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5 ways with tomatoes

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Back with a bang

Tomatoes are in abundance in the summer months and these ideas will help you make the most of them and avoid waste, especially if you grow your own

1 Let’s salsa

This is so easy but so versatile: throw diced tomatoes, diced red onion, a minced garlic clove, lime juice, ground coriander, cumin and sea salt in a blender and you have a tomato salsa.

2 Gazpacho

Perfect for summer, this cold soup dish can be made with any type of tomatoes you have. And once you have a basic gazpacho recipe sorted, you can build on it, throwing in any number of other fruit, veg and herbs you have to hand. It’s so easy to make and only takes minutes to prepare. Blend tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, red onion, garlic and seasoning together, chill and that’s gazpacho!

3 Semi-dried

Dry them and they can be enjoyed for longer. Halve or cut into chunks, depending on size, and toss in olive oil and salt. Lay them out on baking sheets and cook in the oven at 140˚C/120˚C fan/gas mark 1 for about 2-3 hours depending on size, until semi-dried. Then pack into jars, pour over some olive oil and store in the fridge for up to a week. Use in salads, pasta, sauces and on pizza or bruschetta.

4 Come on, ketchup!

Super-easy to make, simply blend tomatoes, pass through a sieve to remove seeds and skin, simmer over a moderate heat for about 45 minutes until reduced, then add cider vinegar, brown sugar, ground cinnamon, onion, garlic and chilli powder, and salt and stir well.

5 Cocktail time

It’s the classic breakfast and brunch cocktail… yes the bloody Mary. Blend tomatoes and lemon juice until smooth, add a shot of gin or vodka, then pour over ice in a jug. Add a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco, a pinch of celery salt and pepper and stir. Strain into tall glasses, top up with fresh ice and garnish with a stick of celery and slice of lemon.

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