2 minute read
Planning for Success
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so you can do something about it now.” - Alan Larkin
I am the Dance Business Expert - Deborah Laws. I run Dance Business Lab and work with companies, examination boards and franchises as well as individual Dance studio principals and directors teaching business strategies specifi cally in the dance industry.
I recently launched a book - “The Ultimate Dance Business Planner” that shot to number 1 on Amazon in 4 hours! I am passionate about helping dance business owners to create highly successful schools and studios and felt sure this chunky desk top planner would become a truly helpful and important little business tool. Plans are simply a way to help you to navigate to your desired location in life. You don’t always arrive exactly where you aimed for but without plans you may simply sail around in circles, only ever seeing the same patch of ocean.
Running a dance business is like any other business. I believe we need to do two important activities on a frequent and consistent basis. Plan ahead and then stop and evaluate how that turned out. Did you carry out your plans? Was there a successful outcome? How could you learn from the things that worked well and the things that didn’t and sail on with more knowledge and confi dence.
I do believe as dance business owners we are all so incredibly busy ALL of the time that we simply get up each morning, put on our leggings and set about “doing” in our business. Putting out fi res, keeping our heads above water, doing whichever task is the most urgent is what most of us do. This is what I hear a lot from my clients.
But let us just imagine for one minute that the time we have spent reading this article is the time we spend each and every month planning our next 30 days. Imagine if you had set clear intentions for the really important strategies that might actually grow your school or improve something that needs addressing. As a dance business expert I wanted to fi nd a way to help you all achieve a more intentional approach to running your schools so I created the number 1 best selling book - The Ultimate Dance Business Planner.

In this chunky desk top business planner you will have space to brain dump then map out your marketing and retention ideas for the year, plan them into each month and also to work on my 5 pillars of running a successful studio.
I urge you to end your month with what I call the Directors Review. In the planner there is space to measure how many new students you attracted, how many you converted, how many you now have, fi nances, online visibility and more. Why not add a date in your calendar for a CEO date board meeting with yourself once per month to take check and re set the next months goals and plans? You may prefer to use a whiteboard, a beautiful notebook or your phone but if you would like my fabulous planner you can check it out here.
www.amazon.co.uk/UltimateDance-Business-Planner-business/ dp/B092X32CGY
You can also come and fi nd me on Facebook in my free group for dance business owners
dancebusinesslab or on my website - www.dancebusinesslab.com