The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party : Towards a Manifesto

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The Lotus is our Logo.

The Lotus is a Rhizome.

A Rhizome is a modified subterranean plant system that sends out shoots and roots from it’s nodes.

Do not mistake us for a single Flower. We are a massively distributed, intelligently networked entity.

We are not the Root or the Shoot. We are The Network.

The Lotus is not an Ornamental icon. It is a powerful metaphor for a new Organisational Structure.

We are not the fragile flower on the pond. We are the unbreakable network below the surface.

The Lotus is not a Flower, it is a Network.

We do not “Make things Happen” We “Allow things to Emerge”

Where does a Lotus pond begin? Where does it end? Which is the most important Lotus in the pond ? Which Lotus is the most beautiful? Which Lotus is marginalised? Which Lotus is the Leader? There is Beauty in the Collective. The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party rejects narrow hierarchies in favour of collective intelligence. Decisions are taken by empowered groups in a highly advanced networked ecosystem.

Networks reject Hierarchies. The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party creates a flat networked intelligent model that resists Pyramidical Power Structures. We aim to draw new connections between a diverse set of committed individuals in order to make the political process robust.

Our Leadership

Pyramids create Power Structures.

History has shown us it’s evils.

The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party rejects the trap of Pyramidical organisation and centralised leadership. We are facilitators, moderators and consensus builders.

The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party creates a non-hierarchical organisation within varied levels of Governance.

Our Leadership is in a state of constant ux.

Our leadership model is defined by a moving set of party workers, from within the political framework and from a large set of committed practicing professionals. Our Party Algorithm assigns timely leadership roles impartially to every worker based on their own time commitments and areas of expertise. Our evolving map of young leaders across various industries and disciplines informs our strategy, which tracks emerging risks, opportunities and growth areas. Our party structure is constantly changing, nebulous, and always effervescent.

We don't need your Money. We need your Time.

Over time, consistencies develop.

The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party aims to become an open-source learning organisation. We believe Humanity will thrive with access to the right tools. It is our single minded pursuit to provide to society tools of education, skill, re-skilling, vocational guidance, medical help, efficient transportation and the other essential tools that Humanity must expect from any Governing Body in the year 2035.

What is our vision for Society?

Society has two aspects. The turbulent and the tranquil. One creates discord, adrenaline rushes and chaos. It manifests as large waves and troughs. The other allows navigation, foresight and clarity. It manifests as the open calm peaceful ocean. It must be the effort of any Governing body to return Society to the Tranquility it deserves to be able to express it’s potential fully.

India’s defence budget for the year 2020 was 3.37 Lakh Crore. This is with respect to building capacities against hostile neighbours like China and Pakistan. The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party will allocate the same amount to building bilateral ties to ensure sustained peace.

Investment in Turbulence is Myopic. Investment in Tranquility is for Eternity.

It is the great blunder of our times to deploy human lives, precious resources, rare materials, vast sums of money and our brightest minds in the annihilation of the Other.

We must “Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.� Buckminster Fuller

We aim to restore Society to Tranquility.

Tranquility and Equilibrium are the pre-conditions of Renaissance.

On Critique

Fear is as old as Life itself. Human fear creates a primitive fight or flight response, triggered by the Amygdala, the very old reptilian brain. The Fear response creates Irrational behaviour, Aggression and a primitive Tribalistic instinct that manifests as fear of the Other. We regress to Tribalism when we are afraid. At this Tribalistic level our species is more emotional, less logical.

Tribalism is the biological loophole that Political parties have exploited over many centuries to create conflict.

Armies are kept active with regular skirmishes to keep the amygdala engaged, to disengage critical thinking.

The constant fear-mongering of a saturated media environment convinces us the world is at end.

Fear is Uninformed. Regressive Governments create echo-chambers through media and policy that create an Irrational fear of the Other. This fear is propagated by the lack of dialogue, the removal of common ground, and a constant reminder of superficial differences. This fear is, in turn, removed by travel, sharing of experiences, arts exchanges, cultural programs and rediscovering common ground. The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party will create platforms to enable shared experiences between members of all communities.

The Enemy of Fear Is Dialogue.

The Enemy of Fear is Dialogue. The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party believes in sustained dialogue, debate and synergetic conversations that allow wellresearched, data informed solutions to take the forefront. Our first response to crisis will be to initiate conversations.

Everyone is a potential collaborator & there is common ground to be discovered everywhere.

The Enemy of Fear Is Humour.

Your Brain on Humour. Humour and laughter trigger the brain’s reward centres, releasing Dopamine and Serotonin, and can even increase the release of Endorphins. Crucially, humour shakes the brain out of the fight or flight mode. By engaging the Frontal lobe and Cerebral cortex, it allows us to think critically and clearly. To laugh at crisis is to create the ability to see a solution.

The Enemy of Fear is Humour. The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party believes in a regular critique. We invite members of the stand-up comedy community, political scientists and political satirists with critical media lobbies into the decision making process. The Bharatiya Bhavisha Party hosts a monthly roast of it’s policies and provisional leaders, to invite and harness the sharpest critiques, to better inform our decisions.

We will reinstate the position of the Court Jester into Parliamentary position.

The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party encourages critique. The BBP Roasts are our mode of public engagement.

Progressive Governments harness the power of critique, and use this in policy revisions and decision-making. Free speech is the cornerstone of a working democracy, and the modes of parody, satire and critical writing become important vehicles to ensure that the Government is working for everyone, especially the most disenfranchised.

The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party will use an Internationally televised Roast by the nation’s top Stand-Up comedy talent as a way of gaining valuable insight into it’s own workings, and course correcting its policy making.

To laugh in the midst of Fear is a Superpower.

Our Projects

Build Parks. Not Walls.

Towards a Manifesto.

We reject the Binary trap of the 2 party system. 001

The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party rejects the outmoded trope of the 2 party system, and the illusion of Democracy. The last 100 years of Political process has made it abundantly clear that the 2 party system is a mere illusion of choice, with party affiliations on sale to the highest bidder. We refuse to engage with the binaries of this broken system. We aim to involve a large, diverse, collaborative, technologically-enabled, inclusive group to make informed decisions, which are then peer-reviewed by an advisory panel of Internationally recruited minds. We aim to create a nebulous ever-changing party structure that is constantly affiliating and re-affiliating to create consistent iterative steps towards a more tranquil society.

We reject




The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party embraces the power of informed groups and networks, and rejects the pyramidical tyranny of Individuals. We recognise that power corrupts human minds. Our ever changing party structure aims to create a community of decision makers. Our system of reviews, checks and balances and a strong impartial Judiciary will hold every member of the Party responsible. As our research grows to embrace World Organisation’s health and livelihood goals, we empower change-makers wherever they may be to work with our emerging industries and populations to create future forward projects and opportunities.

We embrace the ethos of trans.


The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party is Trans-Border, Trans-National, Trans-Religion and Trans-Gender. Border conditions are created against the evolution of our species. The Bharatiya Bhavisha Party will aim to dissolve and blur every Border condition it is presented with. We realise that humanity as a whole is placed with certain challenges that are of a transnational nature. A narrow Nationalistic mind cannot comprehend or engage with these pressing problems. The Bhartiya Bhavishya party promiscuously creates active cooperation and partnership models. Our focus will rest on building bilateral peace projects with our geographical neighbours, building ecological partnerships with our bioregion, and an increased co-operation with member nations of the Global South.

We respect our biome.


The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party will pursue aggressive Ecological reform to restore depleted Wilderness and create positive regenerative models of engagement with our Ecology. The immense natural wealth of our nation has repeatedly been squandered by myopic short term visions of purely monetary benefit, while ignoring widespread health, societal, long term environmental and ecological markers. The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party will pursue a variety of Ecological reconstruction programs to aim to nurture and restore a variety of habitats. We will create and incubate active stewardship models with invested communities, to incentivise the protection of natural habitats, both on Land and at Sea.

WE are future forward.


The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party will actively incubate new Future facing opportunities across Industries, to ensure that our citizens can find dignified work in the emerging global marketplace. The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party will invest 6% of GDP ( 10 Lakh Crore ) in incubating Future facing ventures and job creation, across the domains of renewable energy, mining land regeneration, Foresting and Future Crafts, along with nation-wide re-skilling schools and adult education models to face the challenges of the next decade. The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party will institute state-wide Future Schools, to track and research emerging opportunities in a globally connected world.



The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party will rectify our current mistaken Nationalistic notions, that are defined more by Hatred of the Other, rather than Love for our Compatriots. By investing in projects that create common exchanges, travel scholarships, sports exchanges, bilateral political talks, knowledge sharing amongst professionals and institutions, the Bhartiya Bhavishya Party will reject narrow Nationalistic boundaries of selfinterest and further a global understanding of pressing issues. Nation-pride emerges from a coherent welfare policy towards every citizen, not an irrational hatred for our neighbours. The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party will reach across borders towards a Global dialogue deeply connecting India to the Globe with active flows and exchanges.



The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party will provide a comprehensive system of free Medicare and Education for every citizen. India ranks 170th out of 188 countries ( as a percentage of GDP ) in domestic Government Health Expenditure. This is a dismal situation. By investing heavily in public infrastructure of all levels of Healthcare and intelligent AI based diagnostic support, the Bhartiya Bhavishya party will create a fast responsive Medicare-For-All policy framework, with a multi-tiered approach towards a prevention based Medical paradigm. By addressing a Rhizomatic model for Eduction, the Bhartiya Bhavishya Party will create a life-long learning paradigm for students and professionals to be informed about the ever-changing topography of the work landscape, empowering individuals to choose their vocations in an informed and responsive manner.





The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party insists of the close relationship between both kinds of metric, both Qualitative and Quantitative. While favouring Healthcare, Work and Foreign relations, the Bhartiya Bhavishya party will move spending from Internal security like the Policeforce into Social services, from the Military to peace-keeping efforts, and instate a deep system of gathering Qualitative metrics. Learning from metrics like Bhutan’s “Gross National Happiness [ GNH ]” the Bhartiya Bhavishya Party includes the right to Therapy, Mental health counselling, rehabilitation and progressive policies on Crime and Punishment to be able to convert these institutions to future facing well-integrated institutions into popular culture. By making available accurate and up-to-date metrics, through both Qualitative and Quantitative surveys. The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party aims to be more responsive, more relevant and more respectful of it’s Citizens.

We reject wars.


War is a class conflict. The Rich and Powerful of historic Governments have repeatedly incited Wars from which they have been insulated. It is those who have had no say in the matter who pay the price. We will follow a No War policy. By shifting our focus from Armaments to Bilateral peace-making, we shift our entire political machinery to building bridges, not walls. We will engage in a large-scale program of common interestmaking, joint projects with all our neighbours where the vested interests are high enough in mutual benefit so as to make War obsolete and strategically redundant.




The Bharatiya Bhavishya Party will instate a progressive Taxation policy that aims to redistribute created wealth, empowering labour unions, setting new targets for Daily wage labour ( upto Rs. 1500 per day ) in 2021. A January 2020 study by rights group Oxfam India suggests that India's richest 1 per cent hold more than four-times the wealth held by 953 million people who make up for the bottom 70 per cent of the country's population. The study added that India's top 10 per cent of the population holds over 74% of the total national wealth. This situation is unsustainable for multiple reasons, and the Bhartiya Bhavishya Party will engage in large-scale restructuring of Tax regimes to be able to create a more equitable society to prevent large-scale Civil War.





The Bhartiya Bhavishya Party rejects prevailing cancerous exponential year-on-year growth models in favour of models that try to achieve equilibrium within systems. We recognise that our current financial systems encourage year on year growth at great risk to the environment and non-financial stakeholders. The purely extractive nature of shareholder growth will meet our policy on regulation, resulting in a more realistic, true-cost assessment of Growth, with data driven markers to ascertain share value.

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