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5 Questions We Asked A St Albans Business
5 Questions We Asked A
St Albans Business
We love fi nding out more about the people behind the businesses in this amazing city. This month, we asked Rebecca Went, a Wellness Copywriter, our “famous fi ve” questions:
What made you start your own business?
I’d always known I wanted to work for myself, but as many will know, taking that leap away from a steady and reliable income is not an easy thing to do. After having my daughter, the realisation of trying to fi nd a job I’d enjoy and could fi t around a family, started to sink in. The desire for more freedom, more control over my time and income was also present. It was at that point it all clicked for me and I knew it was the right time. I now get to do what I love every single day!
What does your business offer its customers?
If you’re running a business, then let’s face it - you need to make sales. This is where having impactful copy that is concise, informative and engaging is so important. I write copy on your behalf to promote or sell your business through any of the following methods; websites, blog posts, newsletters, landing pages, email campaigns, product/service descriptions - the list goes on! My job is to persuade your audience to take action.

What kind of customers are you looking for? Are there any types of businesses you would like to collaborate with?
My industry of expertise is within the wellness industry, so I mainly support experts, coaches and businesses within this area. The wellness industry covers areas such as fi tness, mindbody, nutrition, healthy eating, supplements, skincare, beauty, workplace wellbeing, plus more. I’m also happy to support businesses from other industries that are trying to make a positive impact in the community.
What’s the toughest part of running your business?
Defi nitely fi nding the time to keep on top of my business social media accounts. I enjoy doing them, but when busy with writing projects - they often get left behind!
What piece of advice would you give to another business owner?
Don’t get caught up comparing your business to others in your fi eld. Comparing ourselves with others is natural, but comparison without perspective can be a dangerous thing. Remember that we all have different goals, are at different stages and have different lives. If you fi nd yourself doing it, take a step back and have some perspective. Everybody starts at zero.
If you are a business in St Albans, get in touch to answer our famous 5 questions and feature your business in Inform Magazine - send your answers to the above questions, along with images to accompany the article and how people can get in contact with you and we will do the rest - email stalbans@ thebusinessescommunitycom