The Bump New Jersey

Page 1


New Jersey

baby gear

how to survive


first week


celebrate glow

celebrate delivery






Vol. 7, Edition 2


new jersey’s latest baby news & trends

real moms’ stories and advice ways to make labor easier


Vol. 7, Edition 2

buying guides


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from the editor

part of

k family

all in this together

see, i’ve had a bump! in fact, i’ve had three!

tweet us @thebump! Twitter bird illustration by Biz Stone and Phil Pascuzzo

Hey, mama! Congrats on your amazing news. I’ve been right where you are (three times!), and although exciting, I know how nerve-racking— and sometimes lonely—the whole experience of pregnancy can be. But just because your husband might not know what a snot sucker is yet doesn’t mean he won’t be able to help. Plus, you have a world of support at your fingertips, thanks to message boards, live chats and social media. Across the country, other moms-to-be are going through the exact same things you are, and you’ll be surprised at how comforting it is to hop online, even if it’s just to bitch about how badly your boobs hurt!

Carley Roney editor in chief PS: Get the conversation started with fellow Bumpies at

editor in chief Carley Roney executive editor Rebecca Dolgin Managing Editor Brooke Alovis editorial Team Kelly Crook, Kristin Koch, Danielle Lipp, Jaclyn LoRaso, Elena Donovan Mauer, Amelia Mularz, Kathleen Mulpeter, Sarah Newell, Lori Richmond, Alice Stevens, Susan Waits, Sarah Yang Experts in this issue Dr. Fran Walfish, therapist; Elizabeth Stein, certified nurse-midwife; Dr. Robert M. Biter, ob-gyn; Dr. Greg Latchaw, ob-gyn; Dr. Daniel Roshan, ob-gyn; Maria Pari-Keener, RD; Dr. Tracey Marks, sleep expert; Dr. Stuart Jones, ob-gyn; Carrie Contey, PhD, psychologist Vice President, Print and Production Frank Dolphens Production Team Susan Berryman, Lois Brunnert, Emily Edson, Jesse Hardy, Adrian Hardisty, Jacki Harris, Katie Hover, Kasey Kletschke, Kate Richter, Jennifer Weiland, Daryl Wills, Sheryl Ziegler Executive Vice President, Custom publishing and sales Denise Favorule Publisher/Vice President of sales Donna Weatherby Sales Director Kim Qualls-Bryant Sales & Advertising Team Michelle Elchaak (, 877-819-2578), Sharon Thomas, Kate Buchanan, Christina Lien published by XO Group Inc. 195 Broadway, NY, NY 10007 Phone (212) 219-8555 Fax (212) 219-1929

our expert panel Dr. Ashley S. Roman, ob-gyn; Dr. Cheryl Wu, pediatrician; Shoshana Bennett, PhD, psychologist; Conner Herman and Kira Ryan, cofounders of Dream Team Baby; Tracey Mallett, fitness and lifestyle expert; Karen Moise, RN; Nicole Meadow, MPN, RD, nutritionist; Jennifer Moss, founder and CEO of; Tammy Gold, parent coach; Ali Wing, founder and CEO of Giggle stores; Melissa Moog, founder of Itsabelly; Dawn Davenport, executive director of Creating a Family; Jasmine Z. Ortega, certified nurse-midwife; Dr. Jane A. Morton, pediatrician; Andi Silverman, author of Mama Knows Breast



Please note: The ideas, procedures and suggestions contained in this book are not intended as health care or other professional advice, diagnosis or a substitute for consulting with your health care professional. Every baby is different and circumstances vary, so you should consult your own physician and use your own common sense. The author and publisher offer no warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, in the completeness or advisability of the information contained in this book for your particular situation, and disclaim any liability arising from its use. All product information was supplied by the designers and manufacturers. The Bump has made every effort to portray the products true to their original colors and styles, but we cannot guarantee 100-percent accuracy. Prices and availability may change based on factors including material, regions and season. Nothing contained in this guide should be construed as an endorsement by The Bump of any designer, manufacturer or product featured herein. The Bump Magazine © 2012 XO Group Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, is forbidden without written permission from the publisher. and The Bump magazine are trademarks of XO Group Inc. David Liu, Chief Executive Officer; Carley Roney, Chief Content Officer; Carol Koh Evans, Chief Operating Officer; John Mueller, Chief Financial Officer; Nic Di Iorio, Chief Technology Officer; Jeremy Lechtzin, General Counsel.



contents volume 7, edition 2


shower ideas


28 what’s hot


8 the baby beat baby news from new jersey and beyond 12 expect this the latest weird and wild pregnancy trends 14 tech tools cool gadgets and apps you’ll want to try 16 worth the splurge the best beauty tools 18 all about hue the scoop on painting your nursery 20 new-mom confessions hilarious delivery room moments



22 what’s baby up to? weekly development 26 baby name inspiration creative ways to choose 28 new shower ideas a new jersey expert’s advice 34 reality check help for each trimester 38 make some memories sweet pregnancy momentos 40 dream babymoons indulgent escapes 42 my pregnancy diary a local mom’s true story 48 q +a from pampering to handicapped parking

50 prenatal power foods nutritious choices for you and baby 54 your little black book the best local stores and services 56 fit celeb moms how stars slimmed down postbaby 58 sweet dreams? you wish can’t sleep? read this 60 sick of morning sickness? ways to feel better now 64 q+a from pregnancy orgasms to crazy cravings

on the cover

Photography by David A. Land Wardrobe styling by Emma Pritchard for Bernstein & Andriulli Prop styling by Kendra Smoot Hair and makeup by Julie Tomlinson for Bernstein & Andriulli Bold Stripe Rug by Land of Nod


68 nest 68 what’s your nursery style? ideas from playful to retro 74 registry answers ways to make tough baby-gear decisions 78 car seat smarts how to pick a safe, comfy seat and install it 82 go for a stroll(er) what to look for and our favorite models 86 q+a from choosing a high chair to assembling the crib



90 no worries (seriously!) why giving birth isn’t as scary as you think 92 my birth story a new jersey mom shares the nitty-gritty 94 q+a from labor pain to doulas

96 the labor party make delivery easier

basics 100 baby boot camp new-parent survival guide 106 the 411 on breastfeeding need-to-know nursing info 112 next steps what to expect when baby becomes a toddler 114 say what?! sharpen your toddler’s language skills 115 q+a from baby sleep tips to easing gas pains

special labor section


baby beat

little swimmers

What’s new for you in New Jersey and beyond. by caitlin brody and elena donovan mauer

In a surv e y on T h e Bu m , 85% of m om s they foun said d o ut ba by’s g e n der prebir th .

Want a water baby? The brandnew YWCA Bergen County at Englewood program offers swim classes for babies as young as six months old, where baby can get used to the water and learn how to kick, and you two can have fun playing. Sign us up! (201-444-5600, YWCABergen

Boy or girl? Researchers from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions found many at-home gender predictor kits aren’t as accurate as they claim. Sorry, but if you want to know baby’s sex, you’ll have to wait until your 20-week ultrasound. Or check out our gender predictor at


tech therapy

Staffers at Children’s Hospital of New Jersey in Newark are finding an unlikely tool to help sick kids feel better: the iPad. The tablets given to kids to distract them before and after uncomfortable procedures. Awww.


stress-free feeding

Breast pumps and other lactation supplies are now tax-deductible!

Get more news at

image source/getty images

of all deliveries are by c-section, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The rate rose by 52% over the last 10 years of data—that’s a lot!

A Great Place for Babies! With multiple locations throughout Northern, Central and Southern New Jersey, Bright Horizons速 is the leading provider of high-quality early education and preschool. Our Great Places for Babies program is designed to provide a warm, welcoming environment where your baby can thrive and grow from a bundle of joy to a bundle of curiousity. Schedule a visit. mention the bump to receive

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mommy deals



The juiciest pregnancy and baby trends. What will totally catch on, and what’s just plain weird? By Caitlin brody

on public nursing

“My attitude is, if someone sees a little somethin’ somethin’, don’t look if you don’t like it.” kourtney kardashian


Number of stay-at-home moms nationwide, according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau, compared with 158,000 stay-at-home dads

chow down

Over 70 percent of new moms make their own baby food, says a study by It’s easy, healthy and can save you a ton of money.

baby soft celeb kids like sparrow madden and Suri Cruise have been spotted with blankets from Little Giraffe. the new Bella brocade satin ones are $72 at Kidegories in Shrewsbury. (732-530-0066,

Breast pumps can now do everything from mimic baby’s mouth movements to record her cries and play them back to you, so your milk flows more easily. Check out the Double Electric Breastfeeding Companion from Simplisse ($300), or Hygeia’s EnJoye LBI Deluxe Tote Set ($320).

already in training (huh?)

Mini gyms and baby sports DVDs (like the ones from athleticBaby and Baby Goes Pro) are on the rise, so infant athletes (we’re talking six-month-olds!) are now in training before they can even walk.

running in heels (while pregnant!)

Hollywood moms-to-be from Natalie Portman to die-hard Louboutin fan Rachel Zoe have been snapped rocking sky-high heels. “There’s no medical reason not to wear high heels,” says Daniel Roshan, MD, ob-gyn at Rosh Maternal-Fetal Medicine in New York City. “But your center of gravity changes during pregnancy, and you’re more likely to fall in them.” Case in point: Alicia Keys totally wiped out wearing killer heels while pregnant.


Dish about baby and mom trends at

clockwise from top: veer; courtesy of the manufacturer; thinkstock

pimped-out pumps

tech tools

Can’t resist techy stuff? Try these easy, at-your-fingertips ways to prep for baby, make mom friends and have a little fun. by caitlin brody

tune up

expand your network

“Like” the Mommyhood app on Facebook and join a community of other pregnant women and new moms (finally, friends who won’t mind morning sickness status updates!). Create your profile and choose from a slew of adorable little badges to decorate it.

Make some art the Art Bellies Pocket iPhone app lets you transform your pregnancy photos into pretty illustrations and upload them directly to Facebook. (Free at the app store)

join the club

Imagine if all your best friends were pregnant—with the same due date as you! You’d constantly compare your symptoms and nursery ideas. That’s what it’s like when you connect using the iPhone Birth Clubs app from The Bump. Wherever you go, your new momto-be friends are there. (Free at the App Store)

listen in

If you’re dying to know what the heck baby’s doing in there, try out Graco’s Prenatal Listener. The monitor detects baby’s heartbeat, kicks and even his hiccups (really!). It also comes with a record and email option, so even if your parents are across the country, they can hear too. $25,


Find a Baby Namer and more at

from top: courtesy of apple; veer; courtesy of art bellies; courtesy of graco

We’re not sure you can influence baby’s music taste yet, but she can hear what’s on your iPod with the Ritmo. $130, Ritmo

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worth the


The dream team of pregnancy beauty products. By Kristin Koch

tress tamer

Detangle thick hair (thank you, hormones!) and add bounce to thinning postnatal locks (sorry!) with the Mason Pearson Handy Bristle ($163,

skin soother

belly butter

Stretch marks and dry skin have nothing on Kiehl’s Creme de Corps (from $10,, made with luxe skin-softening ingredients to ultra-moisturize your belly.

Keep dryness at bay and calm irritated skin with Kate Somerville’s Quench Hydrating Mask ($45, Spa results from home!

super-powered skin scrubber

Get a gorgeous sunkissed glow sans the chemicals of sunless tanner (or damage from the actual sun) with Chanel Soleil Tan De Chanel Bronze Rosé ($50,

pedi pampering set Treat those swollen feet to a soothing pedi with Bliss Foot Patrol cream and Bliss Softening Socks ($18–$48, BlissWorld .com). Instant relief—ah!


color protector

Avoiding a dye job? Help your current color go the distance with Kérastase Chroma Sensitive cleansing balm ($42,

More top picks at

courtesy of the manufacturers

The Clarisonic Plus cleansing brush ($225, helps treat breakouts and scaly skin from head to toe.

luxe bronzer



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When you bank with LifebankUSA®, tissue banking is FREE.*

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all about


Everything you need to know to get baby’s room properly painted before she arrives.

put down the brush!

pro’s tips

It’s okay for the nursery to be painted—but not a great idea for you to paint it. You could get hurt or even just put a serious knot in your back from all the repetitive motion involved in painting. Plus, just being around fresh paint is a no-no for pregnant women because of the toxic fumes. Whoever paints should keep the windows open as the walls dry (about an hour per coat) and should not eat or drink near the room because of airborne chemicals. Take special caution if your house was built or decorated before 1978, when lead paint was banned. If you suspect your home has lead paint, leave the house while it’s being removed or sanded so there’s no chance of inhaling the dust, which can be harmful to both you and baby.

Pastels are making a comeback! Try baby-blue walls and accent with a hint of lime, says Charlene Treude, owner of Charlene’s Custom Interiors in Southern New Jersey.

baby-safe paint

Most manufacturers offer low-VOC or no-VOC options. (VOC stands for volatile organic compounds.) These paints emit little or no fumes, reducing the health risks to you and baby. You can find them at your local hardware or paint store. Warning: While they’re a much better option than traditional paint (and they’re eco-friendlier), there’s no guarantee that even these are totally safe.

on of One gall ers o paint c v feet— re a u sq 350 hly a g u ro that’s m. o 10'x11' ro


Do you know that this is the first color that a baby can see? Plus, green will be a calming sight for you during a sleepless night or two.


Cool colors like blue (and purple) help to soothe babies. For a fun look in the nursery, pair light blue with its color-wheel opposite, orange. Try contrasting the colors on trim or accessories.


This trendy nursery color is warm and comforting. It’s also equally appropriate for a girl’s or boy’s room.


Bright yellow is energizing and can be kind of intense, so opt for a toned-down shade for baby’s room.

More inspiration at

wendi nordeck

ti p


Use your phone to scan this code to shop online.

hilarious newmom confessions New Jersey-area Bumpies admit what they were really thinking during those first moments with baby.

I thought, ‘Holy moly, I just pushed you out of my vagina!’ I still can’t believe it.

He was pudgy, pink and had tons of blond hair—even on his face— and when they put the little hat on him, my initial reaction was, ‘Wow, I gave birth to a garden gnome.’



‘Oh my God, he’s so fat!’ He was 9 lbs., 13 oz., and we had no idea he would be that big. patella1129

‘Holy crap. There really are two of them.’ cinema_goddess

When my son finally came through, I announced to the entire room, ‘Oh my gosh, that feels so much better!’ rochella

All I could think was, ‘What do we do now?’

I said, ‘She looks like me.’ Then I thought, ‘I want a vodka tonic.’ sherina825



Chat with New Jersey mommies at

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baby up to?


Keep tabs on what’s going on inside your bump (thumb sucking and yawning!) with this week-by-week guide to fetal development. by paula kashtan

week 7

Baby is already at work forming major organs, including the heart, kidneys, liver and stomach, and the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems.

week 6

fetus at 1 week

As blood begins to circulate, baby is beginning to develop eyes, ears, a nose, cheeks and a chin.


week 5

With joints starting to appear, baby is developing arms and legs—and growing 100 new brain cells per minute!

week 18 Baby has become

amazingly mobile. She yawns, hiccups, rolls, twists, kicks, punches, sucks and swallows. >

week 13

week 9

The former embryo is now a fetus, and by this point an ultrasound should pick up a picture of the beating heart.

While the intestines move from the umbilical cord to the fetus’s tummy, baby is developing teeth and vocal cords.

week 16

week 10 week 8

Continuing to straighten in the trunk, baby can move those little arms, legs, and (slightly webbed) fingers and toes.

Arm joints work, bones and cartilage are forming and vital organs are starting to function.

Tiny bones are forming in the ears, and eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in.

New Jersey




week 20

Now baby is gulping down amniotic fluid— not just for nutrition, but also to practice swallowing. And guess what? Those taste buds actually work.

week 24

As fat starts to pack on, skin is becoming more opaque and taking on a pink glow thanks to the formation of some small capillaries.

week 28

Her skin is still pretty wrinkly (one by-product of living in amniotic fluid), but it will smooth out as fat continues to deposit beneath it.

week 22

Settling into sleep cycles, baby is snoozing 12 to 14 hours a day.

week 26

keep up!

Want to get reminders of what your baby is up to every week? Sign up for our newsletters at weekly.


Baby is getting her immune system ready by soaking up lots of antibodies. Her eyes are forming too.

week 31

Baby is going through major brain and nerve development. Her irises now react to light, and all five senses work.

week 34

Baby can recognize and react to simple songs and may even remember them after birth. Less-cute news: She now pees about a pint each day.

week 39

Baby’s brain is still developing rapidly, and by now she’s able to flex her limbs. Her nails also might start to extend past her fingertips.

fetus at 40 weeks

week 37

Your full-term (yay!) baby is gaining about half an ounce a day and is getting her first sticky poop (called meconium) ready.

More baby updates at New Jersey



baby name inspiration Pay attention! The perfect name can come from the most meaningful—or random—place. by Elena donovan mauer

go to the movies

Bumpie who did it “My husband named

our son Luke after Luke Skywalker from Star Wars. Yep, we’re nerds.” steel tiger DIY Twilight names Jacob, Isabella, Jasper and Emmett have gotten popular over the past few years, but really it can be any character you love, whether it’s from a movie, TV show or book. Try: Amélie, Jack (Titanic), Juliet, Juno, Rick (Casablanca).

use a family name

Bumpie who did it “Preston is my

Simple, ru g ge d n a m es for boys and oldfashione d , turn-o f-the century n a me s for girls

overlook last names that can honor an entire branch of your clan. Harrison, Jackson, Parker, Mackenzie, Ryan and Hayden are just a few examples of surnames that make great first names.

start with a nickname

Bumpie who did it “The whole time I was pregnant we called my belly Ally or Chase. Once we found out it was a girl, we decided to keep Ally as her nickname. So we named her Allyson.” kcfan729 DIY You don’t have to begin with the long version. Instead, think of the cute, short name you’ll want to call your kid and come up with a formal name that fits. Some ideas: Lexy (Alexis), Ty (Tyler), Jo (Josephine or Jordan), Sam (Samuel or Samantha), Sunny (Sonia), Liv (Olivia).

katherine o’brien photography

husband’s middle name and a family last name on his side.” tracey4228 DIY Take a look at your family tree. There are a ton of names to choose from—and you can pay tribute to someone who’s important to you in the process. And don’t

what ’s trendy


compromise and convert

starts with a vowel, is a certain number of syllables or has a specific origin—and use that feature to come up with the new baby’s name. Examples: Liam and Maeve (both Irish), Lily and Rose, Henry and Hazel.

Bumpie who did it “I liked Delilah from

the radio show Delilah After Dark, but my husband wasn’t into it. So we shortened it to Lilah. Her middle name is Jo, for my grandma Joanne.”

keep track


DIY You know that

name that’s cool but not quite right? Don’t be afraid to change it, especially if it’s something you and your partner disagree about. Or name the baby after someone, but give her version a unique twist. Mary can become Molly; Nathan can become Nathaniel; Ashley can become Asher; Jerry can be Jeremy.

match your other kids Bumpie who did it “I really

wanted a name to go with Abbigail, my first daughter’s name, and we were trying to think of A names. In my head, I was thinking Avalyn, but then it hit me: Evelyn!” queenbee320 DIY It’s not necessary for your kids to have similar names, but some moms like for them to seem to “go together,” so if you’ve already got one baby, think hard about what you like about his name— whether it’s that it

Bumpie who did it “We had a

boy top

names* 1

Aidan / Aiden / Aden






Jackson/ Jaxon




Cayden/ Caden/ Kayden/ Kaden






Landon/ Landen



girl top

names* 1

Sophia /Sofia






Addison/ Addyson




Amelia/ Emilia




Isabella/ Izabella




Bailey/ Baylee

* Most popular boy and girl names according to

dry-erase board hanging in our kitchen. Whenever I walked by, I would jot down a name I had read, heard or seen, and my husband would do the same. Every so often, we would cross out any names we didn’t both love. I’d seen Emmalin in a baby book, and after a couple of weeks on the master list, it was still there, so it stuck!” kjohn091 DIY It’s easy to forget those random names you see and hear—on your waiter’s name tag, at a work conference or even on a street sign. So keep a running list. The best names are the ones that stand out to you—and your partner—so if you agree and feel you can both live with it (literally!), that’s a sign you’ve found the perfect one. The Bump expert: jennifer moss,

founder and CEO of

See tons of names at


new shower ideas Our friend Danielle Seals, from Belleza e Luce in Monmouth County, shares her best party ideas.

The best time for a baby shower is when you’re in your third trimester—ideally, six to eight weeks before your due date. “By this time, the gender of the baby—if the parents-to-be want to know—has been revealed,” says Seals. “And the momma-to-be may not be feeling the end-of-the-pregnancy drag yet.” Knowing the gender may inspire the theme, not to mention help gift givers zero in on some key colors.

it’s all about theme

A pulled-together fete starts with a motif. Seal suggests picking a theme based on your personality, favorite color or particular interest. Baby showers don’t have to be cute, frilly and filled with baby icons like pacifiers and bottles. “For a recent shower, I used a quote from Coco Chanel as the inspiration and had guests wear pearls and all black,” says Seals. Or if you’re an avid reader, have a book-themed shower to help build the baby’s first library. Create custom bookplates and ask guests to write a personal message on them. Whatever the theme, use it to inspire centerpieces, invitations and the cake.

games that are actually fun

Games are a great way to get guests interacting and can help break the ice. A favorite is the “Celebrity Baby” game. To play, create a document with a column of celebrities’ names and another with their kids’ names. Guests have to match the celebrity to the child. The player with the most correct matches wins!

saying thanks

It’s nice to have something that shower guests can take home with them right away. Edible favors are always popular, according to Seals. Or you could choose a useful favor, like a donation to the pediatric unit at the hospital where the baby will be delivered. Let guests know by placing printed cards with the donation message at each place setting. And remember, creative packaging can make anything extra-special!

More ideas at

serve some sweet treats

courtesy of be inspired pr; photo: gabriel ryan; desserts: sweet & saucy shop; design: joyful weddings & Events

when to throw it

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product spotlight Great products for pregnancy and beyond.

wrapped with love

Be prepared for cool and warm environments. The new SwaddleDuo™ includes two breathable cotton swaddle blankets—one flannel and one marquisette. Easy as 123 Swaddle® ~ the only blankets with swaddling instructions sewn to the edge. SwaddleDesigns offers a complete line of stylish and high-quality layette essentials.

everybody sleeps! The Nap Nanny CHILL™ is the only infant recliner designed for inclined sleep. From the fussiest babies to those who don’t like to sleep flat, Nap Nanny cradles babies in ultimate comfort. With no top end weight limit, the Nap Nanny can be used into the toddler years.; (886) 664-4008


support system

BELLY BANDIT® is the leader in maternity products and postpartum compression garments. Their products are specially engineered with innovative technical details and medical-grade, latex-free fabrics to do what no surgery, core class or crash diet can! Instantly help shrink, tighten and control. Shop now at

“i’m the daddy” gear

DaddyScrubs offers “I’m the Daddy” gear for labor, delivery and beyond. Our scrubs, tees, hoodies and accessories make perfect baby shower gifts to help new dads feel special and appreciated. Check out our Brag Book of real dads sporting their delivery room duds on our Facebook page. Order yours today at

got you covered

Bebe au Lait pairs beautiful prints with luxurious fabrics. Through three lines (Bebe au Lait, Hooter Hiders and Lille), their products are designed to meet the needs of modern, active families. Shown: Hooter Hiders nursing cover, Lille Quadruple Bib and BAL burp cloths. Find products at


wrapped up

Moby Wrap baby carriers allow you to carry your baby in comfort and style! Award-winning Moby Wraps are 100% cotton and provide soothing closeness. Choose from solids, prints, organics and coordinating doll carriers, blankets and hats! (888) 629-9727

maternity must-have

Ingrid & Isabel’s BellaBand is the only band designed to hold up your pants! Early on, hold up and hide unbuttoned pre-pregnancy jeans. Later, hold up too-loose maternity wear. Afterwards, transition back into pre-pregnancy styles. Shop now at


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of a loulu bee session see index

mommy deals


reality check With each trimester comes brand-new experiences that can throw you for a loop. Handle them without turning that pregnant glow into a full-on sweat. By Elena Donovan Mauer

new reality

you’ve got a colossal secret

How to Handle It Many moms-to-be keep the news of their pregnancy under wraps until the second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage goes way down, but there’s no hard-and-fast rule that you have to. If you’re dying to spill, tell some VIPs who know how to keep it on the DL (like your parents and siblings). As for how to explain why you’re not having the wine or raw oysters, you can always say you’re not feeling well. That’s probably true anyhow.

new reality

you have to give up (awesome) stuff

How to Handle It Okay, so we mentioned

the wine and the oysters. Add horseback riding, skiing, spray tanning and a whole lot of other no-nos to the list, and it feels a little depressing. Stay positive by finding ways to enjoy yourself that are completely safe and by focusing on the cool things you can do, especially while you’re still baby-free, like go to a rock concert. And use the pregnancy as an excuse to indulge a little—hello, ice cream sundae! (What? You need calcium!)

new reality

you feel like crap

How to Handle It If your body is screaming

“take me to bed!” take it up on the offer, if you can. If it’s an inopportune time (like in the middle of a workday), have a light snack, go for a short walk or do some stretching to try to energize yourself. Got morning sickness? Check out our tips for coping on page 60.


new reality

you’re worried about baby

How to Handle It Since about 10 to 15

percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and most happen in the first trimester, this can be kind of a scary time. But know that if you’ve made it past the eight-week ultrasound and saw a heartbeat, your chance of miscarriage is already down to only 3 percent. Usually miscarriages happen through no fault of the mom’s, but you’ll still help your odds if you follow your doctor’s orders and stay healthy. Cut out caffeine (until trimester two, when you can have a little), smoking and alcohol, and run any meds past your doc first.

new reality

you don’t know if you’ll be a good mom

How to Handle It Talk it out with your

partner—he’s probably wondering how he’ll do as a dad too. Just getting your anxieties out in the open and discussing how you’ll conquer this new territory together may help. Remember: Plenty of moms we know have doubted whether they were parent material, but they all figured it out and now can’t imagine their lives without their kids.

illustrations by lulu*/cwc international inc.


st r trimeste

new reality

you have to tell your boss


nd trimeste


How to Handle It Break the news after

you’ve finished a project or made another achievement. Offer ideas for ways to make sure your duties get done while you’re out.

is that baby—or just gas? Different moms-to-be describe the first time they felt baby move differently. Some say it’s like a fluttering butterfly wing; others feel like there’s a goldfish swimming around in there. (Seriously.) So we can’t tell you exactly what it will be like for you. But if you’re feeling something you’ve never felt before, you’re not sure whether it’s gas or baby, and it’s after week 16, we’re betting it’s baby.

new reality

you’re feeling ginormous

How to Handle It Go to your favorite

maternity clothing store and splurge on some key pieces to get yourself through pregnancy—stuff you’ll feel confident in.

new reality

you have a load of to-dos

How to Handle It Remember: All you really

need for baby is a car seat, a crib or bassinet, a few newborn outfits, blankets and diapers. The rest is great, but not worth stressing over. When it comes to finding a good daycare, nanny or pediatrician, start by asking around. Personal recommendations can give you valuable leads and save research time.

new reality

babies are frickin’ expensive!

How to Handle It Find ways to cut back

on spending—it can be small stuff, like knocking down your cable package. Sign up for baby store rewards, accept hand-medowns (in good shape) and read reviews to find affordable gear that’s good quality.

new reality

alone time with your guy will soon be at a premium

How to Handle It This is the perfect time

to go on a babymoon, since you’ve probably got plenty of energy. And plan some date nights. Now. While you still can! >

there’s more in our book!

The Baby Bump, available in bookstores or at, has tons of great advice.

New Jersey



new reality

you feel like a walking belly How to Handle It These days, it


rd r trimeste

seems like all anyone wants to talk about is your pregnancy, and that probably means comments from everyone from your cubemate to the mailman. Know that it happens to every pregnant woman, and it, too, shall pass. Come up with some key comebacks to the usuals (if someone asks if it’s twins, and it’s not, say, “I hope not!”). And try to laugh!

new reality

you’re hearing horror stories

How to Handle It Next time your cousin

starts telling you about her botched epidural or your coworker mentions her 30-hour labor, stop them before they start. Say, “I’d love to hear that story—after my baby is born.” Most labor and deliveries are complication-free, and hearing about the rough stuff will only scare you. Still worried? Turn to page 90.

new reality

you’re stressed at work

How to Handle It It would be great to start

maternity leave with all your work done, but it’s not good to stress yourself out if that’s not humanly possible. Got a ton of tasks—and not sure you’ll get them done in time? Talk to your boss ASAP. She’ll feel better having advance warning in case she needs to call in some backup, and she can help you separate the must-do projects from the ones that can wait.

new reality

you put off writing a birth plan

How to Handle It If you’re saying, “What

birth plan?” that’s totally okay. Some momsto-be write out a detailed list of what they want on delivery day, but labor can be so unpredictable, chances are not everything will happen exactly as they mapped it out anyhow. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a solid idea of your preferences. Be sure to talk it through with your doctor so you’re both on the same page about how things will go and your preferences (are you open to pain meds, or would you prefer to keep it au naturel?). If you want, take notes, and voilà! Birth plan.


what’s the 4th trimester? Some experts use this term to describe baby’s first three months after birth, since newborns are still getting used to the outside world. They suggest battling fussiness by making baby as comfy as he was in your belly. Some suggestions: swaddling and rocking him (or using a baby swing), and playing soft white noise while he sleeps.

More advice at

case photography

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make some memories New-mom gold-dipped safety pin necklace, $54,

Sure, there’s a lot to deal with, but these three trimesters will go so fast that, one day, you’ll be psyched to have a sweet pregnancy memento.

Countdown calendar, $40, Uncommon

Countdown to Baby pregnancy journal, $16,

Keepsake bird ornaments, $24 each, Sonogram frame, $20,


Share memories at

all images courtesy of the manufacturers

Belly growth (and memory) tracker, from $15,


set of birth announcements or mini collage ($100 value) see index

mommy deals



with any portrait session

see index

mommy deals


dream babymoons Before baby makes three, couldn’t you use an indulgent couple’s escape? Choose from these four perfect pre-diaper destinations. By nancy rones

Surrounded by spectacular red-rock canyons, this artsy town is full of galleries and restaurants; it’s definitely a hidden gem!

sleep L’Auberge de Sedona is an oasis of European charm with red-rock views and posh rooms (928-282-1661, hit the town Take an easy hike along the West Fork of Oak Creek trail (928-282-4119, Or stroll the Spanishstyle Tlaquepaque Arts & Crafts Village (928-282-4838,

riviera maya, mexico

South of Cancún, you’ll find a postcardperfect strip of beach paradise. The best part? You can be as active or as lazy as you’d like. (After all, who knows what mood will strike—are we right?)

sleep Take advantage of your soon-tochange no-baby status and book an adults-only hotel. The huge all-inclusive Aventura Spa Palace has amenities to suit any personality—from a nightclub and pool games to a meditation garden and a gigantic spa. Oh, and bonus: If cravings (and insomnia) hit, there’s 24-hour room service (800-635-1836, hit the town Sail to the colorful Isla Mujeres and discover the authentic fishing village by golf cart (stop for a churro—yum!). Or explore native culture and wildlife at Xcaret, a massive eco-archaeological theme park (888-922-7381,

relax Melt like butter with a maternity

massage in a creekside cabana at the resort.

relax Shade yourselves under a thatchedroof palapa on the beach. Later, go for a soak in the indoor pool with sound therapy.

get romantic Have the concierge arrange

get romantic Be the team to beat in pool

a private watercolor lesson with a local artist. At night, enjoy some expert-led stargazing. travel time

5-hour plane ride (to Phoenix)



2-hour drive

volleyball. In the evening, enjoy a sweet dinner for two at one of the resort’s restaurants. travel time

4½-hour plane ride (to Cancún)


1-hour drive

from top: thinkstock; shutterstock

sedona, arizona


Craving some urban action? Take your pick of museums, parks, theater, to-die-for dining and sporting events in this happening, but not too overwhelming lakeside city.

sleep At hip spot theWit, you’ll get sweeping city or water views from the trendy rooftop lounge or your luxe room. (Upgrade option: special “spa rooms” with floor-to-ceiling vistas and oversize soaking tubs.) TheWit’s lively downtown location makes it convenient to everything you’ll want to see and do (312467-0200, hit the town Calm your haywire hormones with a good belly laugh at famed improv club The Second City—it’s where many SNL legends started (312-337-3992, If you’re sports lovers, check out a Cubs or White Sox game. relax Head to The Art Institute of Chicago and linger on the sculpture terrace or in a room filled with dreamy Monets (312-4433600, Then take a stroll through Millennium Park’s Lurie Garden (312-7421168,

from top: courtesy of coyaba beach resort & club; city of chicago

get romantic Cook your own dinner by

flickering candlelight at fondue spot Geja’s Café (773-281-9101,, or cozy up on an architectural cruise along the travel time Chicago River— Chi-Town is known for its innovative 2½-hour designs (CAF plane ride

montego bay, jamaica

Find white-sand beaches, reggae and a cool island vibe in this tropical locale along the northwestern Jamaican coast.

sleep If you weren’t glowing before, the serenity at the intimate Coyaba Beach Resort & Club is sure to make it happen (the delish banana bread upon arrival won’t hurt either). And the friendly staff will greet you by name throughout your stay. Don’t miss the poolside steel band on Saturday nights (876-9539150, hit the town Check out the shops and restaurants along the “Hip Strip” on Gloucester Avenue. Pop into Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville Montego Bay for a virgin colada (876-952-4777, MargaritavilleCaribbean .com). For a glimpse into island lore, tour the Rose Hall Great House (876-579-7973, It’s the former home of Annie Palmer, known as “The White Witch of Rose Hall” (spooky!). relax Linger over a laid-back afternoon tea at the hotel. In the evening, view the sunset from the powdery beach or the private dock.

get romantic Anchored in the waters

of the Marine Park Fish Sanctuary, The HouseBoat Grill is a special dining spot (876-979-8845, Or float along the scenic banks of the travel time tranquil Martha Brae River on a bamboo raft for two 4½-hour plane (876-940-6398, ride + layover

Get travel tips at New Jersey



my pregnancy diary may 9

We decided that there was no better day to share the news with our family than Mother’s Day! We surprised my parents by getting together for a portrait, and on the count of three, we had everyone say, “Barbara’s pregnant!” Their reactions went from confused and speechless to ecstatic. Rounds of applause, hugs and tears commenced.

june 3

april 10

My husband, Carlos, and I decided to take the “let’s see what happens” approach when we started trying to conceive. After three months, I was a week late and had been cramping. I took a pregnancy test to be sure—it was positive! I was so excited and nervous at the same time. Carlos was still sleeping when I took the test, so I left it on the nightstand for him to see when he woke up. He came stumbling down the hall and asked, “What does it mean?” I replied, “What do you mean, what does it mean?! It means...we’re having a baby!!” I had a feeling it was going to take awhile to sink in for both of us. We were cautiously optimistic until my first doctor’s visit.

my precious baby


july 22

We were eager to find out the gender at the next ultrasound. When the technician announced that we would be having a boy, we were elated! Throughout the rest of the anatomy scan, we just squeezed each other’s hands and held our breath. The technician examined and measured the brain, heart, stomach, and all the arm and leg bones, counted fingers and toes, and so on. It was amazing! Everything checked out great. What a relief! PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE COUPLE

rr ero By Barbara S. Bo ion) (age 30 ; from Un

It was finally time for the nuchal translucency screening—we were so excited! I couldn’t believe how much it looked like a baby. We hoped our baby would keep that cute button nose. The technician said I had a perfect nuchal, which was reassuring. We left the office feeling confident and overjoyed to embark on the next couple months of pregnancy.

october 24

my husband, Carlos, was a great labor partner

On the day of my baby shower, I went to visit my dad in the hospital and ended up being an hour-and-a-half late to the party (I just couldn’t tear myself away from him). It was a blur. I made my rounds to say hello to everyone, scarfed down food and opened gifts. Carlos stayed by my side during the shower, and we were so grateful for all the thoughtful gifts and wonderful food.

december 12

On the morning of my due date, I woke up with contractions. I was unsure if what I was feeling was the real thing. Then suddenly—a gush! I yelled for my husband, as he was still up watching TV. We rushed to the hospital. When I was admitted, I was already 5 centimeters dilated. I gritted my teeth to 7 centimeters, but the contractions became so intense I decided to get an epidural. Before I knew it, I was 10 centimeters and it was time to push! Anthony arrived at 1:55 p.m., weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces and measuring 20 inches. It was love at first sight. He was more than we could’ve ever hoped for. I knew my dad was looking down from heaven. I wish he could’ve met my baby boy. There is so much of my dad in my little Anthony, and it makes him just that much more special to us.

barbara’s local faves hospital

St. Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston, (973) 322-5000 ob-gyn

Contemporary Women’s Care, Kearny, (201) 991-3838 maternity clothes

Motherhood Maternity, Woodbridge, (732) 750-4644 baby clothes

Carter’s Factory Outlet, Flemington, (908) 788-7288 infant gear

Babies “R” Us, Union, (908) 810-9300 3-D/4-D sonogram spot

New Jersey Perinatal Associates, Livingston, (973) 322-5287

Read more pregnancy stories at New Jersey


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Complimentary mini maternity session (see index)

ready for takeoff


Hopping a flight? Try these tips for a smooth trip. time it right Some airlines won’t let you fly after week 36. If you’re showing, it’s a good idea to carry a doctor’s note saying how far along you are, just in case you get questioned.

buckle up We know your belly’s big, but you never know when turbulence could hit. Wear the buckle low on your hip bones, right underneath your belly.

book an aisle seat You don’t need us to tell you that you might have to get up to use the bathroom. It’s also easier to get into an aisle seat than to climb over to a window seat.

take a walk If your flight is over four hours long, get up and walk the aisle to prevent blood clots in your legs—you’re more susceptible to them while you’re pregnant.

make yourself comfortable Wear loose clothing and put your feet up whenever you can to prevent swollen ankles.

drink lots of water Plane air is dry! Plus,

staying hydrated can prevent constipation, and that’s worth an extra pit stop! Trip-safe tips at

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resources you need to set up your nursery. Find top name bassinets, cradles, cribs, bedding, room accessories and so much more!


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stuff you can actually do (yay!)

Maybe you thought these things were off-limits during pregnancy, but they’re not (completely). Paint Your Nails

Choose a polish brand that’s free of dibutyl phthalate (DBP), toluene and formaldehyde. And apply it (or have it done) somewhere that’s well-ventilated so you (and baby) aren’t breathing in harmful fumes.

Highlight Your Hair

Wait until the second trimester to do chemical hair treatments. Since highlights are covered in foil and aren’t applied to your scalp, there’s less risk of chemicals getting absorbed into your skin than there is with other dye processes.

Eat (some) Soft Cheeses

You can eat a soft cheese like Camembert or Brie, but only if it’s been pasteurized (to kill any listeria, a harmful bacteria). So check the label to be sure. And when in doubt, avoid it.

Lift Weights

Strength training can actually help reduce pregnancy aches and pains, so go for it! If you’re a beginner, use 10-pound or lighter dumbbells. Stretch your muscles before and after, and don’t exhaust yourself.

Find more facts at

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celebrate Maternity leave, handicapped parking, pampering and more…

I deserve some pampering before baby arrives, right? Any creative ideas? Prenatal pampering is definitely one of the biggest trends around—and rightfully so! Here are some of our favorite ways to treat yourself (and your partner) before diaper changing and 2 a.m. feedings take over. Hire a baby planner They’ll help you design a nursery, set up your registry and even send out birth announcements when the time comes. Sound a little too indulgent? Come on, you had a wedding planner and you didn’t even have a huge belly weighing you down at the time. Doesn’t baby deserve the same kind of treatment? Take a babymoon With a new baby on the way, it’s tough to predict the next time you and your husband will be able to get some alone time, let alone an actual getaway. Now’s the perfect opportunity to sneak off for a romantic just-for-two vacation. Plus, hotels and resorts offer tons of fun packages exclusively for moms-to-be and their partners. Get ready to be very pampered. Get a food delivery service It’s tough enough to maintain a healthy diet when life is normal. Add the nutritional demands of pregnancy, plus your never-ending to-do list, and you’ve got a perfectly legitimate reason to splurge on food delivery. Some services even have special meal plans designed specifically for pregnant women, so do your research first. And always ask for a taste test before you commit! (Yum.)


How should I go about choosing a maternity photographer? So you’re ready for your close-up? Most pregnancy photo shoots happen six to eight weeks from your due date, so there’s almost no room for error if you don’t like the results or if the photographer makes a mistake. (Scheduling a reshoot before baby is born can be tough or even impossible.) To avoid any blunders, look for someone with extensive experience or, even better, someone who specializes in pregnancy photography. Experienced shooters will be familiar with the most flattering angles for your pregnant body and will know how to focus on your belly while de-emphasizing other (also expanding!) parts like your hips, arms and legs. Always check the photographer’s website and portfolio, and ask for referrals. Make sure the photographer is thoroughly involved in the editing and photo selection process—this is an important step toward the finished product and represents about half of your cost. The photographer should be able to expertly guide you to the best and most unique photos, and give suggestions for cropping and finishes. And as for the film vs. digital debate, consider choosing film. Sure, it’s nice to be able to email and post your digital photos, but film prints are archival, whereas digital prints are likely to fade over time. Film also tends to be more expensive than digital, but trust us—the quality and longevity is worth it.

How long can I wait to send thank-you notes for gifts without seeming rude? You’ll probably be very busy (and exhausted!) in the weeks before and after baby arrives, so your family and friends are sure to understand if you’re late. Even so, it’s best to send out those thank-you notes before baby is born, if possible. For the gifts you receive after delivery (and the leftovers from beforehand), shoot for getting notes in the mail by the time baby is two months old. And if you don’t make the deadline, don’t convince yourself that you’ve waited too long. The rule here is the same as with wedding gifts—it’s never too late to show gratitude. How much maternity leave should I take? First, find out what your employer offers. Review your employee handbook and any medical or maternity leave policies, or check with a rep from HR. You may be eligible for short-term disability coverage and/or paid or unpaid leave as a benefit. If you work for a company that has at least 50 employees in a 75-mile radius and you’ve been there at least a year, you’re eligible for unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). It allows you 12 weeks off in a 12-month period. You can take it all at once, or in shorter increments. For example, you could take eight weeks off right after baby is born, and then take off one day a week for the next 20 weeks. Your employer must continue to provide health coverage and must allow you to return to your same job or an equivalent one. Check the National Conference of State Legislatures ( to see if your state has its own regulations on leave. I think I’d like to change my work schedule after baby. When and how should I talk to my boss about it? If you’re hoping to switch things up once your maternity leave is over, it’s probably best to lay your ideas on the table now. First,

make sure you read through your employee handbook or have a brief conversation with HR so that you’re clear on what your company’s policies state. Once you’ve done your homework, write up a detailed proposal for your boss. Go ahead and flesh out exactly how your ideal schedule would work. Are you thinking part-time? Flextime? Also include what sort of workload you could handle in that amount of time. It may also help to mention who could take on any responsibilities you’ll be casting aside and how you’ll train them. Next, set up a meeting and have a heartto-heart with the boss. She’ll appreciate that you’ve organized the details in a way that makes your plan easy to implement, upping your chances of getting your way. Talk it out (be ready to compromise) and make a plan. Be sure to get the final agreement in writing (and send a copy to HR) to avoid misunderstandings later on. (Disclaimer: Only you know your boss and company. We can’t promise she’ll go for it.)

It’s tough to get around! Can I park in the handicap space while I’m pregnant? If it’s a space designated by the store as “stork parking” or “family parking,” by all means, yes, park there. But if it’s a space that requires a handicapped parking permit, you definitely shouldn’t park in it unless you have one (or else you’re breaking the law and could get a ticket or, worse, your car could be towed). The good news is, if you have pregnancy complications that keep you from being mobile, you can apply for the permit. You’ll likely need a doctor’s note verifying your condition, so check with your DMV about what’s required. Otherwise, ask your partner to drop you off at the door or try to run errands during off-peak hours. The Bump experts: Ashley S. Roman , MD, OB-GYN and clinical assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine; Jennifer Loomis, fine-art maternity photographer; and Melissa GOuld and Ellie miller , founding partners of The Baby Planners

Pregnancy answers at



power foods

Finally—stuff you can (and totally should) eat! Keep yourself and baby healthy with these smart choices. by Elena Donovan Mauer

berry good for you

Want a sweet, good-for-you treat? Think strawberries. A half cup has more than half the vitamin C you need for the day. Not only does the C help with iron absorption (important for baby), but it promotes healthy teeth and bones. Strawberries also have fiber and antioxidants. Tip Strawberries tend to contain higher amounts of pesticides than some other types of produce. So if you can, try to buy the kind certified organic by the USDA, and be sure to wash your strawberries thoroughly. Suitable subs Most fruits and veggies have vitamin C. Notable ones include broccoli, tomatoes and any citrus fruit. So don’t forget to drink your morning OJ, or split open a tangy grapefruit!





sweet potatoes

Eat an eight-ounce cup of yogurt in the morning and you’ll have one of your three servings of calcium for the day out of the way. Calcium keeps your bones and teeth healthy. Yogurt also has protein, and some brands are fortified with vitamin D. Check the label: If yours has active cultures, it could reduce your risk of a yeast infection too. Tip Steer clear of flavored yogurt, which can come with a whole lot of sugar. Instead, buy plain, low-fat yogurt and add your own fresh fruit. (Bonuses: fiber and vitamin C!) Suitable subs Any dairy products, especially low- or nonfat milk and hard cheeses, are good options. If you’re not into those, tofu (made with calcium sulfate), sardines and collard greens all have calcium. Or look for calcium-fortified soy milk, cereal and orange juice.

Here’s enough reason to eat more sweet potatoes: They’ve got tons of vitamin A, which helps baby’s eyesight develop and aids in bone and skin growth. Plus, they’re full of nutritious fiber, vitamin B6 (helps form red blood cells), potassium (more than a banana has), vitamin C, iron and copper (which helps your body absorb the iron). Tip Swap in sweet potatoes for any regular potatoes you eat, whether they’re mashed, baked or French-fried (um, yum!). Just be sure not to get too much of a good thing—abnormally large doses of A have been linked to birth defects, so try to stick to one A-rich source every other day to be sure you’re safe. Suitable subs Think colorful! Carrots, cantaloupe, apricots, mangoes, red bell peppers and winter squash all have a significant amount of vitamin A.



Time to find a really great threebean chili recipe. Chickpeas, black beans, soybeans, white beans, kidney beans and pinto beans are excellent sources of fiber to keep your, um, digestive system running smoothly. They’ve also got iron, protein, calcium and zinc. Tip If you don’t mind some extra prep work, buy dried beans instead of canned, since they tend to have less salt. When you opt for the kind in a can, be sure to rinse them before cooking to remove some of the salt. Suitable subs Artichokes, peas, broccoli, pears, raspberries and whole-wheat pasta and bread are other high-fiber foods.

Make your baby even smarter! The omega-3 fatty acids (aka DHA and EPA) in fish help her brain develop—and they’re good for her eyes too. Salmon is also a great source of lean protein for you, mama-to-be. Tip Your doc probably told you not to overdo it on seafood. Salmon is a low-mercury fish, but to keep baby safe, you should still limit your intake to two servings of six ounces or less each week. And always make sure it’s been completely cooked. Suitable subs Shrimp, pollock and catfish. Not a fish fan? Ask your doctor to recommend an omega-3 supplement. There are even some vegan options. >

weird ones If you can stomach them, add these picks to your grocery list: sardines

It’s their tiny bones that offer all that calcium.

prune juice

Great if you’re a vegetarian, since it’s got a ton of iron. figs

They’re packed with calcium, iron and potassium.

New Jersey



baby brain builders eggs

Packed with protein, folate and iron, eggs also are a good source of choline. Never heard of it? Choline is critical to fetal brain development. Some eggs are also fortified with omega-3s for an extra brain-boost. Tip If your habit is to order the egg-white omelet, break it and have the real deal instead. The yolk is where the choline is. Suitable subs Beef, cauliflower, milk, wheat germ, soybeans and peanuts also contain brain-building choline.


Switch up your usual salad—make it with spinach, which is rich in folate (aka folic acid), a key nutrient for preventing birth defects. Plus, it’s got lots of iron, which is crucial in helping your red blood cells deliver oxygen to your baby. Tip Pair spinach with tomatoes, or some other source of vitamin C, to help your body absorb all that iron. Suitable subs Other dark, leafy greens, like broccoli, kale or chard. Asparagus, lentils and peas also have plenty of folate. For iron, eat lean red meat, iron-fortified cereal or oatmeal, dark-meat turkey or soybeans. To keep your energy level up, eat plenty of whole grains. If one of them is oatmeal, you get fiber, B6 and protein. Fortified oatmeal has extra iron. TIP Skip the syrup or flavored instant packets (they’ve got tons of sugar!). Instead, add your own healthy toppings, like fresh fruit and fat-free milk, for a perfectly balanced morning meal. suitable subs Other whole grains, like wheat bread or seeded rye, whole-grain pasta, brown rice, barley and quinoa. The Bump expert: Maria Pari-Keener , registered dietician and founder of Maternal Health Matters, an NYC practice offering prenatal and postnatal counseling


More about what to eat at

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your little black book Check out these stores and services to help you stay gorgeous and healthy while you’re pregnant. By Kristin Koch

Just because your belly’s getting bigger by the day doesn’t mean you can’t look a-maz-ing. At Unbuttoned, you’ll find everything from sophisticated office outfits to itty-bitty bikinis to proudly show off that baby bump on the beach. (201-894-8002, The diaper bags at Bellies & Booties are so stylish you’ll want to carry them whether you’re toting Pampers or not. Plus, you’ll find plenty of chic and comfy (read: frump-free) maternity pieces, like Empirewaist tops from Japanese Weekend and jeans that will expand with your belly from Citizens of Humanity. (609-7161700,

stay fit

Channel your chakra and rev up those abs (seriously, they still exist under there!) with the prenatal Pilates and stretch classes at Bella Bellies. Bonus: The center offers Momilates and Stroller Moves sessions to help you bond after baby arrives. (201705-4018,

prep for baby

NessaLee Baby is the one-stop shop for everything you need for your new addition. Not only


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Now that you’re eating for two, you want to eat right, but it’s hard to find time to food shop. We get it, which is why we’re fans of Suburban Organics—an online produce delivery service that focuses on fresh, seasonal organic fruits and veggies. (

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Relieve sore muscles with a pregnancy massage at Hoboken Women’s Wellness, where you can also meet your future doula, take classes like infant baby massage and walk away with your very own belly cast. (201-420-6988, Enjoy some serious serenity at Harrah’s Resort’s Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa, an expectant-mom favorite. We love the Mother’s Dream package that includes a prenatal massage, makeover, mani-pedi and sensitive-skin facial (good-bye, dry, scaly skin!). (609-441-5333,

tip om mama “Mommiesto-be should engage in some form of light exercise. Yoga is a great choice for pregnant women because it can help alleviate back pain and even help you control your breathing, which is extremely helpful when it comes time to deliver baby!” Hetal Gor, MD, FACOG, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Englewood

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fit celeb moms How these stars lost the postbaby pounds—and how you can too. by Elena Donovan Mauer

padma lakshmi celeb strategy The Top Chef host said she guzzled

water after baby Krishna was born—making a point to drink at least one and a half to two liters every day. Why it works Drinking plenty of water flushes away toxins, makes you feel fuller—to ward off unhealthy cravings—and keeps your metabolism going. Real-mom move Take it from Padma: “I always just keep a big bottle by me, and that way I can monitor how much I drink,” she told Star magazine. Another easy way to remember? Drink an entire glass each time you sit down to feed baby—that’ll be at least eight times a day in the beginning!

alicia keys


Padma Lakshmi spread from left: filmmagic/getty images (2); associated press

celeb strategy The singer reportedly followed a weight-loss plan that included eating five small meals per day and working out about 25 minutes at a time. Why it works Contrary to what some people think, eating smaller, more frequent meals doesn’t actually boost your metabolism. But some people swear by it to help them eat less. Why? Since they don’t feel so starved between meals, they don’t overindulge as a result. And the short workouts work because exercise is cumulative. In other words, work out for 10 minutes, three times a day, and you get the same benefits of having worked out for a full half hour. Real-mom move Take advantage of baby’s naptime— or when your partner’s there—and squeeze in some 10-minute workouts. If you’re old-school, do some classic moves like push-ups and crunches. If you need some guidance, try a workout DVD. And be sure to stock up on healthy, easy-to-prepare snacks.



celeb strategy When her daughter, Aviana, was an infant, the actress

was spotted exercising with baby in tow. Her workout? Walking while pushing Aviana in the stroller (no need for a sitter!). Why it works Pushing a stroller loaded with 35 pounds can burn a whopping 18 to 20 percent more calories than walking without one. Real-mom move After baby is born, “me time” will be at a premium, so find ways to work her into your fitness routine. Remember: You can also use baby as a weight, lifting her above your head to work your triceps. Burn calories by dancing around the house during playtime. Prefer something structured? Take a mom-andbaby yoga or Pilates class together.


Amy Adams

Before you start a weight-loss plan, get the go-ahead from your doc.



celeb strategy “I’ve been eating salads

and salmon and chicken,” Kourtney told Life & Style. “Fresh food is so much better.” Why it works Sticking to natural foods means you’ll be less likely to consume empty calories. Plus, leafy green vegetables have plenty of fiber, which helps you feel fuller longer. Real-mom move Fill your fridge with healthy foods you love—fruits, veggies and lean protein. (Warning: If you’re breastfeeding, don’t go crazy cutting calories. You need about 500 extra calories a day to feed baby and stay healthy.) And don’t forget that pairing a healthy diet with exercise gives you an extra edge. “I’m big on running—just putting on my iPod shuffle and going for a run by my house,” Kourtney told Life & Style. Kourtney Kardashian

More shape-up tips at


sweet dreams? you wish If you’re reading this at 4 a.m., you’re probably in your third trimester. Here’s why you can’t sleep—and how you can start getting the rest you need. By Cynthia Ramnarace

avoid bright light, mama! Sorry, but peeing and pregnancy go hand in hand—your baby is practically using your bladder as a pillow right now. You can try to prevent middle-of-the-night bathroom runs by drinking lots of water early in the day and tapering off at night (you still need eight glasses total!), but that’s not a no-fail solution. Focus on finding ways to easily fall back to sleep once you’re up, since all that waking can keep you from getting the deep sleep you need. One idea: Use low-wattage hall and bathroom night-lights so things stay dim while you’re up. Bright lights are stimulating and can make you too awake.


you’re napping too late

We know you’re exhausted, but if you take a power nap during the day, make it before 3 p.m. Then it’s less likely to interfere with the sleep you get at night. (And to prevent that grumpy, just-woke-up feeling, keep the nap around 20 minutes.)

you’re hit with heartburn

If indigestion (blame the pregnancy hormones!) is keeping you awake, try preventing it by not eating within two hours of bedtime and avoiding spicy foods. It’s completely safe to take an over-thecounter antacid like Tums or Rolaids, or an

devon jarvis

you’ve got to pee—constantly

H2 blocker like Zantac. (Always doublecheck the dosing with your OB.) More tricks: Try elevating the head of your bed a few inches. And keep stomach acid in its place by sleeping on your left side.

you can’t get comfy

Just can’t settle down once you get into bed? Sure, it could simply be because your big belly keeps you from getting comfy, but if it’s particularly annoying, talk to your doctor. According to the National Sleep Foundation, around one in four pregnant women get restless legs syndrome. If you have it, that could be a sign you’re not getting enough iron or folate—both crucial building blocks for your baby—and if that’s the case, you’ll want to increase your intake.

you’re, um, snoring

Ugh. All that extra weight of pregnancy, combined with swollen nasal passages, can turn you into a snorer. If that’s what is keeping you up, try nasal strips (like Breathe Right), which open nasal passages, allowing for better airflow. If this is an ongoing and extreme problem, you may want to give a breathing machine called CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) a shot.

you’ve got aches and pains

Aching back? Putting a pillow between your legs while you sleep can ease the pressure. Leg cramps? Elevate your legs as much as you can during the day while you’re sitting. Even better: Ask your partner for a calf massage. After all, the better you sleep, the better he’ll sleep. (Seriously. Tell him that.)

baby’s a night owl

Babies in the womb love to move when mom is still, so if it feels like your kid is dancing on your rib cage, there’s not much you can do to stop it. But don’t worry—despite what other people may tell you, just because your baby is up all night during pregnancy doesn’t mean he’ll do the same after he’s born. Maybe knowing that will help you rest easier. Try to relax and enjoy the kicks.

you’re kinda freaked out

Thinking about your to-do list, the looming delivery and the new demands of motherhood can keep your mind racing at night. But instead of tossing and turning, get up and take a warm bath or read a book (something light and non-pregnancy-related). Avoid the urge to clear out your TiVo playlist or play online sudoku—the light from the screen can make you feel even more awake, so it could be harder to go back to sleep. The Bump experts: Tracey Marks, MD, author of Master Your Sleep: Proven Methods Simplified, and Stuart Jones, MD, ob-gyn and chairman of obstetrics and gynecology at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio

more help Daily exercise can also help promote more restful sleep, so—no matter what’s keeping you up—try to get 30 minutes of walking or swimming in a day. If these solutions don’t work, it’s okay to take a nighttime

acetaminophen (like Tylenol PM) or an antihistamine (like Benadryl) as a mild sleep aid. In extreme cases, prescription sedatives (like Ambien) can help. Just get the go-ahead from your doc before taking anything.

Get more third trimester tips at New Jersey



sick of morning sickness? Knowing it usually goes away after the first trimester probably isn’t comforting. Here’s how to feel better now.


by Elena Donovan Mauer

good news Morning sickness isn’t exactly the best name for that nauseated, about-to-puke feeling of pregnancy. For one, it doesn’t even begin to conjure up just how crappy you feel. And then there’s the fact that it hits any time—morning, noon or night. And since doctors aren’t even sure why we get it—all those new pregnancy hormones and a heightened sense of smell are two likely causes— it’s not so clear-cut how to make it go away. But with a little trial and error, you can figure out what works for you. Try some of these common tricks to find relief and cope.

get your graze on

Instead of three big meals, try to cut it down to five smaller meals throughout the day. Some moms-to-be swear not getting too full helps prevent nausea before it starts.

beat queasiness with b6

Take a little B6. It’s been shown to reduce the severity of morning sickness in some women. The American Pregnancy Association recommends 50 mg daily. >

getty images

lemons curb queasiness

Some studies suggest that having morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy. That’s because those extra hormones thought to cause the queasiness are essential for proper development of the placenta. Does that make you feel at least a little better?


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You know you’re supposed to be getting plenty of nutrients, but that’s pretty tough when all you can stomach is dry toast. And if you can’t bear to swallow those big prenatal vitamins either, try children’s chewable vitamins. They might be easier to keep down. Just double-check with your doctor that the dosing is okay. Especially important: that they have enough folic acid, which helps your body create the extra blood you need during pregnancy, preventing birth defects. You should be getting 0.4 mg each day.

add some accessories

You know those seasickness wristbands (like Sea-Band)? Wearing them can help with morning sickness too. That’s because they’re designed to press acupressure points on your wrists, which has long been tied to the reduction of nausea.

stock up on citrus

Sniff or suck on lemons—or squeeze their juice onto your food or drink. We’re not sure whether it’s the refreshing scent or the distracting sourness, but lots of moms-tobe swear that lemons were key in getting over their morning sickness symptoms. (We like lemon Preggie Pops too!)

get minty fresh

Lemons don’t work? Try mint. Peppermint tea, chewing gum and, well, mints work for some women. Whip up a batch of decaf iced tea with mint!


try some ginger

Okay, so you can’t have the raw fish, but you can have the ginger at your local sushi joint—and it can help you feel less pukey. And try other ginger stuff, like ginger ale, ginger capsules or ginger candies too.

keep your cool

Pregnant women tend to get overheated, making feelings of nausea worse. Try to avoid stuffy, hot places and large crowds. Go outside to get fresh air if you’re starting to get sick, and to prevent queasiness in the first place, stay cool by running a fan.

take a nap

Some moms-to-be say they get nauseated when they’re feeling tired, so be sure to rest up when you can. If you can squeeze in a nap, do it. Just try not to go to sleep right after a meal, since that can make you feel sicker.

is it severe? In rare cases, the nausea can be so bad that you can’t keep down any foods or liquids, which can mean dehydration and lack of nutrients for you and baby. If this happens to you, or your symptoms continue well into the second trimester, see your doctor.

stash some snacks

If you’re queasy first thing in the morning, it may be because your stomach’s so empty. So it might work to have a tummysettling snack before you even get out of bed. Stockpile saltines—or another food you can stand—in your nightstand. Sounds crazy, but this trick can head off nausea. Worth a shot!

drink plenty of water

It’s super-important for you (and baby!) to get plenty of fluids. So keep a bottle of water by your side at all times and sip—don’t chug, especially during meals; it could set off your stomach—throughout the day. It will help keep you and baby well-hydrated. The Bump expert: Ashley S. Roman, md, OB-GYN and clinical assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine

More a.m. sickness tips at


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glow Orgasms, sore boobs, cravings and more...

How can I relieve bloating and indigestion? Your pregnancy hormones can wreak havoc on your gastrointestinal tract, so you’re more susceptible to bloating, indigestion, gas, reflux and constipation. There are a few things you can do to ease some of that discomfort. Eating five or six small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals, and eating them slowly, will give your tummy more time to digest. Another trick is to avoid greasy or spicy foods since they often cause indigestion. And put off napping until more than an hour after you eat. It’s safe to take a chewable antacid (they also have calcium!), but never exceed the proper dosage on the label. Will I ever be able to wear my pre-pregnancy clothes again? Probably—but not for a while. Remember, it took nine months to gain that weight, and it could take nine to 12 months or longer to get rid of it, depending on how much weight it is. To make the return to your pre-pregnancy body quick and healthy, eat a well-balanced diet throughout pregnancy and after delivery. Aim for fruits, veggies, lean proteins, calciumrich foods, whole grains and healthy fats. Staying physically active will help you get back in shape too. But remember to be patient—if you feel frustrated about your changed body, just take a look at your little bundle of joy. Totally worth it!


Is it safe to have an orgasm during pregnancy? Yes, you can still have an orgasm while you’re pregnant. You may notice your belly getting really hard after it—that’s because the orgasm can cause a small contraction, but that’s nothing to worry about. It won’t hurt you or the baby (and we swear he won’t know what you guys are doing!). But before you jump into bed, run it past your doc. If you’ve got complications such as placenta previa or incompetent cervix, your doctor may advise against sex and orgasms because they could cause preterm labor, so be sure to double-check. My boobs are so sore! What exactly is going on, and when will this stop? Very early in pregnancy, your hormones start prepping for lactation, making your milk ducts grow and filling them with milk. All the stretching involved with that is what’s making you so uncomfortable. The good news is, this is likely temporary. Around week 16, your boobs are ready to release baby’s first food, colostrum (and— warning—they just might!). But there will be other changes. Your breasts will keep getting bigger throughout pregnancy, and they’ll probably feel really heavy. Your nipples may start to stick out more and darken. To deal, wear a comfortable bra with supportive cups and adjustable straps. You may even need to go up a size or two (or more!). >

when’s baby coming?

source: centers for disease control and prevention

Unless it’s a scheduled delivery, you can’t know for sure, but check out these recent stats.

12% early


of babies were born (week 42 and after)

arrived (before week 37)


82%on time

showed up   (between weeks 37 and 41)

Find your due date at

glow I’ve heard that some moms-to-be get weird cravings for stuff that’s not food. What’s up with that? Studies show about 90 percent of pregnant women have cravings, particularly in the first trimester. Cravings for pickles and ice cream are pretty standard. But some women get strange cravings for stuff like dirt and clay; it’s called pica, and luckily, it’s pretty rare during pregnancy. We don’t know for certain what causes pica, but according to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, it could be connected to iron deficiency. What’s scary is nonfood items may contain toxic ingredients that can potentially harm both you and baby. So if you’re experiencing unusual cravings, contact your health provider. Is it okay to eat a rare steak during pregnancy? No, it’s best not to risk it. Undercooked meats can carry toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that could cause an infection called toxoplasmosis. It has the ability to cross the placenta and have devastating effects on the fetus, including premature birth, low birth weight and brain problems (scary!). So to be safe, make sure your steak is cooked until there’s no more pink in the middle, to kill any bad stuff.


Is my prenatal vitamin causing my constipation? What can I do to feel better? Constipation is a common problem for pregnant women. During pregnancy, high levels of progesterone slow the movement of food through your digestive track, and as your bump grows, the pressure from your uterus onto your rectum only makes things worse. And yes, it can be made worse by the iron in your prenatals. If you suspect the iron levels in your vitamin are to blame, check the label—you probably don’t need more than 30 milligrams of iron a day, unless you’re anemic. (If your prenatal has more, ask your doc if you can switch.) To help the problem, make sure you’re getting at least eight cups (64 ounces) of water each day (juice and decaf tea are good options too). Also, add more fiber-rich foods to your diet, such as whole grains, beans, veggies and fruit. But as you increase your fiber, be sure to increase your fluids— otherwise, your tummy will just feel worse! Make an effort to stay active—the more you move, the more your bowels will too. If you’ve tried all of these things and still aren’t regular, talk to your doctor. The Bump experts: Danielle Cavallucci , coauthor of Your Orgasmic Pregnancy; Amy Tara Koch , author of Bump It Up; Nicole Meadow, MPN, RD, nutritionist; Karen Moise, RN at Texas Children’s Hospital Fetal Center; and Ashley S. Roman, MD, OB-GYN and clinical assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine

Is a Pap smear safe when you’re pregnant? Pap smears aren’t just safe during pregnancy, they’re actually a routine part of prenatal care. Your doctor will need to know if you’re at risk for cervical cancer and will check to see if you have any STDs, which can cause premature births or even blindness. You’ll probably have a Pap at your first pregnancy checkup. If you haven’t had a Pap smear in the year preceding your first prenatal visit, get one ASAP.

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what’s your

nursery style?

Whether it’s playful, modern or retro, we’ve got ideas for you. by Sarah Newell

prop styling by kendra smoot

photography by david a. land


crib & dresser

Traditional dark walnut gets an update with a slim shape. Sparrow crib, $730, and 3 drawer dresser, $820,



For gender-neutral nurseries, wall decals are easy and foolproof. Ilya, Bonavita, (609) 409-2495

Mix it up with geometric designs in soft colors. Florentine sheet, $36, and Basics skirt, $68,

changing table

Mini Dot sheet (used as a changingpad cover), $54,

elephant decal

A large wallpaper decal makes a dramatic statement. Olifant, about $85,


A mobile can be ultra-chic instead of cutesy. Wallter Hex Hanging Shape Art mobile, $80,


Choose a timeless floor covering baby can grow into. Bella cotton flatweave, $925,

stacked boxes

Store toys out of sight in stacking containers. Bali baskets, $128,

stuffed giraffe

An oversize stuffed animal makes a cute decoration now—and fun plaything later. Gentle Giant Giraffe, $155, >

New Jersey




crib & dresser

Sleek, all-white furniture makes the perfect counterpoint to bold accessories. Alma Papa crib, $700, dresser, $750, and change tray, $210,


Who says it all has to match? Chevron fitted crib sheet, $38,

changing table

Carousel Designs Solid Peony crib sheet (used as a pad cover), $22,


A bold Marimekko fabric adds a punch of girliness. Collins rocker, $1,595,

pillow & throw

Get comfy with this cozy throw and soft pillow. Letter cushion, $68, AtsuyoEtAkiko .com; Junior Greek Key blanket, $150,

kid’s chair

When baby is a big kid, she’ll love having her own mini seat. Vitra Panton Junior chair, $260 for set of 2,

rug tiles

Customize your rug size by piecing together carpet tiles. Toy Poodle pink tiles, $14 each,

pendant lamp

Don’t be afraid to choose a light with high style. Hangin’ Around lamp, $99, >



For a modern girl’s nursery, use colors that have longevity like raspberry. Susan, Peachy Keen Kids, (201) 962-3290

diy these paper cutouts!

New Jersey





More inspiration at

crib & dresser

Creamy-white circles really pop against beech wood. Noe crib, $1,490, and dresser, $1,650,


Create a retro nursery by using vintage letters or children’s books. Denise, Denise Briant Interiors, (908) 872-2815


Choose sheets in a calming color like seafoam green. Mist Dia quilt set, $145,


A rocker can be an attractive alternative to a glider. Eames molded rocker, $479,


Soften a plastic rocker with a pretty pillow. Large square pillow, $63,


A multicolored woven rug adds a homemade, nostalgic look. Blue Multi rug, $169,


A playful string of flags is gender-neutral and oh-so-cute. Sophie Cuvelier’s garlands, from about $41,

wall art

Add a colorful touch with vintage-inspired urban artwork. New York print, $65,

rocking horse

Choose an old-school toy as an icon of retro style. Playsam rocking horse, $195,

New Jersey



registry answers Stumped about what to choose for baby? These are your deciding factors. by Elena Donovan Mauer

convertible stroller

The Stokke Xplory isn’t just cool-looking. With seven seat positions, it’s so adaptable. $1,049,


courtesy of the manufacturer

We’ve observed (and, admittedly, experienced) more than one pregnant woman meltdown while shopping for baby gear. It’s understandable— with all the choices, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. (And your hormones don’t help.) So we wanted to give you the lowdown on how to make some big picks. Now, no more panic attacks, okay?



breast pump

travel system or convertible?

sound-only or video?

electric or manual?

Make this decision in conjunction with your car seat pick. A travel system is a fancy name for a stroller that comes with an infant car seat that fits inside. Once baby outgrows the car seat, he can sit upright in the stroller. Convertible strollers tend to be expensive— but really cool. (Think of them as the Transformers of strollers.) They either recline completely flat, or have a bassinet attachment to accommodate a newborn. For older babies and toddlers, they easily convert to a seated position. Some even have an extra adapter (usually sold separately) for fitting in an infant seat too. If you’re an urban mom-to-be, or plan to walk with baby a lot, one of these might be worth the extra cash.

There’s an array of different features available for baby monitors, and one that comes with a price hike is video display. Babies become good communicators pretty early on— believe us, with just sound, you’ll know if yours wants to be picked up. So if you’re trying to save some moola, video might be a good place to cut back. It can be useful, though, if your baby is the kind who makes lots of noises in his sleep (is he up or just dreaming? See instantly!), or if you can’t resist taking a peek here and there “just to be sure everything’s okay.” With video, you may not find yourself running back and forth to the nursery nearly as often.

If you’re planning to breastfeed and to work full-time, an electric double pump is the way to go. It will save you a ton of time (which will be at a premium once you’re back to your 9-to-5) since the electric pumping mechanism makes the process more efficient. If you’re a stay-at-home mom and don’t think you’ll pump often, you may just want a manual pump, which you operate by squeezing with your hand. They’re smaller, lighter and handy to have for occasional use. On a tight budget and deciding between a high-quality hand pump and a low-quality electric one? Go for the manual. Because a good breast pump is important to your health and baby’s, yours shouldn’t be cheaply made. >

New Jersey



car seat infant carrier or convertible?

How much are you in your car—and more important, how many stops do you normally make? These are the big questions when it comes to choosing an infant seat or a convertible one. That’s because an infant seat is made for portability. You snap it into a base that stays in your car (Have two cars? Get two different bases), and it also snaps into a compatible stroller. The best part? Baby will probably sleep through the whole thing. The drawback is that most infant seats only fit babies up to 20 or so pounds, so you’ll have to invest in a new seat around age one. A convertible seat, on the other hand, usually fits babies from about 5 pounds up to 40 or more pounds, so it’s a longerlasting purchase. If you do opt for the convertible kind, it will stay in your car, and you may disturb baby whenever you’re transferring him in and out.


diaper disposal special pail or standard can?

Most moms who use disposable diapers are biased one way or the other: They either love diaper disposal systems, made to seal each diaper in plastic, or they hate them. If you purchase one of these special pails, you probably won’t have to worry about that gross poop smell (yay!), but you’ll have to constantly stock up on refills of the plastic (boo!). And if you already feel guilty about the environmental impact, adding more plastic to the mix won’t help. If you just use a regular can, you’ll probably have to take out the trash more often, or find another way to deal with stinky diapers, like putting them in their own bag (Reuse the ones from the grocery store!). This one’s a matter of personal preference.

crib standard or convertible?

A crib that converts to a full-size bed is a popular choice, since many moms don’t want to buy a piece of furniture that can’t be used past toddlerhood. But there are a few reasons you might not want to pick the convertible kind. First off, those models tend to be large, and if you have space concerns, a smaller crib might be a better choice for you. You might not love the idea of your child sleeping in a full-size bed (A twin is usually plenty big for a kid) or like the look of a bed that’s been converted from a crib (Some of them look a little “off”). If you plan to one day have more kids, consider this: Since some convertible models shouldn’t get changed back into a crib after they’ve been dismantled to become a bed (for safety reasons), you might prefer to save the crib for the next baby and buy your older kid his own big-boy bed.

bedside sleeper bassinet or playard?

Newborns usually sleep in lots of places besides the nursery for convenience and safety reasons. (Did you know baby is at a lower risk of SIDS if he sleeps in your room—but not in your bed?) Both a bassinet and a playard (with a bassinet attachment) can come with wheels, so they’re easy to move from room to room, and they’re the right size for a newborn. If you’re into looks, a bassinet is the clear winner, since most of them are undeniably adorable. A playard usually isn’t the cutest, but it’s so multipurposeful: It folds up for trips to Grandma’s house, and when baby’s older, you can remove the bassinet attachment and use it as a playpen or travel napper. Remember: The bassinet will get outgrown in months.

diapers cloth or disposable?

cloth diapers

courtesy of the manufacturer

Bum Genius diapers cut down on landfill waste—and they’re totally cute! About $18 each,

Cloth diapers mean fewer chemicals against baby’s sensitive skin— and less (hard-todecompose) stuff being dumped in a landfill. They can be costly, but since

many of the newest styles are made to fit a growing baby, you may end up paying less than what you’d shell out for disposables over the years. Know that cloth ones require

more effort and more laundry—if you work long hours or have to pay to use a washer and dryer, they may not be for you—and they’re not 100 percent waste-free, with all

that extra energy and detergent used to clean them. Some daycares won’t use cloth, since they more easily spread germs; they’re also not as convenient when you travel.

More tips at New Jersey



car seat smarts A cute design is just a bonus. Baby’s seat should be safe and comfortable—but how do you know? by paula kashtan

Deciding between an infant seat and a convertible one? Check out our tips on page 76.

tip harness

A five-point harness is a safety must. Look for one that’s easy to adjust and that has straps you can easily tighten or loosen each time you put baby in or take her out.

energy-absorbing foam

During an accident, it keeps baby safe and protected from impact.

head support

Since your newborn won’t be able to hold up her own head, your seat should have a special infant head support. It’s safer to use the one that comes with your seat as opposed to one you can purchase separately.

side protection
 Since side-impact accidents hold the most potential danger,


it’s essential that your car seat provide sufficient protection. This means deep side walls and adequate barriers around the head so that baby’s head, neck and spine will stay aligned even during an accident. The government currently only has standards for front-impact collisions, so you’ll need to do a little detective work on this one. Look for research and evidence on the manufacturer’s website that support any claims about side-impact protection.


Take a feel. Do the material and padding seem soft and snuggly, like stuff you might not mind sitting in? Baby will probably spend quite a bit of time in the seat—don’t you want her to be cozy?

safety rec Sitting facing the rear of the car decreases a baby’s risk of head, neck and spine injuries in the event of an accident. That’s why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends babies ride rear-facing until their second birthday or they reach the max weight and height for their seat.

LULU*/cwc international

always look for

for ex tra safety

expiration date
 Believe it or not, car seats have expiration dates. Normal life span is about six years—after that, the plastic can become brittle. That’s why you should avoid secondhand seats unless they come from someone you trust.


If you register your car seat when you buy it, you’ll be notified of any recalls, updates, new manuals or other important info.

latch instructions

All vehicles and child safety seats made after 2002 are required to have LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) components, which are designed to make the seat easier to install and attach more securely. Be sure to consult both the car seat instruction manual and your vehicle’s manual to be sure you’re using the LATCH restraint system correctly.

wiggle room

See if yours is properly in place by holding the seat where it’s connected to the seat belt or tether and trying to move it back and forth—if

it budges more than an inch to the left or right, it’s not tight enough. If you’re unsure— or you could use some help with the entire installation process—a local expert can walk you through everything (see below).

strapping in

One common mistake parents make is not tightening the straps enough while securing baby in the seat. Check by doing the pinch test: If you can take your fingers and pinch the webbed straps of the harness together, it’s not tight enough.

keeping warm

Since bulky jackets can affect the way baby sits in the car seat and the way the seat performs in the event of an accident, it’s better to dress baby normally and then keep her warm by covering her in cozy blankets.


Though dangling mirrors and baby toys (even seemingly innocuous clip-on ones) may seem like a great way to keep baby calm during a car ride, they could turn into hazardous flying objects in an accident. So consider skipping them. >

“did i do it right? ” Knowing baby’s seat is installed properly isn’t always so straightforward. Experts at these local centers can inspect yours to be sure it’s been perfectly secured. Call ahead for hours. Essex-Morris Child Passenger Safety Seat Fit Station

120 Dorsa Ave. Livingston (973) 971-6477

Rutgers University Administration and Public Safety Child Passenger Safety Seat Program

New Jersey State Police

250 Minnisink Rd. Totowa (973) 785-9412 x4259

Jersey City Police Motorcycle Squad Unit

141 Cornelison Ave. Jersey City (201) 915-2906

129 Davidson Rd. Piscataway (732) 932-1368

New Jersey



space saver

combi coccoro Three of these could fit comfortably in the backseat of a small car. Plus, it comes in über-cute colors. $200,

easy to use

graco snugride 35 This infant seat comes with a stay-in-car base and an easy dial for simple installation. And you can use it with a stroller until baby’s 35 pounds. Wow! $180, for stores


our car seats Five top picks with cool features. by caitlin brody


for teeny babies

chicco keyfit 30 Babies as light as four pounds can cruise safely in this infant carrier, which comes with a removable newborn insert. $180,

grows with baby

maxi-cosi priori You won’t have to worry about baby outgrowing this seat—it fits kids from birth until about age four. Bonus: four reclining positions. $200,


Top safety tips at

all images courtesy of the manufacturers

britax marathon 70 This convertible seat uses special technology to lower baby’s center of gravity so she’s less likely to propel forward in the event of a crash. $280, Great for baby shower gifts, christening ceremonies, social visits, picnics, naptime and playtime!

zCush’s award-winning infant support mat is designed to safely hold or pass your baby, comfortably play inside or outside, cozily feed her or easily change his diaper. Soft and cute covers, with attached blanket, can be matched with baby’s accessories. Machine-washable. Available in a wide array of colors, designs and fabrics.

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mommy deals


go for a stroll(er) How to choose from the dizzying selection of wheels for your on-the-go baby-to-be. by paula kashtAn



Since newborns can’t sit up on their own, they need a stroller that either has a seat that fully reclines or that works with an infant carrier. If you get the carrier, be sure it easily locks into your stroller.

five-point harness

For safety, all babies should be secured in a five-point safety harness that’s easy to buckle and adjust (yup, even on tame walks around your neighborhood!).

big canopy

Look for one large enough to shield baby from the sun, wind and rain.

quality brakes

Check how reliable the brakes’ locking mechanism is—if it could unintentionally disengage with just a slight amount of pressure, it’s not safe. Also look for ease in both locking and unlocking the brakes (the latter is often overlooked).

no-pinch hinges

Do an extra safety check, making sure any features where baby’s fingers or toes could potentially get pinched—moving handles, baskets, cup holders, sun shades—are out of baby’s reach or well-covered with cushiony fabric so she won’t get hurt.

shop stores we love 102 River Dr. Jersey City (201) 626-5072 Crib World

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Bambi Baby

also consider

ease of use

How easy is the stroller to push? How about turning it in a tight space? Can you steer it with one hand?


Is it a manageable weight? Remember, you’ll also have a growing baby and gear in the stroller once you’re actually pushing it, and you may be hoisting it into the trunk a lot.


It’s great if baby’s comfortable, but what about you? Are the handles adjustable or at an appropriate height for you? Do you have to change your normal gait when pushing it? Make sure that everyone who plans to frequently use the stroller finds it easy to use too. (If you and your partner have a vast height difference, you should probably look for something adjustable.)


Can the wheels stand up to rough sidewalks? Jogging? How about nasty weather?

growth factor

If you’re planning to use the stroller beyond infancy, look for features you’ll want for an older baby. For example, does the seat fully recline, and does it have an extended footrest so she’ll be able to nap comfortably?

storage space

Consider what you’ll be carrying around besides baby and the stroller, and make sure there’s room to stow it.


Be sure it doesn’t seem too bulky for your home or lifestyle. A bells-and-whistles stroller might seem great in the store but take up a ton of space in tiny boutiques and restaurants, or even just at home.


Check how easy it is to fold up the stroller— it’s great if you can do it with one hand, since you’ll be holding baby with the other. And take note of how small it gets while folded. Will it fit where you need to store it? >

personal preferences Your lifestyle will probably factor into your decision quite a bit. Once you’ve considered the basics, start asking yourself questions like: How much do you intend to use your stroller? (Light shopping trips? Long walks in the park? Jogging?) What kind of weather will you be using the stroller in? Are you going to share the stroller with another parent or caregiver?

How much storage space do you want or need? Will you need to fold and unfold your stroller frequently? Does it need to fit in a small trunk or hatchback? Do you want to be able to use the same stroller after baby’s newborn stage, or are you okay with buying a new one later?

Are you an urbanite or suburbanite? Will you be dealing with jagged sidewalks, lots of staircases, steep hills or any other challenging situations?

New Jersey



space saver

Britax B-Agile Using just one hand—and only seconds of your time—you can fold this stroller completely flat and lock it into place, making grocery trips a breeze. $250,

grows with baby

uppababy vista Complete with both a bassinet and a big-baby seat that you can easily switch and adjust, this stroller can carry baby from birth through toddlerhood. $680,


our stroller picks Whether you’re a workout queen or a pack rat, we’ve got the stroller for you. by caitlin brody



Maclaren triumph This umbrella stroller weighs only 11.5 pounds (most strollers are about 17 pounds—or more!), and the washable seat comes in a slew of bright colors. $180, for stores


bugaboo donkey

This stroller expands from a single to a double with three clicks. The seats are reversible, so kids can face mom or the neighborhood. Tough wheels too! From $1,199,


Find baby’s ride at

all images courtesy of the manufacturers

Baby jogger summit XC This stroller/jogger hybrid offers a smooth ride to kids up to 75 pounds (whoa!). And the handlebar adjusts to fit mom comfortably. From $400, for stores

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nest Eco-nurseries, high chairs, safety tips and more…

Should I use crib bumper pads? No. The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission recently called for a “reexamination” of bumpers after reports that 52 infants died from bumper-related incidents between 1990 and 2010. The danger? An infant could suffocate if his nose and mouth get trapped under or against the pad. Plus, the American Academy of Pediatrics warns that an older baby could use a bumper to climb out of the crib, so it poses a danger of baby falling too. We think bumping his head or getting his arm “stuck” between the rails is minor compared to that. To be completely safe, keep everything, except for a mattress, a fitted crib sheet and a light receiving blanket or swaddle (oh, and your baby!), out of the crib. The baby gates I’ve seen are so ugly. Are there any cute options? There is a whole slew of baby gates that will keep baby safe without compromising your décor style. Custom designs can be made to look like your banisters so they blend right in. There are also retractable styles that roll up close to the wall when not in use. Or go for a bamboo, wood or metal (which can securely mount to the wall) gate. One to try: the Loft Gate from Giggle; it’s made from dark wood and aluminum. Of course, looks aren’t everything. To be safe, look for gates with double-lock systems (easy for you to open, but hard for your tot to) and extensions to fit the various openings in your home.


I’m spending a lot of time and money on baby’s nursery. How can I avoid having to change it all in a couple of years? Pick a theme (if you want), but stick to thematic items that are replaceable, like easily removable wall decals, lamps and toys. Bigticket items like the furniture should be neutral so they can work with different bedding and art down the line. When you’re choosing the furniture, consider styles that can grow with baby. If you’re investing in a dresser that you’ll use as a changing table, be sure it will look okay once your babe is out of diapers and you no longer need that changing pad. If you’re going with a convertible crib, make sure you love the way it will look as a bed later on (otherwise, you may want to skip the conversion kit and buy a twin bed instead). I’d like to register for a high chair, but there are so many to choose from! How should I make my pick? First, consider which style will work best for your home. You’ll probably see these options: standard A freestanding chair. It can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, wood, metal or a combo. Baby can use this chair as soon as she’s sitting (typically at six months). It’s a good choice if you’ve got plenty of space (they tend to take up a lot of it) and want something easy to clean. Look for a removable tray that’s dishwasher-safe. European These are usually made of wood and don’t have trays, meaning you can >

Most trusted and recognized baby proofing company in New Jersey and New York. Since 1993, we have helped thousands of parents and grandparents keep baby safer at home. Family owned and operated, fully insured, we make sure you are ready for these rites of passage: crawling, pulling up, climbing and walking. Howard Appelbaum, founder and owner of Baby Proofers Plus

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Crib World is New Jersey’s leading baby furniture and accessory retailer. In business since 1992, we are resellers of strollers, furniture, bassinets, car seats and cribs from leading brands such as Baby Jogger, Uppa Baby, Harmony Juvenile, Romina, Ragazzi, Bonavita, Natart and Peg Perego. 1751 Route 10 East, Morris Plains, NJ • 973.829.1600 •

nest bring baby right up to the table. Some models “grow” with your child, so they can be used for many years, starting at nine months. They can be pricey too. Portable These compact seats clip onto your table or strap onto a kitchen chair. They’re as secure as standard high chairs but often have a weight limit of around 35 pounds. Booster Seat You might want this when your baby becomes a toddler. It will raise him up to the table and comes with a seat belt to keep him squirm-free. Once you’ve picked a style, consider these features: Five-point harness Keeps even a small baby safe and in place. Seat, footrest and height adjustability After all, babies

come in all shapes and sizes! One-hand tray removal You’ll be grabbing it while holding baby. Washable It will get dirty. Stability The wider the base, the more stable it will be. Collapsible If you don’t have a lot of room in your house, you’ll want to fold it between meals. Reclining If the seat reclines, baby can sit in it at a younger age. Bonus: post-meal siestas. Locking If your high chair has wheels, it’s important that you’re able to lock the wheels in place.

Is it worth the extra money to buy organic bedding for baby? Maybe. It depends on your own wants and values—and your budget. The difference between organic cotton and the regular


kind is that organic is farmed without the use of pesticides, so it’s less likely that chemicals will come into contact with baby’s skin if his clothes and sheets are organic. Exactly how much of a pesticide ends up in a finished, regular cotton sheet is hard to gauge, though. And the exact health risks of skin exposure to traces of pesticides aren’t really clear. Still, your baby’s skin is absorbent, and he’ll spend quite a bit of time in his crib—you may feel it’s worth it to spend anywhere from 10 percent to 100 percent more for the organic stuff. Also, consider this: Cotton farming accounts for more than 10 percent of the pesticide use in the world. Releasing those toxins into the air, earth and water is considered bad for the environment—another reason you might choose organic.

Will I be able to assemble the crib myself? We know you’re super-mom-tobe, but we suggest sitting this one out—or at least partnering with, well, your partner, since most cribs need two people for assembly. It’s no easy feat to begin with, but it’s even harder while you’re pregnant. Crib parts are heavy, and there’s a considerable amount of bending and lifting involved. Make sure he puts aside at least one hour to complete the assembly and be sure to follow the crib manufacturer’s exact instructions.

What are some gender-neutral nursery ideas? There are tons of nursery ideas that work for either a boy or a girl. Creams, yellows, greens and blues are good wall colors to start with, and animal, alphabet and number themes are great too. It’s a good idea to leave empty space in the room for after baby is born, so you can add photos or art specific to baby, no matter the sex. Soon, the nursery will fill up with toys, books and clothes, so even a gender-neutral room could have tutu-ed dolls, toy trucks—or both!

The Bump experts: Gerri Panebianco, cofounder and

designer at Little Crown Interiors;

Kim Walls , CEO of Episencial; and Ali Wing , founder and CEO

of Giggle stores

100s of answers at

special advertising section

pediatric services guıde

Flanders Pediatric Dentistry Edward M. Sonnenberg, DDS

ye ars in se rvice 37 education Columbia University

Bernadette A. Lapena, DDS

15 New York University College of Dentistry

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Amy Planz, DDS

10 University of Maryland School of Dentistry ye ars in se rvice


Michael Neiman, DDS education

ye ars in se rvice 7 New York University School of Dentistry

Joseph M. Arvay, DMD

ye ars in se rvice Over 20 education New Jersey Dental School

Michael Goldkind, DMD

3 education University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine ye ars in se rvice

Walking into this joint dental and orthodontic practice is like entering a kind of playground. From Star Wars to hockey, imaginative décor and themed rooms make this office one of a kind. For 32 years, its expert team has cared for young patients through their 20s. Dr. Edward Sonnenberg, named Top Pediatric Dentist in the New Jersey Monthly Magazine, tells what sets his office apart and what parents can expect from their child’s dental care. What happens in the first visit?

I’ll always start with a toothbrush— something the child recognizes. Then we go over brushing to get the child comfortable, but kids can get stage fright. Sometimes I won’t do a cleaning until two or three visits. I let the child’s actions guide me.



230 Route 206 South Building #3, 2nd Floor Flanders, NJ 07836 (973) 927-2260

What sets your clinic apart?

The office is 6,500 square feet, and the rooms have themes. Parents say, “We’ve never seen an office like this!” That’s a compliment. We treat children from birth through college. Dentists cover restoration of teeth, and orthodontists [handle] movement of teeth. What’s your best advice for first-time moms?

At bath time, designate a specific washcloth to wipe your child’s gum pads. Do that early so the child gets comfortable with fingers in [his or her] mouth.


no worries


With all the rushing, pushing and stretching (ouch!), giving birth seems scary, right? Let us ease your mind. By Elena Donovan Mauer

fear labor will be too painful to bear

Why you shouldn’t worry Just look

around at all those babies out there in the world—and all those families with more than one kid. Labor didn’t scare those moms away from doing it again. Feel confident knowing there are plenty of pain management methods available to you—from breathing techniques to epidural anesthesia. What you choose depends on your own views on pain and on what’s available at your hospital. So be sure to take a childbirth class, learn about your options and create an action plan for how you’ll handle what labor throws your way. You could opt for pain meds, soft music, aromatherapy, massage, walking, changing positions often or working with a labor support person, like a doula. You can do it!

that’s a big melon!


fear you’ll give birth in your car Why you shouldn’t worry Getting

through all of labor before you can get to the hospital is pretty rare. Remember: A woman’s cervix dilates about 1.2 to 1.5 centimeters per hour during active labor— and it needs to reach 10 centimeters to deliver your baby, so time’s on your side.

you’ll poop in front of everyone during delivery fear

Why you shouldn’t worry Well, we can’t say it’s not going to happen. Pooping while pushing the baby out is actually pretty common. But honestly, if you do it, you probably won’t even know—or care, really. You’ll be distracted by everything else you’re doing. And believe us, the doctor, nurse or midwife has seen it plenty of times before. Your husband? He’ll be too fixated on that new baby to notice.

fear your vagina will get stretched—permanently

Why you shouldn’t worry It’s the

hormones of pregnancy and labor that make your vagina soft enough for a baby to pass through, so know that it won’t stay so pliable—in fact, it’s totally possible for it to go completely back to “normal.” If you’re healthy, it can happen pretty quickly—even if you had to get stitches. Some moms we know swear their lady parts went back to exactly the same as before. Others notice a slight difference, but nothing life-changing. Encourage the process by practicing Kegels—squeeze your vaginal walls (like you’re holding your pee) and hold for 10 seconds. Do it 10 times, a few times a day.

opposite: thinkstock

fear you’ll have to get a c-section Why you shouldn’t worry If you’re

planning on a vaginal birth, there are ways to reduce your risk of having to get a c-section. That includes gaining weight healthily throughout your pregnancy and choosing a health provider with a low rate of c-sections (so ask!). But know that sometimes, no matter what you do, a baby needs to be delivered via c-section. And that’s because

mom’s or baby’s well-being is threatened. Your and baby’s health are most important, so if this happens to you, know that a c-section is much better than the alternative. fear your doctor won’t make it there in time

Why you shouldn’t worry Hospitals and

birth centers are bustling places with plenty of staff. You won’t be alone. Worst case scenario: There will be a registered nurse closely monitoring you throughout your labor. But most OBs and midwives are used to being on call, so yours knows how to get there in time. If some rare hitch happens, there’s likely some (very qualified) in-house physician or nurse-midwife who can fill in.

fear the epidural won’t work Why you shouldn’t worry An epidural

is the most common pain medication for childbirth, so your hospital staff knows what they’re doing. Still, there are times when it doesn’t fully work (occasionally a mom will say it only relieves the pain on one side of her body). But keep in mind that if this is the case, the anesthesiologist may be able to adjust the medication—and don’t forget about the natural pain-relief techniques you learned in birth class. (Remember: Plenty of moms do this totally drug-free!) If you’re worried about complications, know that your vital signs are monitored closely after you’re given an epidural, and your health provider knows to intervene quickly if there’s a problem. fear there will be something wrong with the baby

Why you shouldn’t worry If you’ve had

good prenatal care, your doctor has already screened your baby for life-threatening issues and will be able to detect most serious problems before baby’s birth. So rest assured: It’s highly unlikely there’s something severely wrong with baby if the doc says everything’s A-OK.

The Bump expert: Jasmine Z. Ortega , certified nurse-midwife at the University of California, San Diego Birth Center, Hillcrest

Get labor advice at New Jersey



my birth story

Welcoming br and-new Charlie to the family

Morristown mama Vanessa Allen tells about the day her son, Charlie, was born.

change of plans

I was jittery and excited as I started getting ready for my last day of work. My due date was just around the corner, and I was hoping to wrap up some last-minute things at the office and spend some time at home getting things ready before baby arrived. But, as soon as I stood up, I noticed a stream of fluid running down my legs. My water had broken! I frantically called my OB’s office, and they determined that I was officially in labor. Not wanting to be sitting around the hospital longer than we needed to be, my husband, John, and I decided to hang out at home and wait for the contractions to start. We didn’t have to wait long, as they began around 10 a.m., but they were very mild. This continued for several hours, but each hour brought increasing intensity. I checked in with the doctor every few hours. I got my first, “Holy cow, that hurts!” contraction in the late afternoon. By dinnertime, I was in tears.

off to the hospital

I held off as long as I could until we eventually decided to head to the hospital. For the next several hours, I continued to experience fierce contractions. I handled them as well as I could without medicine, but

I finally asked for an epidural when the nurse said I probably wouldn’t deliver for another eight hours. Eight hours! I couldn’t imagine contracting for that long and was very happy to get the epidural. What sweet relief! I was finally able to get some sleep and that led me to have enough energy when it finally came time to push. John was right there at my side and was completely incredible. He was so worried about not being able to handle the delivery, but he was outstanding! I was so lucky to have him with me, and he really kept me calm and focused. Pushing was incredibly hard work, and it was really exhausting me. It got to a point where I didn’t think I could go on, and I remember saying, “I can’t do this anymore!” but everyone assured me that I was doing a great job.

and then came baby

My eyes were closed as I pushed when I suddenly heard my doctor say, “Open your eyes! He’s here!” And there in front of me was the most amazing sight. I will never be able to describe the feeling, but needless to say I was so incredibly happy and excited. They placed Charlie on my chest and we bonded instantly. He was perfect and is getting bigger everyday! Charlie loun


ging around

want more?

Here’s a sneak preview of just some of the birth stories you can find at

“They laid her on my chest, and she looked at me, wet and wideeyed. I said, ‘I’m Amy. I’m your Mama.’”

“I felt trapped, so I clawed off the devices. I needed to move!”

“I started crying because I was so frustrated and exhausted.”



“I had no idea I was in labor. My doctor said if I’d waited longer, I would’ve had my baby at home.”

“I ate eggplant in hopes that it would kick-start labor (an old wives’ tale). I gave birth that night!”

“Every time I got a contraction, my back felt like it was on fire. Yowch!”



“I yelled, cursed and worked harder than I ever have in my life. But as soon as Otis arrived, all the pain was forgotten.”

“The nurse said I could go ahead and start pushing. Two pushes later, my baby was born.”

images courtesy of the couples





“Luckily, it only took us 20 minutes to get to the hospital. Otherwise, I might have given birth in the car!” clilydance

Read more stories at New Jersey


delivery Labor prep, c-sections, birth plans and more…

Should I go med-free for the delivery? This is a personal decision with no wrong answer. Some of the reasons why women choose to go “natural” include a desire to avoid medical intervention and to minimize baby’s exposure to medications. Maybe they want to make sure they can feel contractions as they push, to help get the timing perfect. If that doesn’t sound like you, there are safe meds to help with the pain. Over half of the women who have hospital births choose epidural anesthesia. It allows for a steady flow of medication through an injection near your spinal cord, preventing you from feeling most pain below the waist. If you get one, know that you may not be able to walk once it’s administered and you may still feel its effects for hours after delivery. Some other options are a spinal block (similar but lasts only a couple of hours) and a local anesthesia. If you do opt for a med-free birth, it’s important to know some pain-management techniques. Take a natural-birthing class so you’ll know what to expect every step of the way. What are some creative ways to deal with pain during labor? Whether you get the meds or not, you’ll want to come armed with some natural painrelief techniques. We’re not saying it will be easy, but it’s important to relax. One way? Find your happy place—we’re fans of the beach and a campfire under the stars. When a painful contraction comes on, imagine


yourself there, picturing every detail from your beach towel to the sound of the waves, while deeply breathing. You might also want to try music therapy with calming tunes like Enya or some other spa-like sounds, but hey, you might want to mix in some Kanye or Beyoncé—or whatever else floats your boat! Appeal to your sense of smell too: We don’t mean candles; we mean stuff that smells like home, like a pillow, blanket or cozy sweatshirt. Essential oils are nice as well. When you’re in labor, nothing beats a massage. Have your partner apply pressure to your lower back with his knuckles. Also helpful: some motivation. Keep baby’s first outfit in plain sight to help you stay goaloriented. The bottom line? Do what works for you. You’ll learn more ideas at your birth class. Or try a HypnoBirthing class to learn additional relaxation techniques.

Can I eat or drink during labor? For the most part, yes. If you have a lowrisk pregnancy and a normal labor, you can typically eat and drink anything, as long as it’s nutritious (docs recommend snacks with complex carbs and vitamin B so you have plenty of energy). That said, you might not want to. Labor can bring on some unpleasant side effects like nausea and vomiting, so if you’re going to eat, keep it light. And once you have an epidural, you’ll probably be required to stick to liquids or nothing at all.

What’s a doula, and why might I want one? A doula can be your emotional and physical cheerleader throughout your pregnancy, labor, delivery and even in baby’s early days. Typically, you’ll meet your doula a few months before your due date so you can form a relationship, discuss any questions or fears, and develop a birth plan. It’s important to know that doulas aren’t medical practitioners, so they don’t substitute for a doctor or certified midwife. But they can help you understand labor and delivery and stay by your side to support you during it. A doula is trained in labor relaxation methods and can help you communicate with the doctors and nurses. Studies have shown that using a doula lowers the overall c-section rate by 50 percent and the length of labor by 25 percent. A doula doesn’t take over for your partner; she helps and encourages you both. A doula should be someone you feel comfortable with— after all, she’ll be with you throughout some monumental moments, and you’re going to want to be confident asking her questions. She should be certified by a reputable organization and come highly recommended, so try asking around. Or search for one at Do I need a birth plan? A birth plan is just that—a game plan for baby’s arrival. It’s not a necessity, but it’s a smart way to make clear

your desires about issues like pain meds, people involved, episiotomies, cord cutting and anything else you expect to happen a certain way during labor and delivery. How it works: First, talk over your wishes with your doc, making sure he agrees and that they fit within hospital restrictions. Then, write them down (try not to make it a huge, multipage plan—use clear, distinct shorthand, or print out the birth plan checklist at Then see to it that you, your doctor and the hospital staff each have a copy. What are some reasons I may need a c-section? A c-section occurs in 32 percent of all deliveries in the US. In a c-section, mom is given anesthesia and the baby is delivered through an incision in her abdominal and uterine walls. Your doctor might say you need a c-section if you have a high-risk pregnancy or if your or baby’s health could be jeopardized by a vaginal delivery. Some reasons include placenta previa (the placenta covers the cervix), uterine rupture (a tear in the uterus), baby is breech, fetal distress, preeclampsia and being pregnant with multiples. If you’re concerned about the possibility of a c-section, talk to your doctor or midwife.

My doctor said I have a tilted uterus. What does that mean? A tilted uterus is exactly what it sounds like— it’s when your uterus leans more toward the front (anterior) or the back (posterior) of your body. Don’t worry, though. A tilted uterus is not a cause for concern, and it’s actually quite common. You don’t need to fix it, and it shouldn’t affect your ability to conceive or to deliver a perfectly healthy baby. Hooray!

The Bump experts: Shoshana Bennett, PhD,; and Ashley S. Roman , MD, OB-GYN and clinical assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine

100s of answers at



labor party

Okay, so it’s not exactly a party. Labor lives up to its name. But these tips can help you get through it more comfortably. by elena donovan mauer

Once labor starts, you don’t want to waste energy by stressing out. That’s why it’s important to know exactly what to do, says Elizabeth Stein, a certified nurse-midwife in New York City. Talk to your provider about whether you should call her or the hospital first and how long you should stay home. Also, discuss the likely scenarios with your partner: What if he’s at work and you’re home? Will he come home to take you to the hospital, or will you meet there? (And how will you get there solo?)

stay fit

There’s no exercise proven to make labor easier, but The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says staying fit can help you better handle any pain. It may also increase your stamina.


If you took Lamaze or another childbirth class, you probably learned that deep breathing can help with pain management. Throughout your pregnancy, consider working in another practice that focuses on breathing, like yoga. “[Yoga] breathing techniques and the philosophy of staying present really helped me,” says Bumpie klio79. “I think my yoga background helped me to have the endurance and mental focus to get through the experience.”

have a support team

Make sure the people you plan to have around are ones you can count on to make you feel better. “My mom and husband were the best!” says LadyDelilah. “They really anticipated my needs and were so helpful during the labor period. They made the experience that much more beautiful.”


know the plan

If you’re a social butterfly, you might want a whole team of your nearest and dearest with you (if your hospital allows it). But if you feel more comfortable when you’re one-on-one with your guy, make him your only guest in the delivery room. Some moms also decide they want a specialist there to help them through labor. “My doula, Breana, helped me manage the pain, since I went med-free,” says InLovewSB. “She brought in a soothing CD. And she acted as a go-between for us and the nurses. By the end of the day, I loved her like my oldest friend.”

save your energy

You’ll probably spend much of the first part of labor in your home. While you’re there, relax as much as you can, suggests Stein. “Don’t get to the hospital exhausted,” she says. Try taking a soothing shower, or ask your partner for a tender massage. It’s also a good idea to have some snacks (something light and appetizing) and plenty of water, since once you’re at the hospital, you may not be able to eat and you’ll need your energy.

get out of bed

Some women find that moving around during labor helps baby get into position for birth. It can also help you feel less antsy waiting for his arrival after you get to the hospital. If you’re up to it, walk the halls. Or sit and bounce on an inflatable birthing ball. “I loved the birthing ball!” says CourtneyR2N. Depending on the amenities in your delivery room, you might be able to shower or sit in a tub, which could up your comfort

level. “I labored in a birthing tub at the hospital, and it made a big difference—the contractions seemed to melt away in the water,” says SkiesOfBlue.

go with the flow

“Be open-minded and flexible,” says Stein. Labor and delivery can be unpredictable, so let go of any preconceived notions. For example, some moms-to-be are adamant about having an anesthesia-free birth but are caught off-guard if they start wanting an epidural. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself; have an idea of what you want, but don’t feel like you’ll fail if it doesn’t go exactly as planned.

use gravity

It’s likely you’ll be in an upright position when baby is born—not flat on your back. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be in the hospital bed. “Birthing beds are very flexible and can be converted to many different positions,” says Stein, so usually it’s more like sitting than lying down. But be open to other postures that, depending on how baby is positioned, could make delivery less painful or your pushing more efficient. “I prefer it when the mom is semi-squatting in an upright position. It opens the pelvis the most,” says Stein.

listen to your provider

When it’s time to push, trust your OB or midwife to tell you when—and how hard. “I’ll say, ‘Okay, just push a little bit,’” says Stein. Do what your provider advises, and you could avoid wearing yourself out with ineffective pushing and even prevent unnecessary tearing. >

fyi know labor Those funky cramps you get in the third trimester may be contractions. But don’t rush to the hospital as soon as you feel them. You’ll know they’re signaling “It’s time!” when: They’re happening regularly—and keep getting more frequent. Walking, resting or changing positions doesn’t stop them. The pain isn’t just coming from the front of your body; it starts in the back and moves forward.

New Jersey



stages of labor stage 1 Your cervix

stage 2 Time to push!

goes from 0 to 10 centimeters dilated. This could go on for a few hours—or days! You might find some bloody discharge (called “bloody show”), and at the end, your contractions will get longer and stronger.

You’ll bear down with each contraction and move baby down the birth canal. It could last 30 minutes, or more than three hours. This one comes with the biggest reward: Baby is born. (Yay!)

stage 3 You’ll probably get contractions that are closer together so you can deliver the placenta. Then you’re finally done. (Double yay!)

got a smartphone?

An app like the Birth Buddy for iPhone can make it super-easy to track all of your contractions.

delivery room tools

1 forceps This tong-like bad boy is used if you’re having trouble pushing or your doc needs to change the baby’s position. 2 amniotic hook In the early stages of

delivery, this crochet-like hook is used to break your water if it hasn’t yet happened naturally. (Don’t worry. It looks scarier than it feels. We promise.)




3 vacuum If pushing is proving ineffective,

your doctor may use this to gently pull the baby out with suction.

4 hemostat Your doctor may use this clamp to hold the umbilical cord while your guy makes the cut. (If he can handle it!) 5 scissors Deep breath: In an episiotomy, these are used to cut the perineum (the area between the vagina and anus) to make more room for baby.


4 5

6 scalpel Unless you’re having a c-section, your doctor probably won’t use this—but it will be on hand just in case.


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boot camp

Attention newbie mom: Use this know-how to handle the first weeks with your newborn like a seasoned veteran.

The first month with baby will be a true test—of your stamina, patience and ability to handle sleep deprivation, among other things. And since you won’t have a drill instructor to bark orders at you, we thought we’d give you some smart pointers to help you get through it. Don’t worry: Once baby graduates from newborn status to infancy, you’ll have the, experience to handle most stuff parenthood throws your way.


devon jarvis

by elena donovan mauer


make day and night drastically different

If you want to get something resembling a good night’s sleep in the near future, make it your mission to help baby learn to distinguish day from night. That means exposing her to the noises and, well, daylight during the day, and keeping the nighttime about quiet and darkness. When baby wakes at night, make your encounter all business: Feed her, burp her, change her and put her back in the crib. Save conversation and playing for daytime.

let go of perfection

Baby is not going to keep a predictable schedule anytime soon, so don’t expect her to. Instead, follow the tried-and-true “sleep when baby sleeps” advice. That means forgetting about the sink full of dirty dishes and taking a nap—because you never know when you’ll get your next opportunity! Rest is definitely more important than cleaning.


keep a mental checklist

It takes awhile to get to know your baby, so if she’s crying and you don’t know how to make her stop, don’t freak out. Simply rely on trial and error. First, start with the basics: Could she be hungry or have a dirty diaper? Try feeding or changing her. Once you’ve ruled those out, consider her comfort level. Is she hot? Cold? Does she just need some soothing? Adjust the thermostat or her clothing, hold her close and rock her. It’s okay—and totally normal— not to be able to read baby like a book.

seek help

Frequent crying or fussing can be stressful, but take comfort in knowing the crying itself doesn’t hurt baby. And because it’s too much to deal with every single cry yourself, remember to accept help from your partner and others as much as possible so you get a break. If you suspect something’s wrong

start a bedtime routine now

Babies learn quickly about life’s routines and what to expect next, so if you do a feeding, then rock and sing to baby, then put her in the crib (or whatever other routine you like), she’ll gradually learn that this series of events means bedtime. Instead of holding baby until she conks out, put her to bed while she’s drowsy but still awake. That way she’s more likely to equate the bassinet or crib with sleeping than to decide she wants to sleep (or stay awake) wherever, whenever.

let baby sleep in your room

Invest in a bassinet or a co-sleeper—or wheel in the crib—so baby can sleep by your bedside in the early weeks. Not only does keeping baby in your room (but not in your bed) decrease her risk of SIDS, but it also makes middle-of-the-night feedings less stressful, since you’ll barely have to leave your bed. (If you’re bottle-feeding, consider storing some supplies right in your room.)

(you’ve got those mom instincts now!), take baby to the pediatrician. She could have a chronic condition, such as reflux, or a protein allergy, both of which are treatable, and babies usually grow out of them—yay!

do what works

If there isn’t a medical explanation and the crying happens more than three hours a day, at least three times a week, in the first three months, then your baby can be categorized as “colicky,” which is the case for about 20 percent of babies. If that happens, you’ll want to get extra-creative and try out some soothing techniques to see how your baby responds to them. Some popular ones are swaddling, using a pacifier, rocking, white noise and vibrations—or even driving baby around town. If it works (and it’s safe for baby), go ahead and do it. The good news: Most colicky babies outgrow it by the time they’re about three months old. >

New Jersey



read baby’s signals

input & output

So how much are you supposed to feed this baby, anyhow? If you’re nursing, it’s hard to tell, since you won’t have bottles with ounce markings to gauge baby’s input. But luckily, babies seem to know when they’ve had enough. No matter how you’re feeding baby, she should seem content right after eating, and in those early weeks, she’ll probably fall asleep for two to three hours once she’s full. Be careful, though—some babies want to suck on something, whether they’re hungry or not. If sucking on a finger or pacifier calms baby, then she doesn’t need to eat any more.

do diaper checks

The other indicator that baby is eating enough is her output, so keep an eye on those diapers. Newborns should wet about 8 to 12 diapers each day. As for poop, the number isn’t so straightforward—your baby could soil 10 diapers a day (especially if you breastfeed), or she could go up to 7 to 10 days without a dirty diaper and be perfectly healthy (as long as she’s not uncomfortable!). Just beware of hard, pellet-like poop; it could be a sign your baby is constipated.

know your colors

keep an eye on weight

Baby will likely lose up to 10 percent of her birth weight in the first three to seven days— that’s totally normal. After that, she should be gaining about half a pound a week. Your pediatrician will help you measure and track her progress and alert you if her weight gain or loss is a cause for concern.


be flexible

Like we mentioned before, baby doesn’t know how to follow a clock. Sure, there are newborns who are perfectly fine eating every three hours on the dot. If yours is one of those, lucky you! Others might be hungry closer to every two hours, or “cluster feed,” meaning they want what seems like back-to-back feedings. (This tends to be common in the evening, so be prepared.) Seeing how some babies take as long as 45 minutes for a feeding, you might have days where you feel like all you’ve done is feed your baby. That’s totally normal. And on those days, remember: That’s a very important thing to have accomplished! >

giraffe: jim bastardo; helmet: getty images

In baby’s first couple days, she’ll have a black stool known as meconium—that’s a product of all the stuff she “ate” in utero. After that, an exclusively breastfed baby’s poop is usually yellow and has a seedy look to it. But no matter how you feed baby, her poop could be yellow, brown or green—all of which are totally normal. If it’s red, black (after the first couple days) or white, though, it could mean there’s a problem, so notify your baby’s pediatrician if you see any of those weird colors.

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avoid large crowds

keeping Newborns’ immune systems ba b y healthy have a lot of developing to do, so something as run-ofthe-mill as a fever could land them in the ER. That’s why you’ll probably want to avoid letting baby get passed around a crowded room of people you barely know. That doesn’t mean you have to be antisocial, though. In the first weeks, a better idea than going to a party might be to have family and friends come see you in small groups or individually. Ask anyone who’ll hold the baby to wash their hands first, and politely ask sick people to wait to visit.

use your best judgment

So when is it okay to take baby out? Every new mom and pediatrician thinks something different, so you’ll have to talk to your baby’s doc and decide for yourself what’s best for your family. If you’re feeling cooped up and the weather’s nice, it’s probably just fine to take baby out for fresh air and a walk in the neighborhood. Pick a restaurant with alfresco

dining or somewhere not-so-crowded with lots of open air. Try to shield baby from strangers who might try to touch her or get close (you never know what some people will do!). Pulling down the stroller shade, draping a receiving blanket over the car seat or donning a nursing cover while wearing her in a carrier can signal to them to keep their distance.

get immunizations

You, your partner and anyone else who’ll care for baby should make sure they’re up-todate on vaccinations. Particularly important are the Tdap vaccine, which helps prevent whooping cough, and the seasonal flu vaccine. If baby’s inner circle isn’t sick, she’s much less likely to catch something. Baby will get her first set of shots around her two-month birthday, which will give her immune system a bit of a boost against some communicable diseases. After six months, she should be able to get a flu shot. The Bump expert: Cheryl Wu, MD, pediatrician at LaGuardia Place Pediatrics in New York City

around town When you and baby are ready for an outing, head to one of these New Jersey spots. Visit Knight Park in Collingswood by night in the summer, and let baby snooze in her carrier while you listen to a concert or watch a movie on the lawn. (Collings


Hoboken University Medical Center offers a free support group for new moms that meets weekly. Make new friends, swap stories and maybe even vent! Babies are welcome. (201-418-1015, Hoboken

Rat’s Restaurant, located on the Grounds For Sculpture in Hamilton, serves upscale nouveauFrench cuisine on its patio overlooking a gorgeous lily pond. (609-5847800, Grounds

People-watch while you and baby stroll down Jenkinson’s Boardwalk at Point Pleasant Beach. Then stop for a bite at Pavilion Restaurant. (732-892-0600,

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the 411 on breastfeeding Brush up on the basics to make nursing go a whole lot smoother. by Nina Carbone

getting started

FOCUS Sit with baby in a

quiet space with few distractions and easy access to all the things you need for nursing: a burp cloth, a pillow (a nursing pillow, if you’ve got one) and a clock for keeping time.

Get comfortable Rest

Think tummy to tummy

Check to make sure your baby is comfortable too. Place him on his side with his body facing your nipples. His neck should stay straight, and his head shouldn’t turn to either side.

baby on the pillow so you can easily elevate him and bring him closer to your breast. This will help keep you from having to lean over too far and putting additional pressure on your back.

holding positions

Crossover hold This is a great

1 position for a first-timer! Use your right arm to hold baby while he nurses on your left breast. Gently cup the back of his head with your right hand. Your thumb and pointer finger should be at each of his ears.


2 If baby is feeding on the Football hold

right breast, hold her torso under your right armpit, like you’re cradling a football.

Cradle hold Support his head

3 in the bend of your left elbow

this page: brown bird design; previous page: GETTY IMAGES

while he lies in front of your body and nurses from your left breast.


Side-lying hold Lie on your

side and place baby facing you—belly to belly. Bring her close and let her latch on to the breast that’s closer to the mattress.

Once baby is done nursing on one breast, offer him the other. If he doesn’t nurse more, that’s okay. Start with the opposite breast each time so baby doesn’t start playing favorites!

Twins holds Got twins? Try the double football

5 hold: Use two pillows to prop your babies on either

side of your waist, facing you. Lean forward, resting your arms on either side of the pillows and holding their heads, feeding one baby on each breast simultaneously. Or modify other holds to make them work for your twins. >

New Jersey




issue You can’t get your baby to latch on. solution Relax and take your time! You’ll know it’s right if baby’s lips are turned out and she has enough of your breast in her mouth. (See our latching pointers on page 110.) If your baby is tightening or pursing her lower lip, gently press on her chin to help turn her lip out. It could take a few weeks for you to feel like you’re getting this right the first time, every time, but the earlier you can, the better. So ask for help. issue You’re worried. solution If it doesn’t

seem to be going well, don’t hesitate to call a lactation consultant. In one visit (often covered by your insurance company), they can usually identify any real issues and make you feel much more confident.

issue You’re engorged. solution As your body

learns to release the right amount of milk, you could find yourself painfully full. Use a breast pump to pump an ounce or two of milk—or manually express it—to relieve the pressure so your breast is soft enough for baby to latch on to. A hot shower can also help.

issue Your milk hasn’t come in. solution Wait it out. It can take a fews days or up to two weeks post-birth for your body to learn to release milk. But baby is still getting nourishment from the colostrum you had before he was even born. Keep nursing him every two to three hours to stimulate milk production and take note of his number of wet diapers.

issue You don’t like breastfeeding. solution Nursing can feel awkward, make you sore and take up what seems like all your waking time in the beginning, but both you and baby will get the hang of it—and he’ll get more efficient. (And the soreness usually goes away.) Be careful not to let yourself be pressured into formula feeding just because “it’s easier.” issue Your nipples are inverted or flat. solution To draw the nipple out, try pumping just before nursing. You might also try nipple shields, which direct milk through a hole and into baby’s mouth. The only problem: They can lead to a decrease in milk supply, so talk to a pro first.

breastfeeding myths debunked MYTH I got a boob

MYTH Eat for two

MYTH My milk

MYTH Nursing

job, so I can’t breastfeed. REALITY Silicone implants aren’t harmful to baby. However, if the incision was through the areola, then you may have problems with milk supply.

while nursing. REALITY You only need about 200 to 500 extra calories a day. But you should be drinking extra water. Aim to drink nine glasses, instead of the usual eight, each day.

is fine after I drink wine if I pump and dump. REALITY Alcohol stays in your bloodstream even if you pump. Wait three hours to nurse after five ounces of wine or 12 ounces of beer.

will make my boobs sag. REALITY Yes, your breasts will probably change, but the real truth is, pregnancy alone plays a bigger role in that than whether you breastfeed does.


been there, done that

It doesn’t just happen. You both have to work at it. Be patient.

Advice from Bumpies who breastfed (and lived to tell about it).


Have your partner change diapers in the middle of the night, so your only job is to nurse. chadandamy

Stick with it! It really pays off in the end.


AAP advises nursing at least until baby’s first birthday.

must-buy breast pumps

from top: veer; courtesy of the manufacturer

Get a good, quality pump to make time away from baby much easier.


Remember that she’ll only be little once. Thinking about that helped me enjoy the time we had together, alone, nursing, even when it was the middle of the night.

a few we love

Pump in Style Advanced by Medela, from about $280 Purely Yours Ultra by Ameda, about $300 Manual Breast Pump by Lansinoh, about $30 >


Don’t try to schedule feedings. Your baby will let you know when he needs to be fed. irishmolly04

New Jersey



Use your nipple to tickle baby’s lower lip so he opens his mouth wide.

Keep your back straight and bring baby to your breast. It’s important to really pull baby close to you.

Aim your nipple toward the roof of his mouth. For a proper latch, at least a half inch of your breast in addition to the nipple should be in his mouth, so be sure most of your areola is in there.

Baby should start to suck to get your nipple into position and to signal your body to “let down” the milk.

bumps you may hit in the breastfeeding road has answers, videos and info on local lactation consultants.

Be sure to resolve serious issues ASAP, but don’t worry; they’re totally fixable.

plugged ducts

Got it? When your milk

doesn’t drain completely, your ducts can get clogged. Your breast will be sore to the touch, or you may notice a hard lump or redness. Fix it Avoid long stretches between feedings, make sure bras aren’t too tight, apply warm compresses to your breast and massage it to get milk moving. Be on the lookout—a plugged duct could turn into mastitis.


Got it? A bacterial infection marked by flu-like symptoms, which include fever, swelling and pain in your breasts. You may also have cracked skin, engorgement or clogged ducts. Mastitis usually occurs within the first couple months of nursing. Fix it Antibiotics, frequent nursing or pumping and hot compresses.


Watch baby’s cheekbones and listen for swallowing to make sure that he’s really drinking. Don’t be fooled by just suckling sounds—they don’t always mean that baby is getting milk.



Got it? It’s a yeast infection in your baby’s mouth that can spread to your boobs. Look for itchiness, shooting pain after feedings, soreness, rash or intense burn. Fix it You need antifungal medicine for your nipples and baby’s mouth. Start sterilizing everything (pacifiers, bottles, toys), and rinse and thoroughly dry your nipples after each time baby nurses.

cracked nipples

Got it? It’s when nipple skin is broken, dry and sometimes bloody. Fix it Start by ruling out thrush. Then check baby’s positioning. Between feedings, apply a lanolin cream that’s made for dry, cracked, sore nipples

and is safe in case baby ingests some (like Lansinoh). Try putting some milk on your nipples after nursing and let them air-dry—breast milk can actually help heal dry skin. Amazing! The Bump experts: Jane Morton, MD, pediatrician at Burgess Pediatrics in Menlo Park, California, and andi silverman , author of Mama Knows Breast: A Beginner’s Guide to Breastfeeding


latching pointers

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next steps In just a year, your newborn will become a full-fledged toddler. (That’s fast!) Dying to know what to expect? Here’s a preview. by elena donovan mauer

You probably already know that toddlers are pretty active (read: They get into everything), so you may be saying “no,” but what you might not realize is that “no” could be one of your baby’s first words. Don’t worry; that’s normal. A toddler is developing his sense of independence and is testing to see what limits you give him. TIP Resist the urge to be really stern. If your toddler is saying no to picking up his toys, say, nicely, “It’s time to pick up your toys.” If he still resists, acknowledge how he probably feels by saying something like, “It’s hard to stop when you want to play more.” Then take his hand and help him pick them up. At this age, discipline is tough to enforce, but kindness and empathy can go a long way.

parallel play

You might be looking forward to making playdates during toddlerhood, but know that your toddler probably won’t be able to really grasp the concept of sharing or playing cooperatively with another child until he’s around age three or four. TIP If you have a one- to twoyear-old, make the playdate, but don’t push the kids to play together. Let them do “parallel” play, which means they’ll play alongside each other, with limited interaction. If you’re worried about them fighting over toys, bring two of everything. And start encouraging sharing around age two and a half.


making transitions

Toddlerhood is full of tough transitions, like giving up the pacifier or moving to a toddler bed, and toddlers aren’t very good at making them. In fact, even day-to-day transitions like going from watching a video to taking a bath can be tough to get a toddler to accept. TIP Give your toddler a warning. Say something like, ”In five minutes, we’re going to say, ‘Byebye, video. Hello, bath.’” And in five minutes— you guessed it—say, “Bye-bye, video,” as you turn off the TV and then gently lead him into the bathroom and say, “Hello, bath.” For a bigger transition (like the bed), give several preview warnings over a few days or weeks. Try to make the change feel positive and exciting.

temper tantrums

Toddlers are known for their tantrums, most likely because they’re still figuring out how to communicate and they’re doing all that boundary testing. Don’t let a tantrum catch you off guard—they should totally be expected at this age, so don’t freak out. TIP Let your toddler calm down with you there—maybe even hug or hold him so he feels safer. It’s not a good idea to do time-outs until age four, because forced alone time could make a younger kid feel abandoned. Your toddler’s still very focused on his attachment to you. The Bump expert:

Dr. Fran Walfish , child

and family therapist and author of The Self-Aware Parent: Resolving Conflict and Building a Better Bond with Your Child

More toddler tips at


saying “no”

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say what?! Toddlerhood starts, and—finally!—you two can have a conversation. Try these fun ways to encourage his language skills. by Elena Donovan Mauer

You might naturally stop using that singsongy voice with your toddler once you realize how much he truly understands—you’ll ask him to bring you a book and he’ll walk to the bookshelf, or you’ll wonder out loud where the cat is and he’ll point to Chester. Baby talk isn’t necessary anymore, since he’s already paying attention to your words and making meaningful associations.

keep it simple

When you talk to him, use straightforward, simple words and short sentences to keep him from getting confused. “Think of it as mini bullets,” says Dr. Fran Walfish, child and family therapist and author of The SelfAware Parent: Resolving Conflict and Building a Better Bond with Your Child. “The less

let’s chat!

words, the easier it is for the child to comprehend.” Slow down and enunciate clearly, so he can learn more of your words.

become a narrator

Talk to your child about what’s going on around him—and if he’s communicating nonverbally, give him the words. For example, if he’s raising his arms to you, says Walfish, “say, ‘Sam wants mommy to pick him up. Pick up the baby!’” It might seem weird to call yourself “mommy” instead of “me,” but young toddlers don’t really get pronouns just yet, so your point will be much clearer.

listen closely and reply

In the beginning, your toddler’s words will be hard to understand—you might not know whether he’s actually talking or just babbling. But if you really listen—and look at what he’s pointing or motioning at—you’ll start to get it. Up his confidence level by showing him you understand. If he’s saying “da” for “duck,” respond by saying, “Yes, that’s a duck!” Resist the urge to start calling things by his words for them, and he’ll more easily learn the correct pronunciation.

practice patience

Kids learn to talk at different rates, so if yours seems behind, he’s likely just fine. Keep talking with him to help him catch on. It’s worth it to mention any delays to his pediatrician so the doc can check for explanations (like a hearing problem) or lead you to a pro who’s trained in helping kids learn to speak.

More toddler tips at

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quit the baby talk


By the age of two, a toddler’s vocab can reach over 50 words.

basics Nip slips, breast milk storage, easing gas pains and more…

When will baby sleep through the night? Have some patience, new mama. While some newborns sleep for a six-hour stretch in the first six to eight weeks, most won’t until they’re at least three months old. But there are some things you can do to help her learn to sleep better. First, keep a nightly bedtime routine (think: bath, jammies and lullaby). Teach her to fall asleep on her own by laying her in her crib while she’s tired but not yet asleep. If you always rock her or give her a bottle until her eyes shut, she may think those actions are necessary for sleep. But if she knows she can fall asleep on her own, she’s more likely to do that if she wakes up at night, rather than call out to you. I’m nervous about a nip slip! Any tips for breastfeeding in public? Practice, practice, practice! While you’re at home, nurse baby in front of a full-length mirror to see what everyone else is seeing. You’ll probably find there’s actually a lot less boobage exposed than you thought. And checking your reflection will help you find the least-revealing position. Experiment with different nursing tops to find what works best for you. Many moms go for loose button-downs or layer with a cardigan to avoid an exposed breast. Nursing camis are popular too (you won’t have to lift your shirt and show off your tummy). You could also use a receiving blanket or a nursing cover for extra discretion. If you’re still nervous, find a

place to nurse that’s out of the way. Take the corner table at the café, or ask a store clerk if you can use a fitting room for extra privacy (public bathrooms can be gross and usually don’t have seating). Buddying up is a great idea, too, since you’ll probably feel more comfortable among supportive friends. Find breast buddies at a baby playgroup, a breastfeeding support group or any babyfriendly places in your neighborhood. And don’t worry—as time goes on, you’ll get more comfortable “eating out.”

How should I store my breast milk, and how long will it keep? Store your breast milk in a glass or a BPA-free plastic container that’s clear in color (so you’re sure it’s dye-free). Plastic storage bags work too, as long as they’re made for breastmilk storage (regular plastic zipper bags can be weak and leak). Freshly pumped milk can stay at room temperature for up to six hours and will keep in your fridge for up to seven days. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you can freeze breast milk for up to three to six months in a regular freezer, or up to 12 months in a freestanding deep freezer. Slow-thaw the milk in the fridge for 12 hours, or submerge the frozen milk in a cup of warm water to speed up the thawing process. Remember, never microwave a bottle—it can remove some of the milk’s nutritional value or overheat the bottle, risking a burn to baby’s mouth. >

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basics Whoa! Baby’s pooping eight times a day. Is this normal? Yes, if baby’s breastfeeding, he could poop as often as after every feeding during his first six months. But it’s also normal if baby’s only pooping once every few days. Do keep an eye on the color and consistency, though: Breastfed babies usually poop a mustardyellow color, but the poop could range in color from yellow to brown to green no matter how he’s fed. All those colors are normal, and there’s no reason to worry— as long as baby’s poop isn’t hard. If it’s hard and pebblelike, red (could be blood), black (could be digested blood) or white (could signal a liver problem), give the pediatrician a call. Can I get pregnant while I’m still breastfeeding? Maybe. Generally speaking, exclusive nursing can help prevent pregnancy. Here’s why: Prolactin, the hormone that stimulates the production of milk, also prevents eggs from maturing and becoming fertilized. But know that this isn’t a foolproof birth control system, so always use a backup method if you’re not ready for baby number two just yet. Male and female condoms, diaphragms, nonhormonal intrauterine devices, cervical caps and


vaginal sponges are all safe forms of birth control for breastfeeding mamas. Talk to your doc about the right backup method for you.

What’s the best position for a newborn to sleep in? Yay, you finally got baby to sleep! Believe it or not, not all sleep positions are created equal. Placing baby on his back is the safest sleep position. Even if you believe baby will sleep more soundly on his stomach or side, resist the temptation. Tummy sleeping dramatically increases the risk of SIDS. But if baby starts rolling over from his back to his stomach in the crib on his own (this usually happens around four or five months), it’s safe for him to sleep on his tummy. Still, place him on his back at the start of the night. If he turns to his tummy himself, that’s totally okay. More stay-safe tips

Steer clear of infant sleep positioners, which seem like a way to keep baby from rolling over but actually can increase the risk of babies suffocating. Also, keep the crib clutter-free: Pillows, stuffed animals and bumpers are all suffocation hazards too. Without them, you can rest much easier. The Bump experts: steve boorstein ,; Louis Borgenicht, MD, pediatrician; Dawn Cedrone, RN,; Deborah Davis, MD, pediatrician; Conner Herman and Kira Ryan , cofounders of Dream Team Baby; and Kim Walls , CEO of Episencial

How can I ease baby’s gas pains? All babies get gas—it’s a natural by-product—but some babies are bothered by gas more than others. If you suspect baby is uncomfortable because of gas, you can help expel it by carefully bicycling her legs or giving her a gentle belly massage. If she seems to be in pain and is crying frequently, call your pediatrician to determine if she’s experiencing other problems that should be medically treated.

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