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Q: What size are the tables that you provide?

A: 3 - 8’ X 3’ Farm Tables (maximum of 10 people each)

10 - 6’ X 30” folding rectangular banquet tables (require linens to be rented)

15 - 6' Round tables

Q: What chairs do you provide and how many?

A: 14” White folding ceremony chairs, with cushions. We have 150 available (if you need more they will have to be rented)

Q: Can we attach things to the walls or furniture at the venue?

A:Neitherthewallsnoranyfurnitureofthe venuearetohaveanyuseoftape.Allitems mustbeapprovedandmanagedwithour staff Therearemechanismsforhanging itemsfromtheceilingsoletusknowyour vision!

Q: Do you provide additional decor?

A: We have a storage room filled with items that are rentable on a package basis (this is an addon option with a cost per item). The Decor room is shared by both venues and is growing - with updates every 6 months on stock!

Q: Can we use real candles?

A:Bare,openflamesnorsparklersarein contraventionofourleasewiththebuilding. Flames simplyneedtobeinaglassvase (psst-wehavetheseforrent!).

Thisgoesfortealightcandlesaswell;openif enclosed,batteryoperatedifnot.

Q: Is it okay to have rose petals down the aisle/thrown??

A: Absolutely. Please give us a heads up and bear in mind that we will need time to sweep up after the ceremony exit so please build an extra 15 minutes into your timeline for that.

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