50 Years, 50 Voices: Dhivati's Life Celebrated by Vijayasri

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Dhivati – Vijayasri’s Celebration of her Life Welcome to this celebration of life of Joyce Mumford or Dhivati, a long life and a rich life, lived to the full. In her own words - a blessed and wonderful life. Firstly to say that my own connection with Joyce or Dhivati was through Buddhism, and subsequent to her ordination I always knew her by her Buddhist name of Dhivati. But I am also aware that many of you knew her as Joyce. Some of you of course knew her as Mum, and at least one of you knew her as Grandma. But I will at times use one name at other times another, as it seems relevant. Born in 1924 her parents living in Chingford in East London, the older of two sisters – Gill was born seven and a quarter years later. In her own account of her early years there is an impression of a lively stimulating family life, books and reading very much part of the scene – which was an encouragement to the bright little girl. She describes how early on she caught on to reading at the age of four -' “you don't need me to read to you, you can read it yourself!” exclaimed my mother in delight.' Nonetheless when she came to leave school she did not go to university straight away – that would have been unusual in those days, instead she went to secretarial college and developed the skill and accuracy with text which we all recognise as one of her talents. She worked for the BBC during the war, and during those years she had rich cultural life – amateur dramatics, learning the cornet and taking part in jam sessions, reading Gibbons Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire on the bus to work, Writing and rewriting a novel, which she eventually gave up on. But Joyce had a thirst for learning, and eventually enrolled in the London School of Economics to study economics, French and politics – she paid her own way through her studies. This was a decision with many consequences. It was where she met Ian, her husband (in the French class, in the first week) and where she had the opportunity to deepen convictions in radical politics. She joined the Young Socialists, and with Ian went abroad to help build a highway in Yugoslavia. Joyce was never one for armchair politics, or later on armchair Buddhism – she always lived out her convictions in action. She and Ian married in 1953. Bill was born three years later, then Liz in 58 and Julia in 1960. Characteristically for Joyce and Ian, who rarely followed the conventional route - they bought a plot of land and had a house built for them. Continuing her political engagement she joined CND, went on at least one Aldermaston March, later visited Greenham Common. Going to demonstrations was a normal part of family life. In the late 50's she became involved in Mensa – she became their membership secretary – but eventually left when she grew tired of the many disputes within the organisation (it seems that high IQ is not a protection against fractiousness). Bill Liz and Julia talk about their mother as sometimes short-tempered but fundamentally very loving, always giving them the kind of positive reinforcement and encouragement that gave them confidence to be themselves. Though not keen on housework she liked to bake bread, and taught them how to as well. She was a working mother at a time when most mothers stayed at home. Although she worked late at the Houses of Parliament for Hansard, she had breakfast in the table for them. 1

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50 Years, 50 Voices: Dhivati's Life Celebrated by Vijayasri by The Buddhist Centre Online - Issuu