2 minute read
How Can Dance Help Mental Health
5 Simple Ways That Dance Can Help Your
Child's Mental Health
We all know that feel good music can really put a smile on our faces, but were you aware of all the other benefi ts of dance to not only our body and minds but our mental health?
We wanted to share a few of these with you:
1. Feeling Happy!
Sometimes it’s as simple as taking time out of your day and letting your hair down to pop music that you love.
Getting away from the tv, the computer, the mobile and just simply “being”.
Being active is proven to release endorphins in the body which give you that “feel good factor”.
2. Boosting Confi dence
Increasing your coordination, fl exibility and bodyawareness with dance improves children’s self esteem. And the feeling of accomplishing a dance routine over time gives that added boost too.
3. Building Friendships
Whether it’s online or offl ine, dance classes help to build children’s social skills and that feeling of community – a place where they belong and are encouraged, valued and celebrated.
Dancing with parents and spending quality time together really helps that bond – enjoying an activity together can really make a difference to how your child feels about health and fi tness as well as themselves.

5. Express Yourself
Dance and movement allow children to escape and let loose which improves their mental and emotional health by reducing stress, decreasing anxiety and depression and boosting self esteem.
Find out more about Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week here

Check out all the online classes in all sorts of genres of dance and fi tness for children and for adults here
Enjoy a FREE Popdance Fit 15 minute dance workout session for you and your family here
There is no right or wrong way to dance and children can get creative, let their imaginations go and really express how they are feeling.

Issue 3- July 2021
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Sharing dance news, events and opportunities from across the globe.Sharing dance news, events and opportunities from across the globe.