3 minute read
International Women In Mid-Life Day
A group of successful female entrepreneurs have announced the launch of International Women in Midlife Day and annual Expo this October 21st. The day is set to become an important date for the calendar as this annual and unique event is launched to support and empower women in business over the age of 40.
The Expo is a one-day virtual event designed specifi cally for women over 40 who need inspiration, guidance and business services to fi nd the perfect career match or business support and advice. The day will help women to fi nd their passion, explore opportunities and become fi nancially self-suffi cient and it will be held on International Women in Mid-life Day. The initial concept came from Business Mentor, Moira Doherty (63) who is a huge campaigner for support and recognition of ‘Women in Mid-life’ and this has evolved into the creation of the international awareness day and Expo. As Moira explains: “There is nothing out there for women who are over 40. For so many they feel that their role is wife, mother, daughter, sister, granny, carer rather than independent businesswoman. They don’t feel they have anything to contribute to society and in particular to the business world.”
Along with Denise Ferguson (40), Sharon Murray (53) and Nicola Toner (50) who are all running successful businesses, these four amazing women are passionate about inspiring and
empowering females in mid-life to take control, make a difference in society and create a modern image of what “midlife” really stands for.
Moira added, “Creating a modern cultural image for women in Mid-life is good for society, good for the economy and good for women of all ages.”
Moira has been an entrepreneur for many years, has been campaigning and supporting female entrepreneurs in their ‘mid-life’ to become successful businesswomen and gain fi nancial freedom and security for their futures. She is the founder of the WOWS Collective (Wonderful Older Women Succeeding) and is passionate about leaving a legacy that will support women to create the life they desire and one that makes them feel valued for years to come.
She knew she couldn’t achieve her goals and dreams alone and so enlisted the help of three of her peers - Denise, Sharon and Nicola - to form “The 206 Group Limited” – a company which will facilitate “International Women in Mid-Life Day” each year, along with the set-up of various charitable, enterprise and scholarship schemes especially designed to assist and support women over 40 to become driven, empowered and determined entrepreneurs.
Denise is a bold, funny, Commercial Property Surveyor, who has been running her own practice in St Albans for almost ten years negotiating leases for salon owners, alongside advising the British Government on their property portfolio.
Sharon lives in Northern Ireland and started her Virtual Assistant business two years ago at the age of 51. As a single mum of two and having had debt issues, she fi nally followed her dream of running her own business and is now the founder of the LinkedIn Revolution. She coaches entrepreneurs, freelancers and small business owners on how to attract clients on LinkedIn with her own zany and witty style.
Nicola is a Business Planning Expert, Crowdfunding Mentor and certifi ed Project Manager. She has a long history of business planning and has worked for huge corporations and successfully managed many clients including John Lewis, RoadChef and BHS since becoming self-employed at 38. Now 50, Nicola is fortunate enough to live in the beautiful province of Granada in Spain.

To fi nd out more about the expo and to register to reserve your spot please visit –
or email