Caterer Connections Jan/Feb 2018

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connections Jan/Feb 2018

The magazine exclusively for catering professionals

new ideas

bursting with health Is your offer, and your business, in good health?

It’s time to think differently

easy peasy Why veggies are more in demand than ever

New year

fresh Small changes can make a big difference so make this the year to ring in the changes


real success stories • latest news • recipes AND meal ideas









Hello. . .

…and welcome to the very first issue of 2018. We hope you had a busy, successful festive period and the beginning of this brand-new year has been kind to you so far. With a new year comes new beginnings, and on page 18 we explore how you can make 2018 your best year yet, a feature jam packed with advice on the trends to watch out for this year, how to stay ahead of the competition, manage your margins and beat price rises. In this issue, we visit Carole North who very recently decided to take the reins of her own business and open her own coffee shop. Turn to page 12 to see how she’s getting on just two months down the line. We also look at creative ways you can work some extra veg into your menus (page 23), and how you can attract those health-conscious customers embracing Dry January back into your venue with live music and premium soft drink offerings (page 28). And because we’re incredibly helpful, on page 32 we have some ideas on how you can embrace the new year and stay ahead of the game while you’re at it. Whether it’s introducing a mobile app, investing in a host to greet customers as they enter your venue, or introducing dynamic menus to give your customers the freedom of choice, the world is your oyster. A Happy New Year from both of us; we hope you enjoy this issue and that the new year is a prosperous one.

Les & Martin s

new year resolutions look ahead Use this time to evaluate the success of last year. What went well and what didn’t go as well? Use it to plan ahead for this year.

look close to home Now, we don’t recommend pinching ideas but take a look at your nearby competition’s offering. Can you improve on it and offer your customers something a little bit different?

Try something new Why not challenge yourself to try something new every month this year? Whether it’s a themed night or a new cocktail, it’ll keep your offering fresh.

caterer connections jan/feb 2018





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In this issue FEATURES


profile: quick serve When Carole took over a small cafe business it quickly became obvious that she had the recipe for success


new year, new start Follow our tips to make this year your best one yet


green is the new black How focusing on veggies can boost your bottom line


bursting with health Premier’s Exec Chef shares his tips to make every day meals healthier

28 32

beat the blues Combat the post-festive slump

are you future proof? Focus on the future with the latest quick-serve innovations


y ua Dr an J

18 28

12 38 32


23 06

1 oinls r o f XX 2 ockta m all

Caterer Connections is published six times a year by The Bright Media Agency, The Old Bank, 2 Cross Street, Enderby, Leicestershire LE19 4NJ, on behalf of Landmark Wholesale For Landmark Wholesale Les Mohammed and Martin Spivey For THe Bright media agency Editor Stephenie Shaw Head of Design Emma Bramwell PR & Communications Executive Rosie Bambury Contributors David Lloyd, Roy Kilcullen Artworker Chris Gardner Head of Commercial Development Adam Turner Publisher David Shaw To advertise, please contact Les Mohammed on 07586 448 244 or

events Combat the post-festive slump with our key dates for 2018

08 10

News Dining solo and dinner for two are just a couple of the latest updates

what’s cooking Our round-up of the latest must-haves for your kitchen

36 38

depot finder Where to find your local depot

in season: blood oranges Zesty and zingy, this citrus fruit is perfect for light, fresh recipes caterer connections jan/feb 2018




it’s a


Calendars and pencils at the ready, we’ve done the research and here are the key dates to help you take 2018 by the horns


hen it comes to making sure the new year is a prosperous one, it pays to plan ahead and you would do well to sit down with your diary and make sure these dates are pencilled in. If you’re struggling for ways to stand out from the competition, one easy way you can turn customers’ heads is to host themed evenings that are relevant to the time of the year. Whether it be a 2-4-1 night for Valentine’s Day or offering a delicious pie in time for British Pie Week, the following will give you lots of ideas for ways you can spruce up your offering.


25 January Burns Night Haggis, neeps and tatties will wow your customers

february 13 February Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day When it comes to toppings, get creative 14 February Valentine’s Day Whether you offer spaghetti in the style of Lady and the Tramp or a fine dining extravaganza, it’s your call


caterer connections jan/feb 2018

16 February Chinese New Year Pick the popular dishes and don’t forget the chopsticks


go down a treat, although expect a lot of dodgy fake accents… 30 March Good Friday Take advantage of the bank holiday rush this Good Friday

april 1 April April Fools’ Day We don’t recommend fooling your customers by telling them their bill is on the house

1 March St David’s Day Real potato and leek soup, traditional Welsh cakes, bara brith… the options are endless

1 April Easter Sunday Make it extra special for your customers looking for a delicious Easter Sunday lunch

5–11 March British Pie Week Our mouths are watering just at the thought of this one. Pull out all the stops and offer a pie to remember

16–22 April UK Coffee Week This is your chance to pull out all the stops. We’re thinking upside down, extra skinny macchiato with a… we forgot the rest

12–18 March National Butcher’s Week Don’t butcher your chance to make the most of this week 11 March Mother’s Day A ‘mums go free’ promotion will go down well with your customers, trust us 17 March St Patrick’s Day Similarly, a free Guinness for Irish people will

may 14–20 May National Vegetarian Week Embrace your vegetarian customers and expand your veggie options this week

june 11–15 June Healthy Eating Week Don’t stick to salad, the world is your oyster

july 2–15 July Wimbledon Fortnight Ace it with strawberries, cream and Pimm’s – a winning combination customers will love 9–15 July Great British Pea Week Served with fish and chips, steaks or even in a

pasta or risotto, the humble pea is a crowd pleaser

september 22 September–7 October British Food Fortnight Your chance to pull out all the stops and celebrate the Best of British

kick off 2018 in style january 2018

october 31 October Halloween Trick or treat! This is your chance to make your menu extra spooky

november 1–30 November World Vegan Month A daily vegan special to celebrate this month will be sure to turn customers’ heads

1 4 6 9 10 15 17 30

National Hangover Day National Spaghetti Day National Shortbread Day National Apricot Day National Bittersweet Chocolate Day National Hot Buttered Rum Day National Irish Coffee Day National Croissant Day

5 November Guy Fawkes’ Night Remember, remember to celebrate the 5th of November

december 25 December Christmas Day Turkey, tinsel and all the trimmings 31 December New Year’s Eve Fizz, fizz and more fizz!

february 4 5 9 14 20 23 25

National Homemade Soup Day World Nutella Day National Pizza Day Valentine’s Day National Cherry Pie Day National Banana Bread Day National Strawberry Day

caterer connections jan/feb 2018


Its ’ no yolk Following new advice from the British Egg Industry Council, you may need to brush up on egg-related advice for your customers. The Council has confirmed, following a change to advice by the Food Standards Agency, that runny eggs are now safe to eat by at-risk groups, such as pregnant

women, babies and elderly people. The new advice follows a year-long risk assessment carried out by the Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (ACMSF) and is the result of extensive food safety measures that have been introduced within the British Lion Code of Practice since its launch in 1998.

wales set to introduce minimum alcohol price

eating solo H

ave you taken more bookings than normal for tables for one recently? A recent study has found that the taboo of the table for one is on the way out, with eight in 10 people believing that eating alone is more socially acceptable than it was five years ago, and a third of Britons having done so in the last month. The findings, released in the Waitrose Food and Drink Report 2017–18, also


caterer connections jan/FEB 2018

found that a third of these had eaten solo in the last week. According to Bookatable, Michelin’s online reservation service used by thousands of restaurants across the UK, bookings for single tables have jumped by 38% since 2014. So, now is a great time to think about how you can attract and, even more importantly, retain those solo diners.

If your bar or venue is based in Wales, it’s important to take note of new minimum alcohol laws set to be enforced to tackle health issues caused by heavy drinking. A new law to govern the minimum price for selling alcohol looks set to be rolled out across Wales by summer 2018.



n Love is i the air

With two-thirds of couples choosing to dine out on Valentine’s Day, it’s pretty clear that love means big business. Deals can influence where people choose to celebrate, so how about craft two lunchtime mains and two glasses of fizz? Breweries Sharing meals, with wine, are also a great way for are booming couples to indulge. But don’t forget, not everyone The rise in craft beer sales has resulted in the number of breweries in the UK will be celebrating as a couple. Last year, twosurpassing 2,000 for the first time since the 1930s. thirds of women planned to spend the day with The number has climbed by a staggering friends so be sure to offer some deals for 64% over the past five years after a sharp rise in consumption. Are you cashing in on the nation’s groups too. Source: passion for craft ales? If not, why not? Start small and if there’s demand, add to your range. Cheers!


rise of UK craft breweries over the past five years

on the rise The overall sales of organic hit a high of 1.6% penetration during September, according to the month’s Nielsen Scantrack data. Categories driving organic growth include produce, up 7.6%, while eggs grew by 11.5% and cheese rose by 15.4%. The Soil Association highlighted that organic-orientated consumers were increasingly interested in fruit, driven mainly by organic bananas.

£595m is spent on

Valentine’s Day cards, gifts and dining out each year by loved-up Brits caterer connections jan/FEB 2018






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Chick pea curry



Serving Suggestions

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cooking As we head into the darkest and coldest depths of winter, here is our roundup of some of the latest products that you should make sure your kitchens are well stocked with

caterers kitchen orange juice This is a breakfast staple across the land, full of vitamin C and a great way to wake up those taste buds. Best served chilled.

caterers kitchen back bacon A comforting all-time breakfast favourite, whether as part of a full English or simply grilled until crispy and served in a roll or between two slices of bread. Don’t forget the sauce.

Absolut Vanilia Absolut Vanilia is a key ingredient in two of the top 10 cocktails of 2017, the Pornstar Martini (#2) and Espresso Martini (#8). A tasty treat, get these cocktails on your menu to drive your sales. caterer connections jan/feb 2018



Ac2"' ,- +When it comes to delivering frothy coffees, delicious cakes, lunches to linger over and service with a smile, it’s clear that Carole North has already found the recipe for success 12



uffolk’s Stables Cafe has only been under Carole North’s ownership for a couple of months, but already her recipe of home-baked goodies and warm, welcoming service has made this cheery cafe a runaway success. Tucked neatly behind a little coppice of birch trees and Scots pine, the handsome jumble of timber-framed barns, a salvaged shipping container and old redbrick farmhouse combine to create a rural business centre of considerable charm.

The development has brought this once-neglected agricultural site just outside Ipswich back to life. And, as with all thriving communities, at the heart of it is a great place to eat.

Caffeine rush

Brightwell Barns has won awards for its eco-credentials, and it’s attracted a vibrant community of web designers, accountants, recruitment agencies and industrious start-ups. But it’s the park’s Stables Cafe where the residents meet to ϐ ǡ or treat themselves to a





Morning rush

When Caterer Connections calls, owner ϐ touches to a particularly appetising-looking lemon drizzle cake. The morning rush has died down a little, but there are still clusters of friends catching up over bacon ǡ ϐ through project plans over frothy cappuccinos, and mums with toddlers, stopping for a croissant and pot of tea on the way home from the school run. Everything is orderly, calm and collected – with a lovely, congenial buzz in the air. At the centre of it all is Carole. But the surprising thing is that, while it may look like this is a place that’s had years to settle into its stride, Carole’s only been running



the cafe for a scant seven weeks. How has she managed to make it all look so effortless, we wondered? “I’ve done it all my life. I don’t know how to do anything else,” she laughs. “Yes, this is ϐ ǯ ǡ ǯ worked in a patisserie, a tea room, and I was assistant manager in a bakery in London. There’s not much I haven’t done when it comes to baking things that make people happy.”

Mother’s pride

However, the chance to take the reins of her own business came through sad circumstances. “My mum passed away last year and left me some money,” says Carole. “And I know she’d have loved me to have my own place. She saw me work hard all those years, for other people, so I went for it.” Seven weeks in, and it looks emphatically like she made the right decision – and that her mother would be very proud of her. The hours are long – Carole opens every day, including Sundays, and bakes fresh cakes every morning. She’s assisted by three part-time staff in the week, and four help out at the weekends when the Stables becomes a popular stop-off for families enjoying a day out. “Cakes, soups, daily specials, I make everything,” Carole says. “I’ve seen how venues can fail if the owner takes their eye off the ball. You have to be 100%

committed, especially in the early days, if you’re going to stand any chance of succeeding.” That said, there’s another reason why Carole’s so hands-on. “I just love it,” she laughs. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Yes, we’re a coffee shop, but I love the fact that people come here just to unwind. I love the banter with our customers. It’s a really uplifting place to work… well, I don’t really think of it as work.” But, behind that friendly, warm welcome, there are sharp systems in place. Carole’s light-touch doesn’t mean she’s not completely focused on the thing that matters: her bottom line. “I work out how much each item is to buy, how many portions it’ll serve, and I work out my costings through that,” she Ǥ Dz ϐ an eye on quality, people are happy to pay. It’s about offering value, not cheapness.” And Carole knows, too, that all these ϐ ǡ places aren’t always engaged in a race to the bottom. It’s about offering more than just what you can get away with. “I know a coffee shop is a place that sells things you could have at home so my job is to create the wow factor,” she says. “After all, you go out to be spoiled so I serve loose leaf tea, rather than teabags and I grind coffee beans fresh to order because the coffee tastes better that way.

And I won’t just bake a run-of-the-mill Victoria sponge, I’ll add a little magic. A little twist that makes people think they’re getting their money’s worth. This is what will make them come back.”

The healthy touch

It’s the same philosophy Carole employs when it comes to customers with dietary requirements too: “with the rise of Ǧ Ǧ ǡ Ǧ Ǧ Ǧ you can buy at the supermarket,” she says. “One bad gluten-free cake can mean a bad review on TripAdvisor and word spreads.” So far, though, the reviews have only been of the glowing variety – and Carole’s commitment to healthy eating, and home-baked treats, has proven to be a winning formula. “It’s been so busy it’s phenomenal,”












Carole says. “We’re already number four on TripAdvisor, and I’m really hoping to get to number one.” This popularity means that the 24 covers inside (which, on sunny days, with the chairs and tables occupied outside, ͶͺȌ ϐ of cheery staff busy from 8:30 to 4:30, and 10 until 4 on Sundays. And all those hungry customers mean one thing – Carole needs a steady supply of food. “I make a real effort to source locally where I can,” she says. “I order home-cured green back bacon from a local butcher, I only use award-winning local sausages and my greengrocer is just a mile away. And my Landmark wholesalers are invaluable for



everything else. I’d be lost without them.”

Delivery on demand

With only a small amount of storage space – one upright freezer and a display unit with a fridge underneath, together with a few shelves for store-cupboard essentials and veg – Carole’s local suppliers deliver twice a week, usually on Mondays and Fridays. “I know that if I’m running short of anything I can just phone my wholesalers up, and they’ll be round. They’re lifesavers Ǥ ǯ ϐ ǡ ǯ get it in for you. They’re fantastic.” Being in the countryside means that Carole’s not immune to the changing of the seasons. And it’s something she works hard

to showcase in her menus. “I’ll do things like Pimms cakes in summer, with berries, and in autumn I love to use local apples, and spicy ginger cake, or carrot cake. Something hearty, like chilli con carne, always goes down well when the temperature drops, too,” she adds. With lunch getting ever closer, we decide to leave Carole to prepping her marketfresh salads and jacket potatoes, ready for the hungry hoards that are about to descend. “Never think of failure,” she says as we ask for her parting words of wisdom. “When this is your dream you have to go in with all guns blazing. It’s essential that you do everything you can to make it the success you know it can be.”



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Future focus


When it comes to ringing in the changes, there’s no better time than the new year when anything seems possible. So come on, what’s stopping you making this your most successful year to date?


caterer connections jan/feb 2018


ome habits die hard, and some, well, we’d all be glad to see the back of. Maybe this won’t be the year you’ll learn to play the piano, or become an expert at the Argentine tango. But, with a few key changes, you can stay one step ahead of the competition. Whether it’s trend watching, staying laser focused on your margins, or doing more to spread the word, the start of a new year is all the excuse you need to take a fresh look at your processes and your product and ask yourself, how can I do this smarter? We’ve rounded up a few choice ways in which you can focus on the little changes

b r u o y that could make a huge difference to your business this year.

Add one nutrient

When store-cupboard favourites such as Weetabix and Mars Bars start adding ‘protein-rich’ varieties to their lines, you know there’s something happening out there. These days, proteinpacked foods are everywhere, as health

t e y r a e y t s r be


ways to watch the margins



Portion control Keep on top of how much you’re serving. An extra 10p worth of meat served on each plate could mean a loss of £3650 over the year if you serve it 100 times a day.

Buy quality It’s false economy to buy cheap. Low-quality stewing beef is likely to require so much trimming that it may be difficult to get

six portions to the kilo. Good quality might yield eight – and think of all that time lost, too.


Buy in season For fresh goods, it’s always best to buy at the height of their season – when they’re at the best price, and tastiest. But if you buy them, use them. A glut of cheap tomatoes is an expensive waste of money if they rot at the back of the store cupboard. So plan your menus accordingly.


Buy individually sized items Order by amount and weight to keep on top of portion control. Try not to order 10kg of rump steak, order 50 x 200g trimmed rump steaks, making portions a doddle.


Use the right equipment If you use the same serving equipment for each element of the meal, it’s easier to stay consistent. So it’s always three scoops for mashed potato, two ladles for soup, and the width of a pie-cutter for a slice of cake.

caterer connections jan/feb 2018


Future focus



Flexitarianism More and more of us are eating less and less meat so don’t forget to make room for the veggies, because they’re not just for vegetarians.

Clean Eating Think raw, unprocessed, simple whole foods served as simply as possible. And think organic – only if your customers are happy to pay the premium. Super Bowl Spicy bowls of Pho – a meaty Asian broth, salads and stir-fries. We’re getting bowled over – power bowls are the ‘go-to’ way to serve. Just look at Instagram!

and fitness fans try to up their lean muscle with sources of protein that are less worrisome than red meat. So think about adding pulses, cottage cheese, tuna and chia seeds to salads. And shouting about it.

Add one flour

If you’re trying to keep on top of the gluten-free bandwagon, meet your new best friend. Cassava flour is a popular ingredient in Asia and South America. Gluten and grain-free, it’s a super-healthy ingredient and is obtained from the root of a woody shrub (the same shrub that gives us tapioca). A good source of carbohydrate, it’s easy to use – just work it in the same way you’d use plain flour.

Add one theme

Do you have a themed evening? They’re a proven way to get new customers through your door, and a great way to liven up slower nights. Whether you’re letting your inner Viking out with a Scandinavian evening, or simply offering

Gluten free Locally sourced

steak nights on Wednesdays, themed nights have a tendency to add a real buzz, and – more importantly – put more bums on seats!

ble a t o t farm Health tip

Offer healthier choices on your menu with low fat, sugar or salt and make sure your customers know about it


caterer connections jan/feb 2018

Get more social

Being social media savvy doesn’t just mean having a Facebook account, and occasionally tweeting out offers. The clue’s in the name – social. So engage more, share more fun things you find online. When people realise you’re not just in that space to sell things, but are keen on having conversations, you’ll soon see your follower count – and therefore, your captive audience – rise.

Consider a tip theme night as a great way to create a real buzz and put more bums on seats Try a workshop

With the rise of Bake Off and the plethora of shows in its wake, adding a wine tasting evening, or pudding club, with your chef or a local wine expert providing a running commentary or presenting some hands-on masterclasses, is a great way to position your venue as a place for passions.

Be more local

A trend that’s definitely here to stay is the rise of farm-to-table fare. Get to know your local producers – farmers, growers, makers and bakers. The more you shout about how committed to buying local you are, the more love you’ll get from your community.

Be more relaxed

Industry watchers are clear on one style that’s sweeping the trade – there’s definitely a more relaxed approach to dining. Think sharing plates, grazing stations and street-food-style cooking all creating a real buzz. It’s a far more sociable and less starchy approach to eating out. Busy work schedules mean we’re far more likely to grab something to eat on impulse, rather than plan a big night out. So make your place more casual to reflect this.


ways to beat the price rises


Stay loyal Stick with your suppliers. Establishing and nurturing long-term supplier relationships is the best way to ensure you’ll be looked after. It’s a win-win for both parties. They can stock up in confidence, and you can unlock loyalty bonus points!


Know what you want Make sure you only buy products on your

agreed list. Many firms are charged more when they buy products outside the list, and disrupt their supply chain. Make a list, discuss with your supplier, nail down a price and then stick to it.


Don’t change menus too MUCH or too often Don’t change your menus simply for the sake of change. The more consistent your buying habits are, the more discounts you’ll be able to negotiate with your suppliers.


Meet your suppliers It’s a good idea to set up meetings with your suppliers, maybe once a month, to talk about what’s working, explore ways both of you can make more profit, and find a way to fix prices over a three- or six-month period.


Be Brexit savvy Look for home-grown products that won’t be subject to exchange rate issues too much. And challenge any price rise that’s linked to Brexit and question their rationale.

caterer connections jan/feb 2018


Cook, Carve, Serve...

WiTh OuR NeW CaRvErY GuIdE, It’S As EaSy As OnE, TwO, ThReE

- Roast Leg of Lamb with a Mustard Glaze and Rosemary & Redcurrant Gravy


Of ReSpOnDeNtS EnJoYeD A CaRvErY In ThE LaSt MoNtH

We have teamed up with expert butcher, David Cox, who has been in the business for over four decades and The Miles brothers who run the front and back of house at their family owned pub, The Golden Fleece to offer chefs advice from the experts on delivering a successful carvery which is guaranteed to drive footfall.

Brand new recipes include:

- Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Sweet Potato & Leek Soup - Apple Crumble with Ambrosia Reduced Sugar Custard


- Bisto Steak & Ale Pie

Of ReSpOnDeNtS SaId ThEy CoUlD not HaVe A CaRvErY

without roast potatoes

Chicken No.


Beef No.


“We offer different meals at our Friday and Sunday carveries to suit the occasion. On Friday’s we offer pork, gammon and turkey with all the trimmings, whereas on Sunday we offer a slightly more high quality and premium beef which proves extremely popular. The gammon also goes down well and as long as our pork has a great crackling, then our customers are happy!” Darren Miles, The Golden Fleece




MoSt PoPuLaR MeAt ChOiCeS At A CaRvErY


Of ThOsE SuRvEyEd StRoNgLy agreed ThAt A CaRvErY WoUlD Be NoThInG WiThOuT a good gravy, WiTh PeOpLe FrOm ThE

Midlands FeElInG most strongly AbOuT ThIs!

28% 11%

As OpPoSeD To OnLy

WeRe ExTrEmElY LiKeLy To HaVe A


WiTh A CaRvErY,

WhO WoUlD HaVe A


DoWnLoAd ThE GuIdE FrOm OuR WeBsItE NoW To CaRvE YoUr WaY To SuCcEsS! WwW.PrEmIeRfOoDsErViCe.Co.Uk

Consumer research commissioned by Premier Foods


Cost sector

BACK TO THE No longer just a side dish, veggies are boosting your bottom line as well as your customers’ health


ccording to data from the Food Foundation, 80% of adults and an alarming 95% of 11–16 year-olds aren’t eating enough veg. And that’s a big problem. So how can we play our part to put healthy choices back on the menu? It’s pretty well understood nowadays that chronic long-term conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and the modern-day epidemic of obesity

roots that often goes alongside them, are life-limiting, costly to treat and often early signs of even more serious conditions such as bowel cancer, stroke and heart failure. But here’s the secret. Making good menu choices involves a few simple twists, and here’s the good news: get it right and you’ll be making your bottom line healthier too.

Health tip

Adding vegetables to family favourites can boost diners’ five a day

caterer connections jan/feb 2018













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Cost sector

Especially when you use veg that’s in season, abundant and super cheap. Right now, that’s hearty root veg – chard, turnip, leeks, sprouts – perfect for packing out stews, soups and casseroles. There is no magic bullet – lifestyle and genetics both play their part – but the best place to turn the tide around starts in the kitchen. And it starts with fresh, lovely vegetables. Evidence shows that increasing our consumption of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables can help prevent these diseases and in some cases even reverse them. In fact, a recent study by University College London showed increasing health benefits for people who ate up to seven or more portions a day. The reasons are complex – but it’s as much to do with the benefits of the veggies themselves, as it is to do with what they’re replacing: too much red meat, sugary snacks, white bread and high-fat sauces. Seven portions? Sounds a lot doesn’t it? But this is where the clever caterer gets creative, and finds ways to add more veg without making too much of a fuss about it.

Make it more visible

Move your salad bar to the front of the service area, and make it look tempting with lots of colours (different-coloured veg gives a wider variety of nutrients). A recent study by Arizona State University showed that when a salad bar is made more visible, vegetable consumption is five times higher than before.

Cook it right

There’s a way to bring out the best in every vegetable – all too often, they’re boiled to oblivion, sapping them of their vitamins and nutrients, and turning them into a soggy, tasteless mush. Try roasting a cauliflower to bring out its delicious nutty qualities. Stir fry kale in a little garlic and olive oil and it zings to life. Toss carrot slices in sesame and ginger and steam them: they’re terrific.

ese h t y Tr



Broccoli Fritters Make it fun

You can learn a lot from how fast food chains offer meals with cartoon characters, so why not give your veggie options cool names such as X-Ray Carrots or Sprout Superheroes. Attractive signage has been shown to entice more primary school students to eat vegetables, according to research from America’s Cornell University.

method Whizz up peas, eggs, flour, baking powder, spring onions, herbs and lemon zest in a processor (ratio of 500g broccoli florets to 3 eggs and 180g flour). Form into patties with some un-blitzed peas, and fry in a lightly oiled frying pan until golden brown.

Change its use

Don’t think of veg just as a side dish. Clever twists can change its use – courgetti is a great accompaniment to chilli con carne, with lots of protein-packed pulses.

Choose what works

Some dishes just work better

with all-veg alternatives. Vegetarian lasagne, curries with pulses and beans, and flavour-packed enchiladas filled with sliced carrots, onions and chilli are so hearty and filling that you really don’t need meat: all the protein and punch is already there.

Peas please

Collaborating with growers, wholesalers, manufacturers and caterers, the Peas Please campaign is looking at ways we can all eat more veg. And it wants more cost sector caterer connections jan/feb 2018



Cost sector


caterers to join its pledge to involved or make veg more available, more find out more at acceptable, more affordable and http:// more enjoyable. foodfoundation. It’s a pledge that, according to Anna Taylor, executive director of the Food Foundation, could help save lives: “If organisations pledge collectively, we have the potential to reduce diet-related diseases and 20,000 associated premature deaths per year. “This initiative comes at a time when obesity and diabetes are increasing in people of all ages,” she says. “One in five children are leaving primary school obese and the number of people living with diabetes has increased by 59.8% in the last decade.”

chicken, avocado and Rice Burritos Ingredients 6 tbsp low-fat yoghurt 2 cooked chicken breasts, diced 150g cooked rice 3 avocados 2 red peppers 200g frozen peas, cooked Coriander Lime juice


Veg-tastic Chilli

Method Combine all the ingredients except the lettuce in a bowl, season, then chill until ready to eat. Spoon the mix on top of the lettuce leaves, wrap up and enjoy.



ese h t y Tr 26

caterer connections jan/feb 2018

ese h t Try


Everyone loves chilli, especially in the winter months. And it’s one of the best meals to up the veg intake, without sacrificing flavour and without anyone really noticing there’s no meat (but if you want to add mince, that’s ok too) Ingredients 300g green lentils 4 tbsp sunflower oil 3 large onions, chopped 4 cloves garlic, crushed 4 tsp chilli powder 2 tsp cumin seeds 2 red and 2 green peppers, stalk and seeds removed, and chopped 4 carrots, peeled and chopped 4 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes 3 heaped tbsp tomato purée 500ml/pint vegetable stock 250g frozen peas 300g mushrooms, wiped and quartered 3 courgettes, chopped Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 cans kidney beans, drained

Method Place the green lentils in a large bowl and pour boiling water over them. Leave to soak for 45 minutes. (Alternatively, buy pre-soaked lentils.) Drain. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onion and garlic together with the chilli and cumin for about 15 minutes or until the onions are soft. Add the peppers, carrots and drained green lentils and cook for ten minutes, stirring all the time. Add the tomatoes, purée, stock and peas, bring to the boil and simmer until the lentils are tender (about 40 minutes). Add the mushrooms and courgettes and simmer for five minutes more. Season to taste. Add the cooked kidney beans and simmer for five more minutes. Serve with cooked rice.

1 2 3 4 5

Cost sector

Health tip

Can you rise to the challenge of creating reduced fat desserts?

We ask Mark Rigby Executive Chef at Premier Foods, for his thoughts on healthy eating trends

Is your menu ticking the right boxes?


s a whopping 43% of consumers consider healthy eating to be the most important consumer trend right now which incorporates low-calorie, low-salt and lowsugar options, it’s essential that caterers reflect this in their menus.

Free from

Gluten free is expected to see the fastest growth of all trends over the next two to three years with its presence on UK menus predicted to increase by a huge 90%. Although caterers are under increasing pressure to continue to meet consumer demands for specialist diets, while remaining compliant with Food Information Regulations, at Premier Foods we are always on hand to help. We launched Bisto Gluten Free Gravy in 2015 following research and insight that predicted this trend was set to take the

hospitality sector by storm. For consumers where taste is key, it delivers the same great taste but allows caterers to create gravies for those consumers looking for a gluten-free meal. In 2016, free-from sales grew by nearly 27% to reach £585.6m, with sales predicted to grow to £673m by 2020. With this in mind, we have worked with industry experts to help chefs and caterers cater with confidence and improve their offering for food allergy sufferers, with top tips on what they should focus on, such as staff training, access to allergen information, handling and preparation, and purchasing and delivery of products.

Healthier alternatives

Consumers are increasingly looking for healthier alternatives to the dishes they love; with a combination of wheat white flour and wholemeal flour, our Hovis® Best

of Both® Mix contains plenty of benefits, with added wheatgerm. Once made up, the mix is also rich in calcium and a source of fibre, helping caterers provide health conscious consumers with options they will love. Our bank of recipes includes our tasty Hovis® Best of Both® Blackcurrant Bagels. Premier Foods is also supporting caterers to provide reduced-fat options with the launch of its McDougalls Sponge Mix and Reduced Fat Sponge Mix in 2016, now both with 30% less fat than previous versions. From restaurants and coffee shops looking to offer lighter cakes for health-conscious consumers to school caterers who need to comply with the School Food Standards, the new recipes ensure the mixes are versatile and deliver consistent results time after time. For more information visit: www. caterer connections jan/feb 2018


In the bleak

The new year means one thing: it’s time to look at ways to impress and attract customers looking for ways to be both thrifty and healthy this Dry January 28

caterer connections jan/feb 2018


he tree has been taken to the tip, the tinsel’s back in the storage room, Michael Bublé has finally been turned off and the festive menus have been taken down. That’s it folks, Christmas is officially over for another year. January divides the nation. While half of us rejoice at not having to listen to “All I Want For Christmas Is You” again for another twelve months and being able to eat something other than Christmas leftovers, the other half solemnly mourns the festive period, vowing not to leave the house again for at least a month as the country gets plunged into deep dark winter.

For many this is a time of healthy eating and tightening the purse strings as we try to make up for the indulgences and expenditures occurred over the festive period. Full of Terry’s Chocolate Oranges and sherry, January is often a cooling-off period, and if you own a bar or restaurant this is likely to result in a much quieter period. This can be a problem for caterers who still need to find a way of getting bums on seats. As you well know, it pays to plan ahead and think of some ideas as to how you can turn the heads of your customers and cater for those trying to be healthy this month.



Dry Ja nuary offer s

midwinter beat the blues during tip dry january by getting creative with your alcoholfree options: think smoothies, shakes and mocktails to attract customers

Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri Ingredients 1 ½ ounces frozen strawberries 1/8 cup ice ½ fluid ounce sweet and sour mix 1 dash grenadine syrup Method Place strawberries, ice cubes, sweet and sour mix and grenadine in a blender. Blend until smooth. Add ice and serve.

caterer connections jan/feb 2018



it’s not just tip about your drinks offer: provide something a little different like a quiz, bingo, live music or a fundraising event Don’t mock

January is a time of healthy eating and burning off those Christmas calories. Have you considered running a week of themed specials with promotional offers, such as mocktails and healthy soft drinks such as smoothies? Run a month-long campaign to encourage people to prove to bar staff that they’ve walked 10,000 steps in a day (whether it be on their pedometer or Fitbit) and in return receive a free healthy mocktail or smoothie. Now is also the time to stock up on low-alcohol ciders, alcohol-free beers and premium soft drinks to appeal to those abstaining from alcohol. Get creative with your alcohol-free options, such as indulgent shakes or virtuous juices.

It’s not over until the fat lady sings

Consumers want something a little different at this time. Many will have been out for countless meals and festive drink sessions

Banana Ginger Smoothie Ingredients 1 banana, sliced ¾ cup (6oz) vanilla yoghurt 1 tbsp honey ½ tsp freshly grated ginger Method Combine the banana, yoghurt, honey and ginger. Blend until smooth.


caterer connections jan/feb 2018

with work Christmas parties and longoverdue catch ups with family and friends, and so you need to put your thinking cap on and offer them something a little different. Could you host weekly live music nights? Advertise for local bands to play in your venue and charge a small entrance fee for customers to come and listen to them. You could even use the opportunity to give customers 25% off any alcoholic drink and 50% off any non-alcoholic drink with their entrance ticket. This will incentivise attending the gig and also be especially appealing for the designated driver or those who are embracing Dry January and abstaining from alcohol for the month. Live bands often have an entourage and groupies who will likely support them and in doing so buy drinks and food which will automatically help fill the venue. You can publicise the event across social media platforms and in the local media

to raise awareness. You could also pair with a local charity and use the evening to fundraise by hosting a raffle and donating visitors’ entrance fees. You’ll lose out on the entrance fee, but added pulling power for customers attending to support a charity event may mean that you will gain in takings on the bar.

It’s all social

Speaking of social media, have you considered running a promotion across your social media platforms to help pull the customers back in? You could use similar promotions to the above – try posting a graphic on your Instagram account encouraging customers to get a 25% discount on their drink. This may also help grow your social media following so it’s a win-win solution.

Let’s get quizzicle

There are plenty of ways you can expand your offering this January. Try hosting a bingo night or a quiz night, which are often a firm favourite with people of all ages. Do some market research during December when your footfall is naturally much higher – use the opportunity to place opinion forms on tables and ask your customers what they would like to see happen in your venue during January.

Dry January

2 for 1 on all m o cktai


Quick serve

OUT WITH THE OLD, If you’re on the quick-serve front line, you’ll know it’s not just the food that’s fast, the pace of change is dizzying too. Don’t get left behind, keep an eye on the latest trends and developments set to reshape your business Loyalty bonuses

in wit Better quality

Tied to the all-conquering rise of the apps, loyalty programmes made No catering sector is immune from available through mobile apps the continuing drive towards better continue to gain traction. Digital quality ingredients: whether that’s all-grasspurchases allow you (and them) fed beef in your burgers, sourdough pizza to keep track of their order crusts or free-range chicken for your kebabs, history – giving you insider there’s an increasing market (and an increasing knowledge, and them the margin to be had) in incentive to return. VIP premiumising incentives create a real your product. feel-good factor with your best customers.

Mobile ordering Increasingly, customers aren’t content to just order when they arrive. Now, many want to place their order before they get there! Mobile ordering has been around for a couple of years, but it’s poised to enter the mainstream with apps that allow your customers to speed up the service they receive even more, so they can simply grab and go.


caterer connections jan/feb 2018

Continental flavours From Jamaican jerk to Mexican chipotle (smoky jalapeño dressing) via Japanese teriyaki marinades and Korean kombucha, thanks to the rise in international travel our palates are more globe-trotting than they’ve ever been. Keep an eye on trends for punchier flavours and spicier sauces.


with the new The rise of hosts

Get out more

Instead of a line of harassed cashiers and a snaking queue of hungry customers, some quick-serve venues employ a host to greet customers. Their job is to quickly filter those who’ve pre-ordered from those who want to order in store, or perhaps just to give a warm and friendly hello. That’s one thing a touchscreen can’t do. Yet.

Pop ups are popping up everywhere, so don’t get left behind. It’s not enough to expect people to come to you. Create a buzz. Build relationships with local festivals, food markets or events in your neighbourhood and offer an exclusive, limited-time-only experience. It’s the best advertising you could ever do.

Dynamic menus Increased automation There’s little doubt that the quick-serve sector is getting slicker and the biggest driver is automation. Tech will continue to change the service experience – with touch screens and iPads eliminating the the need for cashiers. But the challenge is how you keep it personal...

Going cashless

Build your own burgers, Paper money is becoming so last add your own century for Millennials – for whom toppings, create your digital payments are now the norm. own burrito fillings. So don’t just focus on mobile ordering. Increasingly, the Digital payments are essential food offer is all too, and the more hassle-free about what your they are, the better. customer wants, Millennials choose ease rather than and convenience over what you’re brand loyalty every time. prepared to But they’d prefer both. give them. Build your menu around a core of staples and allow your customers to take it from there.

caterer connections jan/feb 2018


in your NEXT ISSUE coming in march… We help you spring into spring with our seasonal suggestions

The steaks are high Celebrate National Butchers Week

Fancy a brew? Bean or bag, what’s your bevvy?

Nice as pie Just pick your filling

Hop to it What’s on your Easter menu?

real life success stories l dates for your diary l the latest industry news Availab le excl usive ly f rom y o u r l o c al l a n d m a r k w h o l e sal e m e m b er d ep o t


0 0 0 1 £ W in e

* m n p i t u o f Kitchen eq

New for 2018...

Four runner up finalists will win £250’ of kitchen equipment* FFO OLLLLO OW WTTH H EEGGIISSTTEERR TTOORR REE SIMPLE STEPS EESSEE TH

Step 1

Register at www. by 31 March 2018, Within 7 days, we will send you a competition tool kit, including a McDougalls Flour Based Mix

Step 2 Develop your recipe using a McDougalls Flour Based Mix and at least one ingredient sourced from within 30 miles of your school

Step 3

Submit your recipe and pictures of your creation to by 4th May 2018

Live final to take place at LACA - The Main Event, Thurs 5th July 2018 * The winning school will receive £1,000 of credit with a catering equipment supplier of their choice, to spend on school catering equipment. Each of the four runner up finalist schools will win £250 of credit with a catering equipment supplier of their choice, to spend on school catering equipment. Open to UK primary schools only. Opens: 9am on 2 January 2018. Schools may enter one baking team made up of one of their school caterers, aged 18+ and, three of the school’s pupils, who must be aged 7-11 years, at the date of the live final. Schools may only enter pupils into its baking team with the pupil’s parent or legal guardian’s consent. School caterers may only enter with their employer’s consent. A panel of judges will select the five schools whose entries best meet their criteria (see T&Cs for detail) to compete in the live final. The five shortlisted schools’ baking teams will cook their recipe at the live final and a panel of judges will select one winner, based on their criteria (see T&Cs for detail), to win £1000 credit with the school’s selected catering equipment supplier. The four runner up schools will each win £250 credit with their selected catering equipment supplier. Participants in the school’s baking team consent (and where participants are under 18, then the school must seek the participant’s parent or legal guardian’s consent) to the processing of the participant’s personal data by the Promoter and its agency, for the purpose of administering this competition. Promoter: Premier Foods Group Ltd, Premier House, Centrium Business Park, Griffiths Way, St Albans, AL1 2RE. Full T&Cs apply: @PremierFoods_FS

Depot finder


Landmark Catering depot locations

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47 48

42 52

61 49 63

65 62


and Carry and Delivered • Cash and Carry only • Cash Delivered only •

51 50


* Non-stockist of alcohol products SCOTLAND


1 JW Gray & Co: Kirkwall 2 JW Gray & Co: Lerwick 3 Sutherland Bros: Wick 4 Bidvest Foodservice: Oban 5 William Yule and Son: Kirkcaldy 6 United Wholesale Grocers: Springburn, Glasgow 7 Lomond Fine Foods: Glasgow 8 United Wholesale Grocers: Polmadie, Glasgow

21 A J Wholesale: Blackburn 22 Restaurant Wholesale: Miles Platting, Manchester 23 JJ Food Service: Manchester 24 A G Parfett & Sons: Stockport 25 A G Parfett & Sons: Aintree, Liverpool 26 A G Parfett & Sons: Anfield, Liverpool 27 Hall’s Drinks: Crewe



NORTH EAST 9 Blakemore Wholesale: Killingworth 10 JJ Food Service: Newcastle 11 Blakemore Wholesale: Gateshead 12 Blakemore Wholesale: Middlesbrough

NORTH 13 Blakemore Wholesale: Penrith 14 Blakemore Wholesale: Grimsby 15 JJ Food Service: Leeds 16 A G Parfett & Sons: Halifax 17 Blakemore Foodservice: Wakefield 18 Blakemore Wholesale: Barnsley 19 JJ Food Service: Doncaster 20 A G Parfett & Sons: Sheffield



MIDLANDS 28 A G Parfett & Sons: Somercotes 29 Hyperama Cash & Carry: Derby 30 Hyperama Cash & Carry: Nottingham 31 First Choice: Burton upon Trent 32 Gilsons Foods Wholesale: Leicester 33 JJ Food Service: Leicester 34 Hyperama Cash & Carry: West Bromwich 35 Blakemore Wholesale: Walsall 36 Blakemore Foodservice: Wednesbury 37 East End Foods: Smethwick 38 Blakemore Wholesale: Wolverhampton 39 Blakemore Wholesale: Saltley 40 East End Foods: Aston Cross 41 JJ Food Service: Aston 42 Hyperama Cash & Carry: Peterborough



43 Hall’s Drinks: Holywell 44 Blakemore Wholesale: Bangor 45 Blakemore Wholesale: Swansea 46 Blakemore Wholesale: Cardiff 47 Blakemore Wholesale: Newport 48 JJ Food Service: Bristol 49 Jones Food Solutions: Bath 50 RD Johns: Newton Abbot 51 Country Fare: Bournemouth

66 Battrick’s Food Service: Jersey



67 Express Foodservice: Londonderry 68 Drinks Inc: Belfast


LONDON & SOUTH EAST 52 Brook Street Foodservice: Needham Market 53 JJ Food Service: Enfield 54 Abra Wholesale: Edmonton 55 TRS Cash & Carry: Southall 56 TRS Cash & Carry: Leyton 57 Restaurant Wholesale: Barking 58 Time Wholesale Services: Barking 59 JJ Food Service: Sidcup 60 Hi-Line Cash & Carry: Croydon 61 BWH Drinks: Maidenhead 62 Camelot: Crawley 63 JJ Food Service: Basingstoke 64 EDA Quality Foods Limited: Enfield 65 JJ Food Service: Dagenham


* *


caterer connections jan/feb 2018


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22/11/2017 09:58

In season

blood orange tart This delicious tart is packed with sharp citrus flavours that contrast beautifully with the sweetness of shortcrust pastry. Top with icing sugar or caramelised orange slices if you really want to wow your customers. Try serving with clotted cream.

Fresh thinking Blood oranges are only around for a few months each year, so serve your customers a slice of something different

Hardy’s VR Pinot Grigio With aromas of pear and white peach and a hint of perfume, this wine has a fresh, clean finish, ideal to pair with sharp citrus.


caterer connections jan/feb 2018

echo falls white zinfandel This crisp and fruity rosĂŠ wine originates from sunny California and has hints of strawberries and summer berries.

campo viejo blanco Refreshingly light and fruity, this crisp white wine, originating from Rioja, is a superb match for the strong, zesty flavours of citrus fruits.

raw citrus salad This delightfully zingy recipe will be sure to wake up your taste buds and provides a refreshing and yet filling meal perfect for those wanting something just a little bit different after the festive period.

orange pound cake Surprisingly straightforward to make but a real crowd pleaser, this orange pound cake is fragrant, moist and, thanks to the orange juice and zest, bursting with fresh orange flavours. Add cinnamon, chocolate chips or cranberries for an unusual twist.

Maximise Your Catering Sales With

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