3 minute read
Goodbye Green Belt?
Our borough is known as one of the greenest in London, thanks to its extensive Green Belt, made up of farms, parks, golf courses and other open spaces. Many people move to Enfi eld because of its rolling and beautiful green spaces, which act as the lungs of London, fi ght against climate change and provide residents with a wealth of mental and physical benefi ts, even more so during the pandemic. Now large areas of that are under threat. A new Local Plan is being developed and important parts of the Green Belt are targeted for development. If this goes through, Enfi eld will be changed forever – unnecessarily, because there are alternatives. You can help to stop this happening!
One of the most important Council consultations ever is going on right now. The Council is asking for our ideas about their Draft Local Plan, which will shape the future of Enfi eld not just for the 15 years of the Plan but permanently. If you have heard nothing about it, you are not alone. That’s why Enfi eld RoadWatch, in coalition with several other local groups, is spreading the word and encouraging everyone to take part in the consultation and save the Green Belt before it’s too late.
Enfi eld Council are expecting residents to navigate through the thousands of pages in multiple documents which make up the draft local plan, an incredible challenge, which most people will prefer to ignore. But Green Belt campaign group Enfi eld RoadWatch has simplifi ed the process to make it possible for everyone to have their say. Visit www.Enfi eld RoadWatch.co.uk to fi nd out how. Virtually anyone with an interest in Enfi eld of any age is eligible to take part.
So, why are we making this effort? Just look at this list of the key Green Belt sites under threat and you’ll know why.
• Crews Hill Garden centres, golf
course and open land – gone. • The fi elds on either side of Enfi eld
Road, including all of Vicarage
Farm up to Hadley Road and the equestrian centre – gone.
• Green areas in Hadley Wood - gone.
• Half of Whitewebbs Park – gone.
• Holly Hill Farm - gone
• Essentially a big chunk of Enfi eld’s historic Enfi eld Chase with its heritage landscape – gone.
• And the sites aren’t only in the west of the borough. Rammey
Marsh – gone.
Crews Hill is one of the two largest areas under threat. It is targeted for 7,500 homes right up to the M25. Many businesses will be displaced and the jobs they provide. A place known as ‘The Golden Mile of Garden Centres’, which draws visitors from far and wide, will disappear and with it a long tradition of horticulture and market gardening, which should instead be revived, growing local food for local people. The other large area is Vicarage Farm, which stretches from Enfi eld Road to Hadley Road. An area of open beauty, this lovely rolling farmland is an important remaining piece of the historic Enfi eld Chase, from which many places in Enfi eld derive their name. These fi elds could be used for crops again. More jobs and more local food for local people.
The Council’s so-called preferred option, which includes all the above, is NOT the only option to meet housing and other needs. There are alternatives that would bring regeneration to deprived areas, improving public services like transport, medical facilities and more. And don’t believe the threat of skyscrapers. There are alternatives to those too.
Please visit our website to learn how to tell the Council a resounding NO!
If you think you can offer any support towards our campaign, no matter how small, please do get in touch at info@ enfi eldroadwatch.co.uk we would love to hear from you.