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Member in the Spotlight
For this issue of Member in the Spotlight, we are pleased to feature Michael Spiers and his family. Michael has recently joined the Club in February. He is currently the General Manager for Cubic Technologies Asia. Read on to find out more about Michael!
How did you find out about the Club, and what made you join? We moved to Singapore from Hong Kong a year ago and a good friend told us about the Club. Then more recently, we were searching for a Club with great facilities; a family atmosphere; and a place to play tennis. When we did our research, we found that The British Club had the best combination of all of my favourite sports; Rugby, Cricket, Tennis, Squash, Football, plus a great gym. I would honestly like to be an active Member of every one of these sections, but there are only so many days in the week and hours in the day. So for the time being, we are going to focus on Tennis and the gym.
Tell us more about your family and yourself. My wife (Sei) and I have been married for 18 months. We met in Hong Kong three and a half years ago and have been inseparable ever since. We are very active and love doing a variety of activities together: we cook together; paint and draw together; and love to travel to new places. Once per week, we take turns to organise a surprise date night where the other person has no idea where we are going. It is a great way to explore Singapore. I have a son, Henry, from my previous marriage. Henry lives in Australia but regularly visits us and I am sure you will see him around the Club. Sei and I are also planning to expand our family in the near future.
How often do you come up to the Club and what is your favourite thing to do here? We have been coming 2 – 3 times per week. We are loving the pool area; the gym; and starting to get active with Tennis. Sei has also been to the Pilates class and wants to do Yoga and give Muay Thai a try.
Could you share a little about your profession? I am the General Manager – Asia for Cubic Transportation Systems. We are a technology company that has a vision of a world where people can move freely around cities without traffic; without congestion; without stress. We deliver solutions such as ticketing solutions for public transport; mobile apps and traffic management solutions.
Lastly, share with us your favourite dining outlet and dish at the Club. We have been trying out all kinds of dishes so far (Salads, Murgh Makhani, etc) and they have all been amazing. But if I had to pick just one favourite, it would be the Gourmet burger at the Windsor Arms.