buchtelite the independent voice of The University of Akron
David Robinson Sophmore |Economics
“I belive so. I’ve seen different activities on campus. I mean - we had the Trump rally [and] other things like that that have people politically involved, so I believe you do have a voice on campus.”
Leonard Price Freshman | Business Management & Computer Technology “I think it would be nice for students to have more voice… I think if we have a voice now and for years to come, I think this university could be number one…”
Leah Carsten Freshman |Nutrition & Dietetics
“I guess, because there’s a huge amount of stands and stuff. They’re stating their opinion.”
Sabriana Butz Freshman | Business
“Yes, I do, because I see a lot of different organizations around campus all the time and the sidewalks and chalks all the time.”
arts &life Celeste Houmard
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