2 minute read
Improving Employment Prospects for Young People
Improving Employment
Prospects for unemployed young people
21K Digital Media and Technology Hub was established in Edmonton Green Shopping Centre to enhance digital & employability skills to Improve employment prospects for unemployed young people aged 16 to 24 year olds living in Edmonton and surrounding Areas
Our aim is to: Increase access to high quality short digital and employability skills training courses for disadvantaged unemployed young people living in Enfi eld who are underrepresented in the media and technology industries. Additionally, avert them from a life of crime and violence and enable them to contribute to the socioeconomic world within they live.
Our Objectives:
• To engage and enable young to plan their futures • Provide pre-entry level 2 courses in Digital Media and
Career Planning • Provide a safe space where young people could come and learn coding after school.
Why we exist:
To tackle the disproportionately high youth unemployment in Enfi eld and surrounding neighbourhoods.
The main reason for establishing 21K Digital Media & Technology Centre in Edmonton Green Shopping Centre is to tackle youth violence and contribute to the socioeconomic development of the borough. Edmonton is recorded as having the second highest youth violence in London and calculated to be the most
deprived of the 21 wards in the London Borough of Enfi eld. In addition, 30.5% of Edmonton residents have no academic, vocational, or professional qualifi cations and there is a lack of tech traineeships in the Borough. 21K Digital Media will become a one-stop digital and recruitment hub that will provide entry level courses to enable talented digital to pursue an apprenticeship in the digital media and technology industries or enter further education vocational courses.
The founder of 21K Digital Media Hub has an excellent track record in assisting disadvantaged young people living in Edmonton to become employable. During the 1990s Colin established AD 2000 Productions Training Hub to tackle the high levels of youth unemployment in Edmonton. AD 2000 Productions received funding from the London Borough of Enfi eld, Training and Enterprise Council and European Social Fund. This has led to approximately 300 disadvantaged unemployed young people who were not in Education or Training to gained media, IT and employability skills after attending a 12 week Media & Employability Skills Course ( Please see attached testimonials) Colin intend to repeat the success that he had during the 1990s assisting 300 disadvantaged young people to acquired media and employability skills that enable them to gained sustainable employment .