Urgyen Sangharakshita 26.08.1925 – 30.10.2018
The music
Urgyen Sangharakshita 26.08.1925 – 30.10.2018
“One of Strauss’s shorter works has in fact come to have a special significance for me. This work is his ‘Four Last Songs’, especially the fourth song, ‘Sunset’. I am now at the sunset of my life, and friends have asked me what kind of funeral I would like to have. Though I have no strong preference in this connection, I would like music to have a part in my obsequies. I would like Jeremiah Clarke’s ‘Trumpet Voluntary’ (version with kettledrum) to be played at my cremation or burial and Strauss’s ‘Sunset’, preferably as sung in German by Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, to be played at whatever memorial service is held afterwards. If my consciousness is hovering round, I shall certainly listen.” Sangharakshita, Reveries and Reminiscences, 2011 Sunset will be playing as you arrive in the barn, and we will hear the Trumpet Voluntary later in the ceremony.
The mantras
The burial
After the burial
Bhante asked for five mantras to be chanted after he died. These will be chanted during the funeral ceremony and burial: Shakyamuni, Manjushri, Padmasambhava, Green Tara and Amitabha. The Shakyamuni mantra will be in the fashion chanted in recent years in India, as given to us by Sangharakshita.
Welcome by Saddhanandi, Chair of Adhisthana
The Six Elements Speak A poem by Sangharakshita
Dhammapālaṃ Gāthā also known as The Last Vandana, started by Chandrabodhi from India
Verses that Protect the Truth Translation by Sangharakshita
Salutation to the Three Jewels
Amitabha mantra Sabbapāpassa akaraṇaṃ, Kusalassa upasampadā, Sacittapariyodapanaṃ, Etaṃ Buddhānaṃ sāsanaṃ.
Not to do evil; To cultivate the good; To purify the mind; This is the Teaching of the Buddhas.
Dhammaṃ care sucaritaṃ, Na taṃ duccaritaṃ care. Dhammacārī sukhaṃ seti Asmiṃ loke paraṃhi ca.
Lead a righteous life, Not one that is corrupt. The righteous live happily, Both in this world and the next.
Na tāvatā dhammadharo Yāvatā bahu bhāsati. Yo ca appaṃ pi sutvāna Dhammaṃ kāyena passati, Sa ve dhammadharo hoti Yo Dhammaṃ nappamajati.
He is not versed in Dhamma who merely speaks much. He who hears but a little (of the Teaching) but sees the Truth and observes it well indeed, he is truly called ‘one versed in Dhamma’.
N’atthi me saraṇaṃ aññam Buddho me saraṇaṃ varaṃ Etena saccavajjena Hotu me jayamaṅgalaṃ.
No other refuge than the Wake, Refuge supreme, is there for me. Oh by the virtue of this truth, May grace abound, and victory!
N’atthi me saraṇaṃ aññam Dhammo me saraṇaṃ varaṃ Etena saccavajjena Hotu me jayamaṅgalaṃ.
No other refuge than the Truth, Refuge supreme, is there for me. Oh by the virtue of this truth, May grace abound, and victory!
N’atthi me saraṇaṃ aññam Sangho me saraṇaṃ varaṃ Etena saccavajjena Hotu me jayamaṅgalaṃ.
No refuge but the Fellowship, Refuge supreme, is there for me. Oh by the virtue of this truth, May grace abound, and victory!
Namo Buddhāya Namo Dhammāya Namo Saṅghāya Sādhu sādhu sādhu
Homage to the Buddha! Homage to the Dhamma! Homage to the Sangha!
Initial words from Parami Shakyamuni mantra with offerings from the six Areas of the Triratna world and Sangharakshita’s family Milarepa’s ‘Song of Transience with Eight Similes’ introduced and read by Paramartha Metta for Bhante and the Triratna Sangha worldwide and beyond introduced by Mahamati Funeral addresses Subhuti Dhammadinna Amoghasiddhi Sevenfold Puja with Manjughosha and Padmasambhava mantras Last words before the burial Trumpet Voluntary Jeremiah Clarke Pallbearers carry out the coffin and procession follows to burial ground whilst the Green Tara mantra is chanted.
Shakyamuni mantra as we circumambulate the place of burial, make any offerings and gather for refreshments at Adhisthana.