room: 102

Come join us on a journey to become the person God has created you to be. Ages: All Ages Leader: Linda M. & Terry W. Room: 202

NEXT STEPS Fresh Start November 10 6:30PM in The Commons Have you recently started attending The Bridge? We want to meet you! Come and meet Pastor McNabb and get to know a little bit more about how we do church.

HIS 24/7 Bible Discipleship Sundays at 10:45AM Come discover the basic spiritual disciplines to help you grow in your relationship with God. ie. how to use and study the Bible, pray, and witness. Ages: All Ages Leader: Louis Rose & Ken Isom Room: 100

Corporate Prayer Sundays at 6:00PM Tuesdays at 9:00AM Join us in the Chapel every week for a time of prayer.

HOPE & HEALING Divorce Care Wednesdays at 7:15PM Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. The journey is not easy, so come and let us walk with you. Leader: Donny Hilbern Room: 104

Living Free Addiction Recovery Wednesdays at 7:15PM Come and let us help you on the road to overcoming addictions and breaking free from life controlling issues. Leader: Ken Isom Room: End Zone

Financial Peace Wednesdays at 7:15PM Do you struggle financially? Come and learn how to handle money God’s way. Leader: Chet & Andrea Horn Room: 100

MEN Men’s Breakfast October 12 7:30AM in The Venue Come and hang out with guys and enjoy a man-sized breakfast.

Jay Dillard Memorial Golf Tournament October 25 8:00AM at Surrey Hills Join us for a 4-man scramble golf tournament in memory of Jay Dillard to benefit Speed the Light. The cost is $60 per player and includes all green fees, cart fees, and lunch. To sign up or for more info, please visit www.thebridgeag.org/golf

Main Event Men’s Retreat October 25-26 Leave church at 4:00PM

Yellow Rose Dinner Theater October 1 at 6:30PM

Join us for the Main Event at Sparks Camp. There will be a golf tournament, fishing, skeet shooting, and more! Cost is $60. You can sign up online or through our mobile app.

This District Heritage event includes the show, meal, and gratuity for $42.00. You must RSVP by September 17th.


Bridge Kids Sundays at 8:15/9:30/10:45AM

“Gideon” Bible Study Wednesdays at 7:15PM

Join us for exciting worship, fun games, and Biblical lessons every week!

Join us as we learn how our weakness is God’s strength. Leader: Dorcas Schroeder Room: 105

“Law of Love” Bible Study Tuesdays at 9:30AM Join us as we take an in depth look and discover the pages of Deuteronomy. Leader: Carole Harrell Room: 202

“Our Covenant God” MOM’s Class Tuesdays at 9:30AM Come spend some time with the ladies, while we take care of your kids. It’s just the break you’re looking for. Leader: Kathy McGee Room: 104

Purse Auction October 10 7:00PM in The Venue Ladies, come & enjoy a fun time at our Purse Auction. You will earn play money & then use it to get the purse you want. Bring your favorite soup or salad and a new or nearly new purse. Childcare is provided.

SENIOR ADULTS Primetime Tuesdays at 9:30AM Join us for Bible teaching and a variety of activities & events to energize the soul. Leader: Ken Isom & Mary Lou Miley Room: Venue


Boys & Girls Clubs Wednesdays at 7:15PM We offer fun filled programs every week for boys (Royal Ranger) and girls (mPact) that help them grow in their walk with God.

BGMC Buddy Bike Run October 19 8:30AM in West Parking Lot Cost is $30 per biker/$50 per couple. Event will start at 9AM and end at noon with a cookout style lunch and giveaways.

BGMC Dinner October 23 6:00PM in The Venue Come enjoy fellowship, catch a quick meal before service, and support missions.

Candyland Fall Festival October 31 6:30PM in The Venue Join us for a night of candy, games, prizes, and fun! Bring your friends and family! You won’t want to miss it!

STUDENTS New! Bridge 5.6 Sundays at 10:45AM Bridge 5.6 will be able to provide a relaxed atmosphere for 5th and 6th grade students so that they can begin to find their place in the youth group. They will have the opportunity to be a part of a full service and small

group time specifically designed around them in the Bridge Student’s building. For more information go to thebridgeag.org/students

Bridge Students Wednesdays at 7:15PM Join us for our weekly worship experience in the Bridge Students building.

Sunday Small Groups Sundays at 10:45AM Get connected in a weekly small group! This is a great way to learn more on specific topics throughout the Bible. 7th-8th Grade: Room 203 9th-11th Grade: Room 201 12th Grade: Room 204

Family Groups Monday’s at 7:00PM Family Groups provide a fun and relaxed atmosphere for students to discuss relevant and practical topics under the guidance of Bridge Students’ adult leaders. More information on the different locations can be found at thebridgeag.org/ students

Corn Maze October 4 5:00PM at Bridge Students We will leave at 5:00PM to drive to P-Bar Farms in Hydro, OK. We will get to walk through the corn maze, go on a hayride, grill hot dogs, and roast s’mores. The cost is only $12 and includes all activities and dinner.

Convergence October 18 Leave church at 5:00PM OYM Convergence is a twoday youth event at Crossroads Church and includes services with worship leader, Kristene DiMarco (Jesus Culture), and an incredible line-up of speakers including Chad Veach and Scotty Gibbons. The cost is $65. A $25 deposit is due October 9th.

YOUNG ADULT Friday Gathering Fridays at 7:00PM Come enjoy food, fun, and discussion with other young adults. Contact Doug for more info at (405) 204.4569 Leader: Doug & Brittanie Wyatt

SERVE Serving is not just about helping others. What you’ll find out when you serve is that serving others is also the best way to grow in your relationship with God. For a full listing of all the different ways you can get involved here in the church and out in our community visit thebridgeag.org/serve

ALL CHURCH Taste of Missions October 6 6:30PM in The Venue Come take a trip through a food market and taste dishes from all over the globe. Also, you will enjoy fellowship and hear from several of our missionaries.

For more information on all these events and more just go to our website www.thebridgeag.org



his month Pastor Ken

trip will involve providing local women

KEN: A short term missions trip is kind

Isom will be leading a

with sewing machines. In fact, we’ll be

of like commando group, we go in to an

team from our church to

taking 23 sewing machines to Haiti to

area and help motivate, encourage, and

serve the people of Haiti.

give to the ladies in the community.

offer tools to assist in the daily routines

While Ken may be excited about the

Members of our team will then teach

of the people who live there.

opportunity to lead others on this week

them how to use them with hopes that

long trip to another country, when you

they will be able to make uniforms for


spend a little time with him, you realize

school children and eventually create

missions trip benefit those being

that he believes there is much more

business opportunities for themselves.


to missions than just going on a trip.

It’s about starting a micro-industry that

KEN: It serves as an encouragement

It’s easy to tell that his involvement in

can continue after we’re gone!

that the Body of Christ is bigger than


missions has become a lifestyle. We sat

How does a “short-term”

what they may have been exposed to.

down with Ken for a few minutes and let

PULSE: When you go on a missions

When they realize that there are other

him share his heart about why missions

trip like this, what are you hoping to

believers, it encourages them to know

is such a big deal!


that they are not alone in their faith.

KEN: Every short-term missions trip has

This is important because many of the

PULSE: Ken, talk about the upcoming

its own set of goals. On this particular

areas where missions work takes place

missions trip to Haiti.

trip, we’d really like to help establish

is largely un-churched and un-Christian.

KEN: Well, we’ve got a team of 16 going

a micro-industry, a source of income,

with us on October 12-19th. Once we

for the local women. Additionally, I’d

It also benefits them by teaching new

are in Haiti, we’ll be partnering with

really like to see a fire ignited within our

ways to do ministry. Methods that have

Christian Cares (a part of Latin American

own team. I’d love to see them develop

been common to us in the U.S. aren’t

Child Care, lacc4hope.org). Part of our

even more compassion for people and

common for them. They are then able to

team will be doing Child Evangelism,

see them carve out their own ministry

use these new methods to reach people

while others will be building desks

opportunities here at The Bridge and in

in their community. Also, a short-term

for the local schools, which they need

our community.

missions trip can raise the profile of the


Others will be welding

local church. Having an American team

benches together to fill the churches

PULSE: You use the term “short-term”

there to serve can help the “exposure” of

that are currently being built in the

missions trip, how would you define

their local church. Additionally, we often

area. Additionally, a large part of our


find that a short-term missions trip can

“Missions represents one of the last things that Jesus told us to do, to go and share the Gospel everywhere. It wasn’t just a suggestion; it was a command.” investment into the church in Puebla,

to go and share His love, despite the cost.

Mexico (Amigos de Fe). We’ve been able to watch their growth from infant

PULSE: What do you think stops us

beginnings to where they are today. They

from taking on a more active role in

currently have thousands of members,


several churches in the city, TV and radio

KEN: I’d say that it is several things. It’s

programs, a Christian school, feeding

busyness, priorities in the wrong spot

programs, and over 700 small groups! It’s

and fear of the unknown. Missions

not that we’ve had so much to do with it,

definitely requires one to get out of their

but that we’ve been able to be a part of it.

comfort zones! Finally, and probably saddest of all, sometimes we count the

be more important and life changing to those who go on the trip than for the people for whom we are there to minister. PULSE: How can it benefit those who go on the trip? KEN: It is through ministry like this that we are pushed to get out of our comfort zones and really fulfill the great commission by telling people about Jesus. Materialism is a big thing for Americans, and short-term missions trips give us an opportunity to really examine ourselves and prioritize our lives. Also, whenever older and younger people serve together on a short-term missions trip, it really blends and unifies the team and the relationship of all who go. This unity is then brought back to the local church and is further facilitated through serving opportunities here on a local level. PULSE: Out of curiosity, how many “short-term” missions trips have you taken? Which has been your favorite? KEN: Since coming to The Bridge, I’ve been on nearly 30 of them! The one that stands out most to me is our consistent

PULSE: You’ve been on more than 30

cost of getting involved in missions, and

short-term mission’s trips, why is this

we just aren’t willing to pay the price.

so important to you? KEN: For me, it’s because as a kid I heard

PULSE: With that in mind, what are

a missionary speak at my church, and

some practical ways our church can

from that point I always felt “called”

make missions more a part of their

to missions. Missions in my mind has

daily lives?

always been the pinnacle of ministry.

KEN: First, make an effort to become acquainted with a missionary. Subscribe

PULSE: Why should we care about

to their newsletters, visit their blogs


and ask to receive their monthly emails.

KEN: Missions represents one of the last

Get to know what they are doing, and

things that Jesus told us to do, to go and

learn ways you can become strategically

share the Gospel everywhere. It wasn’t

involved in supporting them. Then make

just a suggestion; it was a command.

it a priority to keep up with current

This means that we have a responsibility

events by reading the newspaper or

to bloom where we are planted. We have

watching the news. It’s important to

to realize that we need to be a missionary

understand what kind of circumstances

right where we are. This is why I always


encourage people who are going on our

we have to be willing to commit to

missions trips to make sure that they

consistently pray for them and support

are involved locally in ministry, because

them financially.

we need to be a missionary wherever we

decision to get involved in whatever

are first. Sometimes it means we need to

your local mission field may need.

serve those near us, like our neighbors, which we often find difficult. In fact, David Wilkerson said once, “It’s easier to love the whole world than to wipe the sweat off your neighbors brow.” Sometimes it’s hard to be motivated to help those around you, but I am challenged by Jesus who commanded us





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