Lauren Baxter - Buyer Presentation

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C: (912) 572-1005

O: (404) 233-4142


Growing up a developer’s daughter in the beautiful coastal town of Richmond Hill, Georgia, Lauren was able to admire firsthand her father’s ability to take a forest of trees and turn it into a beautiful, thriving community with only opportunity layout for the new homeowners. Watching the individuals and families call their new community home was inspirational to Lauren. She too wanted a future helping others achieve their dreams.

After attending the University of Georgia, Lauren continued her education at Valdosta State University where she earned her Master’s degree in Speech Language Pathology. She focused her passion for helping others by treating patients experiencing a medical crisis for over a decade throughout the major hospital systems of Atlanta, but could never shake her foundation in the real estate industry. In 2020, Lauren decided it was time to take the skills learned in healthcare and apply them to building her own real estate legacy.

From the first meeting or phone call, Lauren’s clients immediately feel at ease. Her ability to connect with people on a personal level allows Lauren to provide her clients with a unique experience whether it is their first or twentieth real estate transaction. Lauren is known for her unmatched attention to detail, consistent communication, thoughtful guidance, and professional representation. Her deep knowledge of the Atlanta market and the transaction process give her clients the confidence to make one of life’s biggest decisions. When she is not out showing property or preparing a listing presentation, Lauren is busy volunteering at her daughter, Lily’s, school or exploring new restaurants with her husband, Walter.



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404.233.4142 |

Peachtree Road NE Atlanta, GA 30305

Whether you are just starting out, sizing down or considering the purchase of a substantial luxury property, we look forward to working with you. For almost 80 years, Atlantans have entrusted us to facilitate and manage their purchases in the metro area. We have remained committed to the priorities and values of our founder, Miss Emmie Norman, with standards of professionalism, integrity, community support and old fashioned hard work.


I will guide you through each step of the purchase of your new home

Review Buying Process with your HNR Associate

Meet with your Prosperity Mortgage Consultant to discuss the approval process

Get pre-approved for your home mortgage

Determine price range and time frame

Determine your home criteria

Loan Approval

Due Diligence Period (Home Inspections and Survey; Financing and Appraisal Contingencies)

Provide additional documentation to finalize the loan approval


Negotiations and Contract Acceptance

Make the offer

Start the home search and viewing process


certified check or wire funds for closing
Order Homeowners Insurance
utilities to be
on Final walk-through
Contingencies Removed CLOSING!



Earnest Money

Home inspection


Deposit with Harry Norman within 3 days of going under contract

Typically 1-2% of the purchase price *this cost is applied as a credit at the time of closing

During the Due Diligence period (1-7 days after going under contract)

$450-1000 *paid directly to home inspector and dependent on size of home

Home Inspection Add on During Due Diligence period

Individual rates apply (radon, sewer scope, survey, etc)


Within the appraisal contingency

$550+ *ordered by lender and paid directly to lender; depends on the size/price of the home

Attorney Fee

Approximately $775.00 (subject to change based on attorney)

Title Examination

Approximately $275.00

Title Insurance

The cost of title insurance is based on the purchase price and/or loan amount. You should discuss with the lender/closing attorney

Transfer Tax

$1.00 per thousand dollars of the sales price (round sales price up to the nearest thousand).

Intangible Tax

$1.50 per five hundred dollars of the loan amount (round loan amount up to the nearest five hundred).

Recording Fees

$25.00 per document. (Additional fees may apply in those counties utilizing e-recording).

Collection of Prepaids

Funds collected by the lender to initiate the escrow account that will later pay the homeowners insurance premium and property taxes when they are due.

Property Taxes

Collected at closing as a debit or credit based on the closing date and tax collection date. The portion of property tax paid by the buyer is only for their ownership of the property for that calendar year.

Lender Fees

This can be obtained from your lender and varies based on origination fees, etc.

HOA Fees

If you are buying in an area with an HOA, the initiation fees, dues, etc will be collected at closing



2022 Printing

State law prohibits Broker from representing Buyer as a client without first entering into a written agreement with Buyer under O.C.G.A. § 10-6A -1 et. seq.


1. Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Engagement Agreement. For and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the unders igned buyer(s) (“Buyer”) and the undersigned broker (“Broker”) do hereby enter into this Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Engagement Agreement (“Agreement”) on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

2. Term. The term of this Agreement shall begin on the date of ________________________________________ (“Startin g Date”) and shall continue through the date of _________________________________, as the same may be extended by written agreement of the parties or as provided for herein (“Ending Date”).

3. Agency and Brokerage

a. The following are types of agency relationship(s) NOT offered by Broker:

 seller agency  buyer agency  designated agency  dual agency  sub-agency  tenant agency  landlord agency

b. If Broker offers dual agency as one of its agency relationships above, Buyer  does or  does not consent to Broker acting in a dual agency capacity, as that agency relationship is explained in Section B.3(b) below and in the CB01 ABCs of Agency. Buyer expressly consents to Broker acting in any other agency relationship offered by Broker.

4. Commission.

a. Buyer’s Commission Obligations in Purchasing Real Property: Buyer agrees to pay broker the commission set forth below (“Commission”) at the closing of a Contract to Purchase (as that term is hereinafter defined) entered into during the term of this Agreement minus any commission paid to Broker by ei ther the seller’s broker or the seller. Buyer acknowledges that the Commission, if any, being offered by the seller’s broker is usually set forth in the multiple listing service in which the property may be listed.

b. Commission:

 percent (%) of the sales price;

 $__________ _


 (other) _______________ _.

c. Separate Commission on Lease If Buyer leases property or enters into a lease/purchase contract or a lease with an option to purchase agreement during this Agreement, Buyer shall also pay Broker a separate leasing commission (except where the commission is paid by the Landlord) in the amount of $_________________________________________ and as follows: _______________________. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained herein, the payment of a leasing Commission (including in lease/purchase transactions or lease with an option to purchase transactions) shall not relieve Buyer from paying the Commission at the closing of a Cont ract to Purchase, as provided elsewhere in this Agreement.

d. Protected Period: The length of the Protected Period, as that term is hereinafter defined, shall be ________________ day s (“Protected Period”).


1. Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Engagement Agreement. Buyer hereby agrees to hire Broker to act as Buyer’s exclusive real estate broker in locating, and to the extent requested by Buyer, negotiating the purchase or exchange of real property on behalf of Buyer and filing out a pre-printed form contract for Buyer’s review and approval. Buyer is not a party to any other current exclusive buyer brokerage engagement agreement and all such previous agreements, if any, have expired and not been renewed. Buyer acknowledges that Buyer may have to pay previous broker a real estate commission if Buyer is: a) subject to a current buyer brokerage engagement agreement; b) terminated a previous buyer brokerage agreement without the consent of the previous broker and enters into a Contract to Purchase, as that term is defined herein, or lease during what would have been the term of a previous exclusive brokerage engagement agreement had it not been terminated by buyer; or c) enters into a Contract to Purchase or lease on a Protected Properties during the Protected Period.

3.5 Flat Portion Commission



Offer Date: 2022 Printing


1. Purchase and Sale The undersigned buyer(s) (“Buyer”) agree to buy and the undersigned seller(s) (“Seller”) agree to sell the real property described below including all fixtures, improvements and landscaping therein (“Property”) on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

a. Property Identification : Address: ________________

City ____________________________, County _____ _____________, Georgia, Zip Code _

MLS Number: _____________________________________ T ax Parcel I.D. Number: ____________________________________

b. Legal Description: The legal description of the Property is [select one of the following below] :  (1) attached as an exhibit hereto;

 (2) Condominium (attach F204 Condominium Resale Purchase and Sale Exhibit)

 (3) the same as described in Deed Book _________, Page , et. seq., of the land records of the above county; OR

 (4) Land Lot(s) ________________ of the _______________ ___ District, ______________________________ Section/ GMD, Lot ________ ___, Block __ ___________, Unit _____________, Phase/Section _________________________________ of __________________________________________________ Subdivision/Development, according to the plat recorded in Plat Book ____________, Page ___________, e t seq., of the land records of the above county.

2. Purchase Price of Property to be Paid by Buyer. $

4. Closing Date and Possession.

3. Closing Costs. Seller’s Contribution at Closing: $

Closing Date shall be __ ____________________________ with possession of the Property transferred to Buyer  at Closing OR  _ days after Closing at ____ o’clock  AM  PM (attach F219 Temporary Occupancy Agreement).

5. Closing Law Firm Phone Number:

6. Holder of Earnest Money (“Holder”). (If Holder is Closing Attorney, F510 must be attached as an exhibit hereto, and F511 must be signed by Closing Attorney.)

7. Earnest Money. Earnest Money shall be paid by check ACH cash or wire transfer of immediately available funds as follows:  a. $_____________________________ as of the Offer Date  b. $____________________________ within ____ days from the Binding Agreement Date  c.

8. Inspection and Due Diligence.

a. Due Diligence Period : Property is being sold subject to a Due Diligence Period of _____ days from the Binding Agreement Date.

b. Option Payment for Due Diligence Period: In consideration of Seller granting Buyer the option to terminate this Agreement, Buyer: (1) has paid Seller $10.00 in nonrefundable option money, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged; plus (2) shall pay directly to Seller additional option money of $_____________________ by  check  ACH or  wire transfer of immediately available funds either  as of the Offer Date; OR  within _____ days from the Binding Agreement Date. Any additional option money paid by Buyer to Seller  shall (subject to lender approval) or  shall not be applied toward the purchase price at closing and shall not be refundable to Buyer unless the closing fails to occur due to the default of the Seller.

9. Lead-Based Paint. To the best of Seller’s knowledge, the residential dwelling(s) on the Property (including any portion thereof or painted fixture therein)  was (attach F316 Lead-Based Paint Exhibit) OR  was not built prior to 1978

10. Brokerage Relationships in this Transaction.

a. Buyer’s Broker is and is:

Harry Norman Realtors

(1)  representing Buyer as a client

(2)  working with Buyer as a customer

(3)  acting as a dual agent representing Buyer and Seller.

(4)  acting as a designated agent where:

has been assigned to exclusively represent Buyer

b. Seller’s Broker is and is:

(1)  representing Seller as a client

(2)  working with Seller as a customer.

(3)  acting as a dual agent representing Buyer and Seller

(4)  acting as a designated agent where: _______________________________ has been assigned to exclusively represent Seller.



A pre-approval indicates that a lender has taken a detailed look into your financial background and has committed to lend you a certain amount of money, pending specific property details. Because pre-approval entails a credit check and a review of supporting documentation, it’s more powerful than a pre-qualification letter, which generally only estimates what you can afford based on information you have provided.

Advantages of being pre-approved

Pre-approval offers a number of advantages over waiting to apply for a mortgage until after you have

1. Shop for a home with the confidence of knowing you are approved for the price range in which you are looking.

2. Take advantage of the preference many home sellers have for pre-approved buyers. With a pre-approval, sellers know they have a fullyapproved buyer qualified to purchase their home. This often will give you an advantage over an unapproved buyer when more than one contract is presented.

3. Strengthen your negotiating position.

4. Allow your sales associate to structure the financing portion of the contract based on your financial needs.

5. Obtain a quick closing date.

6. Discover possible qualification issues early in the home buying process, minimizing last minute surprises.

When searching for a new home, the last thing you want to be concerned with is the financing. A pre-approval helps remove the stress and anxiety during the home buying process by giving you the confidence that the financing will be in place.


Some loan programs allow for reduced documentation, therefore all items listed may not be necessary. Additional documentation may be required based on underwriting guidelines.


□ W-2 forms from the last two years

□ Federal tax returns, all pages, for the past two years for self-employed or commissioned income sources

□ A copy of the lease agreement(s) for rental property

□ A complete copy of the divorce settlement agreement (if using income to qualify)

□ Year-to-date pay stub

□ Pension/Social Security: Current year award letter. Copy of most recent check or, if direct deposit, a copy of the most recent bank statement showing receipt of funds

□ Self-employed: Year-to-date Profit & Loss Statement

□ Self-employed: Corporate/Partnership Tax returns for the past two years


□ The two most recent bank/brokerage statements, all pages, for all accounts


□ Credit card account numbers, lender’s name, balances and minimum payments

□ Car loan: Lender’s name, account number, payment and balance

□ Mortgage loans: Lender’s name, account number, payment and balance for each loan

□ Landlord’s name, address and telephone number dating back two years

□ Complete copy of divorce/settlement agreement


□ Application fee

□ A copy of the fully executed contract on your home

□ A copy of the relocation agreement (if applicable)

□ Alimony/Child Support/Note Income. Copy of note receivable or divorce decree/paternity award. Six months canceled checks or deposit slips showing receipt** (to use income to qualify, it must continue for a minimum of three years)

**Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if the borrower or co-borrower does not choose to have it considered for repaying the loan.


“Lauren was competent, professional, efficient, and a pleasure to work with. She made a very stressful adventure feel manageable and sometimes even fun. She helped us find our first home and we could not thank her enough.”

“Lauren was incredible. We will use her for all our future home and real estate questions. Over and over again through this process, my husband and I looked at each other and said ‘thank god we’re in Lauren’s hands.’ Or ‘let’s just let Lauren handle that.’ We trust her completely, and couldn’t be happier in our new, first home. She raised our respect for the entire real estate industry. Lauren is an absolute gem.”

“We have bought and sold over 20 homes and Lauren was one of the best agents we’ve ever had. From meeting her the first time to closing and even afterward with follow ups she was outstanding. She has great attention to detail. She was our advocate.”

“I can’t say enough positive things about our experience with Lauren. She is an absolutely amazing agent who went way above and beyond for us. We felt like we had the best advocate on our side, who made us feel comfortable and in control every step of the way (no small feat in this tumultuous market). She was enormously patient with us as we worked through the buying process, and we always felt that we were her primary focus and that she really cared about us and wanted the best outcome for this major life decision. She’s definitely our realtor for life, and we’ve already recommended her to several friends thinking about selling or buying!”

“I don’t think I can come up with enough words to say how wonderful it was to work with Lauren! Her knowledge and wisdom of the home-buying process were invaluable to us as we navigated a highly competitive market. She is thorough, savvy, professional, and always goes above and beyond for her clients. We have already told all of our friends and family that they should look no further than Lauren Baxter if they ever need a real estate agent!”

“Lauren was incredible. We wouldn’t have been able to find our home without her.”

“Lauren did an EXCELLENT job in preparing and selling our house! She made the process so easy and efficient. We would absolutely use her again and have already given her name to friends.”


Agency Disclosure

When you purchase a home in the state of Georgia, the relationship between a brokers, buyers and sellers must be disclosed to all parties in the real estate transaction. Harry Norman, REALTORS® offers representation to both buyers and sellers. I can provide materials to help you decide the working relationship that best meets your needs. If you should decide that I will be representing you, Georgia law requires that you sign a Buyer Agency Agreement. This agreement explains my responsibilities, your responsibilities in the purchase and how the transaction is handled if you purchase a home listed with Harry Norman, REALTORS®.

Purchase and Sale Agreement

The offer to purchase is usually prepared by the Buyer’s agent. This document should cover all terms of the proposed transaction and must be accompanied by an earnest money check from the purchaser. Once the offer is fully negotiated, signed and delivered to all parties to the agreement, it is a legally binding (enforceable) contract. Both purchasers and sellers should make sure they understand all terms and conditions of the offer before signing it and should seek legal counsel if they have doubts.

Earnest Money

The earnest money from the purchaser when the time the offer is written is typically 1-2% of the purchase price, but is negotiable between the buyer and the seller. A personal check is acceptable. If the offer is accepted by the seller the earnest money is immediately deposited into the broker’s escrow

account. This is applied toward the purchaser’s down payment and/or closing costs at the time of closing. If the offer is not accepted by the seller the check is never deposited and is returned to the Purchaser.


Contracts are generally contingent upon the purchaser’s ability to secure the financing described in the contract within a specified period of time.

Binding Agreement Date

The Binding Agreement Date is the Date that all parties have signed and initialed all of the contract documents and both parties have received a copy of the signed documents.

Closing Date

Closing generally takes place from 30-60 days after acceptance of the contract to purchase. The date is negotiated and agreed upon in the contract.


Occupancy typically is at closing on vacant homes, but could be 2-3 days after the closing if the property is occupied. This period is usually rent free to the seller and is negotiated in the contract.


Closings generally take place at an attorney’s office, with all parties to the transaction present. Your Agent and Lender will coordinate the date and time with all parties.

Legal Counsel

Most closings are handled by an Attorney that represents the Mortgage company processing your Loan. The Attorney’s fee is included in the Closing Costs. The closing attorney is responsible for title examination, recording of the documents, generating a settlement statement and collecting and/or disbursing funds. If there is no mortgage company involved, the purchaser may engage, at his expense, any attorney he chooses to handle the transaction.

Title Insurance

Title insurance which protects the lender is required by all lending institutions and is included in your closing costs; the cost is based on your loan amount. Purchasers are strongly encouraged and advised to obtain owners’ title insurance for the full value of the residence to protect their financial interest in the property. The Closing Attorney can answer any questions you may have.

Hazard Insurance

Purchasers are required to bring a policy for fire and hazard insurance to the closing and, if applicable, a flood insurance policy. The minimum value of this policy should be equivalent to the loan amount. One year’s premium must be paid prior to, or at, closing and the policy must contain a loss payable clause in favor of the lender. Should you pay for the policy before closing, you must furnish the paid receipt at the closing.

Home Inspections

It is the purchaser’s responsibility to have the heating, air conditioning, plumbing (including any septic tank system(s), pool and spa), electrical systems and any appliances remaining with the premises prior to closing. The Seller’s responsibility ends at closing. It is common practice for the Purchase and Sale Agreement to contain a contingency upon the purchaser obtaining a complete inspection of the structural aspects of the home, as well as the mechanical systems. A home inspector should give you an objective examination of the visible and accessible components of the home. You may select any inspector you like but I can provide a list of proven inspectors from which to choose. You may also check websites which outline specific qualifications(www., The State of Georgia does not license home inspectors but there are certifications such as “ASHI” and “CABO’ which help to ensure a qualified inspector.

Due Diligence Period

The Georgia Purchase and Sale Agreement provide an option for a specified period of time for the Purchaser to research any and all issues that may be of concern to them, including but not limited to home inspections, review of community Covenants and Restrictions, Schools, Traffic Commutes, etc. The Purchaser must give notice prior to the end of the due diligence period if they do not wish to proceed with the transaction, at which time their Earnest Money is refunded to them.

Buckhead Office-2827 Peachtree Road NE Atlanta, GA 30305, 404.233.4142. The above information is believed accurate, but is not warranted. This offer is subject to errors, omissions, prior sale and withdrawals without notice LAUREN BAXTER REALTOR® C: 912.572.1005 O: 404.233.4142 @laurenmurphybaxter

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