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Arts & Culture Trestle Theatre Company Trestle Theatre Company are a mask and physical theatre company running Trestle Arts Base where they offer creative workshops and opportunities, space hire, performances and training. Trestle provides high quality, creative opportunities to everyone. Find out what their current offer is at www.trestle.org.uk/whats-on
Business Coaching Talia Zamora I help determined achievers (specialising in those with Neurodiverse families) to become the go-to business in your field and attain the income you desire! I help to form transformational strategies which enables you to live your dream lifestyle. www.taliazamora.com Peer2Peer Peer2Peer is all about helping business leaders build the best businesses possible, but to also, making sure they enjoy the ride. We’re an inclusive group, everybody is welcome as long as you’re serious about being the best you can be and building a great business. Simply ping me an email johnacton@dpi-europe.com
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Business Consultancy Good Beyond We work with forward thinking organisations that want to lead with vision and create healthy happy workplaces that change the world. www.goodbeyond.com/talk
St Albans Enterprise Agency (STANTA) Free business advice and training for Hertsbased micro businesses under 3 years old, but we specialise in helping businesses in postcode areas AL1-10 www.stanta.co.uk
Business Support Grow With Vision We help businesses do business better. From streamlining processes, to Software implementation and training, we show you ways of working faster and smarter. www.growithvision.com The St Albans Business Community Effective marketing for your business from a community you can trust www.stalbans.thebusinessescommunity.com/ work-with-us Mums UnLtd Mums UnLtd offers business support for Mums running or starting a business www.mumsunltd.co.uk Jaxstar Solutions Jaxstar Solutions is a Business Support service focused on assisting you to grow your business no matter the size. We offer several different services from a GDPR audit to a Xero Review and Fix package. For more information, get in touch today. www.jaxstarsolutions.co.uk/jaxstar-solutionsservices/ Accord HR Consulting Ltd Accord HR Consulting will help businesses to resolve their tricky people management situations. www.accordHRconsulting.co.uk