3 minute read
Online dance, fi tness and yoga for you to enjoy
11am - midday (GMT) - Popdance Seniors with Kerry - aimed at the over 50s, but everyone welcome. Popdance Seniors is based on low impact, fun dance moves to pop music from the 80s, 90s and current tracks - fi nd out more and book here
7.30am - 8.00am (GMT) - Stretch Class with Lianne - a class for adults of all abilities to stretch and mobilise your body and improve your overall fl exibility. Relieve tension, lengthen muscles and enjoy moving. A lovely way to wake up - fi nd out more and book here
7.15am-8am (GMT) - Ballet Barre with Lianne - a ballet inspired full body workout, combining elements of dance, yoga, strength training and pilates. For adults of all abilities - fi nd out more and book here
2-2.30pm (GMT) - Popdance Kids with Megan - for aged 5+, the class is all about learning fun dance routines to their favourite pop tracks - for all abilities - fi nd out more and book here
6-7pm (GMT) - Sun Power Yoga with Paula - a blend of 4 traditional styles of yoga. Sun salutations and a fl owing sequence of postures moving with the breath - great for adult beginners and intermediates - fi nd out more and book here
9.30-10.15am (GMT) - Ballet Bums with Lianne - the fi rst HIIT ballet workout of it’s kind - cardio based ballet workout to upbeat music, great fun. No ballet experience required - all adults of all abilities welcome - fi nd out more and book here
10.30-11.30am (GMT) - Popdance Fit with Lianne - a fun fi tness dance class for adults - back to back, simple, fun dance routines to pop music that you love from the 80s, 90s and current day. Great cardio workout that you can take at your own pace - fi nd out more and book here
4.30-5pm (GMT) - Groovy Kids Music and Dance with Debbie - for ages 8-12 years, includes Popdance Kids routines in this lesson - fi nd out more and book here
9-9.30am (GMT) - Popdance Kids and Tots with Megan - suitable for some of our younger Popdancers. Learn fun dance routines to pop music that they love - fi nd out more and book here
10.30-11.00am (GMT) - Teeny Boppers with Debbie - for ages 2-3 years - Popdance Tots routines included in this lesson - fi nd out more and book here
11.15am - 11.45am – Popdance Fit with Emma Class 8th & 15th May 2021. A fun fi tness dance class for adults. Great cardio workout that you can take at your own pace. All abilities welcome. Book here
11.15am-12 noon (GMT) - Dinky Dancers with Debbie - for ages 4-5 years - Popdance Tots included in this lesson - fi nd out more and book here
If you’d like to feature your online, offline or hybrid classes or events here - get in touch at hello@ dancenewsworldwide.com or book here
If you are looking for work in the dance, fi tness or wellbeing industry, or have a vacancy to offer, get in touch with us at hello@dancenewsworldwide.com to feature in the magazine