The Broadview 5/20/24

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the banning of the social media app.

Tis marks the frst instance in which Congress has passed legislation to shut down any sort of social media platform, according to NPR.

outright common occurrence, according to senior Sophia McConathy.

“Generally misinformation can defnitely be spread but not necessarily more than any other social media or news app,” McConathy said. “It’s important


TikTok has become a leading form of social media as it’s gained over 1.5 billion active users since its international release in 2018. It has become a regular source of entertainment for many teens daily, according to McConathy.

of videos — which is why it’s so popular,” McConathy said. “Overall, TikTok is really unlike any other app on the market right now and I think that there will be backlash if it gets banned.”

The Broadview Convent of the Sacred Heart HS Schools of the Sacred Heart San Francisc 2222 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94115 Non-Proft Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #9313 San Francisco , CA
Celebrating Congé in the Honoring seniors' four years
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Former Hawkeyes star starts and existing art exhibits
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Pico Iyer's visit SF Cherry Blossom Festival Ringing in the juniors

Since April 15 2023, Sudan has been engaged in a civil war. Te war has continued into this year, escalating tensions between diferent armed forces, and this is causing civilians large scale sufering. Along with an intense war, the situation seems to be pushing the community closer towards the threat of famine.

A major cause of the confict in Sudan was the divide between the Arabs and Muslims in North Sudan and the Christians in South Sudan. Tis later caused the split between the two regions in 2011 afer the second Sudanese civil war, which ended in 2005. Te southern region later became known as the Republic of South Sudan.

“I think this has been going on for a while, and until they resolve the underlying confict between the two factions, I don’t think they can really have peace,” Global Politics teacher Martin Jorgensen said. “What’s going to change those particular dynamics is going to have to be some sort of

Until they resolve the underlying two factions, I don't think they can really have peace.
— Martin Jorgensen

external intervention,"

Over eight million people have been forced to fee from Sudan because of the situation. Many men and over sixty children have been rounded up by Sudanese paramilitary forces. In addition, because of the collapse of most systems and companies in many places, only twenty to thirty percent of health facilities can still operate, according to Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

"A lot of people think the confict in Sudan won’t end any time soon, since little progress has been made; partially due to both parties blocking any humanitarian aid that the UN sends from getting in," junior Amanda Telfer said. "While I partially agree with this, I think the key for the confict to end is third party involvement becoming more prominent, in the sense that maybe the UN or the US can persuade both parties’ leaders to a ceasefre, ending the confict. Ten, the UN would be able to send peacetroops to conduct peacebuilding. I believe the UN also needs to establish a formal and permanent democracy, not a temporary government, in order to prevent history from repeating itself,"

Sudan nears famine

Citizens of Sudan suffer from civil war

According to CNN World, only fve percent of the humanitarian response plan for Sudan has been fulflled in response to the request for assistance for the country. Tis is based on help received from countries across the world, meaning that currently, the goal is far from being carried through.

“I didn’t really know much about it before either,” freshman Leila Sawicki

so the citizens there would be more greatly afected by any escalation of tension or attacks in the city.

"I really hope that more global attention can be brought to this confict before the situation in El Fasher grows in order to hopefully draw other world leaders into persuading the parties to call for a ceasefre," Telfer said. "Unfortunately, if they don’t want to cooperate, I hope we could get more humanitarian aid sent that way as well as help refugees leave the country while they can,"

In June 2023, the United States government intervened to push for more accountability for the diferent

Unfortunately, if they don't want to cooperate, I hope we could get more humanitarian aid sent that way, as well as help refugees leave the country while they can.

said. “And I think there could be better student awareness on the situation,” More recently, rates of crime have been rising specifcally in the capital of North Darfur, El Fasher. More fghts and attacks along the borders of El Fasher have been occurring lately. Specifcally, military groups associated with RSF have been the cause of attacks and burnings. Seeing that it is the capital, it is a busier location,

forces involved in the problem. Ten further in, in Oct. 2023, the USled negotiations with Saudi Arabia. However, while this was happening, the fghting in Sudan still continued despite the fact that the diferent sides were trying to talk it over.

“I think that besides things that are in immediate need, we, as a country, unfortunately are pretty busy with other things that are just higher on the global agenda,” Jorgensen said. “I think they’ve stumbled down to lower on the list of priorities.”

Finally, in March 2024, the UN Security Council (UNSC) demanded that all forces stop all violence that was occurring in Sudan. In response to this, the two main military forces involved in the confict agreed to negotiate while being moderated by Libya and Turkey. Tis talk ultimately was inefective as the general of SAF rejected the negotiation of ceasefre afer Ramadan. Around the same time, SAF had been advancing towards and had by then reached Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. According to Global Confict Tracker, part of the reason for these more recent SAF victories is that Iran is supplying them with armed drones. Recently, an oppurtunity for reopening peace negotiations has been presented. Te conference would take place in Paris. An American representative for Sudan named Tom Perriello believes that the confict could become a more organized war that could be easier to handle.

2 | Monday, May 20, 2024 The Broadview

Exploring San Francisco's art exhibits and landmarks Artful adventures in SF

Throughout every area and neighborhood in San Francisco there are countless art museums, galleries and exhibits. Currently, at the De Young Museum, there is an exhibit honoring Irving Penn, one of Vogue’s largest contributors, and another exhibit titled: Fashioning San Francisco: A Century of Style.

“I have a strong afnity for some of our larger cultural institutions in San Francisco,” Art teacher Rachel McIntire said. “Tese include the YBCA, SFMOMA, Contemporary Jewish Museum, MOAD and Te DeYoung,”

Te Irving Penn exhibition includes 175 photographs, covering every period of Penn’s nearly 70-year career and the exhibit will be showing until July 21. Penn was one of vogues longest contributors. His art and photography covered documentary scenes, celebrity portraits, abstract nudes and fashion studies.

According to Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, the Fashioning San Fran-

cisco exhibition will include iconic 2021st century US women’s clothing with Snapchat Augmented Reality Mirrors that will allow people to try on three gown looks from the collection.

“I think that the Snapchat Augmented Reality Mirrors are such a cool addition to the exhibit,” sophomore Vivienne

I have a strong our larger cultural institutions in San Francisco - Rachel McIntire

Legg said. “It’s so unique that this exhibit is adding this feature because now we can try on the dresses, whereas before, we would just be looking at them,”

Festivals are always on my mind. Whether its scrolling through endless Coachella posts or hearing people diss the Outside Lands lineup, I can't seem to escape the thought of them. Tis really makes me think: What is the point of going to these festivals? What about them that makes it so appealing?

My answer is the pure joy and fun

Yayoi Kusama’s ‘Infnite Love’ is on display until May 28 at the SFMOMA. Within her art installation, Yayoi Kusama includes two Infnity Mirror Rooms which encourage you to see an endless refection of yourself– as well as to see the colorful shapes within the space. Tese shapes allow viewers to see a repetition of these fgures along with fragments of their own refection, according to SFMOMA. Tickets for this event cost $10 in addition to the general admission fee, and visitors younger than 18 can enter for free.

Another event taking place is Disney's ‘Cats and Dogs’, located at SF’s Walt Disney Museum. Lasting from June 2-24, this is an exhibition that explores the evolution and innovation of animalinspired animation and the work that went into bringing these characters to life, according to the Walt Disney Website, Over 300 sketches, paintings, model sheets, animation drawings, posters, photographs, and digital artworks will be shown – including characters like Pluto from ‘Mickey Mouse’ and Lady and the Tramp from ‘Lady and the Tramp.’ To view this artwork, tickets range from $15

for an adult, $10 for a senior citizen or a student, and $5 for a child.

“Growing up I was always a big Disney movie fan, especially of the animals I would see in their flms,” freshman Siena Kane said. “I can’t wait to go to this art exhibition because I can see how my favorite characters came to life and the initial sketches behind them,”

Another San Francisco staple is the Amoeba Music Store on Haight St. Tis store is open year-round selling vinyls, CDs, cassettes, posters, and much more. Te store is open all week from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

“I am so glad that there is an Amoeba store in our city,” Legg said. “I love going there because it has the coolest stuf and the best energy,"

According to Amoeba Music, the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood, with its history of music and expression, is the perfect place for the store. Tis store is one of three other Amoeba stores, which are located in Berkeley and Hollywood. “I do think there is a great and growing amount of art exhibits and museums in San Francisco,” McIntire said. “I have too many favorites to name.”

Why do people love music festivals?

that comes with it. Music festivals are not only a great place to listen to many of your favorite artists all in one place, but they’re also amazing for community building. It’s simply fun to attend music festivals with your friends, meet new people, and share a love for music with a community that loves it too.

Te bustling energy and good music draws people to the concerts and festivals. Tis is why so many people travel so far and from so many diferent places to attend festivals — for the experience and the joy that comes with it. According to Te San Francisco Chronicle,

around 250,000 people attended Outside Lands in 2023.

Tis number makes so much sense afer personally attending the festival, and immersing myself into the music and vibe. What is noticeable while being there is just how much is going on and how much there is to do. Whether it's catching up with friends, enjoying live music or trying a new food or drink, there is always a community building. Tis to me, is why music festivals are so engaging.

Te Bay Area has an abundance of music festivals which attests to the live-

liness and energy of the area. Some of the more popular festivals include in the Bay include Outside Lands, BottleRock, Hardly Strictly, and the Stern Grove Festival.

Te main thing that draws people into music festivals is of course the music and the artists performing. It is also a great way to discover new artists that you have never heard of before. While the music and the artists are the main factors when drawing people into a music festival, people also just love the community and the good times that comes with it.

ART The Broadview Monday, May 20, 2024 | 3
Creative Commons | THE BROADVIEW DISPLAY from the Irving Penn Exhibit in the Grand Palais museum in Paris. Currently, the exhibit is in the De Young Museum and will be up until July 21. Charlotte Morris and Cece Aliabadi Art Editor and Reporter Charlotte Morris Art Editor Creative Commons | THE BROADVIEW OUTSIDE of the San Francisco Walt Disney Family Museum. The museum has been around since 2009. Currently, there is a Cats and Dogs exhibit up, showcasing disney's most famous cats and dogs. Charlotte Morris | THE BROADVIEW RECORD display from Ameoba Music in the Haight. Ameoba has been a San Francisco staple since 1997 when it was converted from a bowling alley to the famous music store. Heidi Yeung | THE BROADVIEW ART from the Yayoi Kusama Exhibition at the SFMOMA. The exhbit has been in the museum since October 2023 and will be up until May 28.

Inside Outside Lands

Lineup released for summer music festival

utside Lands is an annual music festival hosted in Golden Gate Park, and will return for its 16th year this August. Te three-day music festival will take place from August 9 to 11, with headliners such as Tyler Te Creator, Te Killers, and Te Postal Service, drawing in hundreds of thousands of people. Before the lineup was released, fans had the option to buy Eager Beaver tickets, a full three-day package at a slightly lower price, but without knowledge as to who would be performing. Once revealing the lineup, Outside Lands releases threeday passes starting at $465, according to Outside Lands Tickets. Later on, more information about which artists are playing

If you have the chance to go, you should take it.

of clothing also makes him stand out, and he is known for speaking his mind and being true to himself, according to McGarry.

Headliners draw people in, but loyal fans of smaller bands ofen buy tickets to specifcally see one or two people.

Outside Lands has a plethora of other artists playing this year, including TV Girl, Chappell Roan, Slowdive, Tyla and Men I Trust. Te festival hosts many smaller performers from the indie or alternative music genres, which many believe resonates with San Francisco's strong roots in these types of music, according to freshman Addy Wilkins.

on certain days will come out, which then opens up individual day passes for around $175.

“I would most look forward to seeing Te Postal Service, but I do love most of the artists performing,” freshman Nina McGarry said. “I think the lineup was better last year because it was more in line with the kind of music I listen to and it had more performances I was excited about, even though I think both are pretty solid,”

Tyler Te Creator, one of the most anticipated headliners, has won his loyal fan base for his alternative, hip-hop, and rap styles. His colorful and eccentric style

Tis line-up is not for me, although very few line-ups for Outside Lands are for me,” math and astronomy faculty Colin Elliott said. “In general, I don't like music festivals or large venue concerts – too crowded, poor sound quality, and I'm usually so far back I can't see anything anyway, and personally, I wouldn't pay $465; I can get the same experience with a $5 pair of headphones and bus fare on the 38 through the Tenderloin,”

Outside Lands began in 2008 and is known for its vibrant colors and fun cartoon style. Afer buying tickets, fans are shipped scannable wristbands to enter the event. Once put on, the wristband cannot be taken of and is a person’s only way to gain entry into the festival. Te wristbands are waterproof, and feature on theme, colorful, graphic designs. Other festivals such


as Coachella use this method of identifcation to prevent the reselling of tickets or trading wristbands with others.

“I also used to live in the Outer Richmond, so my experience with the annual Golden Gate Park music festivals is mixed,” Elliot said. “On the one hand, it was really great being able to open my window and listen to Paul McCartney, Blink 182, or Janet Jackson from my living room. On the other hand, tens of thousands of people, most from out of town, descended onto my neighborhood with their noise, their trash, and their carousing into the early morning,”

Outside Lands is an all-ages festival, and therefore brings out people from diferent generations with a mix of older and newer artists. Te Postal Service, Te Killers, and Slowdive are all products of the 1990s and early 2000s, while artists like Chappell Roan and TV Girl are more modern. “Te artists performing put on great shows which draws people to the festival, and the atmosphere is always very exciting and lively,” McGarry said. “I would say if you have a chance to go you should take it.”

atherine Middleton, Princess of Wales, disappeared from the public afer spending Christmas day with her family. Tis led to many rumors about the possible causes being spread on social media. Te rumors increased afer the royal family announced via X that Princess Kate would be absent from the royal family’s afairs for a few months due to a minor medical procedure. Tis caused confusion over whether the incident was a minor medical problem or if there were more signifcant problems within the British royal family.

“I fnd it sad how many rumors spread about Princess Kate, even afer she told the public that she has cancer,” freshman Siena Kane said. “It must have been hard to deal with all of the rumors in addition to her illness,”

Speculations were temporarily put to rest on Jan. 17 when Kensington Palace announced Princess Kate’s abdominal surgery was successful and that she would be taking a break from being in the public eye.

“I was shocked when I found out,” junior Mila Kane said. “It was unexpected, especially with all the rumors going around online. It’s good to hear that she’s optimistic about her treatment journey,”

Afer recovering, Princess Kate discovered that she had cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy.

“I think this brings to light that everybody is a person, and that diseases such as cancer afect us all,” physics teacher Liam Carey said. “It shows how the royal family are real people who also face struggles,”

On March 10, a photo of Princess Kate with her children at their home in Windsor was released via X. Tis led to a new string of suspicions when the photo was suspected to be heavily edited. Princess Kate responded to

these concerns by writing on X that she was sorry for all the confusion surrounding the photograph but that she, like many other photographers, likes to occasionally make small edits to her pictures.

“I think it's unfortunate that Kate Middleton has cancer, but it’s weird how much the Royal Family hid it because it is not uncommon to have,” freshman Fiona Brentani said. “But when I frst heard the news, I was shocked to hear about it because she is very young,”

A recent study by BMJ Oncology revealed that younger people are getting cancer more frequently. Doctors assume it might be due to our environment, diet and how many are less physically active than before, but there is no clear answer yet.

“I hope that Princess Kate makes a quick recovery,” Kane said. “And I hope that she stays healthy and happy despite all that she is facing.”

FEATURES 4 | Monday, May 20, 2024 The Broadview
Eliza Burger | THE BROADVIEW 2023 Outside Performer Cigarettes after Sex at the Twin Peaks stage. People sit on the lawn further back while those closer up stand. Wikimedia Commons | WITH PERMISSION IN this photo, there is Princess Kate, her husband, Prince William, and their three young children. Princess Kate has expressed her desire to minimize the attention on her cancer to protect her children from the press.

Senior spotlights

Annabel Roubinowitz

Among her busy International Baccalaureate classes, her Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) Project, and college applications senior Annabel Roubiunowtiz still fnds time to take and teach judo classes, be on TeenVogue advocating for young voters and hang out with her friends on the weekend. Judo, a Japanese system of unarmed combat that is now primarily a sport, revolves around the objective of cleanly throwing, pining or mastering the opponent by applying pressure to arm joints or to the neck, according to Britannica. Annabel has been doing judo at an all-female judo club for almost nine years. Afer many years, Annabel became a teacher and now specifcally teaches children from Native American backgrounds. Alongside her busy work as a judo teacher, she has also been featured in TeenVogue for work she did with the organization IGNITE the Vote, an organization that has trained 30,000+ young women to discover and fex their political power. IGNITE has become the nation's leading organization harnessing political ambition, community building and leadership skills among young women and girls. Afer working with the organization, she interviewed young women in her area to hear their take on voting in America and later created a radio story that was featured in TeenVogue. When she is not busy with judo, her IB classes, or promoting voting awareness, Annabel likes to go to the mall on weekends and hang out with her friends. She also enjoys binge-watching shows like Gossip Girl and Gilmore Girls.

Fast Facts

Elementary School: Lycee Français

Favorite school lunch: Ramen and fortune cookies

Best Convent Memory: Horseback riding in Costa Rica

Deirdre Kenny

You would think being a Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Soccer and Varsity Track & Field athlete would not leave time for much else, but senior Deirdre Kenny does it all. Deirdre has been a three-season athlete at Convent since freshman year and still found time to get a three-month internship and spend quality time with her friends. Te summer before her senior year, Deirdre was involved with TurnUp, which is a 501 non-proft organization and app founded in 2019 that comprises the largest youth-led voter registration and turnout initiative. Te organization’s goal is to help strengthen democracy by increasing high-impact youth civic action and closing the gap between young people who want to take civic action and those who do so. TurnUp has registered 291,024 young voters via high school and community college voter registration drives, relational voter registration and digital advertising. Deirdre recommends doing an internship to everyone as it is a fun way to get involved in your community, and to do things you are passionate about. She also recommends that as an IB student, when starting new activities, see if they correspond to any of the IB requirements such as the Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) Project or the Global Politics Political Engagement Activity. When not busy with all her activities and work helping to keep democracy alive, Deirdre loves to grab a cofee and a pastry afer practice or as a little treat and way of taking a break.

Fast Facts

Elementary School: Saint Vincent De Paul

Favorite school lunch: Pesto pasta

Kate Richardson

KBest Convent Memory: Copenhagen and Berlin trip

ate Richardson is an International Baccalaureate student who runs the Eco Club at school and is a Varsity feld hockey athlete. Tough unknown to most, Kate found the time in her busy schedule to write and publish a research paper and partake in a climate fellowship. Afer starting her IB classes, Kate found immense interest in the intersection of Global Politics and climate change and immediately wanted to learn more. Tis past summer, she worked with a postdoctoral research professor from Princeton University in a one-on-one mentorship program through Cambridge University. Weekly Zoom sessions with the professor led to her learning how to code in Python, allowing her to analyze data on the main variables of countries and climate change — including their GDP, greenhouse gas emissions and CRI (Climate Risk Index) levels. She used this research to write a paper about the current and new state of global climate politics then went on to present it at two international conferences. Additionally, Kate participated in a climate leadership fellowship with Rustic Pathways at Stanford, where she created a climate project and implemented it in her community. When attempting to balance IB classes, college applications and extracurricular activities, Kate found it helpful to make a work schedule in the fall of senior year. She’d organize her week to be able to focus on homework on specifc nights and then devote her other evenings to college applications. On the weekends, you can fnd Kate hanging out with her friends, running to clear her mind or exploring new cafes to make studying more exciting. If you see her, ask which cafe is her favorite!

Fast Facts

Elementary School: Convent Elementary School

Favorite school lunch: Grilled cheese and tomato soup

Best Convent Memory: Junior year ring ceremony

ILetter from the Editor

walked into the Pub Lab for the frst time as a seventh grader, drawn to journalism afer years of staring at black-and-white shots of my grandfather’s Washington Post newsroom and riveting tales of Watergate. Immediately hit with the sound of feverishly — or was it frantically — typing keys, my wide-eyed and thrilled twelve-year-old self watched Ms. Tracy Sena hand reporters stories covered in red ink. Within 3 minutes of entering the Pub Lab, I knew journalism would be a home for me as I aged. Te allure of being a young journalist wasn’t just another extracurricular. As I became a journalist, I became an informed and vocal community member. When I told Ms. Sena I’d be continuing at Convent through high school, she told me I’d make a great Editor-in-Chief. Te next year, she retired. I spent the frst year without her attempting to live up to her legacy. But months afer her retirement, our beloved Pub Lab was repurposed and journalism disappeared from the curriculum. Deadlines were missed and stories sufered. Without an advisor or a space, Te Broadview’s spark diminished.

As the most tenured staf member, I was determined to revive the school’s cherished newspaper. Recalling my freshman “Intro to Journalism” course, I held workshops twice a month to teach staf everything I could remember. I met individually with students, introducing AP Style rules and teaching InDesign. Even-

tually, we had 10 reporters with stable foundations and were back to producing a story every day.

Te Broadview has been my labor of love for the past 4 years. Increasingly so in the past two. I am proud of the work, dedication and love that has sparked in Te Broadview’s younger staf members and I am thrilled to say the paper thrives on.

Tis edition is special to me as it is the Senior Edition honoring my class. As freshmen, we began high school as a face in a small square on our computer screens, debating if our A would be taken away if we turned of our cameras. We have come incredibly far and I am proud of the intelligent, driven women we have become. Te Broadview staf is thrilled to be able to highlight a few of our most quietly accomplished seniors — thank you to Kate, Deirdre, and Annabel for ofering your stories and achievements with us. Readers, thank you for your loyalty (and patience) with our resurrected paper. And to my Broadview ladies, thank you for your drive, determination and care for the paper. I am proud of the legacy we carry on and I am thrilled to see where you take the paper in the future.

SENIORS The Broadview Monday, May 13, 2024 | 5
Monday, May 20, 2024
Steve Abernethy | WITH PERMISSION Annabel Roubinowitz | THE BROADVIEW Amrita Rajpal | THE BROADVIEW

Tis game is meant for 2-3 players but can be played with as many people as you would like if you fnd more game pieces


1. Cut out the spinner, arrow and game pieces

2. Attach them together using a thumbtack

3. If materials to create spinner are unavailable, use a die to determine how many spaces to move per turn

4. Each player places their game piece at the starting space (outfront of Flood)

5. Each player takes turns spinning the spinner

6. Te player with the highest spin takes the frst turn and moves the corresponding number of spaces

7. Going in turns, each player spins the spinner and moves the correct number of turns

8. Whoever reaches the end frst wins



College Apps, End of Year Testing or Senioritis, go back 3 steps


Ring Ceremony, Prom or Grad, go forward 4 steps and if you land on Senior Tea use the slide


SENIORS 6 | Monday, May 20, 2024 The Broadview


SENIORS The Broadview Monday, May 20, 2024 | 7
Madelon Podell

Staying home v. jetting away

The summer travel dilemma

s summer approaches, students and their families are beginning to make plans for their summertime activities. Tis might include staying home in the Bay Area and enjoying local sights, or traveling abroad and experiencing new cultures, foods, and traditions.

Staying in the city for summer break opens up opportunities to experience the city in new ways. As we normally spend most of our time commuting to school and enthralled in extracurricular activities, it's hard to truly enjoy the area that we live in. Summer break is a great opportunity to explore San Francisco and all of the wonderful sights and experiences it has to ofer.

Tis could include seeing interesting exhibits at the Legion of Honor or exploring Fisherman’s Wharf. For those who want a more cultural and foodie experi-

ence, going to the Mission, Chinatown, or North Beach is great to see the plethora of cultures present in the city.

Many people spend summer in the city, so having a stay at home vacation, also known as a staycation, is a great time to relax and hang out with friends. Going to a picnic or having a movie night with friends is a good way to relax without having to travel far and remain in the comforts of your own home.

San Francisco also ofers many fun opportunities like concerts and festivals. Outside Lands and Bottlerock are concerts that happen every year and will be taking place this year in May and Aug. respectively. Tese festivals are great opportunities to broaden musical horizons and gain new experiences while remaining in the Bay Area.

On the other hand, traveling is a great opportunity to reach out to new cultures and gain new experiences. Despite the Bay Area being a very diverse place, it's a

completely diferent feeling to experience other cultures frsthand.

Although travel can be a very tedious and exhausting process, landing in another city, country or continent brings a rush of adrenaline and a sense of exploration. Being in a new place is a revolutionary experience that helps bring people outside their comfort zone and try new things.

Traveling comes with unfamiliar foods, new cultural norms, and sometimes an entirely diferent language. It is also a great opportunity to practice the language skills that students learn at school, such as Spanish, Mandarin and French Students also have the opportunity to participate in an exchange program with many students spending summer in the Sacred Heart community. Several sophomores this year are taking time out of their summer to work on their language skills internationally in locations like Australia and Germany.

Living in a post-pandemic world, trav-

eling can be a difcult decision. Tere are many risks with traveling internationally and remaining safe, healthy, and budgetfriendly is a key priority.

Several students at Convent & Stuart Hall also participate in college programs around the world to pursue education during the summer. University of California Berkeley, Harvard University and Cambridge University all ofer fantastic summer programs in various areas like pre-law and architecture that students have participated in during past summers.

Programs like these are great ways to travel during the summer that don’t involve a lot of tourism. During the school year, it can be difcult to balance and pursue hobbies with school. Experiences like these help students pursue their interests in their summer free time.

Whether staying home or traveling around the world, both experiences are fun and provide moments that will create lasting memories.

Traveling or staying home?

If traveling, where are you going?

SENIORS 8 | Monday, May 20, 2024 The Broadview
| CREATIVE COMMONS THE travel predicament of staycation or vacation rears its head once again making students, faculty, and teachers wonder whether its best to stay home or travel this summer break.

Clark's court Former Hawkeyes star starts with Indiana Fever

were ofen used to justify the highly contrasting television contracts that CBS paid for the men's NCAA basketball and the small amount that ESPN paid for the women's tournaments.

“Up until a while ago when someone mentioned college basketball they always meant the men’s college games,” sophomore Vivienne Legg said. “Now there is a need to diferentiate which is a low standard but it is something that women like Caitlin Clark, Page Bueckers, and Angel Reese have done to equalize their rightful titles in basketball,”

Clark was the number 1 pick in the WNBA draf and will be making about 137 times less than her NBA equivalent, according to Yahoo Sports. Te former NCAA player is set to make $76,535 her rookie year for a total of $338,056 over the next four seasons. In comparison to the NBA, their number

Caitlin Clark is a standout American college basketball player who gained national recognition for her shooting ability and was recently the number one pick in the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) draf Born in Jan. 2002, Clark quickly emerged as one of the top players in women’s college basketball and currently holds the title of the NCAA Division I all-time leading scorer.

By Clark’s collegiate seasons, she had already been awarded many prestigious accolades including multiple All-American honors and conference awards in the Big Ten, according to the NCAA. Te Wooden Award is presented annually to the most outstanding women’s basketball

Hplayer who achieves incredible on and of-court success, and Clark has won this award for two consecutive seasons.

“Caitlin Clark is one of the main reasons why women's basketball is becoming so popular and I am so glad the reason for this is the sudden recognized excellence and quality of the players,” sophomore Lila Pollak said. “Te media can twist up stories but it is hard to make her look bad when she has tangible evidence for dominating the sport,”

For years, television ratings were taken as a proxy for the popularity of college basketball, and the numbers for the women's games were remarkably low. In 2019 about 4 million people watched the women's championship game, whereas nearly 20 million watched the men's championship, according to NCAA. Tese numbers

1 pick signed a contract with a starting salary of $12.2 million, to make $55.1 million over his four years.

“Te biggest NBA players brought so much more money to their league than they were paid,” YMCA basketball coach Khol Hurley said. “Even though Clark brought women's basketball to another height, it’s being ignored and not refected in her salary, which could be diferent for other outstanding female players in the future,”

Clark is a catalyst for the advancement of women’s equality in the athletic realm. Not only does she promote women’s basketball, but she is setting the stage for bringing attention to all women’s sports. Te University of Nebraska’s volleyball team has been increasingly popular in part due to their media attention which

led 92,000 people to attend one of their games according to NCAA, which is the leading attendance record in women's collegiate basketball. Tis example demonstrates how the increase of media attention brings female sports to the conversation, according to junior Annika Carpenter.

“In school, people are talking about her in conversation with other legendary basketball players that happen to be men, and they aren't harping on the fact that she is a woman,” Carpenter said. “I feel like these are the frst steps toward leveling the internal diferences between men's and women's sports,”

With Clark getting drafed to the Indiana Fever as the frst pick of the WNBA draf, she sets the tone for their next season coming of of her record-setting seasons with the University of Iowa. If her media presence follows her into the WNBA, it could mean big things for the league, according to Pollak.

“I am interested to see how she does in the WNBA because not a lot of prominent women in basketball go there because of the large pay gap,” said Pollak. “But I think Clarks' appearances will initiate the changes we need simply because she is now such a prominent fgure,”

A lot of prominent women decide to play internationally at the end of their college basketball career because of how much money the WNBA generates. Tis is mainly caused by the TV rights which are worth $65 million versus the NBA’s $2.8 billion contract according to WNBA. Tis, along with the fact that they play fewer games in their season contributes to the limited attendance for WNBA games.

“I really hope that Clark as well as these other phenomenal female players who just entered the WNBA will begin this change in the female game,” Pollak said. “Tis recent March Madness really brought light to what the WNBA could become when given the spotlight.”

Transgender women in sports

ouse Republicans are set to introduce the Protection of Women in Olympic and Amateur Sports Act, a bill that would block biologically male athletes from participating in any U.S Olympic event intended for biological women. Passing H.R 734, the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, will strengthen Title IX.

Title IX was enacted 50 years ago, and in part equalized womens sports by prohibiting sex-based discrimination. Tis bill did originally recognize transgender women as a part of this bill, and generally prohibited school athletic programs from allowing individuals whose biological sex at birth was male to participate in programs that are intended for biological women according to

Te inclusion of transgender athletes in sports raises questions about competitive balance and fairness. On average, the baseline muscle mass in men is 36% greater than in women according to InBody. And while everyone possessed both testosterone and estrogen, a biological male would have 10 to 35 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L) of testosterone, while a biological female would have 0.5 to 2.4 nmol/L according to MountSinai. Men have a slight genetic advantage over

women because of their higher baseline muscle mass, which comes into play with sports that mostly depend on strength like weight lifing, rowing and swimming.

While it may be true that biologically, particular trangender women have advantages over biological women, natural variation exists among all athletes across all sports. One cannot complain that since their opponent has an advantage due to their height for example, that athlete should not be able to compete. Even some biologically female athletes have raised levels of testosterone and have been allowed to compete professionally. Te limit for female testosterone levels in the olympics is 10 nmol/L according to Scientifc American. Caster Semenya was an olympic distance athlete who had raised levels of testosterone and was forced to undergo hormone therapy to lower those levels, which may have impacted her races not to her beneft. She is an example of natural variation and shows that we do not have the correct standards to enforce or ensure equality in athletics.

Research done by the Pew Research Institute indicates that transgender women who undergo hormone therapy ofen experience changes in muscle mass, strength, and other physical attributes that limit their genetic discrepancies over

biological women. However, these hormonal changes have symptoms that discourage them from competing in the frst place. Fatigue and nausea are the most common symptoms and combined with the stress athletics place on your body, conditions are tough for transgender athletes to begin with. If the standard that limits participation is the levels of testosterone, athletes may undergo dangerous hormone therapy in order to qualify. Tis standard promotes unsafe usages of hormone therapy to conform to a variable standard.

Including all transgender women in athletic competitions with biological women while ignoring these discrepancies has the possibility to limit opportunities for biological women to excel in their sport. Te current debate over the participation of transgender women in sports revolves around college swimmer Lia Tomas. Kentucky University swimmer Riley Gaines was one of many collegiate athletes who fled a lawsuit against the NCAA, accusing them of violating the rights given by Title IX as they allowed Lia to compete in the national championships. She was the frst transgender woman to win a DI title in any sport, which many solely attributed to the biological discrepancies a transgender female possesses according to University of Pennsylvania Athletics.

Pew Research Center found that approximately 1.2% of U.S. adults identify

as transgender, and an even smaller percentage are women that participate in sports. Tis information defnes transgender women as a minority and therefore transgender women who participate in athletics as even more of a minority. Tere are already prevalent issues revolving around representation in sports, and a need for equal representation among athletes. 35 out of the 200 bills passed in 2021 were regulating or prohibiting the participation of transgender women in sports, displaying the boundaries needed to overcome. Tis minority group is already lacking in representation in everyday life, and now even more in athletics. Women have had many disadvantages in sports even afer Title IX was passed, including television rights and payment, both of those issues have not been resolved and are still prevalent in women's sports today. Te inclusion of transgender women in female intended athletics proposes issues that cannot be solved in one simple answer due to the fact that humans cannot be categorized by their chemical percentages. Even some biological female athletes have higher levels of testosterone than the ‘average woman’. Tese athletes are allowed to enter female intended athletic competitions, which conficts the idea that testosterone levels should dictate participation.

SPORTS The Broadview Monday, May 20, 2024 | 9
Fiona Kenny Sports Editor Fiona Kenny Sports Editor John Mac | CREATIVE COMMONS THE University of Iowa plays in the Big 10 Conference where Caitlin Clark, number 22, is a standout player among the other women. While playing Perdue as a Junior, she had already received the Wooden Award for the first time.
female athetes while promoting saftey and equal




Senior Week is Sneaking Up

Honoring four years of hard work

Spring is well upon us and senior traditions are right around the corner. Senior Week, the week that leads up to seniors’ commencement, will begin on May 20 and will feature events such as Senior Tea and the kindergarten-senior playdate.

During senior week, seniors are recognized and celebrated for all the hard work and long hours they’ve put into their school work, exams, and community life. Senior week allows them to refect, share memories, and strengthen their connections with their peers before embarking on their separate journeys. Senior week also honors the rich history and tradition of our school, with many practices that date back to our French roots.

Te Schools of the Sacred Heart was founded in France by St. Madeleine Sophie Barat. Many of our traditions stem back to our French founding.

Te inaugural event of senior week is the Convent Senior Tea when each

Convent student gathers in the Cortile. It is also when the iconic class photos which line the side stairways of Broadway are taken. Te Senior Tea was not always a part of Senior Week — originating in 1940, the Senior Tea initially served as a debut for the graduating young women, which according to Ms. Simpson, was an event meant to smoothly transition the debutants into society. Tis tradition dates back to our origin schools in France, where French graduates would also wear laurels, or laurel wreaths, representing their academic achievement. Connecting with our French roots is one of the things that makes witnessing senior week so special. Watching these almost archaic traditions unfold in today’s modern society makes one think about how far we’ve come, and yet it also honors the origins from which we came. Te Senior Tea is not a debut anymore, though the graduates still wear long white dresses for

the week. Te white graduation dresses symbolize purity, new beginnings, and a transition into adulthood.

Te President's Lunch happens on May 21. Hosted by Head of School, Ann Marie Krejcarek, it serves as another opportunity to personally acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of the graduating seniors. It will take place in the Reception Room and fosters a sense of community among the seniors as they come together one last time before graduation to refect on their experiences and bond over a meal.

Following the President’s Lunch is the Baccalaureate Mass, a tradition which actually ties back to medieval Europe. Tis mass takes place the night before commencement at St. Mary's Cathedral. Te Baccalaureate Mass is a religious ceremony which ofers a spiritual blessing and farewell to the graduating seniors as they prepare to set of on the next phase of their lives.

Finally, the seniors’ commencement ceremony will be very emotional, bringing an end to the four or more years the seniors have spent at Convent and Stuart Hall. As someone who has attended Convent since kindergarten, I know that it feels as if I grew up here, so graduating is certainly going to be a big moment. As our school is unable to hold the united Convent and Stuart Hall senior classes, the ceremony will once again be at the Palace of the Fine Arts. Speeches are given by Ann Marie Krejcarek, Rachel Simpson and Tony Farrell. Additionally, the presidents of the Convent and Stuart Hall bodies, a student chosen by their peers and a student chosen by faculty from each class will speak at the ceremony. On May 23, each diploma is handed out, a handshake is exchanged and the seniors are one step closer to fnishing of their academic journey.

OP-ED 10 | Monday, May 20, 2024 The Broadview
"I'm looking forward to the President's Lunch." — Catherine Fiechter, 9 am excited to have the senior tea next year." — Thea Pratt, 11 "I am looking forward to the senior-kindergarten playdate." — Orly Cook, 12 "The tradition that I'm looking forward to is the senior tea." — Scarlett Farr, 12 "I am mostly excited for the graduation ceremony." — Francesca Lauterbach, 10 Scott Chernis | WITH PERMISSION CLASS of 2023 at their commencement ceremony. Commencement is held at the Palace of the Fine arts to accomadate both the Convent and Stuart Hall Senior classes.


"I am looking foward to going to an amusement park because I love rollercoasters."

— Addie Sanford, 9

"l'd really like to go to Six Flags. I think it would be a lot of fun."

— Adania Cooper, 10

"I'd love to go to the beach on a warm spring day with house music playing."

— Phoebe Brockway, 11

"My dream Congé would be at a Taylor Swift concert!"

— Grace Gallagher, 12

Celebrating Congé

C"I've heard that classes went to amusement parks, so I'd have loved to go to one."

— Lucy Corrigan, 12

Student body celebrates Congé in the Presidio

ongé is a Sacred Heart tradition celebrated in most Sacred Heart network schools across the country. Congé, meaning “a period of rest” or “farewell” in French, is a day for students and faculty to relax and have fun doing various activities of campus. While the many Sacred Heart schools recognize Congé diferently, they all share the same community-building themes of secret, laughter, and excitement.

“Congé is one of my favorite Sacred Heart traditions and I look forward to it every year,” senior Courtney Hall said. “It’s one tradition that I’ll remember for the rest of my life,”

Te frst Congés were planned by the sisters at Sacred Heart boarding schools for girls to have fun. While Congé was originally just a day to let of steam, it is now a multifaceted community event flled with a chance to try new things and an opportunity for seniors to take a leadership role in planning school activities. Te heads of school and Community Life Chairs plan the date while the student council plans the surprise events and schedule. Students usually spend the weeks leading up to Congé in suspense, eager to fnd out when it will happen. Tis

year’s Congé took place on April 19.

“Congé in high school is a lot diferent from middle or elementary because it was just a carnival-type situation,” senior Karina Abernethy said. “Te whole eighth grade class planned Congé whereas the student council plans ours now,”

Planning Congé requires a lot of teamwork and organization from the student

Convent of the Sacred Heart High School 2222 Broadway St. | San Francisco, California 94115 |

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council according to Abernethy. Tey are tasked with fnding a location, scheduling events, and managing the other gritty parts of the groundwork. One key part of the operation is keeping the date of Congé a secret. All students except for the student council are kept in the dark, and even the teachers are unaware of the date until a couple of weeks before.

“Te planning process is mostly the student leaders in the executive committee negotiating everything,” Community Life chair Michael Buckley said. “Mr. PL and I make sure that Congé won’t interfere with important testing or athletic events and we typically schedule it in spring so that we can have good weather,”

2015 was the frst year Convent & Stuart Hall high school students celebrated Congé together. Since then, Congé has taken place at the beach, rock climbing walls, and even online during the pandemic. Additionally, Congé has not always been in the spring. In fact, the 2011 Congé was held on Halloween afer a school-wide costume contest.

Tis year’s Congé was announced right afer the school’s annual Poetry Contesival. Te theme was “childhood birthday party” and took place in the Presidio with a variety of activities like bowling, fortune telling, and hula hoop. Students could choose between food trucks or food from the bowling alley for lunch.

“I really loved this year's theme and it was a great reset before IB testing,” Hall said. “It was especially fun because I feel like as we get older, we have less time to relax and play games — so it was nice to jump back into childhood for one more day.”

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OP-ED The Broadview Monday, May 20, 2024 | 11
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Convent & Stuart Hall Flickr | WITH PERMISSION FACE painting was a popular activity at this year's Congé. Some of the designs included flowers, characters, and animals.

Seniors' favorite spots in SF

Favorite Cafe?

Boba Guys

Rose's Café

Located on Union Street. Casual sit-down cafe specializing in Italian cuisine. Serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Sweet Maple

Located outside of Japantown. Serves breakfast and lunch. Widly recognized for their signature 'Millionare's Bacon'.

Favorite Boba shop?

Locations across SF. Popular drinks include strawberry matcha latte and black tea. Known for using organic and high-end ingredients


Located on Union St. Known for their old fashioned and house made ice cream. Popular dessert destination since 1948.

Chestnut Street


Casual sit-down Italian restaurant serving lunch and dinner. Recognized for their 'Roman style' pizza and homemade pastas.

Wing Stop

Several locations in SF. Popular lunch or dinner choice for large parties. Serves wings in over 12 diferent flavors.

Favorite place to shop?

Located in the Marina. Dozens of cafes, resturaunts and stores make it the perfect place to shop and eat.

Golden Gate Park

Largest park in San Francisco. Pefect for weekend outings. Filled with many attractions such as the Botanical Gardens, Japanese Tea Garden, Conservatory of Flowers and more.

What’s pumping in the City

As the school year ends and the everyday task of lugging around heavy books and devices ends with it, students have had the entire year to decide which bag is most efective for holding their items. While backpacks may be the typical choice for many, there are a wide variety of bags that Convent students use on a daily basis. A bag seen frequently at Flood Mansion is the Longchamp bag, which is made by a French leather goods company, and was founded by Jean Cassegrain in 1948. Te company debuted their frst women’s handbag in 1971 with the groundbreaking addition of nylon in bags. Furthermore, the Long-

champ design seen most ofen in the halls of Convent is the Le Pliage tote - which is the brand’s most successful handbag. Te design was made in 1993, and now, 31 years later, the handbag is still in high demand and usage. Other commonly seen backpacks include Northface’s backpacks, made in 1969, and Jansport’s backpacks, which were made in 1967. Te company Jansport was founded by Murray Pletz, and he named his company afer his wife, Janice “Jan” Lewis. All of these variations indicate how a good bag doesn’t depend on how many years ago it was designed, but how useful it is.


Trending Bags

CITY LIFE 12 | Monday, May 20, 2024 The Broadview
Elsie Scott | THE BROADVIEW Rosé's Cafe
• • • • • •
Elsie Scott | THE BROADVIEW Sweet Maple CREATIVE COMMONS Swensen's Elsie Scott | THE BROADVIEW Delarosa CREATIVE COMMONS Wing Stop Elsie Scott | THE BROADVIEW Chestnut St | WIKIMEDIA COMMONS Golden Gate Park
Favorite Restaurant?
Cece Aliabadi | THE BROADVIEW
CREATIVE COMMONS Boba Guys Ice Cream shop?
Cece Aliabadi | THE BROADVIEW Cece Aliabadi | THE BROADVIEW NorthFace Backpack $99 Longchamp Bag $140 Jansport Backpack $42
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