Forty Years of Small Compromises Change has a way of sneaking up on you. One morning you wake up and wonder how you gained weight, contracted heart disease, lost your job, or in the case of dealing with a child’s behavior, you wonder why he or she can’t hold a job, get along in society, or cope with some of life’s most basic problems. Often, parents have strained relationships with their teenage son or daughter and throw their hands in the air when the child is very young and give up believing that there is really something that they can do, or they begin to blame themselves as the child who is now a young adult begins to experience social and emotional problems in their own lives. Some parents may begin to feel so guilty about their child’s inability to get along in life that they enable the behavior by offering excuses based upon some circumstantial or environmental defect and actually blame teachers and society for their child’s disrespectful and irresponsible behavior. Children didn’t wake up one morning and decide that they were going to be disrespectful and irresponsible. The poor relationships that children have with their peers and ultimately other adults didn’t develop in one day, month, or year, it happened over a long period. The change was incremental, and it occurred over the course of thirty to forty years because of the small compromises that parents, teachers, and society have made in the areas of respect, responsibility, and relationships. Here are some illustrations of where society was forty years ago.
Illustration One What Ever Happened to Mr., Mrs., and Ms. Thank God for Nick at Night. You know that station that gives you shows like Leave it to Beaver or Lassie. I was watching Leave it to Beaver the other morning and could not help but notice how all the adults were called Mr. and Mrs. No Ms. back then. Of course Eddie Haskell was a bit of a phony when he addressed Beaver's parents. Hello Mrs. Cleaver or hello Mr. Cleaver. Then he would run up to Wally's room and refer to his dad as "Your old man." The question I asked