The Order of The Dark Temple : A Manifesto for Digital Veganism

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The Dark Temple is a Void in the spectrum, an absence of signal. A Sphere of Deep Disconnect in the Ocean of Electromagnetic Waves.

In our age of Electronic Communication, Wireless transmission, Mass surveillance and Complete Visibility of the Individual, the Dark Temple represents a Non-place, an emptiness in which one can be alone with their inner self or with others without interference from the World of Electronic communication, Artificial sensors and The World of Immaterial Work.
 It is an un-place which one neither adds anything to nor takes anything away from. It is a black hole that does not allow wireless data and meta-data to escape, and therefore cannot be directly or electronically observed.

THE architecture



A Dark Temple is a Meta-architectural structure existing in the electromagnetic spectrum. There are Natural & Artificial Dark Temples. Natural Temples are now a scarcity, those disappearing womb-like spaces without intrusive signals. Entities looking to conquer and control the waves constantly invade Natural Dark Temples, to amalgamate them into The Network to exploit, privatise and control the resources of the electromagnetic void.

An Artificial Dark Temple ( Neue Temple ) is a Void in the Electromagnetic Waves usually created by different techniques, technologies and structures, built by Monks of the Dark Temple .

A Neue Temple is a Sphere. The sphere is created by electromagnetic noise that transforms the inside of the sphere into a field of invisibility and emptiness. The inside of the sphere is simultaneously full and empty. Hence, the Temple is Dark and Light together. The Temple can be ephemeral or eternal, small or big. It is omnipresent.

The membrane, border or walls of the Dark Temple are Fields of Disturbance. 
 The only trace one leaves while entering a Dark Temple is a lost connection with The Network. The sum total of those lost signals trace the boundaries of The Dark Temple. This is how The Masters of the Network sense the existence of the Dark Temple. Like the Event Horizon surrounding a Black hole, the Masters of the Network can observe events at the Boundary, but nothing beyond it.

The Architectural Representation of the Dark temple can be compared to the Garbha Griha or the Sanctum Sanctorum.

An inner void that disengages an individual from the realm of Cyberspace.




The Order of the Dark Temple is a Dis-order. It does not have a specific structure. It’s Ethical framework is open to evolution, modification or even complete disappearance. The Order consists of all beings (human, non-human, transhuman or posthuman ) that create or enjoy electromagnetic voids.




The Dark temple is a void, and there can be just one void. However, there can be many Dark temples. A Dark Temple can move, appear or disappear and also merge with other Dark Temples. Dark Temples are nodes of the abstract network.

Dark Temples broadcast The Internet of Nothing, the sum of all nodes existing only in the present moment.

THE ethics



Electronic nonviolence is the fundamental ethic and doctrine of the Order of the Dark Temple. The Electromagnetic void of the Dark Temple shall not be imposed without consent. A Dark Temple is not about jamming, it is about creating a void for the purpose of enjoying personal freedoms and gaining precious silence in a World of Chaotic Noise.

The choice to step into the Dark Temple is the choice of the individual.

The Dark Temple is not Technophobia or Neo-luddite ignorance or an advocate for a complete absence of digital communication. The Dark Temple Order advocates only balance. One should be able to isolate him/ herself and must have a right to create and populate Electromagnetic Voids.

The Monks of the Order of the Dark Temple practice Digital Veganism outside of the Temples, in order to regulate their Digital Diets.

THE code



The Code of the Dark Temple can be changed, modified or distributed by anyone. The Code belongs in the Commons. There is no single Code, there are many Codes and Sub-codes in different forms in existence.





In the realm of the State, the Electromagnetic spectrum is highly regulated and owned by Governments or Private entities. The Creation of a void, disturbance or interference in electromagnetic spectrum is considered illegal in most countries. This regressive paradigm is set against the values of the Dark Temple. We believe that Everyone has a right to be disconnected and to create a nonviolent protest through the creation and population of Voids.


There is no one way to create a Dark Temple. True seekers may approach the Monks of the Dark Temple for initiation. Self knowledge is highly prized by the Order in order to further the collective understanding and skills of crafting Neue Temples.

The Order of the Dark Temple Vladan Joler, Ayaz Basrai and Akshay Roongta, UNBOX Caravan, NID Ahmedabad February 2016.

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