The Bugg Report Magazine - Edition 6

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edition 6

Goldie Marketing hits the road with Hot Wheels in 2013 + hong kong photo tour

+ lima australia update

+ global toy trends

from the editor edition 6 As our January Post Hong Kong edition

We have recently announced an exclu-

On a finishing note I just wanted to high-

goes to air we have now completed a

sive content sharing arrangement with the

light an example of the Power of a brand.

complete rebrand of our publication.

biggest Licensing publication in the world

We all know Mount Franklin water. Been

License! Global who is part of the Advan-

around forever. I was interested to see the

We are now Bugg Toys & Licensing. Our

star event group. This new relationship will

take up of the newly launched Jennifer

focus will always be on licensing however

provide both parties with significant gains

Hawkins Cozi range. It has transformed a

toys are a powerful driver in the business

in reach and exposure.

bottle of water into a fashion item!

It was really good to see the effort that

See you at Toy fair in Melbourne.

and we will cover the hot toy brands and companies as part of our new focus.

Warner Brothers applied to their stand at We remain positive about 2013. The recent

the Licensing show in Hong Kong. It was

Please take a look at our new website:

January Hong Kong Toy and licensing fairs

busy over the three days. It was also good

were both very positive and the Kowloon

to catch up with Jeff Waylon from WB in

side was buzzing with toy people working

the US who spoke at the Licensing confer-

the many toy showrooms with new toys for

ence, Preston Lewis and Andrew Bromell.


6 04



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licensor update a

06 13

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retail spy



hong kong photo tour

lima australia

licensee news

global toy trends




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licensor update Ă—

6 06



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A key division within BBC Worldwide, the

The BBC Worldwide stand (F20) at the 2013

products will be released to support the

Licensed Consumer Products (LCP) team

Australian Toy, Hobby and Nursery Fair will

already extensive merchandise program

is instrumental in driving more value from

focus on showcasing the team’s plans for

and as witnessed at the recent Doctor

BBC’s top brands such as Top Gear and

3D movie juggernaut Walking With Dino-

Who Symphonic Spectacular at the Syd-

Doctor Who, by extending the properties

saurs, with product launches schedule

ney Opera House, fans are keen to get

to consumers through quality merchan-

for the second half of the year, ahead of

their hands on as much merchandise as

dise ranges, strategic marketing initiatives

the movie release in January 2014. With


and close retail relationships. The secret of

Vivid Imaginations signed as the master

LCP’s success has been investment into

toy partner, the LCP team is looking for-

Children’s brands including Charlie and

leading brands, whilst encouraging inno-

ward to extensive discussions about all

Lola and In The Night Garden will also

vation and creativity from our partners.

categories at the fair.

be presented on the stand. Charlie and

LCP strengthens the link between BBC’s global brands and their audiences.

Lola continues to be a consistent, under The spotlight will be on iconic brand

the radar hit with kids and parents alike,

Doctor Who this year as it celebrates its

with increasing demand for product by

2013 is set to be an action-packed year

50th Anniversary. A marketing and PR

both consumers and retailers. The recent

for the LCP team, with some big events

campaign is set to launch in the coming

live show at the Sydney Opera House

scheduled for the coming year including

months which will reveal some of the

sold over 16,000 tickets across 54 shows

a major brand anniversary and worldwide

exciting activities planned surrounding this

with regular programming on ABC2 and

movie launch.

milestone. A range of commemorative

Cbeebies helping to push the demand for merchandise. World renowned brands Lonely Planet and Top Gear will also be showcased at the Toy Fair, with the LCP team looking forward to sharing all the upcoming plans and establishing new partnerships for these globally successful brands. Come and see the LCP team at the BBC Worldwide Stand #F20 to find out more about our range of properties. Contact Elie Mansour on 02 97444 4544 or at, Rachael Hammond on 02 94777 585 or at rachael. or Brigid Roberts on 02 97444 4569 or at brigid.roberts@bbc. com to book a meeting.



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Tickety Toc

Pufferty, Tommy & Tallulah, Madame Au

This will be the ‘must see’ movie of the

The Fusion Agency is delighted to an-

Lait, Hopperoo and Chikidee.

2013 September school holidays and one

nounce five new Australia and New Zea-

that will resonate with boys in the 3-12 age

land licensing partners for Zodiak Kids‘

2013 will be another blockbuster year for


colourful CG-animated preschool series

DreamWorks Animation, kicking off on

stellar cast of licensing partners including

“Tickety Toc”.

9th February with the launch of its new TV

Mattel, Hunter Leisure, The Five Mile Press,

program “Dragons, Riders of Berk” on Car-

D3 and Showtime Attractions to really

toon Network (CN).

bring the movie to life at retail.

for apparel, TMI for underwear and ho-

Building on the success of its critically ac-

We are starting the 2013 year with some

siery, The Five Mile Press for publishing and

claimed 2010 blockbuster “How to Train

amazing figures for Moshi Monster users in

Showtime Attractions for mall shows and

Your Dragon”, DreamWorks will continue

Australia! “In the 2 years we have been

meet and greets.

to build this hugely successful franchise

working with Mind Candy on Moshi Mon-

The licensees include Hunter Products as

We are working with a

the Australian Toy distributor, Designworks

with the second and third feature film

sters, Australian Monster numbers have in-

Hunter Products is working with Vivid Im-

installments due in theaters in June 2014

creased from 2.2 million (Feb 2011) to 7.13

aginations, the UK’s number 1 toy maker,

and June 2016.

million (Dec 2012)!!! Now that is the sort of

and is set to launch a range of toys includ-

growth we love to see – steady and very

ing plush, collectable figures, play sets,

Peter Broadhurst from Fusion said: “We

puzzles and vehicles at the Australian Toy,

are thrilled that Cartoon Network has ear-

Hobby and Nursery Fair this year.

marked the series as its number 1 priority

With 28+ licensees covering all key cat-

for the network this year. US ratings con-

egories and some innovative new lines for

Picked up globally by Nick Jr. in early 2012,

tinue to soar on Cartoon Network making

2013, we know this is going to be huge for

it’s been Nick Jr’s best launch of a new

it number 1 in its time slot for boys. Stay

us. Look out for the new apps from Gree

series in more than two years. Currently

tuned for more news on our FTA partner

in the first quarter and “Moshi On the Go”

airing here twice a day weekdays and

who are expected to air the program in

before mid year.

three times a day at weekends, Tickety

September 2013.”

Toc follows the adventures of twins, Tom-

strong!” said Gail Mitchell, Head of Fusion.

For more information contact:

my and Tallulah and their friends as they

Theatrically, DreamWorks turns its focus to

Gail Mitchell on +61 2 9439 5511 or email

race against time to keep the clock tick-

the September school holidays with the

ing and chime in the time. Through Tommy

release of “Turbo”. Turbo is the classic un-

Peter Broadhurst on +61 2 9439 5511 or

and Tallulah’s madcap adventures, Tick-

derdog story – about a snail who wants to


ety Toc explores concepts of teamwork,

race in, and win, the Indy 500 car race.

social responsibility and problem solving in a fun and engaging way. The series will also be launching on Channel 11 in Q1 2013 within the Toasted TV block.




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Australia’s largest independent licensing agency, now going into its 20th year of business, will once again showcase their key brands at Melbourne Toy Fair. Representing a portfolio of globally successful brands and home grown favourites Haven will be featuring brands from major licensors including Nickelodeon, HIT Entertainment, MGA Entertainment, 20th Century Fox, ABC Endemol, IMPS, LEGO Group, Saban, Sanrio, Sesame Workshop, Silvergate Media, Crusty Demons Entertainment, and more. Offering fan favourites spanning from babies to adults, Haven Licensing will have a team of 15 on hand to take retailers, licensees & promotional partners through the brands that best suit their needs. Contact: Tom Punch – Managing Director SYDNEY HEAD OFFICE 02 9357 9888 Yvonne King – Director MELBOURNE OFFICE 03 9015 6615



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Warner Bros. Consumer Products (WBCP)

the hugely successful apparel line, a new

yoghurts will feature Warner Bros. charac-

in Australia is excited to be working with

toy range, new publishing offerings and

ters, Scooby-Doo and Tweety on packag-

partners to deliver an exciting range of li-

continued expansion of Scooby-Doo food


censed products.

and personal care ranges. Big Balloon will launch the latest range of Scooby-Doo

Tom and Jerry resume their high energy

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, is the

toys from Character Options titled Trap

escapades in an all-new animated se-

first from The Hobbit Trilogy. The second

Time, offering retailers a new and exciting

ries, The Tom and Jerry Show, from WBA.

film, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug,

Scooby-Doo story to share.

New publishing ranges will be released

is due to be released Boxing Day 2013.

throughout the year and ongoing appar-

New products have been released across

2013 will include significant creative con-

el and toy lines will be available across all

a variety of categories, including toys and

tent across Classic Looney Tunes, Vintage

leading retailers.

figurines, cards and wrap, publishing, col-

Looney Tunes, Looney Tunes Active! and

lectables, posters and calendars, LEGO

The Looney Tunes Show. An exciting new

Warner Bros. Consumer Products

The Hobbit construction sets, apparel, col-

publishing range will soon be available in

T: 03 9657 0333

lectable coins, backpacks, costumes, live

retail, and Parmalat’s new Pauls branded

action role play and jewellery. New toy products and promotions will support the highly anticipated film release Man of Steel , released in Australia 27 June, and new television series Beware The Batman, from Warner Bros. Animation, an all-new take on the Batman franchise, featuring cutting-edge CGI visuals. Leading retailers will offer a range of core Superman and Man of Steel products, including; toys and collectable figures, vehicles and role play, buildings toys, costumes and apparel, feature plush, sporting goods, stationary, rack toys and bedroom accessories, gifting and homewares, publishing, cards and wrap, iPhone and laptop covers, posters and calendars, pet accessories, oral care, car accessories and craft villages at major shopping centres nationally. Scooby-Doo licensed products will feature






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Gaffney Global Licensing continues its

will be sure to continue enduring popular-

Adored by teen and tween girls across

comeback success with brands that cross

ity as a brand with over 7 million Facebook

the world, One Direction is currently the

all age groups and genres. With fresh new


world’s hottest brand with merchandis-

opportunities emerging, 2013 looks set to be an exciting year in licensing!

ing power to match.

1D merchandise

The Little Monsters™ heritage brand cel-

has topped sales lists in several categories

ebrates 20 years since launch having

including music, books, posters, confec-

Trash Pack©, the number one boys’ toy in

achieved 5 continuous years on televi-

tionery, DVDs and bedding. The band is

2012 has gone from strength to strength,

sion (on the BBC extending to 2 dozen

set to get even hotter this year, with their

having sold over $20m at retail since their

other territories including Australia), 60

nine-month world tour (selling out in 6 min-

September 2011 launch! There is plenty

publishing titles (45 million books in print

utes 18 months in advance!), a 3D movie

in store for Trash Pack this year with the

worldwide) and a successful multi-territory

in August and new merchandise due in a

release of Series 4 Trashies for the back-

merchandise program. The entire cast

wide range of categories, 2013 is set to be

to-school period and Series 5 in mid-2013,

of loveable rogues including Sulky Sue,

another great year for ‘Directioners’ eve-

along with exciting toys such as Ultimate

Greedy Graham, Silly Sydney and Pickin’


Fighting Trashies and new trading cards.

Peter will be back to entertain us with a

Taking out the title of most popular boys’

fresh collectable publishing series in 2013

Contact details:

showbag at the Royal Melbourne Show

and television due to launch in mid-2014.

Gaffney Global Licensing in partnership

for Bensons and selling fast in books and

with Meta Management Solutions

stationery, new partners will soon be join-

There is nothing cuter than puppies and

For inquiries please contact Fred Gaffney

ing licenses rolling out in the apparel,

kittens except of course Keith Kimberlin’s

( or Isabel Wu

iBooks, games and puzzles, footwear and

beautifully photographed puppies


collectibles categories.

and kittens. Walmart’s top seller in key categories consistently for ten years, the

Copyright for Trash Pack © 2011 Moose

The beloved classic brand Pac-Man© is

irresistibly playful Keith Kimberlin images

Copyright for One Direction © 2012

set to make a comeback, re-introduced

will soon be gracing our retail shelves too.

1D Media

for a new audience (boys and girls 5 – 10) in a fresh TV series to air on Ten Network (Channel 11) in Australia. In addition to television and video games, exciting new toys from Bandai and K’NEX have been released. Licenses for Australia and New Zealand are in full discussion but with almost 30 licensees signed in other territories ready for the TV launch in September, Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures©





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lack Ben10 B 00 0.1 40.30.3


reen Ben10 G .0 41.0.78 5) (PMS 37

Ben 10: Omniverse

Care Bears


Ben 10 is back with a new look, a new

2013 is the 30th anniversary of the love-

paved the way for a wider consumer

Omnitrix, and a brand-new show. An in-

able Care Bears and an exciting new

products program with Target launching

credible new toy line from Bandai & Fun-

range of Plush & Toys from Hasbro will

sleepwear January 2013.

tastic supported the massive Omniverse

be released in April. The Care Bears are

launch in October. Ben 10: Omniverse is

also back in a brand new CGI animated


already rating #1 in its time slot beating all

series Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot

The highly anticipated Despicable Me

other kids’ programs on all channels.

which launches on Channel 11 (Toasted

2 movie releases in Australia on June 29

TV) February 2013.

2013. To further support the release Big

Adventure Time





Balloon will launch a Toy line in May 2013

Following on from the phenomenal suc-

The Jungle Book

and Hasbro a games range including MO-

cess of the Adventure Time Toys R Us Toys

The Jungle Book has announced a new


and the Jay Jay’s Apparel launch, there

major Toy partner in Sun-Mate Corpora-

will be an extensive consumer product

tion. The show is currently rating strongly

Angry Birds

program roll-out throughout 2013.

on ABC and the Toy range will launch in

The Angry Birds brand is expanding to in-

Australia throughout Q4 2013 with a wider

clude an animation series! There are 52 x

consumer products program to follow.

3 minute episodes in development which

Regular Show Regular Show toys will launch Easter 2013

will be available on the Rovio channel on

at Toys R Us Australia, with mass-market

Dinosaur Train

toys and soft-lines programs to follow dur-

Dinosaur Train is launching on free-to-air

ing the second half of 2013.

from Feb 2013 on Channel 11 (Toasted

Wild Pumpkin has moved!

TV)! The launch will further drive the con-

New address: Level 2 South, 21 Cremorne

sumer products program at retail.

Street, Cremorne VIC 3121.

Skylanders Giants Activision’s Skylanders has become the

New phone number: +613 9274 2900

fastest kids gaming property to accom-

Pajanimals (a Jim Henson Property)

plish such a feat. Skylanders Giants also

Tomy launched the Pajanimals plush

won the hotly contested 2012 ‘Toy of the

range in Australia, November 2012, at Tar-

Year’ from K-Zone magazine! 2013 will see

get, Myer and ABC stores, while the DVD

the release of the next incredible instal-

range from ABC Commercial launched in

ment of this amazing franchise.

October 2012. Currently airing on ABC




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YouTube from mid 2013.



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feature articles × RETAIL SPY 19 LIMA AUSTRALIA 20 LICENSEE global 26




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× RE TAIL SPY The Christmas holidays in the month of December were certainly an interesting time. The extra day leading into the final stages of Christmas rush meant that the last week was very strong. It would be fair to say that prior to this, people were very nervous about it. In a more general sense, however, retail was fairly flat in December. Good news for Fisher Price though, it was the strongest license for the month, although still down on last year. Barbie was the next best in line, followed closely by La La Loopsy (up over 100%) and Monster High (up over 50%). Not far behind were Winx Club and La De Das, which is something to remember and keep an eye on. Its great for Mattel that Barbie is still 3 times the size of her closest competitor, despite being flat and in the second position. Star Wars was up over 24% which is phenomenal and Leapfrog was up over 10%, which is another good achievement. Disney Princess made a bounce back and was up over 12%. Disney Fairies managed to stay in the green and achieved a 1% increase, thanks to the great sales of “Magic of Disney” which was embraced strongly by the retailers in December. Hot Wheels was down 4% and Cars was about half of last year (but to be expected). Headstart just keep on rolling with Little Tikes up 16% and Turtles are like hot cakes for January… they must be out of stock! Lego Friends had a great December and with stock shortages everywhere, they managed to be twice My Little Pony’s sales (which was flat) and 75% ahead of Littlest Pet Shop. This was an unbelievable achievement for a brand that only launched in March. Dora continued to struggle at about 30% down. It may be a case that all the new ABC shows are making it harder… Giggle and Hoot, Octonauts, Peppa Pig and Fireman Sam are all steaming along. The Trash Pack gained a lot of momentum with an increase up over 100%. Toy Story was predictably down but did half of the Cars volume. Thomas was down a little and with the running down of stocks by Tomy and the distribution change to Mattel, this was to be predicted. Mattel should do a great job with this brand, so expect significant growth in 2013. Dinosaur Train was positive and was on the rise. Super Mario managed a double digit increase in December. Wham-O was up 40% and had, for the most part, a great summer. Batman and Spiderman were slightly disappointing for the month, with their combined sales just nudging Nerf (which was hampered by too much carryover in the market). Lego is still a huge driving force in the business, with growth in December of just over 11% and 17.9% year to date. Lego was out of stock again in December… but with a lot of new stuff in late January and early February, this will be a good thing. Regards, Retail Spy



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* LIMA AUSTRALIA The recent LIMA function in Hong Kong

One of the things I am most passionate

was well attended and we were pleased

about is encouraging Australian compa-

to welcome Preston and Andrew from

nies who are working on the world stage

Warner Bros and Lim and Jane from Wild

with brand to enter the 2013 LIMA licens-


ing awards. We need to make sure we nominate early and vote for potential

We continue to encourage new members

entrants. There are some really exiting pro-

to our organisation and welcome George

grams, which are very successful around

Petrou – Abstractions, Anthony Breslin –

the world.

Breslin Art and Frank Turco – Coda design to our growing membership.

Members should also take advantage of the many Webinars which are available

As this edition goes live we are planning

on the global website.

for the Melbourne Toy fair. LIMA will run a special networking function on Sunday

I am also planning to send out a brief

the 3rd of March. This function will be held

questionnaire shortly in relation to us run-

at The Hilton hotel South Wharf that is at-

ning some Licensing courses of both jun-

tached to the Convention Centre com-

ior and senior executives later in the year.

plex. Timing will be 6pm straight after the

Your feedback here will be much appreci-

fair closes for an hour and a half. We look


forward to seeing you there. We are hoping to have some exciting news to announce at Toy fair and it is confirmed that Charles Riotto – President of LIMA global will make his way to the fair this year. LIMA Australia will be exhibiting at the fair this year. Please come and see us at E 12 not far away from the main entrance.




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BUGG MARKETING SOLUTIONS IS NOW THE REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE LIMA ORGANISATION IN AUSTRALIA WHAT DOES LIMA PROVIDE? Standard of professional conduct Ø Recognition of achievements Ø Standards of ethical conduct Ø Recognition of excellence Ø A source of information Ø A forum for networking Ø A source of education Ø

LIMA MEMBER BENEFITS: Connect with international members Ø Attend LIMA events and functions Ø Access to Licensing seminars Ø Major trade show benefits Ø Learn about Licensing Ø

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON LIMA AUSTRALIA, PLEASE CONTACT: Tony Bugg, Managing Director Bugg Marketing Solutions +61 3 9769 3963 +61 418 321 837

in force - make sure you don’t miss out!

The iconic Hot Wheels brand gets a major

Australia and the world is turning blue!

power boost in 2013, with the introduction

The much-anticipated second motion

of Goldie Marketing’s new range of slot

picture in The Smurfs trilogy releases in

Goldie Marketing is the also the home of

car track sets and radio controlled vehi-

2013, and Goldie has a fantastic range

Super Mario - with a full range of figures,

cles. Hot Wheels R/C offers a broad range

of new Smurfs items ready to support the

plush and vehicles on offer. You’ll also

of sizes, styles and price points to suit all

hype. Goldie will be releasing new ranges

discover more ranges of licensed toys -

retail formats. All vehicles in the range re-

of collectible figures, vehicles, keychains,

like Dora the Explorer, Hello Kitty, Mr Men,

flect the true Hot Wheels spirit and include

pillows and a whole lot more - into 80

Pac-Man, Spongebob Squarepants, Tetris

the amazing Wall Climbing Racers - drive

countries around the world! Call into the

and more! Goldie is an international suc-

them on walls, windows or the ceiling!

Smurfs Village at stand P02 to see the pos-

cess story, with offices in Melbourne, Hong

sibilities. It’s Smurfy!

Kong, San Diego and China - developing and distributing great toy merchandise

Goldie’s range of Hot Wheels slot car track sets feature an easy-to-use hand-

The Jurassic age has returned! Dinosaurs

into 80 countries around the globe! Call

crank mechanism to provide greater

are always popular with kids and adults

into the Goldie stand at the Melbourne

speed control and execution of power

alike - and will be even more so with the

Toy Fair and pick up their catalogue -

turns and looping stunts. No batteries. No

planned release of major international

Stand P02 (next to Hasbro).

electricity. The amazing Wheel Case track

films and productions during the com-

unfolds and is ready to play! No set up

ing 2 years. Goldie Marketing distributes

Goldie Marketing Pty Ltd

required! Kids can even play with it on the

the amazing Geoworld range of dinosaur

Phone: +613 9720 6186

back seat of a car! Call into the Goldie

products - a comprehensive range of fun

stand for a demonstration of this great

and educational kits designed a world

promotional item.

leading palaeontologist. The range includes ‘dig and discover’ items, where

Goldie Marketing has plenty of major li-

kids can uncover gems, fossils, minerals

censed toy programs releasing in 2013.

and bones. Each item in the range is a museum-quality replica and

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the

comes with plenty of facts

popular Transformers franchise, Goldie

to inform and entertain.

Marketing is producing a range of 30

Dinosaurs are

collectible mini figurines for distribution


around the world. Each 6cm figure features a popular Transformers character, as they have appeared across the decades - with G1, Prime and Movie styles to collect. Interest is already gathering for the release of the Transformers 4 movie in 2014. Now is the perfect time to get on board!



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Banter Toys Awarded Exclusive Regular

ire line, including plush, figures and nov-

and two BAFTA Awards and in 2012 the

Show Master Toy License.

elty items, will be available from 1st Febru-

series won an Emmy for Outstanding Short

ary 2013, and will retail from $6.99.

Format Animated Product. A fifth season

Banter Toys has announced that it has

of the popular series was announced ear-

been awarded the master toy license for

“Cartoon Network is redefining comedy

Cartoon Network’s Emmy Award-winning

for a new generation of kids from both

series Regular Show.

a programming and consumer products

New episodes currently air on Cartoon

perspective,” said Peter Laver, Associate

Network weekdays at 4.30pm. New toy

Regular Show is the hit animated comedy

Director CNE. “Building on the success

range available at all leading toy retailers

following best friends Mordecai, a six-foot-

we’ve had with Banter Toys on the Adven-

in Australia from 1st February 2013.

tall Blue Jay and Rigby, a hyperactive

ture Time toy line, we’re very proud to re-

raccoon on their adventurous journeys

lease toys based on the unique voice and

For further information:

as irresponsible (and often misbehaved)

characters from Regular Show that fans

Kris Thompson, National Sales Director

groundskeepers at a park. This marks

are sure to love.”

(03) 9799 3422

the second Cartoon Network Enterprises

(CNE) license for Banter Toys, who is cur-

Following its premiere in November 2011,

rently the exclusive toy distributor of the

Regular Show became an instant hit, and

network’s popular animated series, Ad-

was the highest rated program transmis-

venture Time.

sion for kids on Cartoon Network in 2012, according to OzTAM Ratings. In its first

“We received a tremendous response

year, Regular Show was nominated for an

from fans surrounding the release of Ad-

Emmy Award, Annie Award

venture Time toys in 2012, selling out the entire range in one week in Toys “R” Us. We are looking forward to expanding our relationship with Cartoon Network to include Regular Show plush, figures and novelty items in 2013.” said Kris Thompson, National Sales Director at Banter Toys. “Fans can expect the Regular Show toys to be as witty, mischievous and eccentric as the series’ characters themselves.” Banter Toys Regular Show line will include clever pull-string plush with sound, as well as figures with humorous and interactive features. Banter Toys will also release a line of Regular Show novelty items, including sunglasses and pullback vehicles. The ent




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lier this month.

Stand Number is K01



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global Toy

trends a look at global toy trends currently and into 2013 and beyond Toy fair season is upon us. Kicking off the interna-

toy partner Mattel abroad.

tional toy expos are three of the world’s largest: the HKTDC Hong Kong Toys and Games Fair, set for Jan.

From Marvel, spring’s The Avengers film led the

7-10, 2013; London’s U.K. Toy Fair sponsored by The

charge for its roster of heroes–from Iron Man 3 (set

British Toy & Hobby Association, which will run Jan.

for release in May 2013), to Thor 2 (November 2013),

22-24, 2013; and the Spielwarenmesse International

to sequels to both Captain America and The Amaz-

Toy Fair Nürnberg, which will take place Jan. 30-Feb.

ing Spider-Man in 2014–and will only further bolster

4, 2013.

the toy trend on shelf globally.

The events highlight toys and games that will hit re-

But movie-led licensing programs aren’t the only

tail in 2013 and beyond, but they also reflect current

trend in toys. Apps and interactive toys and play are

trends in play, pop culture and business. License!

still gathering steam. Physical toys will continue to

Global has forecasted its top trends heading into toy

pop up around the globe in support of popular apps

fair season–trends that we’ll certainly see on exhibi-

from 2011 and 2012 such as Disney’s “Where’s My

tion floors around the world.

Water?,” PopCap’s “Plants vs. Zombies,” Lima Sky’s “Doodle Jump,” Halfbrick’s “Fruit Ninja” and the on-

Perhaps the largest influence on global toy trends

going iterations of Rovio’s “Angry Birds,” which most

of the past and those yet to come is the No. 1 ev-

recently got the Star Wars treatment. ZeptoLab,

ergreen boy’s property, Star Wars. Disney’s October

creators of the hit app “Cut the Rope,” announced

acquisition of Lucasfilm will only ensure that the prop-

its next generation app, “Pudding Monsters!,” this

erty will continue to remain in the top tier of boy’s

month, which will undoubtedly get the consumer

properties. The $4.05 billion deal will give Disney total

product treatment as its frontrunner has. While it’s

ownership of the brand and the technologies used

too early to gauge how well these products are truly

to create the franchise (LucasArts, Industrial Light

performing on shelf, early indicators point to contin-

& Magic and Skywalker Sound), ensuring that the

ued success merging virtual properties with physical

planned 2015 release of Star Wars Episode 7 will con-

products and retailers.

tinue to maximize the value of this truly global brand. According to retailer Toys ‘R’ Us and its hot holiday




e d i t i o n

The superhero genre, bolstered by Marvel’s stable

toy list 2012, app integrated, interactive or video

of films and the conclusion to Christopher Nolan’s

game-based toys are all the rage and sales are

Batman saga from Warner Bros., shows no sign of

trending well. Mattel’s Angry Birds King Pig apptiv-

abating. The coming year will find Superman getting

ity integration made the list, as did Hasbro’s Words

the big screen reboot with Warner Bro’s release of

with Friends board game (based on the Zynga hit

Man of Steel next summer. Licensees such as Mattel,

app). On the video game side, SEGA is continuing

Fisher-Price, LEGO, Thinkway and others are already

its support for its Sonic the Hedgehog property, tak-

on board to support the sure-to-be hit that will, in all

ing the property to the U.K. Toy Fair on the back of

likelihood, spawn yet another blockbuster superhero

licensee Meccano. Meccano will highlight Sonic the

franchise. Warner Bros. Consumer Products will also

Hedgehog construction toy ranges (a trend in itself

support its evergreen Batman ranges from master

and one several licensors forecast will be big in 2013)


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, which includes five different play sets. Another

more sophisticated this time around, with LED eyes

strong console-based property is Activision’s Sky-

and a free companion app for download.

lander’s Giants, who’s Legendary 3-pack found itself on many hot toy lists this year.

The ongoing success of other evergreen Hasbro brands such as Transformers and My Little Pony,

The flip side of innovation, however, is the familiar,

whose hit Hub series “My Little Pony: Friendship is

and retro is another trend that’s consistently making

Magic” is a constant ratings boon, also points to the

its way back to the retail shelf.

retro trend continuing for years to come.

Nickelodeon made a splash in 2012 in a big way with

Saban is also re-introducing two retro properties in

the re-launch of the 80s series “Teenage Mutant Nin-

2013: Digimon and Popples. The Popples brand, an-

ja Turtles” for a new generation. The property, which

other 80s staple, will be re-introduced first with a retro

appeals almost equally to boys and girls, has been

line based on the original toy. An all-new, refre shed

updated for the tech-savvy viewers of the new mil-

line is set to follow in 2014.

lennium with product to support. The new TV series launched in September to stellar ratings–2.1 million

Japanamation and manga are also having an

viewers for the initial broadcast, making it the No. 1

effect on toy trends both currently and moving

kids program on basic cable.

forward, evident by the resurgence of Saban’s Digimon franchise, which will get a new global TV

“The most important factor for licensors in today’s

series, “Digimon Fusion,” next year. Other properties

competitive marketplace is international expan-

include Zodiak Consumer Products’ Ddee. Ddee,

sion,” said Michael Connolly, head of international

which is represented by Zodiak Kids Consumer Prod-

consumer products and brand licensing, Viacom

ucts Paris, who acts as licensing agent for the brand,

International Media Networks, in an interview with Li-

is based on a Japanese design-led girl’s property

cense! Global in “Turtle Power” from the September/

with broad appeal. Likened to other classic proper-

October issue. “If there is one property that could

ties such as Hello Kitty (due to its multi-demographic

have an immediate and long-term impact on a

appeal), Strawberry Shortcake and Little Lulu, the

company, TMNT is that property, and it will have a

Ddee range includes collectible dolls, play sets,

huge impact on VIMN.

fashion, role play, publishing, furniture, apparel and back-to-school products.

The series has been renewed for a second season already, and more than 50 licensees are on board to

On the whole, the coming year is also predicted

drive the property throughout the world. First prod-

to be big for construction toys, action figures, plush

ucts are hitting retail shelves this month.

and dress up, as well as preschool age toys. According to WBCP, it also expects its classic ani-

Hasbro re-introduced its Furby range, a 90s throw-

mation brands like Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry

back, to much fanfare this year, sparking high de-

and Scooby-Doo to perform well and grow

mand at stores and online for its pink, black, white,

into Q1 and beyond around the world. ©

red and multicolor interactive toys. The toys are



e d i t i o n


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