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Thinking about doing a yoga class? YogiBird shows us some poses
Thinking about your fi rst yoga class? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.
In the launch issue of Dance News Worldwide I gave you a whistle stop tour of yoga. We looked at several types of yoga, discussed some of the health benefi ts of practicing as well as a brief history of yoga and why it’s become so popular.
But for some of us, taking that very fi rst step onto a yoga mat can be incredibly nerve wracking. The fear of the unknown, self-doubt and worrying about not being ‘fl exible’ can often be enough to prevent us from trying a yoga class. With so many different styles of yoga it is of no surprise it might be a little daunting. Plus, thrown into the mix are the vast number of different poses and their names, which are sometimes spoken in Sankrit (an ancient Indic language). As a yoga newbie it can be overwhelming, but its ok, we are always learning. That’s why we call it yoga practice. So, in this article we look at just 6 basic asanas (asana is Sankrit for a physical posture) that you may be doing in your fi rst yoga class – the ones I like to think of as the building blocks of yoga poses.
Mountain Pose – Tadasana
You would be forgiven for thinking I’m not doing very much here… But Mountain pose is a foundational pose for standing poses and often used to prepare for others. It’s a great way of checking in with your body and helps improve posture as well as establish good alignment.
Cat-Cow – Marjariasana-Bitilisana
Often used as a gentle warmup sequence. This is a fl uid movement of one pose to the other, whilst inhaling on each Cow posture and exhaling on each Cat posture. The synchronised movements with the breath stretch the front and back of the body, encourage spine fl exibility and help you relax.

Childs Pose – Balasana
A wonderfully restorative pose, often referred to as your resting pose. It also gently stretches the hips and
Downward-Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Shvanasana
Probably the pose most of us are familiar with, or at least have heard of – great for strengthening the arms, shoulders and back as well as stretching all the way through the back of the body, including the hamstrings and calves. One of my favourites for ironing out all the kinks. No wonder my dogs do this fi rst thing in the morning. It feels so good!
Tree Pose - Vrksasana
Possibly the pose that typically comes to mind when you think of yoga poses. A standing balance, with many variations. Great for posture and establishing strength and balance.
Corpse Pose – Savasana
Is said to be one of the most diffi cult of poses as it requires us to completely surrender into the pose. A time for complete relaxation. Classes usually end with this pose. It is also when our bodies start to reap the benefi ts of all the work we have been doing throughout the class - known as the re-bound effect. A quiet word here - Don’t be tempted to skip this. Some of us fi nd it diffi cult to switch off but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. A time to disconnect from the busy mind – complete bliss.

So, whether you feel you are young, old, overweight, fi t, or simply curious, there are many benefi ts to be had by practicing yoga. Please never feel intimidated by swanky studios and fancy yoga talk (that might not be the right class for you anyway!). You can always email or call the teacher in advance to get a feel for their style of teaching and ask any questions. I passionately believe yoga is for everyone and every body. So maybe it’s time to fi nd your yoga. See you on the mat?
If you would like to learn more or book a class with me, you can get in touch here www.yogibird.co.uk I’m happy to chat all things yoga. �
And now the boring but important bit... This article is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or replace your healthcare professional. Your health is super important, and it is your responsibility to consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program, including yoga.