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Time to shake things up

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Josh Williams explores how to put the fun back into the family dining experience

The family eating occasion has changed. Families are eating out TWICE as much as 30 years ago. In fact, pre-pandemic, they made up 57% of restaurants’ revenue, which shows eating out is no longer an occasional treat for most people, especially those with kids. And families are one customer group that is eating out as often as it did prepandemic.


However, KAM’s latest research suggests the standard children’s menu desperately needs a rethink. A whopping 88% of restaurants and 65% of parents agree it needs a shake-up, so we know there is an opportunity to improve.

More than a third of the parents we spoke to want the adult menu to be available to kids in smaller portions. While this may present some margin challenges, it is possible. More than half of parents would like more nutritional food to be available. We’re not talking a plate of greens, but if we can manage to add additional goodness into children’s food, such as blending vegetables into sauces, while still making it attractive to them, wouldn’t that be a step-up from where we are currently?


Why do we rarely see food for kids on Instagram? That’s easy – it’s because, generally speaking, it’s not something we’re proud of or keen to show off. To me, the kid’s offering doesn’t need a rethink, it needs a drastic change to keep this valuable group of people in our venues. Remember, these are our customers of the future.

And it’s not just the food that needs improvement. The whole experience needs to be more family friendly. Throwing a packet of colouring pencils at the table just doesn’t cut it anymore. Service needs to be sharper as 40% of parents told us they felt they’d waited too long for their food when dining out with kids in the last three months.

I truly believe that improving family dining is a huge opportunity for our industry. Surely the 7 million households that are dining out more than twice a week with their children, spending nearly £4,500 a year, deserve more than a plate of dry nuggets?

Josh Williams is Head of Wholesale & Convenience at KAM


> Child-friendly atmosphere

> Menu children will enjoy

> Budget

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