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Insight: Are you catering for the alcohol-free drinking occasion?
Alcohol consumption is changing, so venues must shift their focus to avoid missing out, says Katy Moses
More than half of all Brits say they want to cut down their alcohol consumption in the next 12 months, according to our latest research in partnership with Lucky Saint. Better health was the largest driver behind moderation, as well as saving money.
While alcohol consumption rose slightly during the pandemic, the majority of consumers (58%) now fall into the category of having an alcoholic drink at most three times a week, with 29% of the population currently drinking three days a week or more.
Our research discovered that drinkers are increasingly moderating their alcohol intake but still actively taking part in traditionally alcoholled social occasions. In fact, the average UK drinker now moderates between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, with nearly one in three pub visits (29%) and 37% of restaurant visits being completely alcohol-free. However, they tell us they are not impressed by the offer in many hospitality venues.
Despite this trend for low- and no-alcohol options, the UK has been slow to adopt credible offers. Luke Boase, founder of Lucky Saint, points out the UK is lagging behind the likes of Spain, France and Germany, all of which have at least five times the market share for low- and no-alcohol options compared to the UK.
The growth in popularity of the alcohol-free category isn’t primarily driven by those who never drink alcohol but rather the huge number of Brits who want to moderate their intake. This isn’t about a growing teetotal population but accepting that our relationship with alcohol is shifting and, as a result, consumers are demanding an alternative.
We now see a modern consumer who is more aware of the risks of alcohol, where their leisure time is not so focused around drinking culture and who are in tune with their consumption.
The pandemic may have bought a temporary return to ‘Booze Britain’ for some, but the growing trend of ‘drinking in moderation’ will dominate. Hospitality will need to seriously shift its focus so it doesn’t lose out on this growing occasion.
»Katy Moses is Managing Director at KAM
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